February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

i have cake mix kelly :) and we are in the same country now :D just a shame about being in the wrong state :haha:
ps- anyone with kids or toddlers, i have found this site which im OBSESSED with! it has the best ideas ever .
ive been feeling awful because i cant play with jesse on the floor because i cant get up, cant run around playing with him, so he basically watches tv all day every day now and i hate it ! i never wanted to be one of those parents, but im going to try and do something from this site once a day :)

oh tiger thank you so much! I have been struggling with this too and have really been beating myself up about it. Thanks for the link and it is nice to know I am not alone in feeling like this x
That site is great, I use it a lot for ideas for school. She had one great idea, you shade a chalkboard all over with chalk then get a non spill water pot (I use the one from our aqua draw mat) with a little water and they paint on the board. La loves it and when it dries you can just do it again, no need to top up the chalk. No mess but lots of fun.
Guppy- oh exciting! I wonder if the cramps will lead to anything :)
Guppy- oh exciting! I wonder if the cramps will lead to anything :)

so i cramped for a couple of hrs. they were vry much like period cramps. no pattern or intensity waves- just annoying aunt flow type feelings. i did check effacement though. before i was only 2.5cm thick = 20% effaced. but last night it brought me down to 1cm thick = 75% effaced! not sure about dialation....i knw this could mean nothing tho as i walked around dilated and effaced from 35 weeks w DS and i still went nearly 42 weeks...but im glad im making progress now-means less work during labor lol. i only made it to like 30% when my water broke. and then it took like 8 hrs of labor to get to 70%, so im happy w being beyond that already, even if it does mean nothing :D
The hospital called last night and reaaranged my consultant appointment for 9:30 this morning.
She couldn't really tell me much more about my antibodies than what the midwife already had. But she agrees with me that from the way the lab have worded the results it looks like between the 2 lots of bloods thay actually mananged to get right, my antibody levels had increased. They would only increase if Amelia's blood is incompatable with mine. I had more blood taken. 3 MWs at the hospital looked at my arms and wouldn;t even try so I had to go down to the boods department and wait an hour and a half!
I have an induction date of 10th Feb at 11 days overdue. But I'm undecided on whether or not I'm going to turn up. I'd rather have it booked and cancel than not have it booked and they fill up.

I had a sweep too. I had one with Liam and it was fine..but today...OUCH!! I had to make her stop..TMI but she pulled her fingers out covered in mucus and blood.

Tiger Liam spends aot of time watching TV or playing alone lately too, I hate it, but at least I know he can play independantly when I'm busy feeding/changing etc the baby. We play cars alot pushing them along the floor to each other, but I can't sit for long on the floor because it gets very uncomfortable.

Swan I loved reading your birth story. Aria really was a lovely weight for an early baby!

And congarts Suzzle. Would love to see pics if your willing to share
So much to catch up on!! You chatty ladies!!

I'm crampy, too. Started last night. Pretty sure it doesn't mean anything in my case, but it's not fun. :(

With DS, I bled right up until my 6 week appt, with it gradually lightening until there was very little, but then like a day or two before my appt, AF came. Yeah, it was nice bleeding on the dr during my exam. :wacko:

I don't know what to do about BC either... I really don't want to go back on the pill. And I used a condom like once in my life and hated it. Honestly I just want to do withdrawal and nfp, and my cycles really are pretty consistent (or were, at least), but still. I know it can be unreliable and I doubt my dr would like that answer... And I know it's important after a c-section that I don't get pregnant for awhile.
I suppose I could always tell her I want the pill and then just not take it...
So i went to bed last night and this morning no more clots just a little old dark blood. Bubs is moving around fine and the tailbone pain is gone..... i am just feeling very drained this morning.... some small BH but nothing else.
Well we are finally home my lo is feeding better now :) and he only los 0.10 of his birth weight so happy with that

when i get a spare 20 mins ilk post my birth storey x
yay, congrats Suzzle and JP, hello Feb babies:cloud9:

welcome home mumanddad, so pleased you've got your lo with you now, he mus be doing well to be out of scbu :hugs:

swan your story is lovely, you did a great job

:cake: We've made it to post 9000 :cake:

mmm thought we were due more cake!!:coffee:

guppy congrats on full term, hope it's less than 5 weeks left for you,
for birth control, I'm hoping to stick with exclusive bf for the first 6 months, then i'm not sure, I was on depo for 5 years so can't have that anymore, don't like the idea of IUD but might go for the Implanon implant in your arm, do you have that in america?

Question for all you ladies who've been there before... how long did it take for your bleeding to end, post-partum?

I'm barely bleeding now, but it's been going on and on and oooooon... >.< I just want to be done. :| lol

not been there before but been told 2-6 weeks, and one book I read said it's like you body saves up the 9 missed periods so you can have them all at once :wacko:

I think new mommy brain is worse than pregnancy brain

this! I have forgotton so many words :dohh: called paracetemol - 'those things you put in your mouth'! so many others, I'll post if I remember them x
Wow, so much was happening when I was sleeping :haha:

Mumanddad, I am glad you are all home now!!

Cake does sound pretty good (I had doughnuts the other day).... Even with eating bad I have not gained anymore weight (thank goodness).

The BC patch is still on the market, my Drs gave me a brochure about it. Sparklez, we do have the implanon (I don't think I would do too good with something in my arm though). I did the depo shot for 2 years between each of my pregnancies and at first I had no problems, but then after DS2 it was terrible. They gave it to me before I even left the hospital with him (which could have been the problem). I am still undecided, and I don't have a whole lot of time to decide :(
Yes we do have the Implanon, but because of my breast issues and because i wont make much milk, i can't risk the hormones associated with it (hormones can dry up milk) I did a lot of research last night and really my only options are barrier methods, NFP (which im not really comfortable with, despite knowing my cycles so well), or IUD. I dont think i should do the copper IUD because it makes periods more painful and more bleeding, and i have more than the average of that in the first place-so i dont want to worsen it (i probably have PCOS, according to the LC and the Endo) could do Mirena IUD since its so low with hormones (just progestin, but a super low dose)...but im just not sure how i feel about having something in my body, unaturally like that...i know the risk associated with anything going wrong is like less than 1%, but if it were to go wrong, it seems detramental...so im scared...i dont know what to do :( We really cannot have another so soon, given that the two will be 17 months apart...ugh...this sucks!
I have heard people who love the mirena, but I have also heard people who had too many problems with it. My stepmom had a lot of problems with break-through bleeding, but my friend has none, not even a period.
yeah. The info i found said its normal to have breakthrough bleeding for the first 3-6 months. and then after periods either regulate (but are usually less painful and less bleeding) or you skip them altogether. I did read if breakthrough bleeding persist after 6ish months, then its probably a sign that its not in place correctly.
I get concerned about ectopic pregnancy...i mean i know its like 99% effective, but if you do get pregnant with it ectopic is highly likely...which is scary because its life threatening and could ruin fertilty (i want more babies!)...and if your periods are not every month or you lose them altogether, how would you know to take a pregnancy test? ...so scary.
Yeah, I don't like the thought of the IUD for me, I don't want something that has to be put in and taken out by a doctor. For me it would be nice to plan on my own (if DH decides he wants another one) when we would start trying. And, I want to know that I will be able to afford for it to be taken out if I needed (IUD can be expensive to put in). My SIL had the implanon, it is supposed to be 3 years, she couldn't afford to have it taken out after the 3 years, so she had it in her arm for almost 5 years (just had it taken out last week). That is not something I want to have happen.

Do the Loestrin BC pills have too much hormones for you to use? I know that they have lower hormone levels than other BC pills.
Yeah its too much...i hate having Insufficient Glandular Tissue :( If i were a "normal" milk producing mom, it would be a good fit, but bc im not it could be easily ruined.
I wish i just didn't care about BFing and could kick it to the curb...but for me, even though i'll be lucky to make 4oz of milk in a 24hr period, its still worth it...i gotta get every drop i can......haha DH was joking last night....we should just freeze some of his sperm and get him snipped then use IUI when we want another :haha:
Guppy- oh exciting! I wonder if the cramps will lead to anything :)

so i cramped for a couple of hrs. they were vry much like period cramps. no pattern or intensity waves- just annoying aunt flow type feelings. i did check effacement though. before i was only 2.5cm thick = 20% effaced. but last night it brought me down to 1cm thick = 75% effaced! not sure about dialation....i knw this could mean nothing tho as i walked around dilated and effaced from 35 weeks w DS and i still went nearly 42 weeks...but im glad im making progress now-means less work during labor lol. i only made it to like 30% when my water broke. and then it took like 8 hrs of labor to get to 70%, so im happy w being beyond that already, even if it does mean nothing :D

You can check your own effacement? I know you personally know what youre doing so you know how to do it safely... im just amazed you can reach! :rofl:
Speaking of Birth Control Pills

I heard yesterday on the news there was a recall on 1 million BCP packs in the US...and they were not going to be effective enough! Yikes... could be some unplanned babies out there in like 9 months! Scary!


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