February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

JP- Thanks for the card tip! I got that in my registry too. hmmm not that I have any good photos of my little man but maybe I can come up with something.

Guppy - cute photo shoot!!! Love the pics.

It never works for me when I try to post pics on here :(

I'm a little upset with my OB right now and not sure what to do: I asked him at 5 weeks if he goes to the hospital I want to deliver at he says yes. Now last week I ask him when I register w that because I know he is mainly in the other hospital and he says why does your insurance make you go to Riverview? I say no I just want to go there and he says well we will get you registered at both because I can't split in 2 and if I am delivering in Monmouth you'll go there. UGh no!!! This is why I asked 15 weeks ago!!! So what do I do? only register at Riverview and if he dosen't show let one of the on staff OB's catch the baby? Switch practices at 30 weeks? I do not want to go to Monmouth!! Ok rant over but I really can't stop worring so what do you ladies think?

No problem! They have free shipping deals too, but I didn't spend enough (before the discounts)!!

Personally...I'd deliver at the hospital that you're comfortable with. The doctor is only a Tiny part of your actual delivery so I wouldn't worry about him being there or not. There will be A doctor there for you!! And even if you were at the hospital that he happened to be at, there's a chance he wouldn't be in with you if he had to do a section or someone delivers at the same time, etc.
I'm not trying to be nosy, but why don't you want to go to the other hospital?

In my experience, it's true what the other ladies said: you will see nurses a lot more than your actual dr... But also, if you need something like an emergency section, you'll want your dr there and not some random dr...

I guess you just have to weigh what's more important-- having your preferred hospital or your preferred dr, since in the end you may not get both.
sparklez - your bump is amazing too ! where are everyones stretchies ? !?!?
i have them everywhere :cry: although no new ones from holly other than on my boobies

I have bad stretch marks :(
Guppy- your photos look AWESOME!!!! i love them! The shadow one is really cool! :) I am getting mine done in about a month and I might have to borrow that idea :)

Saphire- oh gosh,... i dont know. I have never been through this so I don't really have much to offer... only I think If I really really liked my doctor I would register at both hospitals to ensure that I could get him. If not then I'd probably switch doctors to one that could guarentee where I'd be delivering. How will you know on that day where to go?? Did he explain the process to you? How many patients does he have and does he have any due around the same time as you that go to Monmoth?

Stretch marks... i have them on the underside of my boobs, like ALOT of them. And i just found my first one on my stomach really low near my bikini line... i have a feeling more will be coming. Do you ladies buy into all those lotions etc? I hear alot of it is just genetics
Thanks ladies! I really don't care too much about the Dr. lol he delivered my son but it wasn't any fun (not that it was his fault) just meaning that I feel that the nurses do most of the work anyway. I do know the drs that are at the hospital I want to go to they just were not in my plan. Long story short if I have to choose dr or hospital I would choose hospital. I guess my ? is he can't make me go there right?

The hospital that I don't want to go to has a nicu that is great but other than that it's not anything great. My dad had surgery there and the staff was not great my mom had her overies out and she pretty much took care of herself. The one I want to go to has all private rooms, they all have a water view, they give you a candle light dinner of steak and sparkling cider the last night, you can get bed side spa treatments and it is 5 miles from my house the other is 15 and no one except imediate family came to visit last time cause it is on a 1 lane rd and traffic is a nightmare.

So? should I just fight my nonconfrontational bone and tell him I'm not going to Monmouth and see if he just flat out says he won't go? My husband says if I register at both no matter what the dr will say I have to go to monmouth ( the one I don't want)

Ugh who wants to worry about this at week 30? this is why I asked at week 5!!!
Jokerette- I believe that you either get them or you don't I doubt lotions make a difference. I think like everything else it's genetics.
I tried all sorts of lotion in my first pregnancy and they never worked!
I never tried anything first time and got lots... sort of regretted it. But there are lots of women who say they tried oils and butters and whatnot and still got them, so that makes me feel better about being lazy about the whole thing. :)
I don't seem to have gotten new ones. But the old ones are definitely showing themselves. :shrug:

I would say go to the hospital you want-- it sounds a lot better. If you don't mind this dr, I would stick with him, just for simplicity's sake... and just register at riverview, and if your dr can't make it... :shrug: Maybe familiarize yourself with the dr's who are likely to deliver you at riverview if your doc can't/won't come?

Ugh, ladies, I'm so tired today!! Anyone else feeling just exhausted lately?
Okay girls, won’t lie I’m a little freaked out today haha.

I have been having these weird sensations almost all day. I feel “tight” inside, but like, it’s not like a tightening of my uterus, per se, like when I have a BH contraction. It just feels like suddenly I’m really tight and awkward and whatever. Kind of annoying, and bizarre, but whatever.

So then I wander into the bathroom because I’m getting worried not understanding what’s happening and I lift my shirt to look and I feel as though I may have grown overnight… not sure… but there are stretch marks where there were none yesterday!

Is this what it feels like, then? Or rather, am I feeling a growth spurt that’s suddenly stretching my skin beyond its capacity? I just felt so ‘heavy’ today – and am having a really tough time describing how I feel – and then boom, I look and I’m baring stretch marks! And the crazy thing is, I even didn’t eat breakfast because I was feeling off, and delayed lunch for a few hours more than usual… and the stretching and tightening happened long before that.

Sorry, I sound like a paranoid nutcase but I’m like o-O right now. xD
Sounds like a growth spurt to me swan! And the beginnings of the joys that are the final tri! :hugs:
I just went out into the other room (here at work) and my girlfriend goes, "OH GIRL look, you dropped!" So it would appear that Aria (at least somewhat) dropped today and that's what suddenly happened? Everything I've googled online since she said that kind of connects with what I've been feeling, so I guess shes right? Out of curiosity I'm going to take a photo of my stomach in a moment and compare it to last night's, haha.

eta// Photo from last night, photo from just now. o_O

My panic is fading now as things make sense, but I feel like she's early to drop? haha.


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love the ? pic guppy, we all know it's a :blue: :winkwink:

saphire that's such a shame, hope you get it sorted. in our area we had a dedicated homebirth team... until last week :growlmad: now it's disbanded and we'll end up with any midwife rom anywhere in the county could take over an hour for them to get here and they might be anti homebirth/ inexperienced in home birth etc etc

love those bumps kelly and jokerette. I'm in a january group on fb and the bumps on there are HUGE!!

love your nursery almost mama, it's so sweet

I have been using sanctuary spa mum to be lotion as I was given it as a gift, and so far so good but know a lot of peopl who are fine until last couple of weeks then get loads. It is nice to spend 5 min rubbing in though and baby always responds but sometimes it's really cold!!

swan sounds like she has dropped, I always get lots of tightening on the days my belly button moves more towards being an outie!
Stretch marks... i have them on the underside of my boobs, like ALOT of them. And i just found my first one on my stomach really low near my bikini line... i have a feeling more will be coming. Do you ladies buy into all those lotions etc? I hear alot of it is just genetics

I don't have any yet. And my mom only got a couple tiny ones on her breasts that went away. I've read a lot that says it's genetic (fingers crossed) but I still lotion up. It can't HURT and lotion helps your skin to stay more elastic...which is what we want! But I've Always been a lotion freak! :)
I feel a bit silly now as finally, my body feels normal again – well, except now I have a lot more pressure down south so I’m peeing a LOT more and whatnot. But it makes sense as to why. I hate being so neurotic but it was just SUCH a weird feeling all morning and early afternoon. She’s been very quiet today, but she just had the hiccups so I know she’s alright; just shifting herself downward I guess! Haha.

So now to read back, since my panic session has ended. Ya’ll must think I’m a neurotic nutjob by now. :haha:

RE: Mucus plug, haven’t noticed any of mine going yet, but have had a lot of increased discharge lately. Yick, lol! I feel like I’m back to TTC with tracking my CM and its consistency. Oh glory days xD

Saphire, it’s a tough call, and honestly, a difficult decision for me to offer any insight upon, since I don’t know how connected you feel to your doctor, etc. If I were you and did not desire to deliver in the other hospital though, I wouldn’t register there. I found a new practice due to not wanting to deliver in the hospital with which my former OBG was affiliated, and I would only go to that hospital if it was a true emergency. Lol. Reputation and such brought me to search for another hospital. If I was concerned that myself or my baby wouldn’t get proper or sufficient care at the other hospital, I wouldn’t register and would take my chances with another OBG, or hopes that he could make it. If it wasn’t a matter of that, I’d stick with my OBG and wherever he wanted to deliver, if that makes sense. Depends on YOUR preference of what’s more important; which to me, sounds like the location is, over the person delivering.

Jokerette, I think it&#8217;s genetics. My friend bought me a crapload of lotions and I&#8217;ve been using them all and well, lo and behold, today the stretch marks appeared! I&#8217;m feverishly loading my tattoo with lotion though, because I don&#8217;t care &#8211; tiger stripe me ANYWHERE but there please. >.< If I gotta have them, I gotta have them but PLEASE not there. :haha: I&#8217;ve known plenty of women to lotion up who still got them. Such a pain. Though I have heard the same women say the lotion DID help with making them lighten faster post-birth and all.

My mom got no stretch marks with either of us. My sister was covered in them. Looks like I&#8217;ll suffer at least some. Boo! Haha.

Amaryllis, I feel exhausted nonstop. I don&#8217;t think I can possibly get enough sleep if I tried! LOL.

Thanks TiggerTea! I think she&#8217;s just growing like a darn weed in there, and shifting her little body downward in the process. Sigh. LOL.

Good to know Sparklez! I haven&#8217;t fully turned outward yet, but getting closer. And the stretch marks are a little darker now than they were when I noticed them earlier. Guess it&#8217;s just the changes all happening in a flash! ;)
Lovely bumps Girls :kiss: Lovely photos Guppy :thumbup:


Ive just booked in for a 3/4D scan....:baby:

Its on Friday! :happydance:
Saphire, I would definitely go with what makes you feel most comfortable. If you feel like you need to go to a different doctor just so that you can have you hospital I would. Your doctor cannot MAKE you go to the other hospital.... it might just mean that a different doctor will deliver the baby, but in order for you to get treated like a queen it is worth it. :)

AFM I think that when I go to the Drs on Wednesday, I might ask about getting checked, as the baby has been pushing really hard and low. Today I took my mom to lunch for her birthday and I had to stop like 4 times because it was hurting sooooooo bad. I did not have this kind of pain or discomfort with either of the boys :(
Guppy, how did the picture taking go??? I hope that everything went well, cant wait to hear how much fun they were!

AFM, I have been having terribly strong BH's or mild contractions (whichever way you want to look at it), and I have also been losing parts of my mucus plug. The mucus plug part doesn't worry me, because I lost my plug with DS1 at like 34 weeks and he was still a week late! :haha:

Those dang mucous plugs really mess with ya mentally lol. I swear i lost mine from like 36 weeks on and he never arrived until almost 42 weeks :wacko: ...this time has been really weird bc i have been loosing a TON of gelatinous sticky stuff since like 2nd tri...i guess thats bits of the plug? I read it regrows itself back.

The pictures turned out lovely! I am so happy with them! We did them on the coast at a Fort and a lighthouse so i forgot it would be colder there :dohh: poor DS was frigid and he wasn't happy for very long. He got really upset and i actually felt really bad. So we didn't get many with him, but we did get some and they are all priceless :cloud9: I will attach the pics at the bottom of this response :thumbup:

sparklez - your bump is amazing too ! where are everyones stretchies ? !?!?
i have them everywhere :cry: although no new ones from holly other than on my boobies

I am :cry: with you! I have them ALL over my bump :sad1: :hugs:

Oh and about your c-section/vaginal birth, im really happy for you that this time you'll be able to see your baby being born :cloud9: that will be such an incredible experience no matter how she arrives :cloud9:

JP-I hope you have a great holiday season despite the madness. Sorry DH is gone :hugs: That has to be tough. I give it up to anyone in the military or have close bonds to someone in military. That would be so hard to see them come and go like that, but nonetheless i am grateful ya'll have the hearts you do about it <3 I love pinterest! I need to start following your boards bc that sounds super yummy!!!! If you dont mind my asking, what is your name so i can do that? No pressure :thumbup:

Oh and we just got our Christmas Cards done last night at Target :D GMTA :smug: I was a bit upset though because everything looked perfect on the screen. All of the words fit and everything. But then when we got home and i pulled them out the "n" in season was cut off the page :( I think the employees inserted the paper into the printer incorrectly :grr: oh well. they went out this AM. I didn't feel like going back to complain :blush:

SparklezLovely lovely bump! I hope you are able to have your homebirth :dust:

KellyC75- beautiful baby bumpage :cloud9:

Almost MamaI am glad you are feeling better...what a mean wifey :haha: JK Thank you for your comments on the photos :kiss:...i LOVE that nursery! it is sooo very beautiful!!! come decorate my house :haha:

swanxxsong-you are too cute! I love the bump pic especially with the oranges lol. Lucky about no stretchies! I honestly think its genetic (it depends on skin elasticity). No matter how many creams and oils ive used, it just doesn't work :nope: you look great! i cant wait to hear and see you mat photos! that will be lovely....glad your feet arn't so swelled!...it is always a good excuse for a foot rub though :winkwink:

hope your day at work goes quickly!

Jokerette- perfect bump! Your tummy looks really toned! thats awesome!

AFM- baby boy has just been moving soo much these last couple of days! He is def in a different position than Isaiah EVER was because he is actually kicking my ribs and that never happend with isaiah! (i imagine due to his consistant posterior position :wacko:)
I have a MW appt this afternoon. Hopefully they will tell me if i can do the homebirth or not!!! Im so anxious for them to decide lol. Also im happy to get my iron levels checked to see if they are up to par. Ive been on the food based iron for about a month and before that i was on the OTC iron for like 2 months so hopefully its up!

I hope the MW confirms the babys position! If this one is head down and NOT posterior than i am busting out the birth ball and bouncing on it to help engage! lol I dont want to start doing that until anterior is confirmed, bc i think last time my bouncing on the ball so much and him being back to back just reinforced it...dont want to do that this time!

Here are some Maternity/Family pics :D There are more on FB if anyone is interested...i dont want to be vein and flood this board :haha:

awww thanks steph :)
and there's that pic that i love!!!!!!! i want i want i want!!! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ladies!!

It has been FOREVER since I have gotten on here! I feel like I am so out of touch with everyone on here. I hope you are all doing well! So many great bumps! You all look beautiful! :) I'll attach my 30w3d bump at the bottom of this. I had just gotten done eating a big lunch, so I'm a little smaller than what the pictures seem...although now 2 weeks later. I'm probably about like the pictures. :)

JP - A coworker of mine says she swears by doubling up..so you do a water proof cover/pad, and a sheet. Then, another water proof cover/pad, and a sheet. So that way in the middle of the night you can throw the messed up ones in a heap in the laundry, and the crib is already set to go! I already have my crib doubled up because I thought it was genius!

Swan - Glad your appointment went well, and that your swelling was nothing serious! You look great in your bump pics!

AlmostMama - your nursery is GORGEOUS! Love the green and pink.

I have no stretch marks yet...I have lathered up with palmer's stretch mark cream, and cocoa butter lotion, and oil since I found out I was pregnant. I know that if I going to get them, its inevitable, but I am going to try and keep things moirsturized to hold off the inevitable as long as possible!! :)

So I don't have a diaper bag yet...and am looking at all different kinds. I have had two friends say, "Get ones that zip closed, not the kind with a flap." So I have been steering towards ones that zip. Anyone have an recommendations on things to look for in a diaper bag?

Here's me and Mallory!


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Totally got a shopping SCORE today!! Victoria's secret has cami's on sale so I got a cami and then there's a code for a free pack of perfumes, a code for free shipping, and I won a 10$ gift code the other day on FB. It was 60$ worth of stuff. I paid a grand total of 3.90$. Lol

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