February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Aria had her month appointment. At birth she was 6'6", her first appointment at 3 days old she was 5'12" and she was 5'14" at one week old.

Today she is 8'3"!! And 20 inches so she gained an inch. So proud of my big girl! :happydance: after all our BF struggles in the beginning, I'm so relieved!
Aria had her month appointment. At birth she was 6'6", her first appointment at 3 days old she was 5'12" and she was 5'14" at one week old.

Today she is 8'3"!! And 20 inches so she gained an inch. So proud of my big girl! :happydance: after all our BF struggles in the beginning, I'm so relieved!

That's fantastic. All the hard work you've put into breastfeeding has definately been worth it!!
Thank you! I'm so relieved that she's doing so well. She's still small compared to many one month old babies but that's not a concern seeing she was smaller at birth. So I'm content. :)
our little Giants fan :lol:


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By my LMP my due date was 2nd Feb. I ovulated according to my OV tests (I wasn't temping) on day 16 of my cycle, May 12th, and we only dtd once in the week or so, 3 days before I oved.

At my dating scan the sonographer took the same CRL measurement again and again and again, at least 7 times, and went with the biggest. She moved my due date forward to Jan 27th - by 6 days.

As a result I am supposed to be induced tomorrow. I am not going to be, I have refused. SO tomorrow I have to go in to discuss this and to begin daily monitoring.

I feel so confused though. I KNOW I cannot be as far gone as they say but all the constant pressure is making me doubt myself. I would never, ever forgive myself it something happened to the baby because of me making a bad decision... I also know that this baby isn't ready to be born yet.

And a huge part of it is that I really cannot bear the thought of being iduced again. I hated it so much last time, for so many reasons. I don't want to be away from La to be induced. I don't want to be stuck in the bloody hospital (where they keep getting norovirus lately). I don't want to be limited to two birth partners when I had my heart set on my mum, my sister and my husband.

Because I have been going by my dates in my head and trying not to think about deadlines etc, I hadn't realised that this 40+12 (tomorrow) was so close and I was shocked when the midwife said it today. I refused a sweep because I had so many last time (and one last week) that did feck all and I don't want the pain for nothing.

I just felt totally crushed all day... I couldn't stop crying this morning as I feel it is me against the whole medical world, all because this woman put my dates forward so much. To be as pregnant as they say I would have had to ovulate on day 10-11 and while it isn't impossible, it's not likely either. And also we didn't dtd until day 13 so how would the egg still be around to be fertilised?

My head is a mess. I just needed to get it out. It is easy earlier in pregnancy to say 'yeah, I will be strong and stick by my dates' etc but if I hear the words 'ageing placenta' again I might cry, and all the medical people are just telling me over and over that I am putting the baby at risk.

That is the last thing I would ever want to do... I feel so alone and scared.
So adorable swan!!!! And she is growing like a rose! (i dont like to say weed because she is way too pretty for that! :D)

AFM- MW appt went well. the last few visits palpation has been tough-mainly bc of the location of the placenta. They wanted to make sure the baby was head down. I dont feel movements well enough, this pregnancy to help them determine the babys position but they were guessing LOT for a while. Anyways, in the state of New Hampshire the law is that CPMs can either choose to support VBACs or choose to support Breech Birth. It's the MWs pick, but they can only choose one that year. ...so obviously they always chose VBACs because there are sooo many more of those, so anyways, that means if the baby is breech when labor starts then i would have to transfer to the hospital. So they needed to know, so she gave me an internal...and said if they couldn't figure out by the internal then i would have to get ultrasound. I agreed to the internal, and the baby is DEF head down and LOT like they though. They dont ordinarly do internal exams but did bc the whole breech thing, so she figured since she was down there, and if i wanted to know, she would tell me some stats. I figured she might as well since shes down there and all lol. She said the baby is fully engaged. :shock: (that doesn't surprise me with the pressure, but makes a little surprised because i only got -3 when i went into labor with isaiah and it took about 15 hours to get him fully engaged) and my cervix is WAY up front (she was very surprised, was quite funny her shock). she said many women's cervix are not up front like that until well established labor. She my external cervix is about 2.5cm (which is what i thought) and my internal cervix is at least 1CM. Both parts are SUPER soft and gushy and strretchy, so I was happy about hearing that.

JuneBugs- there actually is science behind the moons and the pressure systems! I know some L&D nurses that say the wards are always full when there is a full moon or when there is a low pressure atmosphere (usually at that point there is a hurricane or tornado or snow storm, etc). I kid you not, my water broke in the middle of a hurricane! No lie! It was a Cat 1 -Hurricane Earl, to be exact. So that means there was a low pressure system. There wasn't a full moon, but the pressure was still low like there would be with a moon. and when atmospheric pressure is low, then it affects ALL bodies of water-that includes fluids in the human body, not just oceans and stuff. So i think there is something to be said for it! Doesn't mean everyone will pop but there is some effect....there is a Low Pressure atmosphere near me tomorrow! haha im holding hope :haha:
:hugs: becstar-I really think you are doing a service to you and your baby by waiting. I know that pressure-from the medical community all too well...it really is tough and it puts you in this place of panic. It's so unfair. But follow your heart and your intuition. I am very proud of you standing your ground. And i know its hard to go against the medical world and everything, but you are nearly through it. So long as you feel as if baby is safe, and even more not ready to be born, stick to your guns-it will be over soon. Trust your heart hun :hug:
yay amandad ! :dance:
good luck tequiro ! :hugs:
becstar- i think what you are doing is great. in my opinion (i know it doesnt mean much coming from a stranger over the net), mother knows best. and i truly believe that if you feel your little baby isnt ready to be born just yet, then its not ! :hugs:
telll them to shove it :haha:
(can i say before i go any further that if i have double letters or lots of speling mistakes then im sorry, my mum spilt water all over my laptop and now some of the letters dont work and i have to type with elephant fingers to hit the other ones :grr:)
afm- i have my last MW appt today :happydance: my appt next week is at the hospital, and then the one after that is when im admitted ! :dance: 2 weeks to go !!!!!!!!!!!
Aria had her month appointment. At birth she was 6'6", her first appointment at 3 days old she was 5'12" and she was 5'14" at one week old.

Today she is 8'3"!! And 20 inches so she gained an inch. So proud of my big girl! :happydance: after all our BF struggles in the beginning, I'm so relieved!

Makes me so happy to read this! Glad to hear beautiful little Aria is doing so well. I cant believe how similiar Aria and Mallory were... exactly the same except Mallory was 19.5 inches. And Mallory was only born 30 mins before her due date!! She was 5'14 when we left the hospital yesterday. I'm hoping for all kinds of good news at her appointmrnt tomorrow. She seems to be feeding well, but I'm having to wear a nipple shield because she doesn't suck properly yet. The lactaction consultant told me to keep working with her and that she would get better. When did you milk come in Swan? And everyone else? My colostrum is clear/cloudy, and there seems to be plenty of it. With her nipple latching most of the time I worry she isn't getting enough. They said she looked a little yellow, which I can see too, but cant tell if its just her coloring or not. Her bilirubin was only in the 6 range.

I miss all of you ladies and being caught up on how all of you are doing. I hope everyone is well.
I have to go back and catch up!! I just wanted to say hey I'm thinking about you guys just haven't been keeping up. Also the Facebook group is gone from me and I don't know why.
So adorable swan!!!! And she is growing like a rose! (i dont like to say weed because she is way too pretty for that! :D)

AFM- MW appt went well. the last few visits palpation has been tough-mainly bc of the location of the placenta. They wanted to make sure the baby was head down. I dont feel movements well enough, this pregnancy to help them determine the babys position but they were guessing LOT for a while. Anyways, in the state of New Hampshire the law is that CPMs can either choose to support VBACs or choose to support Breech Birth. It's the MWs pick, but they can only choose one that year. ...so obviously they always chose VBACs because there are sooo many more of those, so anyways, that means if the baby is breech when labor starts then i would have to transfer to the hospital. So they needed to know, so she gave me an internal...and said if they couldn't figure out by the internal then i would have to get ultrasound. I agreed to the internal, and the baby is DEF head down and LOT like they though. They dont ordinarly do internal exams but did bc the whole breech thing, so she figured since she was down there, and if i wanted to know, she would tell me some stats. I figured she might as well since shes down there and all lol. She said the baby is fully engaged. :shock: (that doesn't surprise me with the pressure, but makes a little surprised because i only got -3 when i went into labor with isaiah and it took about 15 hours to get him fully engaged) and my cervix is WAY up front (she was very surprised, was quite funny her shock). she said many women's cervix are not up front like that until well established labor. She my external cervix is about 2.5cm (which is what i thought) and my internal cervix is at least 1CM. Both parts are SUPER soft and gushy and strretchy, so I was happy about hearing that.

JuneBugs- there actually is science behind the moons and the pressure systems! I know some L&D nurses that say the wards are always full when there is a full moon or when there is a low pressure atmosphere (usually at that point there is a hurricane or tornado or snow storm, etc). I kid you not, my water broke in the middle of a hurricane! No lie! It was a Cat 1 -Hurricane Earl, to be exact. So that means there was a low pressure system. There wasn't a full moon, but the pressure was still low like there would be with a moon. and when atmospheric pressure is low, then it affects ALL bodies of water-that includes fluids in the human body, not just oceans and stuff. So i think there is something to be said for it! Doesn't mean everyone will pop but there is some effect....there is a Low Pressure atmosphere near me tomorrow! haha im holding hope :haha:

Oh i truly do believe it! Although i dont think it will affect me :( I just went for a long walk with my dog in the moon light .. so we will see i guess but i am not feeling anything.. lol
Bec, I think you are making the right call. I know it's easier said than done from someone not involved, but continue to trust yourself. You know your body. :hugs: Hang in there, love.

Glad to hear your appointment went well Guppy! :thumbup:

RedHead, my milk 'formally came in' on day 4. She was born at 12:22 so all day Saturday was sticky, maple-syrup colustrum, as well as Sunday. Monday it was beginning to get cloudy and thinner, and increased in volume. Tuesday it was true milk, and as the week progressed, it established itself accordingly. But Tuesday was the first I had noticed 'true' milk that was more similar in color and consistency to what it is now.

We still use a shield too. :thumbup: Aria can nurse without it, but she still is a little too small to get a nice latch when I'm full, so I usually have her drain a little then remove the shield and continue. :rofl: I was laughing when I saw our babies weighed the same! You have a nice and petite little one, I just have a monster who came early and would have been a whale otherwise! :haha: But it's all good, I'm happy with her progress. :)

I know it's hard not to be all "OMG" worrying about weight gain, but I learned that as long as she was outputting lots of diapers, things were good. And boy, was I happy to hear about her gain today. I can finally relax and just follow her signals accordingly without questioning myself. ;)
My momma went into labor with my sister during a blizzard - and 6 weeks early at that! :lol: Good luck Guppy and Junebugs!
Poohie! I just checked the pressure systems...they thought there would be a low pressure system tomorrow...yup, they were wrong and now its a high pressure system :dohh:

not that any of this really matters, but its fun to think it could :D
I bet this one will be like his brother...come during a storm :wacko: except this would be a winter snow storm and not a hurricane.

Just had another clear out :blush:
....i had better lost weight :rofl: 2 in one day is way too much for this girl :haha:
Good luck amandad!

We're all on this full moon kick its funny. We shall see. I would rather go in the daytime though. How many people went during the day? Seems like everyone goes at night. I did w DS.
My water broke with DS at 3:30am ...contractions started immediatly but because of his posterior position i was laboring for 30 hours and didn't have him until 9:17am

for me, it would be ideal to go into labor after DS goes to bed...so about 10pm at night...but im a bit worried about that because then i would have been up all day long and then i would be tired :dohh: so idk...
I just realized I'm pretty sure I had Aria around the full moon time because someone made a comment about it since there were so many ladies in labor that weekend at our hospital. Never even put that together until now haha.

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