fed up of being told breast is best!!!

Sorry ladies..didnt mean to cause so much controversery.. xx
theres nothing wrong with FF at all. but there's no health beinifits to it, compared to the benifits that BFing has.. breast IS best. that's why the professionals try to shove it in your face so much lol.


its funny this thread is called 'Fed up of being told breast is best!':shrug::dohh:

Just what I was thinking! I fail to see how some of these reply's are reasuring the OP, quite the opposite.....

It's not nice to be constantly questioned over your parental decisions, I hope you some peace soon :hugs:
I'm actually the opposite you want to see the looks that people give me when i say i am breast feeding MIL said they are your sexual organs lol x
I havent read all the posts on this thread, so I'm prob repeating someone else, but I think its bad that they make you feel guilty for not BFing.

I was adament with my daughter that I didnt want to BF and had bottles, formula etc ready for her. As it goes, I did do it when she first popped out and it was ok, but I only lasted for a couple of weeks then went to formula.

I had been warned that the midwifes would be very pushy and had also been on a NCT course where they had a BFing specialist who was a right old cow.

Personally, I was chuffed to bits that I even managed to do it for as long as I did. My midwifes were fully supportive with whatever I wanted to do (not pushy at all), and I was glad I gave it a go. Everyones mum and nan will tell you that it is that early milk that is the best and has the antibodies in it etc and I managed that bit.

Just remember it is your baby and your body and you need to do what is right for both of you.

Good luck with it all hon

theres nothing wrong with FF at all. but there's no health beinifits to it, compared to the benifits that BFing has.. breast IS best. that's why the professionals try to shove it in your face so much lol.



Breast maybe considered best, but to tell all those mothers who have chosen to FF for what ever reason, that formula doesn't contain any nutritional benefits is wrong. If formula doesnt have any nutritional benefits then surely all FF children will have malnutrition problems
Lol it is funny that the poor lady is fed up of hearing breast is best but thats what she gets bless her
Just come to the states! (or at least Pennsylvania, I used to live there up until a couple weeks ago)...they push FF like there's no tomorrow! In fact my first prenatal appt. (around 7 weeks I believe) I was given a package, in that package was formula! Then when I got to certain milestones at particular visits, even more packages of formula and bottles were given to me!

I feel the opposite...as if my breast milk is not good enough for my own child. :cry:
Don't need to look at the replies to figure out what's been said in this thread lol

Breast IS best. We all know it. But we don't need it shoved down our throats. I agree that it should be mentioned by HV's and that they should give any support they can to those who decide to try BFing. Formula does have health benefits or babies on it would end up undernourished which they certainly don't. Breast milk is best but those who formula feed (including me as I did after 2 weeks of BFing really didn't work out for me or Grace) shouldn't be criticised. They feed their child which is more than can be said for a lot of parents out there these days
Lol it is funny that the poor lady is fed up of hearing breast is best but thats what she gets bless her

Feel sorry for original poster - came on here for some support and what does she get - lots of people telling her breast is best - SHE KNOWS - it wasn't the point of her post!

It's still quite early days for me and i've not a clue what i'll be doing but I do find it interesting that everyone tells you breat is best but there seems to be little info on how to actually do it and how to get the help you need. Doesn't sound like the hospital is keen on helping so are you supposed to wait til you get home and go to a breastfeeding group to get some support.....

Seems odd to me that if it were SO important (and I know the research says it is) why hospitals don't have more support workers helping and guiding mums in BF - sounds like a lot of people were just left to soldier on. Or is that the point - are we supposed to just do it naturally and easily without guidance...i've no idea!!!!
Lol it is funny that the poor lady is fed up of hearing breast is best but thats what she gets bless her

Feel sorry for original poster - came on here for some support and what does she get - lots of people telling her breast is best - SHE KNOWS - it wasn't the point of her post!

It's still quite early days for me and i've not a clue what i'll be doing but I do find it interesting that everyone tells you breat is best but there seems to be little info on how to actually do it and how to get the help you need. Doesn't sound like the hospital is keen on helping so are you supposed to wait til you get home and go to a breastfeeding group to get some support.....

Seems odd to me that if it were SO important (and I know the research says it is) why hospitals don't have more support workers helping and guiding mums in BF - sounds like a lot of people were just left to soldier on. Or is that the point - are we supposed to just do it naturally and easily without guidance...i've no idea!!!!

Hi, it was me... its ok..i had a feeling there would be a very strong views on this..

although no i didnt say yes or no either way..was simply making a point.. but everyone is entitled to their own view xxxxxx

thanks for he support
Hmmm I really hate it when this happens, the original poster did this thread saying e was fed up of being told breast is best so does that mean us women who do breastfeed have to ignore it?? I myself breastfeed and love it but I said in my post before that I also know there is women out there who choose not too and I think that is great, that they are doing what is best for themsleves and their baby! I would never tell anyone they were wrong for making that decsion. But im not going to sit back and say I don't think breast is best as to not upset anyone.

I think its always good to have both sides, im sure when people do threads like this they don't mind hearing both sides? Thats what these forums are all about really!

I hope that nothing I have said has upset you, my choice to breastfeed is just that, my choice! 2 of my sisters didn't breastfeed and that was their choice, I didn't even think anything of it, they are fantastic mums!
Hmmm I really hate it when this happens, the original poster did this thread saying e was fed up of being told breast is best so does that mean us women who do breastfeed have to ignore it?? I myself breastfeed and love it but I said in my post before that I also know there is women out there who choose not too and I think that is great, that they are doing what is best for themsleves and their baby! I would never tell anyone they were wrong for making that decsion. But im not going to sit back and say I don't think breast is best as to not upset anyone.

I think its always good to have both sides, im sure when people do threads like this they don't mind hearing both sides? Thats what these forums are all about really!

I hope that nothing I have said has upset you, my choice to breastfeed is just that, my choice! 2 of my sisters didn't breastfeed and that was their choice, I didn't even think anything of it, they are fantastic mums!

THe original poster was me.. Think some people are miss understanding what i am saying... I don't disagree or agree with either opinion... Simply saying that everywhere I go I am bad to feel bad for even thinking of bottle feeding like it is the dirty wron option... I hadn't even decided to not breast feed but everywhere I go I am put under so much pressure to do it and that I am a bad mother for not.. I just think both options should be up to you and both talked about equally and no one should be made to feel bad with either choice they make!

This thread wasn't intended to cause a conflict between breastfeeders and bottle feeders at all... & If you read my first post I am simply asking how people who are in a similar position to me are handling the situation and what they have decided to do

I am sorry if anyone feels I have offended them xxx
I totally agree with the last post, I didn't even hesitate after my daughter was born to Bf her, it was my first reaction. I felt great that only i could do this one thing for her. My husband was more than happy winding our daughter after her BF's and he loved nothing more than seeing her very content "i am full face".

I can't believe that some ladies have put on here that their babies prob didn't take to BF as their child was given a bottle whilst they were in recovery! I would and will totally hit the roof if my child was given a bottle of formula without my say so.

There is absolutely no reason why you should not be allowed immediate skin contact with your baby after having a c section. I will INSIST that if i have to have one that my baby is given straight to me immediately after the birth as this is the best way to calm baby and bring their HR to a normal rate, and baby remain with me or my husband until he is ready for a feed. You can BF laid down and in loads of other positions. Also babies don't need immediately feeding after the birth, they are more than happy just having cuddles with their mummy or daddy. My daughter had 4 feeds in 24 hours when she was born.

I never wanted to BF and never thought i would, but i tried it and loved it. I was the only mummy at our local blooming babies group that was BF'ing and i felt a bit pushed out and out of place. There isn't many people that feel comfortable BF and i completely understand that. How we feed our babies is our business and we should not feel wrong or made to feel inadequate for doing it our way.


that make me angery also considering they ask you before the baby is born how you intend to feed them. my baby wasnt even feed for over a hour untill i was out of recovery has i had a emergancy c-section and babies do not need formula or breast milk right away becuase they store fat before being born. i beleive all people should try breast feeding before going to a bottle. babies are designed to breast feed. not formula feed. formula should always be a last option as its no where near as healthy as breast milk. why would you want to feed your baby somthing that so many people complain about cost, sickness and gas. and for the person who said breast feeding chains you to your baby that is wrong. ive never felt chained to my baby, i feel close to her just as we are suppose to. they are babys and the rely on us breast feeding just re-enforces that fact. i breast feed but in the end its up to you i just beleive that the good for breast feeding out weighs any other thing.
There's nothing wrong with either way and no mother first-time, second-time or whatever should be made to feel bad about any choice they make in this regard. I think that's the point of this thread isn't it????
Who cares whether 'breast is best' or not?!?
No mother should be made to feel shit if she can't / doesn't want to breast feed for WHATEVER reason.
In the days before formula, rich people hired milk nurses - in most cases, it wasn't cause they couldn't breast feed...it was cause they didn't want to! So science has invented a way for a parent to feed their own child, regardless of whether or not they use breast milk.
As for the 'human milk for my human child' comments I've seen in this thread and various others...would you feel the same if your child needed a new heart valve and the best one for the job had previously belonged to a pig????? Thought not... Science has invented many alternative options to the 'natural' ways...and that's why we all live about 40 years longer than our ancestors...medical advances...alternatives to mother nature...
Can everyone please quit with the judging and bring on the support. There are many reasons why a mother may not want to or be able to breast feed their child...the OP has even said she hasn't made her mind up yet...she is just pointing out that the amount of opposition to anything other than breastfeeding is nothing short of bullying.
Being pregnant / immediately after having a child, we are at our most hormonal and probably give ourselves a harder time than necessary (our own worst enemies). So WHY does the medical profession think it's OK to give us an even harder time and make life so difficult for people that choose to do things their own way?
Sorry to get on my high horse but for various reasons, that would be inappropriate to go into on this thread, I feel quite strongly for first-time mothers having the 'right' way forced down their throats...
Hugs to all. xx
I think that the women on here talking about breastfeeding were not trying to be mean or argumentative? but explain WHY that they keep telling you 'breast is best' and WHY they try to push it on us (to help us and our babies) and i think nearly everyone said no matter what the point is the baby is being fed! no one was trying to upset anyone.
I think it's safe to say the no matter what you choose, if you decide to breastfeed or formula feed, you need to be an advocate for yourself. If you choose bottle feeding than you need to advocate figuring out how to do that, when to do, and where to find support and where to get help. If you are breastfeeding, you need to find a lactation consultant, go to a la leche league meeting, make friends with other breastfeeding moms. The point is, no matter how you feed your baby you need to be proactive and do the research. Im Sorry if this is harsh but we are all adults, being "spoon fed" on how to do this or how to do that is not how the adult world works. (no pun intended). Ask the questions, do the research, and make the support if you don't have it. It's out there, you just need to find it. And another thing, breastfeeding can be hard, and usually it is tough for the frost few weeks. It's just something you have to stick with. Eventually it will get easier. Even mommies with all the support in the world have troubles. All I'm saying is advocate for yourself, and if not for that, advocate your baby's sake :flow:
Obviously breastfeeding is never going to be spoken about in a negative way..
So why should it be the same for bottlefeeding!?
Im quite aware of all the positive things breastfeeding can lead to, but there doesn't seem to be anyone batting for the bottlefeeding team, if you get me!! Some of the looks I get from people when I say im CHOOSING to bottlefeed. You'd think i'd just pissed on their cornflakes! xx
I've not read the whole thread, but... Just wanted to say to the OP I know exactly what you mean! Personally I do want to breast feed, but I know if I decided to FF I would feel guilty, and like I was doing something wrong by not brest feeding! No one should be made to feel uneasy about whatever way they choose to feed their baby, different things suit diffrent people!

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