February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

:hugs: to all that need them ladies.

I have had a niggling feeling that baby will not stay put til 40 weeks. Abbie came at 38+2 and this one is bigger and even less predictable, so I've been on a mission to get everything "ready" just in case. Well, aside from getting the things we already have out of the attic for washing, I am pleased to say everything is bought and waiting. Been spending a wee tad too much on new cloth nappies though so must stop myself there. :blush:

Oh and I'm getting a new travel system I think. But still have the one from Abbie so can use that if all else fails! :haha: That particular purchase is more a want than a need!
Darn right!!! I'm figuring I'm entitled to at least some spoiling. ;) When are you ending work?
Hi ladies. I have a pedicure booked for tomorrow. I need it so badly hahaha. My feet are taking quite a bit of strain and are swelling a bit more now. It's been really hot the last few weeks so thats not helping. I have 7 more days of work left until I'm on leave and I can't wait. I'm busy training my replacement at the moment but I'm so not into it right now. I wish I could stay home already. I haven't been sleeping well at all and it takes it's toll on me while I'm at work and unfortunately I don't get much opportunity to rest during the day.

Not much longer for all of us now. The sleepless nights and aches and pains are all going to be worth it in the end.
My Bumgenius nappies arrived today, they're sooo cute!

And that's it, we have everything we need. I'm ready for my baby (OMG I'm so not ready for my baby mentally!)
I'm 36 weeks today! :) Started organizing the house pretty well last night, still a LOT to do, but it's a start :)

Once E goes down for a nap, I'm getting my birth pool out of it's box to air the plastic-y smell out. Now I'm 36 weeks, I'm okay with staying home (unless there are any other issues that arise obviously) and I'm trying to pull my 'info pack' for DH together today! Including recipes for placenta smoothies... :S

I think I'm also going to buy a cosleeper, since the pack n play bassinet is HUGE and is NOT going to fit down my side of the bed very well... Someone is selling one for $100 with leg extensions etc, which we may need, plus sheets (which are usually kind of expensive for the branded ones).

Placenta smoothies???

Yeah! Supposed to be the same benefits as placenta encapsulation:


But you consume the placenta raw in the smoothie (assuming there's nothing wrong with it/no meconium present in waters etc)...

I'm trying to decide which I would prefer; I'm not a big fan of taking pills and I've been drinking more smoothies recently (not to mention it makes me have a good few servings of fruits/veggies along with a lump of placenta :lol:)... Most people cut the placenta into 1 inch chunks and freeze it in ice cube trays, then just throw a chunk into their blender with some fruit etc. :)

Obviously not for everyone, but I'm not squeamish about raw meat (heck, I've been craving it this pregnancy :blush::rofl:) and if it helps prevent PPD I'm all for it! :) I'm planning to have my first smoothie right after birth, to reduce the risk of hemorrhaging etc, so if it's gross then I will throw it in a freezer bag and DH will encapsulate it for me and if it's okay, then I'll get him to cut it up and freeze it :)
Swan: I hope you got that pedicure! It really does help to take the 30 min and do it. We deserve it!! all of us!

Well my DS is getting his tonsils out tomorrow morning :( so I'm not sure after today what time I'll have on here cause I heard the recovery is not that easy. Praying for the best though.

I have a Dr apt on Friday so that's good news.

I'll be checking in on you guys this week even if I don't post after today for a bit.

Have a great day!

Good luck to your DS :bunny: & :hug: to you both

My DS2 is always getting tonsilitus, so may be something that we have to go through soon (see how it goes now we are in a different country)
Yeah! Supposed to be the same benefits as placenta encapsulation:


But you consume the placenta raw in the smoothie (assuming there's nothing wrong with it/no meconium present in waters etc)...

I'm trying to decide which I would prefer; I'm not a big fan of taking pills and I've been drinking more smoothies recently (not to mention it makes me have a good few servings of fruits/veggies along with a lump of placenta :lol:)... Most people cut the placenta into 1 inch chunks and freeze it in ice cube trays, then just throw a chunk into their blender with some fruit etc. :)

Obviously not for everyone, but I'm not squeamish about raw meat (heck, I've been craving it this pregnancy :blush::rofl:) and if it helps prevent PPD I'm all for it! :) I'm planning to have my first smoothie right after birth, to reduce the risk of hemorrhaging etc, so if it's gross then I will throw it in a freezer bag and DH will encapsulate it for me and if it's okay, then I'll get him to cut it up and freeze it :)

:sick: Rather you than me :sick:

Did you eat your placenta with your DD? :shrug:
I’m on my 15-minute break, so I’m trying to catch up as quickly as possible… not easy!

Congrats on full term Sparklez and thanks for the :hugs: - it’s definitely a pain in the butt, to say the least… but I’m hanging in there. By a thread or something. :rofl:

Becstar, sorry to hear the m/w is giving you more crap. That’s such a load. I’d be furious! :brat:

Ugh, the Patriots. I’m so glad you aren’t a Pats fan Guppy, or I’d have to smack you. :lol: Just kidding! I’m a Giants’ girl all the way. :happydance: You can take the girl out of NY, but… ;) However, I can accept the Terrible Towel – it’s part of your region, and I think it’s hilarious how you have it so nicely on display up yonder in Pats’ territory. Show those Brady fans who is boss girl! :thumbup:

Glad to hear all seems to be looking good for you BabyA! :hugs: I hope you get some relief soon, though. Sciatic nerve pain is NO fun!

Congrats on 36 weeks Night! We’re getting so close!

Good luck bed shopping Kelly! :D

How are you feeling now RJ? Any better?

Hope you’re feeling better Tiger! Great pics, by the way! :)

I admit, I had an all-out breakdown yesterday. I got home from a grueling workday and my feet were both swollen so much my toes wouldn’t bend, I twisted one of my ankles while carrying something at work and my back was throbbing from being on my feet the entire day. I just let loose and started bawling, because I was in agony and was trying to fathom the notion that I could very well be still doing this for the next 7 freakin’ weeks if I go overdue. I hate throwing myself pity parties like that, but I sobbed for a good hour over the pain, the frustration and the sheer exhaustion of everything at work. Lately my typical seated-all-day job has become an on-my-feet-nonstop job, just making it that much less bearable. After I cried it out, I took the rest of the evening to finish reading the second book of the Hunger Games series, and kept my feet up and my back rested. Feeling a little better today, physically anyway; just emotionally drained. I’m angry at myself for breaking down how I did, but I’m trying my best to make better of my days here at work. My brain’s about to explode but… it happens. :rofl:

This month is our busiest at work, so at least HOPEFULLY if I go overdue it’ll be quieter here (though I’m praying I don’t go over, obviously lol).

Well, back to work I go. Hi ho… hi ho… :lol: Only a wee bit of time left before I can take my lunch break, at least! :) I know I didn’t get time to read back as far as I’ve missed (yet!) but I’ll try and catch up tonight if I can stay awake past dinner. :rofl: Ohhhhhh pregnancy. :D

Happy Wednesday ladies! :wave:

Awe!! Don't be angry for having a little breakdown!! I had a bit of a crying jag yesterday morning. I was all dressed for my first day of my 2 weeks at work and went to put my uniform shoes on. I could not get them on. I knew my feet were swollen but hadn't given it much thought. I bawled. Poor Dh was like, "I thought you woke up in a good mood??" LOL I DID, until I couldn't put my stupid uniform shoes on!! Hahaha!!
I'm 36 weeks today! :) Started organizing the house pretty well last night, still a LOT to do, but it's a start :)

Once E goes down for a nap, I'm getting my birth pool out of it's box to air the plastic-y smell out. Now I'm 36 weeks, I'm okay with staying home (unless there are any other issues that arise obviously) and I'm trying to pull my 'info pack' for DH together today! Including recipes for placenta smoothies... :S

I think I'm also going to buy a cosleeper, since the pack n play bassinet is HUGE and is NOT going to fit down my side of the bed very well... Someone is selling one for $100 with leg extensions etc, which we may need, plus sheets (which are usually kind of expensive for the branded ones).

Placenta smoothies???

Yeah! Supposed to be the same benefits as placenta encapsulation:


But you consume the placenta raw in the smoothie (assuming there's nothing wrong with it/no meconium present in waters etc)...

I'm trying to decide which I would prefer; I'm not a big fan of taking pills and I've been drinking more smoothies recently (not to mention it makes me have a good few servings of fruits/veggies along with a lump of placenta :lol:)... Most people cut the placenta into 1 inch chunks and freeze it in ice cube trays, then just throw a chunk into their blender with some fruit etc. :)

Obviously not for everyone, but I'm not squeamish about raw meat (heck, I've been craving it this pregnancy :blush::rofl:) and if it helps prevent PPD I'm all for it! :) I'm planning to have my first smoothie right after birth, to reduce the risk of hemorrhaging etc, so if it's gross then I will throw it in a freezer bag and DH will encapsulate it for me and if it's okay, then I'll get him to cut it up and freeze it :)

Ewwwwww!! Lol. :flower: I def could not do it, but that's actually pretty interesting! You'll have to let us know how it goes!!!
LOL. Oh JP I would have cried too. None of my shoes fit as nicely as they used to either. Bummer! But I just feel stupid crying about it. I've been dealing for 35 weeks and now I get home and just cry. I fought hard not to today, but it wasn't easy. :rofl: hubby is at work now so I'm relaxing my night away with some juice and a good book. :) only two more days of work before the weekend! :dance:

I give you major props Night! I'm so squeamish but I admire people who do it for the benefits. :) Do you have to do anything special to the placenta in order to use it for the smoothies?
im so so sorry if i miss anyone :
kelly - if you need help with ANYTHING , let me know, and ill help as best i can :)
becstar - i would be absolutely furious ! id be telling them id just stay at home if they didnt come out lol !
congrats on stopping work mumanddad !

AFM - i was in hospital for the whole day yesterday. i went in in the morning for my regular appt and mentioned the pains ive been having (those excruciating, please kill me now pains lol) aswell as the fact ive been bleeding on and off for 2 weeks now, and they sent me in.
got in there and they were on about placental abruption :wacko: and scaring the bloody hell outta me !
i had an internal exam only to find that my cervix is extremely frail and thin :wacko: and i have something called a cervical ectropian ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_ectropion
ill be reading more about it.
so anyway , im on rest ! not strict bed rest, but im not to do much work, pick jesse up too much, have been told sex is ok, BUT not often.
want to know why this sucks ? because im pretty sure ive started nesting like a crazy person ! i used to be lucky to have the energy to do one load of washing a day, and now im vacuuming,mopping and scrubbing floors daily, averaging 6 loads of washing a day, changing sheets daily, rearranging rooms, cleaning kitchen and playroom and my room top to bottom !! i feel insane but i cant stop !
Actually Tiger, you may be able to help me with my latest dilemma please...:winkwink:

Im currently looking at mattresses (gotta buy 3 whole new beds & mattresses) :wacko:

Which brands would you say are good here in Australia? :shrug:

have been looking at Crown Royale & Sleepmaker, but as ive never heard of them, I have no idea??? :wacko:
32 week appt went well.. bp was 110/80.. weight was 155lbs, gained about 18-20 lbs.. babys hb was good in the 130s-140, head was down wrapped up around the left side.. feet on the right.. makes sense.. lol next appt is in 2 weeks so on the 18th.. then 36 weeks is the group b strep test and an internal, sweep at 38 weeks if i want, and possible induction at 39 depending on what all happens.. Baby will def be here before my due date though..

So sorry to hear that tiger.. sounds kinda scary to me.. i would say nesting can wait till after baby is here safe and sound.. the hard part for me would be the no holding your son.. my dd wants to be held all the time..
i feel fine when im not having those pains lol. its only when i have those pains that its a problem.
kelly - sleepmaker is a good brand ! as well as seely's.
Tiger im so glad things got checked out though! That must have been scary :hugs:

50 days :yipee:
LOL. Oh JP I would have cried too. None of my shoes fit as nicely as they used to either. Bummer! But I just feel stupid crying about it. I've been dealing for 35 weeks and now I get home and just cry. I fought hard not to today, but it wasn't easy. :rofl: hubby is at work now so I'm relaxing my night away with some juice and a good book. :) only two more days of work before the weekend! :dance:

I give you major props Night! I'm so squeamish but I admire people who do it for the benefits. :) Do you have to do anything special to the placenta in order to use it for the smoothies?

Lol, yep, pretty much None of my shoes fit. I don't normally care because I don't normally work and I'd rather wear flip flops anyways so long as it's not snowing!! I tried to get my brand new Uggs on today...yeah...no. So I mushed on my sneakers. They're tight, but I can at least get them on. Stupid feet. I hope they don't stay big!!! I will cry...again! Haha!! I felt pretty stupid crying about it, too, but I just couldn't help it. I'm like you...dealt fine all this time. But it is stressful and our lives are about to change and it's scary...so a good cry now and then is okay! Lol
Kelly-if I can help with advice on brands let me know, and I agree with tiger that sleep maker are a good brand. Can't say I've heard of Crown Royal.
Kelly-if I can help with advice on brands let me know, and I agree with tiger that sleep maker are a good brand. Can't say I've heard of Crown Royal.

Thanks so much ~ That is a help
32 week appt went well.. bp was 110/80.. weight was 155lbs, gained about 18-20 lbs.. babys hb was good in the 130s-140, head was down wrapped up around the left side.. feet on the right.. makes sense.. lol next appt is in 2 weeks so on the 18th.. then 36 weeks is the group b strep test and an internal, sweep at 38 weeks if i want, and possible induction at 39 depending on what all happens.. Baby will def be here before my due date though..

So sorry to hear that tiger.. sounds kinda scary to me.. i would say nesting can wait till after baby is here safe and sound.. the hard part for me would be the no holding your son.. my dd wants to be held all the time..

Hi yes the strep b test is an internal but if your results show you havent got it this doesnt mean its not present in labour.

I am a carrier of strep b and my consultant wont test me he is just going to stick me on antibiotics x

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