February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

ok so yesterday i had quite an experience :wacko:
i was sitting in our car and we were stopped, and all of a sudden i got this searing,excruciating pain right across the top of my bump, literally right where my uterus ends on top. it was by far the most painful thing ive experienced in my life, far worse than my contractions with jesse, and they were horrific.
it felt like a very big and painful charlie horse in my belly and i was crying instantly, i couldnt move, jonno tried moving my arm up so i could get some air, because he was freaking out as he could see i was gasping for air and struggling to breathe, and it was awful. i was screaming in agony the whole time.
i dont know what the hell it was but i never EVER want to experience anything like it again. i thought i was dying.
we rang the hospital and she really didnt know what it was. the hospital is a $30 ferry, 1hour drive away so she didnt want me to come unneccesarily into town. she said that if it happened again to come in or call back and an ambulance will get me or if holly stopped moving to go in.
well holly was moving perfectly fine all night, and i was very sore and crampy for the rest of the night, had a few strong and painful bh's overnight but thats it. so im really not sure what it was

I had something similar to that happen, but a little lower and it was gas pain! It was AWFUL! Wouldn't let up for the longest time!! :blush:
:hugs: tiger. That must have been terrifying! :(

:hugs: to anyone else who needs them. I haven't read back tbh, had a hectic few days/week here. DH and Abbie are both ill and I've been under the weather too (though not with their flu bug thankfully!) Haven't slept much in the last 48 hours particularly so kind of zombie-esque right now! :sleep:

I hope you start to feel better soon!!! No sickies allowed on Christmas!!
Ladies… is it February yet? :rofl: I am so miserable right now. I cannot get comfortable at work, I am so exhausted it isn’t even funny, and though it’s coming quickly I feel as though there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. And for whatever reason, everyone at work is all snippy and on edge today, so I’ve been on my feet running around like a madwoman trying to make everyone happy. Sigh. Sorry, I just needed a brief vent but I really would just love to walk out of here for a break.


I love stalking people’s cloth diaper creations – SO cute! I need to learn to sew. :D

So sorry to hear about your pain Tiger – that sounds so dreadfully frightening! :hugs:

From now on, I’m saying hubby and I have a pants-less marriage. That’s the best phrasing I’ve heard yet. :rofl: That’s how I’d describe my relationship too. But if you ask him today, he’ll claim I wear the pants because let’s face it, not many men dare to cross a pregnant woman, right? ;) :rofl:

Aw Tigger, I hope you all feel better soon!

AFM: besides my moan above, I’m hanging in there. Last night had some sharp pains just below my left breast, and anytime I inhaled it felt as though something was broken… but I never felt Aria kick or break anything. It’s decreased in severity today, so I’m just going to ask tomorrow at my appointment, see what’s up with it. I’m not worried, just aching. Haha.

My maternity shoot went well Saturday, can’t wait to see my proofs! They should be mailed to me from the lab hopefully by New Years if not sooner! :dance: Eee!

I'm really uncomfortable right now too! Sebastian is ALWAYS in my ribs, either in the front of my belly or the side and it hurts and is making it a bit difficult to breathe. I have a short torso so I know he doesn't have very far to go, but gosh, it doesn't feel good. And my entire back from the top to my butt is sooooo sore! I start work on the 3rd and have to be there for 2 weeks. Ughhhhhh. I can only imagine how sitting at a desk 8 hours a day is going to feel at that point.
Not February yet...but very close! :haha: I can't believe how close it is actually...i mean i can pop anytime after Feb 1st and im due at the end! So ladies are going to start having their babies in the next 3 weeks! :shock:

I know!! I've been thinking about this a lot! *I* say I'm due Feb 3, along with the ultrasound tech. Doc says Feb 9. Well, if I'm anything like my mom I'll go about a week early, which puts me at the end of Jan...just a month away!!! What the heck! We've been trying for about 6 YEARS to have a baby and to know that I should have one in 4-6 weeks is amazing! I cannot wait until everyone starts having them! I want birth stories and pictures, people!!!
Tiger - wow! That sounds terrifying! Hope you & LO continue to be well.

I've only recently heard of the body wrap things, but I can tell you after my last (and only) section, there's no way in hell I'd let someone truss me up. Plies I got MRSA so I'd be mega paranoid about infection, but I'm crazy anyway :blush:

Had to go back to Dr today, now on two 30/500 dihydrocodeine/paracetamol 4 x a day. I feel like I'm failing my baby. I took nothing medicine wise at all for DS1, sparing paracetamol for SPD with DS2, but I've literally been popping pills for most of this pregnancy. Ironically, the anxiety about this has made my doc put me back on diazepam because I'm just about at my coping limit. I can't even take my kids to school without pain frustrating me, shouting at the kids cause I'm sore & today I could only walk them to the gate because it was so icy I couldn't risk walking accross the playground - even with crutches. It's awful :shrug:

Is anyone else having to take pain meds during their pregnancy? I could really do with someone to feel bad with :haha:

In other news, it's Christmas week & I'm going to try my hardest to make Christmas Day extra special for my boys to make up for being short tempered & not able to interact with them physically as much as I usually would.

Hope you are all well :hugs:

Try not to feel so bad!! You are doing what you need to do and I'm sure you're baby will be perfect! I haven't taken any pain medication but I am on synthroid and take that every day. I'd rather not have to take anything, but it is what it is! :hugs:
Getting down to it, ladies! Dh got home on Saturday and we watched the football game. Sunday he and I went flying. Since I was so brave (lol, I have major anxiety with flying) we went to Hooters for lunch and I got their salad which I've been craving (it's sooo good!!) and some fried pickles! Yummm!! Then we finished the majority of the shopping we needed to do. I was stressing over that so I'm glad it's done!

Today I worked around the house a bit and John went to work in the morning. Then he came home and we went to the Docs. Baby is doing great and Doc was happy with all the numbers! I asked if he thought the butt was what I thought it was and he said yes. Good. I know he could still move but considering he's been in this position for Weeks and Weeks...hopefully he doesn't. Then we passed out some wine we made to friends here, did a tiny bit more shopping, and came home. I finished wrapping and packaged everything that needs to be sent. I'm sure none of it will be there for Christmas, lol, but that's fine. I'm always late!!

I got all A's in my last class so that's awesome!

Put my orders in for my two weeks that I have to work at the beginning of Jan. I'm really not looking forward to it...but it'll be nice to get some money!! LOL

My middle step son is coming home with us for Christmas. That boy is my pride and joy. Last summer he went to Basic Training (between his Junior and Senior year, and only 17!!) and he completed all his classes and is DONE with high school tomorrow!!! He doesn't turn 18 until Jan 7th...just so proud. Anyways, instead of John having to drive up to St Louis to get him, he's driving down tomorrow after school (gets out at 1230) so that's good!! I have to spend tomorrow running around and packing!! ACK! And then we head to Florida on Wed!!
thankyou ladies :flow: i really appreciate everyones thoughts :hugs:
i havent had that pain again, just been extremely crampy since. lots of period pain, which is annoying me.
im a bit of a mess right now its 1pm and ive just said goodbye to jesse for the next 3 days :cry: im bawling my eyes out, its insane. i cant stop crying. hes flying with nanna, and myself and DH will be leaving to drive on thursday at about 1pm and will hopefully arrive friday morning. its a 14 hour drice.
i knew it would be hard saying goodbye to him but not this hard. i think its because he doesnt really understand :cry: ugh i just want the next 3 days to pass in a blur :(
Is anyone else having to take pain meds during their pregnancy? I could really do with someone to feel bad with :haha:

Yes, i do take Tylenol whenever my back hurts really bad, and sometimes for headaches. I also take Mucinex for when my allergies or sinuses act up really bad. try not to feel bad, like Guppy said, you are doing the best you can we are lucky to live in a time when the doctors can help lead us to the correct medications to take during pregnancy :)

thankyou ladies :flow: i really appreciate everyones thoughts :hugs:
i havent had that pain again, just been extremely crampy since. lots of period pain, which is annoying me.
im a bit of a mess right now its 1pm and ive just said goodbye to jesse for the next 3 days :cry: im bawling my eyes out, its insane. i cant stop crying. hes flying with nanna, and myself and DH will be leaving to drive on thursday at about 1pm and will hopefully arrive friday morning. its a 14 hour drice.
i knew it would be hard saying goodbye to him but not this hard. i think its because he doesnt really understand :cry: ugh i just want the next 3 days to pass in a blur :(

Tiger, so glad you havent had that pain again! i hope the next 3 days go by really fast for you. :hugs:

So my latest updates... Kenny has been punching me in the bladder lately, LOL. And sometimes it even feels like he is pressing more on my cervix or punching it. Its a weird twinge sensation I have gotten once or twice and it happens around the times he is very active. Its so odd! And the bladder kicks/punches are surprising to say the least! I started wearing panty-liners because that, plus the occasional sneeze have cause me to pee a tiny bit! ahhh!!!!! :haha:

On a totally different note... have you guys tried bra extenders yet? I just got some and LOVE them! I outgrew my old bras, obviously, and bought some bigger ones, but now these one feel tight under my ribs, but the cup size still works. So... the bra extenders have been a lifesaver! I highly recommend them! I got them at Kohls for $6 for a pack of 3!!! :)
I have tons of bra extenders :D I love those things!!!!
I used to get the 2 pack (or was it 3?) from Walmart, but the other day i was in at the $1 Tree and they had packs of 3 for $1!!!!

Oh and last night DH bought me a tea ball! So now i dont have to worry about getting the RRLT stapled into a coffee filter!!! It was only $1.97 from walmart!



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Another day, another day. Just got back from my appointment and I only gained a pound these past two weeks :dance: so that’s awesome! I am finally slowing down – better late than never! Haha.

She peeked at my aching spot and she said it’s definitely swollen and she believes I pulled a muscle. If it’s not feeling better by next week, she wants me to come back so they can do some imaging, but we’re both expecting it will heal on its own if I rest it a few days. Aria was a little bugger for the HR check – she kept rolling away from the monitor :haha: but she finally settled and is still steady in the 140s. So all looks good, thank goodness! She’s head down and just hanging out there waiting.

I have a tea ball too Guppy! (same one, haha) And a tea egg too, because when we first got married our only tea mugs were narrower at the mouth and then got wider at the base, so the ball didn’t fit inside the mouth of the mug! LOL. So now I have the egg and a ball and use them depending on which mug I’m using. I completely forgot about them, since I’ve been using my travel mug lately. Good call on your behalf!

Finding myself loving the RRLT and wanting to drink more than 4 cups a day. :| I have been limiting myself to 2 currently, trying to work my way upward, but I could drink this stuff nonstop. Guess I’ve been missing my tea habit a bit too much? :haha:

Only a few more days left until Christmas! :happydance: Anyone still finishing up Christmas shopping??? xDD

I've taken some Tylenol on and off, Suzzle, and was told to start taking Zantac for my heartburn because Tums aren't doing the trick. I end up taking the max limit for a day, and still suffering later on in the day without ability to ease it. :| So I'm going to pick some up tonight and pray! I have gotten to the point that I wake up a few times a night with heartburn that's so bad, I sometimes feel like I may vomit. Grrr. This kid better have a ton of hair on her head.... :rofl: But no worries love, you're just doing what you need to do for yourself. :hugs: It'll all be wonderful in the end!
Oh and RE: bra extenders; I've been looking for them!!!! :o So I may hit up Kohls tonight because I am in dire need! :haha:
Ooh I lost my tea all! Loved it. I bought some raspberry leaf tea and tea tree oil today (for anti group b strep duty) so feel vaguely more organised. I like rlt.

We have been sorting La's room ready for baby stuff and we got a huge chest of drawers do I really enjoyed sorting out baby clothes and cloth nappies yesterday. I got all dewy eyes.

Midwife today was fine, and baby has gone head down, back along my left side: perfect! Let's hope it lasts!
Hope that baby stays LOA becstar!!! Thats awesome and THE PERFECT position for birth!

My little guy is currently OA which is awesome too...i really hope he stays that way because i do NOT want another ROT baby!

swan, the bra extenders are awesome! so much more comfortable :D
Hope the swelling goes down :hugs: im sure it will though :flow:

I have so much i need to get done! :iron::dishes::laundry::crib: .....i need to get the Elliots crib up and put the hamper in there...i need to wrap presents and get the stalkings together...i need to get the boxes moved out of the dining room and put away...and i need to bust out Isaiahs newborn clothing and hang them up in Elliots closet...of course i need to clean out his closet before i do that :dohh:
Oh and RE: bra extenders; I've been looking for them!!!! :o So I may hit up Kohls tonight because I am in dire need! :haha:

They were in the bra section (of course) hanging on a hook with a bunch of other little packages like bra cup inserts and things like that. Sort of hidden. I had to have someone help me find them. :)
Thanks ladies! I am going to monitor things, but I’m expecting all to return to normal soon. I figured I just pulled a muscle and she said she’s certain I’m right, but she doesn’t think it’s anything too grueling. So, relief!

I’ll have to hunt tonight for the bra extenders then. I don’t want to go out and buy MORE all new bras. :|

Glad things went well today BecStar!

Okay, stupid question time. How do you know, those of you who do, which position your baby’s currently in; has your doctor told you, or did you determine it on your own? They have only told me my past few, “head down, good deal!” which is wonderful, but I’m curious as to why they’ve never said anything further about which way she’s facing – or if there’s a way I can tell. If I look at photos of what a baby should “look like in the womb” at this point, I feel as though the kicks I feel would mean she’s got her back to my tummy… but I can’t really be sure. :( So I’m trying to figure it out, without much luck. Any insight is welcomed! :) :D

Good luck getting your chores done Guppy!!
A lot of care providers will not tell you if they are face up or face down...which personally bothers the crap out of me, because IMHO, head down is not enough :nope: (guess thats because ive birthed a posterior baby :dohh:), you could ask next time...or if you get an ultrasound too...with my child birth and doula education, its just something that i've learned...but its not tough to learn at all :thumbup: have you checked out the spinning babies website? ...check out belly mapping....that will teach you how to do it :D
I keep forgetting to ask when I go, but I will try to remember next time! haha. My insurance won't cover another u/s as far as I know, and I know hubby won't dish out for another one just to check her position sadly. LOL. Men! :| But I'll check out spinning babies. :) My friend claims left-lying babies tend to be in optimal, and Aria's always leaning to the left. But I don't know if I should believe her. Thanks Guppy! :thumbup:

In other news... my belly button is just a slit now. Sigh. I don't know why it bothers me so much watching it slowly turn outward, but I don't want it to disappear! :haha: The stupidest things tweak me out, and that's one of them.
Left is ALWAYS better than right :D So you are on the good track and your friend is correct.
Now the difference is if she is facing up or down...nonethe less, even if face up left is the side you want...for some reason baby's like corkscrew through the birth canal...they dont just "drop down" like most ppl would assume, and so the idea is that if the baby starts on the right side, it has so much more turning that s/he has to do.(which inevitably means back labor because the baby has to turn the entire way around, hence meaning at some point the baby would be back to back...which isn't fun :nope:) The left is the most ideal because it means the baby doesn't have to cork scew as much :thumbup:

Currently my baby is OA (which basically means he is head down face down, but his back is in the very center of my bump) but im a okay with that because that is also ideal :D So long as baby isnt to the right side and so long as baby is head down face down, im a very happy girl lol
Hey gals, I still pop in now and then, but I haven't posted in AGES!!! Hope everyone is okay! :)

I got some bra extenders from Motherhood Maternity last time and they are AWESOME! I never really went back down to 34 from the 36 I got to during my pregnancy with DD, so they save me from buying all new bras. :)

My mum just sent me some money to buy myself a new birth pool (since ours has two punctures and I wanted a pool with a seat etc) so I'm going to get a birth pool in a box! :yipee: Just trying to decide what else I want/need to get, though I shouldn't really place my order for another week I guess (I'm 34 weeks today)...

A couple of days ago things started feeling weird and I think it's because baby has engaged :S Now I'm having a little less heartburn, but needing to pee a LOT and it's effecting my bowels (tmi :lol:) and giving me lots of cramps and stuff with going to the bathroom...

I use this to figure out position:

It's taken a while to really be able to visualize how she is positioned in there though (like how her legs are bent etc..) but now I have an okay idea... ;) It seems like she is laying on her side a lot though, rather than being one way or t'other... =/ Being head down is what's most important to me though since we're having an UC. :) (Of course I'd rather not mess with horrid back labour etc, but it's something we can deal with a little more comfortably than a breech birth!)...
Left is ALWAYS better than right :D So you are on the good track and your friend is correct.
Now the difference is if she is facing up or down...nonethe less, even if face up left is the side you want...for some reason baby's like corkscrew through the birth canal...they dont just "drop down" like most ppl would assume, and so the idea is that if the baby starts on the right side, it has so much more turning that s/he has to do.(which inevitably means back labor because the baby has to turn the entire way around, hence meaning at some point the baby would be back to back...which isn't fun :nope:) The left is the most ideal because it means the baby doesn't have to cork scew as much :thumbup:

Currently my baby is OA (which basically means he is head down face down, but his back is in the very center of my bump) but im a okay with that because that is also ideal :D So long as baby isnt to the right side and so long as baby is head down face down, im a very happy girl lol

Can you help me understand that a bit more?? Lol. My little guy is on my right side, head down. But what I don't understand is why they'd have to corkscrew more coming from the right than the left? Because it's the same distance...heads already down there...it's just the bottom half of him that's up on the right? So confused! Lol

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