fed up of being told breast is best!!!

I was gonna breast feed and I did for 5 days but I couldnt get it right and ended up with bruised and battered nipples and I needed someone else with me to get me in the right position.

After switching from formula I thought I was gonna get a right talking down from the Mws but no one said anything, said as long as he is getting fed it doesnt matter.

I think once you do it they dont mind
I was gonna breast feed and I did for 5 days but I couldnt get it right and ended up with bruised and battered nipples and I needed someone else with me to get me in the right position.

After switching from formula I thought I was gonna get a right talking down from the Mws but no one said anything, said as long as he is getting fed it doesnt matter.

I think once you do it they dont mind

Thanks Hun xxxxx
I do not even care

I had two kids gave them formula and will not feel a bit guilty about giving this bub formula.
I think it's a fact that the breast contains all the essentials for baby as it's natural bu I can't stand it when people push it!

I'm going to try it as I do think it will be better for baby and myself in that it helps u to lose the weight and I'm sure it will help with bonding but I don't intend to do it for long maybe 6 weeks? But I've said from the start if it hurts or is sore or I feel pressured or stressed doing it then I will stop. Can always pump and feed at least then hubby can be involved.

I'm not the sort of person that will just whip my book out I would only do it in my own home or in a bedroom away from everyone in families/friends

I think MW and health visitors etc need to stop pushing. All the info is out there but at the end of the day it's the mothers choice and we shouldn't feel bad if we decide against it!
My hospital don't provide formula and have a ban on taking in tins of dried formula. They do accept that some women will want to bring in formula, but only allow it in liquid form (in the cartons) and provide a fridge for storage. I only found this out when I went on an open day tour of the labour ward and maternity unit. Have you got anything similar planned, it would be an ideal opportunity to ask questions?

I plan on breastfeeding, but will be taking enough cartons of formula in for a couple of days in case I either can't breasfeed or things don't go according to plan (I'm a first time Mum, so can't predict what will happen). That way, at least I have my choice of what formula to use if needed rather than be stuck with whatever is available in the hospital shop.
I also feel bad when I answer people who ask me if im breastfeeding or bottlefeeding!! I never thought about breastfeeding in the first place because I know bottlefeeding will suit me and OH best. I have my reasons :)
I was formula fed, OH was formula fed, we're both fine ;) Kind of hahaha!
I was really worried about being in hospital with the midwives and them trying to push breastfeeding on to me, but now I really couldn't care less and I will be telling them that im bottle feeding, and that's it!

As im getting nearer to the baby being here i've noticed i've started to change in myself! Become a lot more confident with the choices im making about MY baby :) I've started to not care what other people think, which isn't normally like me! It must be an instinct lol! xxx
I think its great that they're trying to let people know about the benefits of breast feeding, but they seem to take it a bit too far. I had been BF up until a few days ago where I found out that my boy wasn't getting enough milk and so he's drastically under weight for his age. I'll continue to BF, but he gets formula now too and I'm happy that formula exists so he doesn't have to starve and he's getting a healthy alternative.
I know how you feel hun. People were always telling me when I was pregnant that "breast is best". Even now I get funny looks when I tell people I'm not "feeding her myself". (And be prepared for it because people WILL ask CONSTANTLY).

The way I see it is yes "breast is best" technically but it's only best if it's right for baby... AND mum. There's no point in doing something if you're not going to be 100% happy with because if you're not happy... Baby's not happy. It's as simple as that.
I really would like to do all I can to breastfeed since there are so many health benefits like shrinking your uterus back down to it's pre-preg size faster, losing your baby weight quicker..it also helps protect against breast and cervical cancer in yourself along with your baby. The baby gets tons of immunity benefits etc and heard it can help them develop faster and have a higher IQ. I heard they also get less colic, gas and diarrhea. So I really want to try....but I did buy some formula to have on hand in case it doesn't go well for me.

They need to be fed, regardless of how you do it.
I know how you feel hun. People were always telling me when I was pregnant that "breast is best". Even now I get funny looks when I tell people I'm not "feeding her myself". (And be prepared for it because people WILL ask CONSTANTLY).

The way I see it is yes "breast is best" technically but it's only best if it's right for baby... AND mum. There's no point in doing something if you're not going to be 100% happy with because if you're not happy... Baby's not happy. It's as that.

Thanks babe..
How funny your little girls name is the name we had picked out for a girl.. xx
I plan to breastfeed, but already have the bottles and formula in case something doesn't work out. My DS was breastfed for almost 2 years but it is a VERY personal choice and some babies can't breastfeed even if Mom can make milk. You shouldn't feel bad no matter what you choose - as long as your baby is loved and nourished all will be ok!

Thank you all so much for your kind responses..xxxxx

I ave calmed down now and stopped crying..haha.. xxxxx
Everyones pushing it because it's so good for the baby. Sorry if you ladies feel pressured, but just relax. It's your child and I'm sure they will be happy and healthy anyway they are fed. Don't let the little stuff ruin your pregnancy experience. Just stand your ground when it comes to the subject. People look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them I'm not having an epidural.
Thank god I'm not the only one.
Everyone looks at you like your an alien when you say no to breastfeeding. My mum keeps going on about it, and making her little comments,even my OH is now saying they're right because all the studies say this and that ,but before he was on my side with my right to choose.

My sister had a baby last year and on her ward was a lady in tears because the baby didn't want her milk and the hospital refused to give her formula to get the baby fed, horrible people. I told my midwife straight, don't even think about trying to force me, I've made up my mind and I'm taking formula to the hospital(the mini ready made ones).

If formula was so awful they won't sell it, feeding is a bonding time which is important for fathers too, most baby end up having a top up of formula anyway,weeding is a nightmare and we're not milk machine being chain to the baby because they need your milk ick.

firstly thats not true (and the rest of that sentence is just offensive.. but anyway). weaning is easier as babies are already accustomed to a variety of flavors depending on what mum eats.

But to the OP, Im surpsised so many ppl are pushing it actually! i got the same because i wanted to bf!! ppl telling me that ff is more convenient etc.. so i know how you feel, just in reverse kinda lol :haha: think it depends on where you live and if ppl in your family have bf'd or not.

everyone will always have an opinion. do whats best for YOU aswell as baby. for some ppl breast is not best so do whatever makes you happy, happy mum=happy baby :hugs: just ignore them, its your body and your child :flower:
I know exactly what you mean, i went to the midwife yesterday and she had a student midwife with her, while my midwife was on the phone she told the student midwife to go through the breast feeding questions with me in my notes.

So 1st question... do you plan on breastfeeding? I said no i plan on bottle feeding. then her and the midwife turned and looked at me and was like oh, you havnt even thought about breastfeeding?
Yeah obviously i have thought about it! next question came dont you know all the benefits of breast? so i said yeah but iv decided to bottle feed. so then she starts listing all the benefits to me as if iv never heard of them before. then the student midwife turned to me and said in a really sarcastic voice - So why are you bottle feeding?

As if its bottle feeding is going to harm my child!?

I would have let rip at her. Its got absolutely nothing to do with her WHY you choose to bottle feed and thats what I would have said. Cheeky cow.
My MW asked me how I intended to feed LO. I said I was going to FF, and that was that. She has never mentioned it again.
I know it's hard hun, and it's hard to be bombarded with it and feel like it is your only option. But BF has so many benefits and they will always encourage it xxx
ive ff all my babies as i have issues with my breasts so ff is best for me and therefore is best for baby i truely believe a happy mum = a happy baby, as babies can sense and pick up on negitivity which makes them unhappy, mw asked me and i told her ff and she hasnt mentioned it again but i think that had alot to do with the fact ive had 3 children before. xx
The MW would not be doing their jobs properly if they did not give all the relevent information on feeding. I don't agree they should try and force FF on ladies and be patronising at the same time, if anything behaving like this will just make ladies decide they are not even going to try it.

Not trying to cause an argument i really cannot see the problem in the hospitals not supplying formula milk. We have all made the choice to have a baby, so all intend to be able to provide milk for them one way or another. I have read a few threads on here with ladies stating they cannot believe hospitals do not provide formula milk for new babies, i am yet to read an argument about them not supplying Nappies or baby wipes! To me nappies are as essential as Milk but people don't seem to have an issue with this.

I fully intend to BF again, but i have already packed a bottle and a few cartons of Aptimel in my bag incase there is a problem. It really didn't cross my mind not to take pack them and i would not expect the hospital to provide them.

Yes the fact is breast is best as woman were made with breasts to feed their children, it doesn't suit everyone but at the end of the day that is what they are their for! (not just for pleasure!)

I don't think any less of anyone for not breastfeeding, i felt glad that i did not have the expense of £40-£50 per month to feed my daughter! FM is so expensive. I will be gutted if i cannot BF this time, i have taken it for granted that i could feed my daughter and it hasn't entered my head that i might not be able to feed this time (if baby doesn't want to)

Can i just add i was totally against BF when i was pregnant with my daughter, i always wanted to give her BM as it is the best for her, but i was adament that i would express and bottle feed her. I invested in the avent double electric breastpump for £250 as i really wanted her to be fed BM. I totally changed my mind the second i held her for the first time, she laid on my chest and looked into my eyes and instantly stopped crying. She knew exactly what to do and found her way to where she needed to be. It was totally amazing that a baby in my eyes knew exactly what to do. Don't get me wrong, i had the worst 10 days of my life after having her, my daughter was tongue tied which made feeding very sore. After 2 days my nipples were extremely bruised, cracked, bleeding and my breastpads were sticking as they were weeping throughout the day. If it hadn't been for my OH i would have given up coz the pain was unbelieveable! worse than labour in my eyes. After 10 days they were much better as my daughter had her tongue tie cut at 2 days which made things so much better.

My daughter is now 16 months old, she stopped herself at 7 months and i put her onto Aptimel Follow on milk. She has never suffered with constipation and goes for a poo 3/4 times a day with ease. Everyone of my friends that has given their child SMA has had problem with constipation and have always ended up switching to a different brand. My daughter is also very clever, i am not saying this is down to BM as i think it is more to do with the fact my husband is very clever and she takes after him! She is potty trained and began going on the potty at 11 months. However to say that Bm has all this benefits for babies immune system my daughter has suffered terribly with ear infections and tummy upsets. She struggled to even take a bottle of expressed milk when she was younger and was terribly sick afterwards, she also had bad colic at 3 weeks old for about 6 weeks, BF babies are supposedly not meant to get this - untrue my daughter was quite poorly with hers.

Everyone should be respected for making their own choices on feeding and i feel it is totally wrong for them to be pressurised into doing something they are not happy with. If my MW was rude and patronising to me over something like FF i would be putting in a complaint, we have enough to worry about been pregnant without all this grief x
I really would like to do all I can to breastfeed since there are so many health benefits like shrinking your uterus back down to it's pre-preg size faster, losing your baby weight quicker..it also helps protect against breast and cervical cancer in yourself along with your baby. The baby gets tons of immunity benefits etc and heard it can help them develop faster and have a higher IQ. I heard they also get less colic, gas and diarrhea. So I really want to try....but I did buy some formula to have on hand in case it doesn't go well for me.

They need to be fed, regardless of how you do it.

It may just be my hormones but it's replies like this that make me feel shitty about what im doing! :shrug: That could just be me though and im not personally attacking you or anything, just saying :flower:! xxx
My argument is my hospital used to give formula out but I have since heard thay have stopped this. Yes they still give out breast pads etc

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