February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Thank you ladies, so much. It really does help to have your support.

Well, I went to the hospital this morning. At the desk I said I was there for monitoring to the midwife there and the conversation went like this:

Miserable Cow midwife: Why do you need monitoring?
Me: Because I am booked for induction today but I have refused it.
MCM (loudly in front of everyone): WHY have you refused induction?
ME: Because I am very sure of my dates and I don't feel it is necessary yet.
MCM (Sighs deeply, looks at my scan info in my notes): These scans at 13 weeks are incredibly accurate you know.
Me: With respect, not as accurate as my knowledge of my sex life and my body.
MCM: But sperm can live a long time in the body and you don't know when you ovulated.
Me: Yes I do, I was charting.
MCM (deep sigh again): Well... you still don't know exactly...
Me: I am not here to argue, I am here for monitoring.
MCM: I am not arguing, I just want you to know all the facts.
Me: Thank you, I am aware of them.
MCM: Go and do a urine sample and come back here.

Anyway, a lovely midwife came along who is a return to practice midwife (she qualified ages ago and is returning to the profession so doing work experience at the hospital, kind of) and she did the trace, and she was lovely. She talked quietly but said she agreed with me, I was doing the best for my baby to give it the chance to come naturally and everyone is scared of litigation. She listened to me and was really lovely.

Halfway through, MCM came along and yanked my curtains back and said grumpily 'I don't like my curtains being closed, I like to be able to see all my ladies and check on them' in a really grumpy voice. I just shrugged and said with a smile 'well I didn't close them!' Silly cow.

The trace was good, baby is moving and the heartbeat was strong and fine. I wasn't examined internally or offered a sweep.

Another mum was there who has been coming in regularly as she has potential PE and she said this midwife is a miserable cow all the time! At least it isn't just me.

Anyway, the upshot is that I have to go back tomorrow morning for another trace and then, since I am going against hospital policy, I have to meet with a consultant. Nice midwife said this could be a good thing because they can look at my dates etc and I might be able to convince them of my original due date. Either way I am going to take a list of my dates with me, pertinent parts of the NICE guidelines, and a list of questions for them.

I have to go alone as I don't want husband wasting any more leave coming along (he isn't entitled to SPP as he only started his job in January) so I am going to have to channel my big feisty sister and stick up for myself.
I'm hooked up to my monitors and iv. Dr should be in. soon to break my water. My veins were being difficulti got poked four times to get my lab samples. Will be updating soon
Sorry you had a bad day becstar :hugs:

:growlmad: She sounds like a right cow
I'm hooked up to my monitors and iv. Dr should be in. soon to break my water. My veins were being difficulti got poked four times to get my lab samples. Will be updating soon

:happydance: Exciting times!

Good luck :flower:
Thank you ladies, so much. It really does help to have your support.

Well, I went to the hospital this morning. At the desk I said I was there for monitoring to the midwife there and the conversation went like this:

Miserable Cow midwife: Why do you need monitoring?
Me: Because I am booked for induction today but I have refused it.
MCM (loudly in front of everyone): WHY have you refused induction?
ME: Because I am very sure of my dates and I don't feel it is necessary yet.
MCM (Sighs deeply, looks at my scan info in my notes): These scans at 13 weeks are incredibly accurate you know.
Me: With respect, not as accurate as my knowledge of my sex life and my body.
MCM: But sperm can live a long time in the body and you don't know when you ovulated.
Me: Yes I do, I was charting.
MCM (deep sigh again): Well... you still don't know exactly...
Me: I am not here to argue, I am here for monitoring.
MCM: I am not arguing, I just want you to know all the facts.
Me: Thank you, I am aware of them.
MCM: Go and do a urine sample and come back here.

Anyway, a lovely midwife came along who is a return to practice midwife (she qualified ages ago and is returning to the profession so doing work experience at the hospital, kind of) and she did the trace, and she was lovely. She talked quietly but said she agreed with me, I was doing the best for my baby to give it the chance to come naturally and everyone is scared of litigation. She listened to me and was really lovely.

Halfway through, MCM came along and yanked my curtains back and said grumpily 'I don't like my curtains being closed, I like to be able to see all my ladies and check on them' in a really grumpy voice. I just shrugged and said with a smile 'well I didn't close them!' Silly cow.

The trace was good, baby is moving and the heartbeat was strong and fine. I wasn't examined internally or offered a sweep.

Another mum was there who has been coming in regularly as she has potential PE and she said this midwife is a miserable cow all the time! At least it isn't just me.

Anyway, the upshot is that I have to go back tomorrow morning for another trace and then, since I am going against hospital policy, I have to meet with a consultant. Nice midwife said this could be a good thing because they can look at my dates etc and I might be able to convince them of my original due date. Either way I am going to take a list of my dates with me, pertinent parts of the NICE guidelines, and a list of questions for them.

I have to go alone as I don't want husband wasting any more leave coming along (he isn't entitled to SPP as he only started his job in January) so I am going to have to channel my big feisty sister and stick up for myself.

:haha: @ Miserable Cow Midwife. She sounds as delightful as the Miserable Cow Receptionist who gave me a hard time when I didn't have my notes one day. Seriously though, I applaud you standing up for yourself. It's SO easy to get pushed around by them because they are paranoid about following procedure in case they get sued. Hope it goes well tomorrow x
I'm hooked up to my monitors and iv. Dr should be in. soon to break my water. My veins were being difficulti got poked four times to get my lab samples. Will be updating soon

Good luck! How exciting to know and be ready to go.

Swan-I'm so happy your doing so well with breast feeding. I pray all goes well for me. I'm so determined hope I don't get dissapointed.

Amandadad- congrats!!!
Ooh Teq, good luck! I hope it all goes well for you and you meet your bubba very soon. x
I'm hooked up to my monitors and iv. Dr should be in. soon to break my water. My veins were being difficulti got poked four times to get my lab samples. Will be updating soon

Ooo not long now, good luck hun xx
Becstar she sounds auwful you shouldnt have to put up with that x
Becstar what a WITCH. seriously :hugs: for you!

Aw thanks Saphire! It is hard work but we are working through it haha.

Good luck TeQuiero!! :hugs:
Sorry it has taken so long to get to post back to you guys!! My phone died and then we were waiting for our PP room She was born at 9:52 am, weighing in at 7lbs 8.1oz and she was 19 inches long!! I am planning on posting more photos when we bring our cord for the camera in from the truck. :)


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She is perfect :cloud9: :cloud9:
That was a quick birth too! Hope i have something like that :haha:

:hugs: becstar- i cant' believe how rude ppl can be sometimes! Im glad there was a nice MW there with you for the actual monitoring though. Stay strong :flow:

My friend threw me a small surprise shower! It was so sweet. I got a $50 gift card to a salon and spa!
Guppy- thats great that LO isLOT... And you got an ultrasound? Did I read that right? An ultrasound and an internal? Sounds like things are moving right along for you!! :)

Interesting about the full moons! Last night was the full moon though this month so I guess many of our babies didn't get the memo this time, hee hee

Elitigg- i know what you mean... I haven't been running to the bathroom or anything but I am going pretty frequently! Maybe it's our bodies clearing out. Fingers crossed!

Becstar- ughhhhh terrible midwife! I'm sooooo glad you got to see a nicer woman for a while. That other MW sounds so mean. :( I know you know your dates so in your ticker is that your date or the hospitals date?

Amandad- congrats!!! It sounds like you had a nice short labor! :)

Tequiero- she so cute!! Congrats!


So here's what's going on with me... I'm officially on maternity leave now. I've done a bunch of small projects around the house, and some cleaning and laundry and I feel so prepared now. But even still... I don't think Kenny's coming just yet, I have a feeling I have another week or two of waiting, I just don't have a ton of symptoms and I still feel very normal.

Oooh did do a fun project. I made a pregnancy photo journal on Mixbook.com. It combines bump photos, ultrasounds, and blog entries I have made through the whole pregnancy! I saved a couple pages at the end for my last couple weeks of pregnancy and for Kenny's birth. Once it's done it will be a nice hardcover coffee table book to remember the pregnancy journey! (if you have never tried Mixbook I'd highly recommend it, I have tried Snapfish and shutterfly and I found this website much easier to use! :thumbup:
I was hurting and I was actually waiting on my epidural because I was hurting from getting checked and having contractions, but she decided that I did not need it :haha:
Guppy- thats great that LO isLOT... And you got an ultrasound? Did I read that right? An ultrasound and an internal? Sounds like things are moving right along for you!! :)

I only had an internal just to make sure the baby wasn't breech. She was able to figure it out by doing that, so i didnt need the ultrasound :thumbup:

Yay for being on mat leave! :dance:
Congrats TeQ!
I have completely blanked on names you may have mentioned - can I blame baby brain?
I was hurting and I was actually waiting on my epidural because I was hurting from getting checked and having contractions, but she decided that I did not need it :haha:

you did a great job! how long was your labor? like 3 hours?!
Adelina Nicole :) baby brain is a great excuse for it :D

Thank you ladies!! <3

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