SoccerMom I'm so sorry you're feeling hopeless

I'm a former LTTTC'er and it took us 2 years + 3-4 months and a series of assisted conception events later to get our BFP. It can take up to 1 year to conceive and still be considered normal. Plus you have about a 20% chance of getting pregnant each cycle. My best advice is not to get your hopes up super high each cycle and basically convince yourself you're pregnant, that'll just lead to a lot of heartache. If you're still not pregnant after 1 year of trying, then I would suggest you contact your GP and perhaps look into getting both you and your DH tested.
Wishing you lots of luck
im 31, been TTC #4 since 2008. Its such a hard journey.
Hello, Please keep in mind that this is the ttc#1 forum which is exclusively for women who are ttc #1. For those of us who are struggling to ttc #1 this board is a safe haven. While I sincerely hope that you are able to finally have your fourth baby I intentionally stay primarily on the ttc#1 board so I don't have to read from women who have other children because honestly, some days it is hard. I guess what I am saying is look where you are posting.
Good luck to you and your family.
Unfortunately 2ducks, I don't think this forum is
only for those TTC #1 in the way you think as all members are welcome to comment on here. It is more geared to them TTC #1 yes, but
everyone is free to comment and offer advice. Which can be super helpful as newbies to TTCing can get some good advice, pointers and suggestions by people that have been there themselves.
I'm sorry you're having such a tough time TTCing and that seeing other women with children can be difficult some days. Believe me, I get it! But if you're looking for a forum that's
exclusively for those TTC #1 and you won't see others commenting that are pregnant or have children, than I'm afraid it doesn't exist, at least not on BnB.
I wish you all the luck on your journey