February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

So i went to the Drs. appointment and he tried to do a sweep but said he couldn't do a very good one because i wasn't dilated at all but my cervix was VERY soft. He also said at that point the head was not on the cervix which makes it harder to do a good sweep.

He still tried to do a bit of one which felt weird but not painful. I went for a walk around the mall for about 2 hours after it and just came home to fine a good amount of what looks like "old blood" but no mucus or plug?.... i dont know what to think about that. He said he didnt even think i would bleed from such a small sweep.
Congrats suzzle!!! I have added you and JP to the new thread... as always, if any information is wrong or anything needs to be added, smack me.

Which, speaking of... does "Peawich" finally have a name? Did I somehow miss that? xDDD I was checking but I'm not going to guarantee that if night posted, I didn't miss it. I think new mommy brain is worse than pregnancy brain.

(especially because I am almost always posting on BNB from my phone while I'm nursing, so I'm a space cadet)

FX that things progress for you, Junebugs! How are you feeling??
congratulations suzzle ! cant wait for photos ! :cloud9:
junebugs- its really common to bleed after a sweep or even an internal. when i had an internal the other day, i bled a little aswell. our cervix is so fragile at this point in pregnancy that it can bleed very easily.
hopefully something comes of it :hugs:
im getting so excited with all these babies rolling in now. i cant wait to be holding my little girl, but at the same time, this is our last baby, so im trying to enjoy all the kicks/rolls and hiccups while i can
I went to the Drs today..... finally have a little bit of progress!!! :) The Dr said I was at least 50% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated!! :happydance: She talked about if I wanted to be induced... still sticking on the side of no. But they are scheduling my next appt for the beginning of next week in case I change my mind they can do it at the end of the week. I am just ecstatic that I had some progress.
Congratz Suzzle.

I am feeling a little off but i think your right Tiger.. i think i just got a little bothered and nothing is going to come of it. I still have a bit of blood but it seems to be getting lighter.
Many Congrats suzzle :baby: Great baby arrived safe & sound :cloud9:


Your doing a fantastic job keeping up with these threads swanxxsong ~ Thank you, I dont know how you are having time :thumbup::hugs:
Congrats Suzzle!!!! :dance:
You did a great job IMO!

So the MW asked me today what i wanted to do about birth control....

i dont really know..ive researched my options-a lot...but i guess i dont like my options lol.
I dont want to go back on the pill...been there, done that...dont want to use that again and besides i can't anyways with BFing, and i dont trust the mini pill-its not very effective, so i wouldn't consider that ....dont really want to use barrier methods....who wants to have to use a condom with their husband?! Plus i have to use either lamb skin or polyurethain (the special ones) because i get super irratated with the rubbers. I did use the diaphram and spermicidal stuff after Isaiah...but i hate using the diapgram...plus its not very effective either...i did pair that up with natural family planning and using the diaphram+spermicid...but i dont like that nor trust it enough....we are aiming not to have anymore kids for 5 yrs (of course things always change!)....she brough up the IUD....which i guess makes the most sense...i would not do the copper. I like that there arn't hormones associated with it but almost all women have lots of breakthrough bleeding with it and perirods are more crampy and bleed more (i already bleed more than average and periods are quite painful-which is normal for me-but i dont want to exasperate that :nope:) Then there is the Mirena IUD...it is low progesterone though...but apparently its so low it doesn't really affect BFing, but with how bad my supply is-it could prove detrimental...but maybe not? I do have a minor progesterone deficiency, so maybe its not a bad idea...but with either IUD i jst dont like the idea of having something in my uterus that isn't natural.....blah....i just dont like my options :nope:
:saywhat: ONLY 3 weeks until I have the baby!! :argh:

Gotta start getting ready me thinks!!.....:help:

Sorry i can't really help you with the B/C .. I can't take any because i always get breakthrough bleeding...
Thanks ladies!
I stopped pumping colostrum...even though i still dont think it would throw me into labor, i wanted to make it to 37 weeks so i can have a homebirth lol....so i guess i can start pumping again tonight! lol
Congrats Guppy! :dance: Now, glue yourself to that pump, eh?? :rofl:

So here's my birth story... finally. LOL. I don't really know where else to post it because I don't really want to make a whole thread about it since it's long and kind of boring :haha: but since Saphire had asked, here's the whole, long ordeal. ;)

I apologize in advance for the length, but this is my birth story... finally. Haha.

Thursday, January 5 seemed like any other day at work. I had woken up earlier than my alarm, around 5:30, just feeling... restless. It was time to wrap up year-end, so we were all busy during the week and running around like crazy. My feet and ankles were so swollen and painful, and around 10am my back began throbbing. I assumed it was because I was doing so much at my desk leaning over a huge pile of tax-related paperwork for clients. Also, I was having some (TMI) bathroom “issues” and was running to the bathroom every hour or so. I felt like everything I ever ate was being poured out of my body... but again, never thought anything of it.

I got home around 5:30 and at 6, I collapsed into bed. I felt like period cramps were ravaging my body. I took a short nap, assuming (still) it was due to work. I called my mom and was complaining about all the pains of the day and she said nothing, but later told me that she knew I was in labor but didn't want to send me into a panic. LOL. Thanks ma! I noticed one or two BH contractions while we were chatting, but I figured it was because I cannot talk on the phone without pacing, so I ignored them.

At 10, my husband got home from his (PT) second job. He decides he wants Applebees, of all things. I hadn't eaten anything since lunch except for half a PBJ, so I agreed to go even though I didn't feel hungry. I ate half a cheese quesedilla before telling him I felt really sick and just wanted to go to bed.

So there I was, curled up in my bed, feeling exhausted and in pain.

I can't sleep, at all. The BH are coming and going and I feel completely restless. I remember reading somewhere that if you have them while resting, to walk and they should go away. Since I feel antsy – despite being exhausted – I begin to pace in the living room. I realize the BH are still coming... so I begin timing them. They are coming 3-4 minutes apart, lasting ~45 seconds. I call my doctor who says to continue timing them and if they don't stop in 20-30 minutes, I need to head into L&D.

I walk into the bedroom and wake Chris and tell him that I'm having contractions and may need to go to the hospital in a half hour if they continue. He murmurs, “Okay,” and I go back to the nursery to continue packing the few things I have not packed yet. Five minutes later he explodes from the bedroom, wide-eyed and frantic. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Are you having the baby?!” I laughed and said not that second, no, she was still staying put. So he goes to get a shower and I finish my packing, and prepare the dog for a night alone.

At 12:30am, we leave for the hospital.

We arrive at the hospital after 1am, and by 1:15 they usher me into a small room where they check my progress. I'm 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. My contractions are gauged by their machine and I'm told that they're irregular, but definitely coming. My doctor (on the phone) says she wants me to stay overnight, since it is already 2:30 by this point, and that she'll be in at 8 to check me. So I'm taken to a true delivery room and told to rest. Okay, yeah, whatever you say. I read my Kindle, watch TV, listen to music, walk the halls... and of course, never manage to do anything other than lightly doze for a half-hour before they inform me that it's 6am and they're checking my progress. I'm 2cm and 90% effaced, still with irregular contractions. They leave me alone and I go back to reading.

8 arrives, and so does my doctor. I'm still having irregular contractions but I have gone to 5cm, 100% effaced and she said that I'm not leaving and that I should deliver by noon.

At 10 I'm checked again and am at 6cm. Still going strong, no painkillers, and am feeling great. I mean, I'm exhausted, hungry and thirsty and a little impatient, but I'm not in pain. They feel like intense back and front period cramps; nothing I can't handle since I always had the world's worst period cramps as a kid. So I wait.

I stall out, but at noon I am 7cm. No baby by noon, but they are positive it'll happen soon.

At 1pm, my doctor breaks my water. She's growing concerned that my contractions are still irregular, because she feels that is what's holding up my progress. She notes that I'm growing a little exhausted at this point (having been awake for 31 hours or so) so she wants to expedite things. My waters go, nothing happens other than I get agitated that I'm now forced to remain in my bed – no more hall-walking for me – and I feel as though I've peed myself. In fact, I'm pretty sure with each contraction I may be peeing myself, but I can't be certain. So I'm a little skeeved and trying to be patient.

At 4pm, they give me a small hit of pitocin. I'm growing more irritated and emotional, due to being tired. I am caught by the nurses at least 2x in bouts of a breakdown, crying because I inform them that I don't understand why I can't dilate further, and that I must be broken. I hit the point of telling Chris I want to go home and sleep. I'm still 7cm.

The pitocin makes labor hell. The pain begins within a half hour. By 5pm, I'm in hysterics. Every contraction increases my sobbing, and the back labor has gotten to the point of torture. Chris applies counter-pressure while the nurse holds me against her chest, trying to calm me. Nothing consoles me, and the nurse tells Chris that I'm just too exhausted, hence my emotional breakdown. They call in the doctor (mine left at 5, so Dr. Wheeler has taken her place) and she pulls the nurse outside after observing me a moment. They reenter and ask me if I'd be willing to consider an epidural. I panic and say I'm too scared, I've made it this far, why do I need pain medicine now? The nurse and doctor tell me they're proud of me for going this far, but that I'm wearing myself out by crying, I'm already too tired and they're concerned I won't be able to push Aria when the time comes unless I can get some rest. Chris tells me he'll support any decision I make, but that he thinks the doctor has a point. At 6, the call is placed and I am out of my mind, sobbing. They turn back the pitocin and decide to hold off until I can get my epidural. I feel defeated and tell them I'm a failure for not being capable of going nautral, which brings about another round of sobbing. I continue to tell them that it's all my fault that my labor is not going as nicely as they thought it would go.

They page the doctor three times before finding out he's in surgery. So for a long hour, we wait for him. Each contraction makes me cry and sob in agony, and they're coming 2 minutes apart or so. When the doctor arrives, just after 7, Chris is asked to leave and I panic. My nurse grabs ahold of me and refuses to release me while I feel the jab of the needle to numb my back. Within ten minutes, I'm suddenly feeling very elated and at peace. When Chris re-enters the room, I'm laughing with my nurses and am oblivious to the fact that they have now jacked my pitocin, trying to get my body to cooperate. They encourage me to sleep, so I drift off for an hour, only to wake up asking when I can hold my baby.

At 10, they tell me that if I have her before midnight, I will go home Sunday but if I want an extra day in the hospital, I should wait until after midnight if possible. I had hit 8cm at 7 when the epidural was given, but have not progressed to 9 yet. I tell them that I want to go home ASAP. My doctor makes some face and walks out to talk to the nurse, but I don't ask questions. At 10:30, I'm told I have hit 9cm and at 11, they stretch a bit and tell me I'm at 10. Glory! But my doctor suddenly decides she wants me to gain a little more control over my legs before we begin pushing... what?! I want to argue but I'm too doped to argue.

At 11:30 the nurse tells me it is time. I begin to push, slowly but surely. Chris is being a total champ at this point, despite his own exhaustion (and lack of drugs lol). He coaches me through each contraction and we are soon told that she has a lot of very dark hair. Chris takes a peek and they offer me a mirror, but I refuse. I just want my daughter already. At midnight, I'm told to pause because she is beginning to crown and they need to call in my doctor, plus an extra nurse and a NICU nurse, since I'm 5 weeks early. Precautions, all that. Everyone enters, prepares and at 12:22am, the most glorious screaming voice is heard in the room – and no, it's not mine.

At 6 pounds, 6 ounces, 19 inches, my beautiful daughter Aria Adelle made her appearance into the world at 12:22am on January 7, 2012.
Congratulations, suzzle!! :happydance:

swan-- thanks for sharing your story!! I love reading all the details!

Had my 36 week appt today. Boring. No weight change. BP good, baby's heart rate good, fundal height good. Come back next week. I guess no news is good news? :)
Aw thanks ladies! I had to revise it because I had started writing it after having her and it was a bit confusing. All those drugs I think LOL.

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