February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Happy term Guppy!! :wohoo:

Congrats JP and Suzzle!! Two more Valentines!

Thanks for sharing your story Swan! Time for all of the birth stories to start pouring in...bring on more Valentines! :)
Swan thank you for sharing your birth story!! I think you did an amazing job and your SO and your mom both sound very sweet :)

Guppy- regarding birth control... I have been trying to decide the same thing. I think since this is our first and we know we want one more we will probably just do NFP... Which is basically no birth control at all, just timing intercourse accordingly ti NOT get pregnant until we're ready. But I do not think I would do that if I wasn't willing to take the risk of getting pregnant again. It's just too "unsafe" for my liking.

I agree I hate condoms with DH, we definitely won't do them. When I was younger I tried the depo provera shot every three months. I didn't really like it, it made me gain a lot of weight. I tried the patch as well. I think I liked the BCP the best. But I do have a friend that lots her copper IUD. And I like the idea that it's non hormonal. It's a little creepy thinking about it though isn't it?! Like its not supposed to be there! I think it might freak DH out during sex LOL. I personally don't think I would to a diaphragm because I don't think I could be trusted to use it everytime spur of the moment! Lol

So I didn't rally help at all did I? I'm sorry, I guess I'm just as lost as you when trying to decide BC. I will use NFP after this baby but then after that I think I'll lean toward IUD, or maybe having DH or me get "fixed" ;)
lovely birth swan, you can post it up in the birth stories section if you wanted to post it up for all to read xx
I am deciding at the moment if to get my tubes tied whilst having my csection, or to get Hubby the snip? :shrug:
Question for all you ladies who've been there before... how long did it take for your bleeding to end, post-partum?

I'm barely bleeding now, but it's been going on and on and oooooon... >.< I just want to be done. :| lol
Jokerette- totally get that!
Ive actually charted about 17 cycles (with NFP), but unfortunatly my ovulation is very inconsistant...generally i dont ov. until CD 22, but it can happen anywhere from CD 17-CD 23, so it would be hard for me to gage. I also get fertile CM way before and after ovulation...i know, makes no sense....the Endocrinologist suspects PCOS though, so that could be why :shrug:

Kelly-if i were and had to decide between those two options...i would get my tubes tied, but not burnt (or cut or whatever they do with it). Well, i guess if i wernt planning on more kids, then i wouldn't care, but if i knew iw anted more kids at some point in the distant future, i would like knowing that i can get my tubes untied...but dh cant undo the snip lol....but i guess it depends on what your future plans are.

Swan-my PP bleeding was off and on for about 8 weeks. Around 3 weeks PP i seriously thought i was done with it for good....then it came back :dohh:
Congrats Suzzle!!!! :dance:
You did a great job IMO!

So the MW asked me today what i wanted to do about birth control....

i dont really know..ive researched my options-a lot...but i guess i dont like my options lol.
I dont want to go back on the pill...been there, done that...dont want to use that again and besides i can't anyways with BFing, and i dont trust the mini pill-its not very effective, so i wouldn't consider that ....dont really want to use barrier methods....who wants to have to use a condom with their husband?! Plus i have to use either lamb skin or polyurethain (the special ones) because i get super irratated with the rubbers. I did use the diaphram and spermicidal stuff after Isaiah...but i hate using the diapgram...plus its not very effective either...i did pair that up with natural family planning and using the diaphram+spermicid...but i dont like that nor trust it enough....we are aiming not to have anymore kids for 5 yrs (of course things always change!)....she brough up the IUD....which i guess makes the most sense...i would not do the copper. I like that there arn't hormones associated with it but almost all women have lots of breakthrough bleeding with it and perirods are more crampy and bleed more (i already bleed more than average and periods are quite painful-which is normal for me-but i dont want to exasperate that :nope:) Then there is the Mirena IUD...it is low progesterone though...but apparently its so low it doesn't really affect BFing, but with how bad my supply is-it could prove detrimental...but maybe not? I do have a minor progesterone deficiency, so maybe its not a bad idea...but with either IUD i jst dont like the idea of having something in my uterus that isn't natural.....blah....i just dont like my options :nope:

Guppy I don't know if you have it there but after I had harry I had an Implanon implant which is an implant that is placed in the underside of your upper arm on your non dominant arm, it lasts for five years if I remember correctly. a benefit is a lot of people don't get any bleeding at all while they have it in, I certainly didn't. I swear by it and have had three. Both before and after I had Harry. If you don't want an implant there is also Depravira (not sure on the spelling) Shots. Which is an injection in the behind every three months.

Hope that's helpful.

Question for all you ladies who've been there before... how long did it take for your bleeding to end, post-partum?

I'm barely bleeding now, but it's been going on and on and oooooon... >.< I just want to be done. :| lol

That is one I'd like the answer to as well as I am still bleeding too. Don't know if it makes a difference but I did have a C-Section.
Kelly-if i were and had to decide between those two options...i would get my tubes tied, but not burnt (or cut or whatever they do with it). Well, i guess if i wernt planning on more kids, then i wouldn't care, but if i knew iw anted more kids at some point in the distant future, i would like knowing that i can get my tubes untied...but dh cant undo the snip lol....but i guess it depends on what your future plans are.

Thanks Guppy :flower:

Im now 36 years old, have 4 Children aged from 19 years to the LO due in 3weeks ~ So pretty much been having children for most of my adult life now!

I am having my 4th csection :baby::baby::baby::baby: I really cant have any more children

Im just not sure if im happy with the risks of the tubal ligation??? :shrug: Its a big decision & I dont want to make the wrong one
Im sure I bled for about a month or so after DD :flower: It just got lighter & lighter as the days went on
Thank you! My 6 week appointment is the 14th and I'm praying it's gone by then !
Congrats to the new mommies.. :)

Swan beautiful story.. love reading birth stories.. :) and you did a great job..

Guppy happy term.. :) wahoo..

Had my 36 week appt yesterday.. and still 1cm, so no progress yet.. had a ton of contractions after my internal though.. so maybe that helped lol.. offered a sweep next week so debating on that.. wont work if baby isnt ready right..??

As for the rest all was good.. getting my bags finsihed up with packing.. and waiting..

Swan-my pp bleeding lasted around 6-7 weeks..
Guppy, I am thinking on the same subject. You are absolutely right about using condoms with your SO, it isn't much fun for either person (they hurt me personally). DH says he doesn't want anymore children, but it could always change. My mom had a lot of problems after getting her tubes tied (hormonal and stuff). I am not doing the depo shot again.... it made me too mean and I could not lose weight. I am stuck between the nuva ring and the patch..... DH doesn't think that the patch would really work.
Kelly-if i were and had to decide between those two options...i would get my tubes tied, but not burnt (or cut or whatever they do with it). Well, i guess if i wernt planning on more kids, then i wouldn't care, but if i knew iw anted more kids at some point in the distant future, i would like knowing that i can get my tubes untied...but dh cant undo the snip lol....but i guess it depends on what your future plans are.

Thanks Guppy :flower:

Im now 36 years old, have 4 Children aged from 19 years to the LO due in 3weeks ~ So pretty much been having children for most of my adult life now!

I am having my 4th csection :baby::baby::baby::baby: I really cant have any more children

Im just not sure if im happy with the risks of the tubal ligation??? :shrug: Its a big decision & I dont want to make the wrong one

Well, since you are done with having kids, then i would have DH do the old snipity snip :haha:
Tequiero I did the patch for a little while. But weren't there studies that showed an increases risk for stroke? I didn't know it was still on the market.

I forgot about the nuvaring. It's nice to have something you don't have to remember. I did the depo provera shots for about three years. I loved the fact that I didn't have to remener ti take a pill, but I hated the weight gain!
TeQuiero- as far as i understand the Patch, the Pill, and the Ring are all the same (hormonal wise). Really the only difference is when, where, and how its placed into the body. So i would think the patch would be just as effective.
Ladies, do you know if it is ok to have sex if you are bleeding a little after my "sweep" today
Ladies, do you know if it is ok to have sex if you are bleeding a little after my "sweep" today

As long as you are comfortable its more than okay to :sex: :thumbup:
The only time you should not have sex is if you water has broken (not the same as loosing your plug or bloody show). If you are not leaking waters or they have not yet gone, then its fine :D
Ladies, do you know if it is ok to have sex if you are bleeding a little after my "sweep" today

As long as you are comfortable its more than okay to :sex: :thumbup:
The only time you should not have sex is if you water has broken (not the same as loosing your plug or bloody show). If you are not leaking waters or they have not yet gone, then its fine :D

Junebugs, I'm so happy you asked, and Guppy, I'm so happy you answered...I know what I'm doing tomorrow night after my sweep! ;)
Ladies, do you know if it is ok to have sex if you are bleeding a little after my "sweep" today

As long as you are comfortable its more than okay to :sex: :thumbup:
The only time you should not have sex is if you water has broken (not the same as loosing your plug or bloody show). If you are not leaking waters or they have not yet gone, then its fine :D

Junebugs, I'm so happy you asked, and Guppy, I'm so happy you answered...I know what I'm doing tomorrow night after my sweep! ;)

NP :smug: :haha:
Have fun girls :winkwink: lol

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