I totally agree with the last post, I didn't even hesitate after my daughter was born to Bf her, it was my first reaction. I felt great that only i could do this one thing for her. My husband was more than happy winding our daughter after her BF's and he loved nothing more than seeing her very content "i am full face".
I can't believe that some ladies have put on here that their babies prob didn't take to BF as their child was given a bottle whilst they were in recovery! I would and will totally hit the roof if my child was given a bottle of formula without my say so.
There is absolutely no reason why you should not be allowed immediate skin contact with your baby after having a c section. I will INSIST that if i have to have one that my baby is given straight to me immediately after the birth as this is the best way to calm baby and bring their HR to a normal rate, and baby remain with me or my husband until he is ready for a feed. You can BF laid down and in loads of other positions. Also babies don't need immediately feeding after the birth, they are more than happy just having cuddles with their mummy or daddy. My daughter had 4 feeds in 24 hours when she was born.
I never wanted to BF and never thought i would, but i tried it and loved it. I was the only mummy at our local blooming babies group that was BF'ing and i felt a bit pushed out and out of place. There isn't many people that feel comfortable BF and i completely understand that. How we feed our babies is our business and we should not feel wrong or made to feel inadequate for doing it our way.
I said this in my bit, but there was alot more to it, I was only 18 then and didn't have any support what so ever, I lost alot of blood after giving birth and the midwifes just took it upon themselves to feed him a bottle, to say the least I wasn't happy, they were terrible from the beginning as the whole reason my birth was so traumatic was that the midwife failed to see I had full bladder and let me push for 3 hours, then failed to notice I had teared inside!

I went through so much the next 2 weeks after bringing him home, and ended up with mastitis and was very ill, that was when I gave up and felt a failure!
But i'd say that only made me more determined then the next time I was pregnant and im so so glad that I was and ended up fully breastfeeding until he weaned and went on the breastfeed my 3rd little man for 20 months

I couldn't ever imagine not breastfeeding now, it just seems so natural to me! I did feel uneasy with this thread as I do feel for women who don't want to BF feeling like they are looked down upon but I also get a bit annoyed when people say things like BF makes it hard for dads to bond or I didn't have enough milk! I also have to agree that the title of this thread said it all really, they tell you breast is best because it is really!