February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Changed your date, Nicky21!

We're staying on team yellow just like we did with Ellie!
Lucky twin ladies!! I want twins.......do I really? Lmbo
Glad were all doing pretty good. Scan tomorrow pm. Heartbeat please!!!!!

Goodluck on your scan...looks like we are close in due dates, I had mine yesterday! Saw the Heartbeat at 117, she said it should go up, but anything above 100 this early is good... I am curious to see what yours is going to be since we are close in our dates...keep me posted!

Thanks I'll post when I get home. If you wanna be an email buddy and compare progress send me a message. I'd be happy to chat with ya.

Lucky twin ladies!! I want twins.......do I really? Lmbo
Glad were all doing pretty good. Scan tomorrow pm. Heartbeat please!!!!!

Goodluck on your scan...looks like we are close in due dates, I had mine yesterday! Saw the Heartbeat at 117, she said it should go up, but anything above 100 this early is good... I am curious to see what yours is going to be since we are close in our dates...keep me posted!

I had my first one done at 6w4days and the hearbeat was 113BPM
Wow I didn't know you could hear the heart beat that early. In just thought I would see it on the screen. I was gonna bring my little guy tonight but figured it was still trans vag and it would be weird. You can't do the belly for a few weeks right?
It is in my journal, but we had our scan at 6w5days (Monday) and the HB was 130!! I asked the same question since it was high, "Is that mine" but she laughed and let us see the flutter to match the beat. Also, I have an irregularly regular AF so I could possibly be a little further along than my little bean is measuring. Our first was very small for full term so... it is a possibility and they have scheduled another scan for 7/26/11 to keep an eye on the EDD....
Yea, I think you can find them on the transvag much, much earlier than you can with an abdominal scan. You can't hear with an abdominal scan, but the transvag scan obviously has the ability to amplify the noise. I was surprised too, because I didn't expect to be able to hear it either :flower:
It is killing me to not buy a doppler from ebay!!! I really want to hear theh heartbeat whenever I want!!
Just bear in mind that ultrasounds (incl dopplers) are potentially harmful! ;)

We had 3 ultrasounds and used our doppler quite a bit with Evey... This time I'm limiting everything, as I read a lot of info on the potential to cause brain damage etc to the baby.
Wow I didn't know you could hear the heart beat that early. In just thought I would see it on the screen. I was gonna bring my little guy tonight but figured it was still trans vag and it would be weird. You can't do the belly for a few weeks right?

I didnt hear mine...just saw it on the screen and they were able to measure it :)
Just bear in mind that ultrasounds (incl dopplers) are potentially harmful! ;)

We had 3 ultrasounds and used our doppler quite a bit with Evey... This time I'm limiting everything, as I read a lot of info on the potential to cause brain damage etc to the baby.

HMmm...maybe that's why they only let me hear the heartbeat for about three beats, and then they turned it off.
Hi Ladies,

Had a GREAT first visit with the doctor yesterday. All the basics (blood, urine tests, etc) and we weren't scheduled to see the baby but I asked if there was any chance we could... and she did a quick US for us! It was stomach not vaginal, so of course at this point the LO was suuuuper tiny, but I could make out the head and the little flutter of his/her heart. So amazing. I was in awe... but I didn't cry! I totally thought I would. I guess I was just too enthralled with watching the little movements to process any thoughts!

Next appointement is scheduled for 2 weeks from now for the "actual" transvaginal US, so we'll get a better view and a more cemented date. Can't wait!!
nightkd, there's no actual confirmed medical evidence *yet* to confirm ultrasounds are detrimental to the health of baby.
Just bear in mind that ultrasounds (incl dopplers) are potentially harmful! ;)

We had 3 ultrasounds and used our doppler quite a bit with Evey... This time I'm limiting everything, as I read a lot of info on the potential to cause brain damage etc to the baby.

HMmm...maybe that's why they only let me hear the heartbeat for about three beats, and then they turned it off.

It's possible! The first U/S we booked for our DD (we had to go private) the company offered a 5 minute U/S and I was like...wtf? Why would they do it so short?! I assume that it's just a 'sneak peek' kind of thing, so you're not exposing baby to too much in the way of U/S, but you get to have a little look at baby.

I had two private ultrasounds and one done in my OBGYN's office (before I switched to MW) and the OBGYN scan was done SUPER quickly... It was like 'okay, look around...everything fine...and DONE!'...

There is a LOT of information on the potential links and some of it is very scary (ie increase in miscarriages, pre-term labour etc)... Is it really worth the risk?


"[1] One large study found 20 miscarriages in the group given ultrasound scans, but none in the group which was not. [2] Another reported a doubling of pre-term labour in the scanned group. [3] Another linked ultrasound scanning to retar*ation of the baby's growth in the womb."

There is a potential risk, just like with many things, but even medical professionals will admit there is a lot more research needed into it all before we should be at panic stations over having an ultrasound.

There are potential links between miscarriage/pre-term labour etc and a LOT of influencing factors, and yes, caution should be taken in all those areas, but, particularly those who haven't been through the process before, probably don't need the added stress of doubting the advice and/or recommendation of their doctor/midwife with regards to ultrasound scans.

Just my thoughts of course. I don't assume to talk for everyone, and certainly don't want to discourage you from sharing your thoughts and views. Just hoped you had been reading the current research from reliable sources and were aware that it wasn't ENTIRELY proved there was a link. So PLEASE don't think I was judging in any way. :flower:
Looking at it from a scientific/logical point of view, we know the physical effects of ultrasounds (they are also used (presumably at a higher frequency or something) to break up calcium build ups in the body...they are very powerful) so there's no question that it can have effects on the baby.

I'm not panicking... I don't see any reason for someone to panic. It's just important to consider the effect they can have on the baby and if it's worth the risk.

Everyone should question everything they are told by their healthcare provider! Drs and MWs aren't the be all and end all, lol. It's important to be fully informed, because most healthcare providers just stick with the 'norm' which isn't always the best option. :)

ETA: That doesn't mean stressing over everything your Dr tells you. It's just smart to have as much info as possible and make sure your care provider is giving you ALL the facts.
My opinion on the issue of us and the risks are I think there are risks with everything.. they say if you drink too much caffeine you could miscarry.. and so on.. there are so many risks now days and its pointless to worry about every single one.. I had 6 ultrasounds with my dd and she is perfect.. so I wouldnt overally worry and if your going to miscarry its most likey to be something wrong chrom. wise than a ultrasound.

Thats my opinion.. and we are all allowed to have one.. :)

Sometimes too much information isnt a good thing either.
I completely agree. It's good to question things you aren't sure about/don't agree with because, particularly in pregnancy, there is nothing "textbook" and everyone will be different. I was just pointing out, not necessarily to you, but to everyone, it is important to be well read on the subject from the right sources. Reliable sources based on large sample groups and proven research.
In reality, with the amount of information readily available with a quick search on google, it could be quite easy to stumble upon the wrong sorts of articles and sources of information, based more on opinion than fact.
I agree, Dr/MW are not the be all and end all, but they have been trained in their field, and I think it's important that those reading the thread are reminded to look for reliable sources and make decisions from there, rather than reduce into a state of concern/panic because "someone on B&B said this, then i googled it and found a bunch of blogs that said similar things so it must be true and omg my doctor/mw/the world is out to get me and my unborn baby". :lol: It's unlikely, but it could happen!
I'm not thinking that way, but it's not smart to avoid posting information 'just in case' it makes someone nervous ;) We learn there are risks so we can take measures to avoid them!
No-one asked you not to post the information you did... I just added the part that it wasn't COMPLETELY proven. :shrug: In the spirit of being fully informed and all that.

And I do know it wasn't your intention to panic people. I just like to think out all scenarios. It can be a blessing and a curse!

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