February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

bec - glad you finally got someone nice who was talking sense! :hugs:

congrats babyc! Will update OP now.

As for me - had consultant tonight @ 7pm (3.5 hours ago). He gave me a sweep (earlier than is usual here) and I've been having ouchie-ish contractions 6 mins apart since 9pm and have had some blood. He said himself he would be very surprised if it didn't work. :dance: Living in hope girlies!
bec - glad you finally got someone nice who was talking sense! :hugs:

congrats babyc! Will update OP now.

As for me - had consultant tonight @ 7pm (3.5 hours ago). He gave me a sweep (earlier than is usual here) and I've been having ouchie-ish contractions 6 mins apart since 9pm and have had some blood. He said himself he would be very surprised if it didn't work. :dance: Living in hope girlies!
Oooh guppy yay progress!!! :)

BabyC- congrats!!!!

I just went for a 3 mile walk... Nuthin'! Lol I'm trying everything to start labor but like you a said they are just old wives tales. I'm soooo tired now. If nothing else it feels good to be active. Now I'm off to dinner with 2 girls I met at my childbirth Ed class. They are 38 and 39 weeks! We will be quite the sight with our full term bumps out to dinner! Lol
Hi everyone,
Our yellow bumped turned blue!
He is named Darragh, 8lbs 18inches long and PERFECT!
I am still in hospital, He came Tuesday morning by elective C-section as he was breech.
Baby and I are doing great I am soooo in love, He is my world!

Many Congrats :baby::cloud9:

went to the bathroom and lost soooooo much of my plug...i never lost anywhere near that amount-EVER with isaiah or during this pregnancy! It was HUGE and an insane amount (no blood though). So i get curious....erm yeah, my cervix is so thin it almost doesn't even exist! I think its less than 1/2 a cm (effacement). The babys head is SOOOOOOOOOO low i couldn't even check dilation! The head is so much in the way, i just can't do it! Im still not convinced this means labor anytime in the very near future, but wow! :shock: i was not expecting that-at all! I have never ever made this much progress with Isaiah until WELLL established active labor! Its so weird!!!! lol

.... maybe i should go make those freezer meals ive been meaning to make...and clean the house....i have ZERO motivation...but yuck! My house haha.

Chiro appt tonight. That should be interesting!

Eeek, your almost there :thumbup: Signs are good :dust:

Anyone else notice we have a lot of babies with names beginning wih A?

Yes I did notice that, my LOs name doesnt begin with an A....But her middle name does :winkwink:

She is still a little jaundice. Anyone else have a jaundice baby? They said it should peak at 5 days, so it should be peaking now. They said to call tomorrow if it hasnt gotten better. Think aim going to have them check her levels anyway to make sure they've come down.

My DD was jaundice, I was told to put her in light, so sit her next to the window...It was December, in the UK, it wasnt easy!! :dohh:

:cry: My 3 yr old sister is in hospital with pneumonia.

:hugs: Please get well soon LO :hugs:

As for me - had consultant tonight @ 7pm (3.5 hours ago). He gave me a sweep (earlier than is usual here) and I've been having ouchie-ish contractions 6 mins apart since 9pm and have had some blood. He said himself he would be very surprised if it didn't work. :dance: Living in hope girlies!

FX for you :dust:

I just went for a 3 mile walk... Nuthin'! Lol I'm trying everything to start labor but like you a said they are just old wives tales. I'm soooo tired now. If nothing else it feels good to be active. Now I'm off to dinner with 2 girls I met at my childbirth Ed class. They are 38 and 39 weeks! We will be quite the sight with our full term bumps out to dinner! Lol

A 3 mile walk!!! :wacko: You go Girl :thumbup:

I must admit, the day I went into labour with DS2, I had been trapsing round the shops all day, probably walked miles!
Ahh keeping my fingers crossed for you TiggerTea! I hope to hear good news from you soon! :D
:dust: @ tiggertea!

I had a good adjustment at the chiropractor! For the first time ever she was able to use the ProAdjuster on my lower spine. I have never been able to let her do it because it would hurt so bad! I guess the baby moving down must have helped with that!
Alaina had jaundice and was treated at home on the phototherapy bed. She was cleared within 3 days.
Amanda- Sorry to her about your sister :( .. hopefully she gets better soon!

AFM- I just got back from my Dr. appt. and she did a really good sweep. I was 1.5cm dilated and my cervix has thinned out ALOT.. he said i had made alot of progress from last week. So tonight i am going to try and go for a long walk and DTD... hopefully that will push me over the edge !!
fxd tiggertea
congrats babyc ! :happydance:
guppy i would say that all sounds very promising !

afm- its 930am here at the moment and i had an omg im in labour moment last night lol. i was contracting for 3hrs straight starting at about 8.5min apart and then got down to 7min apart lasting 55seconds. they were so regular. i even had a shower to see if they would stop and they didnt, so i went to bed and we dtd and i was still getting them so i thought that i would try and sleep and if i couldnt then i would call the hospital and tell them. but i went to sleep and woke up still here this morning :shrug:
doesnt really suprise me. i had the EXACT same thing with jesse. i was contracting with him for a whole week before and was classified in slow labour. makes me wonder if she will try make an appearance at the end of next weekish, because i for some reason hav a very strong feeling about the 17th or 18th
JuneBugs-yay for progress! :dance:

fxd tiggertea
congrats babyc ! :happydance:
guppy i would say that all sounds very promising !

afm- its 930am here at the moment and i had an omg im in labour moment last night lol. i was contracting for 3hrs straight starting at about 8.5min apart and then got down to 7min apart lasting 55seconds. they were so regular. i even had a shower to see if they would stop and they didnt, so i went to bed and we dtd and i was still getting them so i thought that i would try and sleep and if i couldnt then i would call the hospital and tell them. but i went to sleep and woke up still here this morning :shrug:
doesnt really suprise me. i had the EXACT same thing with jesse. i was contracting with him for a whole week before and was classified in slow labour. makes me wonder if she will try make an appearance at the end of next weekish, because i for some reason hav a very strong feeling about the 17th or 18th

Was Jesse posterior? I can't keep it straight who thought baby was posterior the other day (which member it was) but then i remember that member said, thank god i have a c-section booked lol...i thought that was you, but can't remember for certain :dohh: If this one is posterior, i bet that why!
Either way it sounds like it will be very soon for you :yipee:
yep jesse was ROP and little holly LOP :dohh: my babies like being posterior it would seem lol
I think some women have to carry (and/or birth) their babies that way. I def think there was a reason for isaiah being born sunnyside up...i know my hips are anatomically messed up (one sits higher than the other). I think the only reason this baby isnt posterior is because isaiah paved the way and hopefully created more space :haha: ....KNOCK ON WOOD!!!! I say that now, and then the baby will turn OP :dohh:

The good news is that she is to your left side and not your right. Even though posterior = not ideal, the left side is MUCH better than the right, because almost all the babies corkscrew in the same direction, so if s/he start to the right then s/he has ever further to travel (and worse bck labor!) than if to the left...so hopefully this one wont be as bad!

It really does sound like it will be soon for you! I really can't see you making it to the 23rd lol
part of me thinks that i will make it to the 23rd because i had sooo many people including drs telling me jesse would be early and he was 11 days overdue, so i think maybe the same will happen this time.
then there is a part of me that thinks she is going to come earlier, but not by too much, as i said a few days beforehand at most.
its so exciting that even though i have a date that i wont go past (13 days! :dance: ) that thats still not set in stone as her birthday and she could come earlier. ive had so many people tell me that it wont be as nice now that i know her birthday and her sex etc :saywhat: ummm i am pretty sure that it is still going to be amazing to hold my daughter for the first time and see what she looks like etc .
yeah really! Thats rediculous! Its still going to be an absolutly perfect and beautiful moment! Why would it matter that you have a date? thats insance, meeting her is going to be fabulous :cloud9:

yeah, i know what you mean about making it to EDD or going over. Isaiah was 12 days over, and although sometimes i would like to *think* im not going to go overdue again...i really can't help but doubt that given everything with isaiah....oh man...and everyone having #1 thinks its a mind game...wait until you have #2 awaiting, then you have that mind game PLUS compariing it to #1 :dohh: :haha:
Guppy I have been doing that a ton comparing it to my dd's birth.. she came only a few days early.. i was 39+3 so now im just like hmm when will this one come.. earlier, the same, and please not later.. :)
hi ladies :)
i've been keeping up where i can on FB for the babies, and i must say... there sure have been a lot! big hugs and best wishes, and of course CONGRATS on all of the little angels. hope to be joining the ranks soon.
have been SO drained lately. i've been nesting and napping like a crazy person. since being on mat, i've cleaned so much that now if i go a day without doing it, it makes me panic! lol.

had my OB appt today, all is well.
i was up most of the night with the worst tailbone pain and cramps ever. no tummy hardening though. i have a bad tailbone as-is, but last nite i couldnt lay down without feeling like i'd cry. had a pre-natal massage today, he says im carrying all of my tension thru my left side. shocking, since she hangs out on the right lol.

anyone else completely written off energy at this pt?
i asked my doc today how long he would let me go overdue, if it came down to it... and he said no more than 7 days, thank goodness, as the cervical pains are getting worse and worse. and i no longer feel like i'm carrying a tiny little baby anymore... but rather a full sized human. lol. i see little limbs.. arms and legs... sliding across my tummy about a hundred times a day. little fists and feet popping out. i feel like i'm too small for her! my poor girl. i'm gaining on avg about 1lb/week... is that too little???

steph and kris; are the boys able to understand whats going on enough to be getting excited about the new siblings on the way? i feel like 2nd children will open a lot of new firsts for the first babies... not only will u guys have gotten to see them go thru all of the stuff the new babies will... but u get to see them learn how to interact with the little ones... first time they are able to hold them, play with them, help bathe them, etc.. i think that must be as exciting as all of new babies new firsts. i can't wait till i'm able to say the same <3
afm- its 930am here at the moment and i had an omg im in labour moment last night lol. i was contracting for 3hrs straight starting at about 8.5min apart and then got down to 7min apart lasting 55seconds. they were so regular. i even had a shower to see if they would stop and they didnt, so i went to bed and we dtd and i was still getting them so i thought that i would try and sleep and if i couldnt then i would call the hospital and tell them. but i went to sleep and woke up still here this morning :shrug:
doesnt really suprise me. i had the EXACT same thing with jesse. i was contracting with him for a whole week before and was classified in slow labour. makes me wonder if she will try make an appearance at the end of next weekish, because i for some reason hav a very strong feeling about the 17th or 18th

I had this with my DD & ended up going into hospital in the middle of the night as 'contractions' were about 5-10 mins apart.....Got there & the midwifes were al like, these babies just come when they are ready

Was hooked up to monitor, tightnings were strong & regular, Doctor came to check me (internally) & said I wasnt in labour! :dohh:

I was kept in overnight, by the next afternoon (after a restless night) the tightnings eased

Then had no more problems & she was born via her planned csection birthdate...:baby:

I must be honest Tiger, I know exactly how your feeling (I was the same with DD) & I know how much you really want your Daughter to be here already, even come early....

But if you do make it to your csection date, its a much, much calmer birth than when you are in labour already, I also think it makes recovery a little easier, as your body hasnt been through quite so much :hugs:

ive had so many people tell me that it wont be as nice now that i know her birthday and her sex etc :saywhat: ummm i am pretty sure that it is still going to be amazing to hold my daughter for the first time and see what she looks like etc .

:grr: Let me at 'em :haha:
anyone else completely written off energy at this pt?

Totally & DD is teething back teeth, so waking up alot at night too :wacko:

The way im looking at it....When LO arrives, im gonna be up a heck of a lot more & may not get naps in the day to catch up :dohh:

Im trying to make the most of what sleep I can grab right now :sleep:
Congrats babyc!!! So exciting.

Amanda I love the outfit! Can't wait wait to dress up my little one.

I am in so much pain from these hemroids I can't take it!!! Also I feel this insane pressure in my vagina and she is so low of I lay on my side I feel like she's down there. I don't know if it sounds stupid but I keep thinking I'm in labor but without the normal contractions and I'm going to miss getting to the hospital or miss the episural ect. I don't k ow if that's even possible but I am in pain and crying but don't know if it's anything or if sometimes it just sucks this bad and nothing is happening :( I am 90% effaced does a thin cervix cause pain? Ugh!!! I'm sorry for the rant but who else would I say this to but you ladies

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