February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Yay! congrats on full term Sparklez!!! :yipee:

becstar-what crap! I can't believe how they are treating you!! I would be furious if i had to forfit my HB on account of THEIR errors! If i were in your position, i would probably plan the same! I hope they change their minds and come to your house sooner! That is so unfair. :hugs:
AFM- i started pumping (on the 1st of the year none the less). And i started Goat's Rue a few days ago. My first night pumping i got .65mLs and last night i got 1.55mLs so its doubled! I know this doesn't sound like much to most, but because of the IGT, i was only making about 3.5oz per 24 hour period with DS (and that was when my milk was actually in) So this has me happy! I really hope the progestrone cream ive been taking, the Goat's Rue, and the pumping helps with my tissue and gland growth! I will be starting Alfalfa soon too.

Anyways, i got Elliots room done! The only thing we need to get trashcan with a lid and a foot thingy (to open it). I got the wet bag (for the cloth diapers), and then we will be all set! Here is pics of his room.

I have everything from the HB kit now, with the exception of some labor foods/drinks and i need to get some towels, otherwise, im just waiting for the package to show up in the mail :mail:

...Swan- do you like the "Terrible Towel"? :haha: it managed to follow us all the way from central Pennsylvania to Coastal New hampshire :smug:


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Hi Ladies, please can someone help me? Since yesterday I've been experiencing a burning/hot sensation in my left calf. It's only on the muscle and seems to run from down to up in quick movements. Does anyone know what this could be?

I had something similar a few weeks ago. Once I wiggled my toes the burning went way though. No idea what it was but it hasnt happened again since.
wooooohooooo i have finished work :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I had to go back today to make sure the ladie i trained could finish the accounts and now i am on official holiday then on the 1st of Feb i start MAT leave :happydance::happydance:

i have also woke up to hardly any bump :wacko: and he seems to be sitting higher then usual which i find odd, but could this be my bump dropping?

He is still moving about alot but i couldn't tell you what position he is in because there are movements everywhere lol.

going to go back a read throught everything i have missed x
congrats on finishing work, mumanddad :yipee: thats got to be a relief!
I am so p!!!ed off.

I had the midwife today. I haven't seen the same midwife twice this pregnancy and it was another different woman today.

I told her how I hadn't been called back by the last midwife to arrange the home visit they insist on doing before they okay a home birth in this area. I had called the office on 23rd December and they said she would call back and she did two minutes later while I was on the loo... I didn't answer of course and her message said she'd call again later. She didn't and she didn't answer when I called her.

Anyway, I could have had my visit this week if she called back, bearing in mind I'm 37 weeks and technically ok from this Friday.

The midwife today said they could come to me at 38 weeks but if I went into labour before then I would have to go to hospital. :growlmad: I said it was unfair that because of their admin errors I hadn't had my visit and so I might miss out on a homebirth if I went into labour this weekend. She said they normally don't come out until 38 weeks anyway (why?) and it was only a few days. We went back and forth arguing and in the end she said 'well you can sit and get annoyed about it but we can't change the situation and this is how it is.' She said thet it was for my own safety and the safety of others as they need to have enough staff on call etc and if they're not aware of me, which they 'won't be' until my home visit is done, then they won't come out. They also won't come out if I go more than 12 days over. :growlmad:

I was so annoyed, not just at her but also at myself for not saying 'well I won't be going in even if I do go into labour this weekend so screw you, missus.'

I will not go into hospital because of a bloody admin issue if I can cope at home, and I will not go in to be induced because of their dates and policies unless there is a genuine medical reason specific to me... but I had this whole battle last time and to have this happen already this time feels like... it has taken the wind out of my sails. I was feeling so positive and now I feel really tired and fed up about it all. The home birth rate in my area is less than 1% and it is very clear to me why... they make it incredibly difficult.

It is just making me feel so cross at myself for not being strong (although at least I didn't cry) but my blood pressure when she took it was much higher than normal (although still fine as my blood pressure is normally on the low side of normal).

My mum has been very supportive and I know she will stick up for me but I just could do without this.

Oh, and she just called and she will come at some point on Tuesday (she can't say when so I have to stay in all day with a toddler, fecking great) and it will be her, the miserable cow, coming.

I feel like all the midwives are anti-homebirth (they have been so far) and will be negative about my hypnobirthing etc, and if that cowbag turns up for the birth I might hit her.

Sigh, sorry for being down.

I'm so angrey for you that they can treat you this way.

Stand your ground hun x
becstar: so sorry :(

Guppy: you can pump before giving birth? I didn't know that. I was testing to see if my breast pump still worked and I guess from being sore it hurt so bad and I almost pulled my nipple off.
:haha: yeah...severed nipples are probably not a good thing :rofl:
Just put it on a lower setting next time :winkwink:

If you have medical issues or are high risk, you probably shouldnt pump, but if you're low risk (which is what i thought you are), then it should be fine...but really for the average women its pointless. I have Insufficient Glandular Tissue and do not produce nearly enough, and this is one way to help increase everything. I mean, im sure you can pump and be just fine, but its a bit of work doing it every night, so tbh, if it wernt for IGT i probably wouldn't pump ahead of time...not because its risky, just because im lazy...and i value my nipples:rofl:
Hi Ladies, please can someone help me? Since yesterday I've been experiencing a burning/hot sensation in my left calf. It's only on the muscle and seems to run from down to up in quick movements. Does anyone know what this could be?

Sorry I can't help but if it doesn't go away I'd call in for advice. It sounds though it could be some pressure on a nerve though.

Let me know how you go and hope you are feeling better soon.
I am so p!!!ed off.

I had the midwife today. I haven't seen the same midwife twice this pregnancy and it was another different woman today.

I told her how I hadn't been called back by the last midwife to arrange the home visit they insist on doing before they okay a home birth in this area. I had called the office on 23rd December and they said she would call back and she did two minutes later while I was on the loo... I didn't answer of course and her message said she'd call again later. She didn't and she didn't answer when I called her.

Anyway, I could have had my visit this week if she called back, bearing in mind I'm 37 weeks and technically ok from this Friday.

The midwife today said they could come to me at 38 weeks but if I went into labour before then I would have to go to hospital. :growlmad: I said it was unfair that because of their admin errors I hadn't had my visit and so I might miss out on a homebirth if I went into labour this weekend. She said they normally don't come out until 38 weeks anyway (why?) and it was only a few days. We went back and forth arguing and in the end she said 'well you can sit and get annoyed about it but we can't change the situation and this is how it is.' She said thet it was for my own safety and the safety of others as they need to have enough staff on call etc and if they're not aware of me, which they 'won't be' until my home visit is done, then they won't come out. They also won't come out if I go more than 12 days over. :growlmad:

I was so annoyed, not just at her but also at myself for not saying 'well I won't be going in even if I do go into labour this weekend so screw you, missus.'

I will not go into hospital because of a bloody admin issue if I can cope at home, and I will not go in to be induced because of their dates and policies unless there is a genuine medical reason specific to me... but I had this whole battle last time and to have this happen already this time feels like... it has taken the wind out of my sails. I was feeling so positive and now I feel really tired and fed up about it all. The home birth rate in my area is less than 1% and it is very clear to me why... they make it incredibly difficult.

It is just making me feel so cross at myself for not being strong (although at least I didn't cry) but my blood pressure when she took it was much higher than normal (although still fine as my blood pressure is normally on the low side of normal).

My mum has been very supportive and I know she will stick up for me but I just could do without this.

Oh, and she just called and she will come at some point on Tuesday (she can't say when so I have to stay in all day with a toddler, fecking great) and it will be her, the miserable cow, coming.

I feel like all the midwives are anti-homebirth (they have been so far) and will be negative about my hypnobirthing etc, and if that cowbag turns up for the birth I might hit her.

Sigh, sorry for being down.

That's bull poop. They can't refuse to attend you if you go into labour and inform them that you're staying at home.

Hopefully they can do the visit before you go into labour to avoid any more stressing, but if they don't I would just demand they come out, since it was THEIR fault for not calling again or answering their phone.
I'm 36 weeks today! :) Started organizing the house pretty well last night, still a LOT to do, but it's a start :)

Once E goes down for a nap, I'm getting my birth pool out of it's box to air the plastic-y smell out. Now I'm 36 weeks, I'm okay with staying home (unless there are any other issues that arise obviously) and I'm trying to pull my 'info pack' for DH together today! Including recipes for placenta smoothies... :S

I think I'm also going to buy a cosleeper, since the pack n play bassinet is HUGE and is NOT going to fit down my side of the bed very well... Someone is selling one for $100 with leg extensions etc, which we may need, plus sheets (which are usually kind of expensive for the branded ones).
Yeah, you are right, I had spent many hours researching online & had models all lined up :thumbup: (How did you know that? :shrug: Very observant of you :haha:)

you are super organised! you'd have to be to deal with moving continents a few weeks beore bubba is born. hope you got everything you were after x
becstar that sounds awful, are you on homebirth yahoo group? loads of really supportive women on there, lots of midwives and doulas who can give great advice. Someone posted recently about a scheme where you can access a doula through a support grant so you have someone to support you and fight your corner. I joined when fist started tinking about homebirth and it's been great. https://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/homebirthUK/?yguid=429429658

Also AIMS are great at helping in situations like this, templates for complaining to head of midwifery etc. So sad that you have to fight for homebirth when it is absolutely your right. Stay strong and try not to let this interfere with how you see the birth going. I've seen nice midwives so far who've been pro homebirth and hypnobirth but in reality anyone can turn up on the day and may never have heard of hypnobirth just got to rely on OH to take control and tell them to shut up/ clear off when he needs to.
JP - Check the OP for birth announcements ;) Anyone know the names btw? I'm not in the FB group so missed the announcement personally.

I'm part of the group and totally missed that they were born, haha! I even responded to the post but didn't see the actual update! Lol
I am so p!!!ed off.

I had the midwife today. I haven't seen the same midwife twice this pregnancy and it was another different woman today.

I told her how I hadn't been called back by the last midwife to arrange the home visit they insist on doing before they okay a home birth in this area. I had called the office on 23rd December and they said she would call back and she did two minutes later while I was on the loo... I didn't answer of course and her message said she'd call again later. She didn't and she didn't answer when I called her.

Anyway, I could have had my visit this week if she called back, bearing in mind I'm 37 weeks and technically ok from this Friday.

The midwife today said they could come to me at 38 weeks but if I went into labour before then I would have to go to hospital. :growlmad: I said it was unfair that because of their admin errors I hadn't had my visit and so I might miss out on a homebirth if I went into labour this weekend. She said they normally don't come out until 38 weeks anyway (why?) and it was only a few days. We went back and forth arguing and in the end she said 'well you can sit and get annoyed about it but we can't change the situation and this is how it is.' She said thet it was for my own safety and the safety of others as they need to have enough staff on call etc and if they're not aware of me, which they 'won't be' until my home visit is done, then they won't come out. They also won't come out if I go more than 12 days over. :growlmad:

I was so annoyed, not just at her but also at myself for not saying 'well I won't be going in even if I do go into labour this weekend so screw you, missus.'

I will not go into hospital because of a bloody admin issue if I can cope at home, and I will not go in to be induced because of their dates and policies unless there is a genuine medical reason specific to me... but I had this whole battle last time and to have this happen already this time feels like... it has taken the wind out of my sails. I was feeling so positive and now I feel really tired and fed up about it all. The home birth rate in my area is less than 1% and it is very clear to me why... they make it incredibly difficult.

It is just making me feel so cross at myself for not being strong (although at least I didn't cry) but my blood pressure when she took it was much higher than normal (although still fine as my blood pressure is normally on the low side of normal).

My mum has been very supportive and I know she will stick up for me but I just could do without this.

Oh, and she just called and she will come at some point on Tuesday (she can't say when so I have to stay in all day with a toddler, fecking great) and it will be her, the miserable cow, coming.

I feel like all the midwives are anti-homebirth (they have been so far) and will be negative about my hypnobirthing etc, and if that cowbag turns up for the birth I might hit her.

Sigh, sorry for being down.

Awe, I'm sorry it was an upsetting appt, dear!!! Hopefully it is NOT her that turns up for your birth!!!
AFM- i started pumping (on the 1st of the year none the less). And i started Goat's Rue a few days ago. My first night pumping i got .65mLs and last night i got 1.55mLs so its doubled! I know this doesn't sound like much to most, but because of the IGT, i was only making about 3.5oz per 24 hour period with DS (and that was when my milk was actually in) So this has me happy! I really hope the progestrone cream ive been taking, the Goat's Rue, and the pumping helps with my tissue and gland growth! I will be starting Alfalfa soon too.

Anyways, i got Elliots room done! The only thing we need to get trashcan with a lid and a foot thingy (to open it). I got the wet bag (for the cloth diapers), and then we will be all set! Here is pics of his room.

I have everything from the HB kit now, with the exception of some labor foods/drinks and i need to get some towels, otherwise, im just waiting for the package to show up in the mail :mail:

...Swan- do you like the "Terrible Towel"? :haha: it managed to follow us all the way from central Pennsylvania to Coastal New hampshire :smug:

Cute nursery!!!
I'm 36 weeks today! :) Started organizing the house pretty well last night, still a LOT to do, but it's a start :)

Once E goes down for a nap, I'm getting my birth pool out of it's box to air the plastic-y smell out. Now I'm 36 weeks, I'm okay with staying home (unless there are any other issues that arise obviously) and I'm trying to pull my 'info pack' for DH together today! Including recipes for placenta smoothies... :S

I think I'm also going to buy a cosleeper, since the pack n play bassinet is HUGE and is NOT going to fit down my side of the bed very well... Someone is selling one for $100 with leg extensions etc, which we may need, plus sheets (which are usually kind of expensive for the branded ones).

Placenta smoothies???

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