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Femara Family 2014 ( 10 BFP's so far,3 Angels )

Oh no hope everything is ok mommyberry! Keep us updated. FX for you. Sometimes bleeding happens so hopefully thats the case and the baby is fine.
Oh no Berry!!! Let us know A.S.A.P.!!!! Praying everything is ok!
I just got a faint BFP at 10 dpo! I already had an apt scheduled with my fertility doctor today so ill update you on what happens. Ill post a poc later too
Thanks for the concern all - Thankfully the baby seems okay and was kicking its tiny hands and feet and also had a lovely heartbeat.

Doc said there is some collection of blood below the gestational sac which is coming out. Nothing to worry as such. It is called marginal bleeding and happens sometimes.

Inspite of all that assurance I'm still edgy as the bleeding hasn't completely stopped yet. Will keep you guys posted.

Andi !!! Congratulations on :bfp: !!!!
Good to hear Berry!! Stay calm!!

Congradulations Andi!!! That's awesome, update soon!! :happydance:

I think I've finally ovulated!?! I will just temp and see what happens!
Well not sure if it will show up because its hard to take a picture of but here it is. I tried changing the contrast on one pic to make it more visible. This is this mornings test. Anyway I talked to my doctor he wants me to do a blood test but not till Monday when my AF is due. Then again Wednesday to make sure my hCG levels are rising.


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Yeah! It is there I see the second line !!! Good Andi... now take good care of yourself. Let the pampering begin! :)
Todays test 11dpo OMG!!!!:happydance: I have symptoms too. I have been nauseous usually in the afternoons, smells are bothering me; for some reason I keep smelling manure as if I was on a farm lol, and today my nipples are tender/itchy.


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Mommyberry I am so glad everything is ok! I am praying everything continues perfectly!

Andi!! Congratulations!! H & H 9 months to you!

AFM - I know I have been on about a week long hiatus but soo much has been going on. Since my second miscarriage last weekend I have started researching different doctors. I live in Houston, TX with some of the best doctors in the nation so I figured if I wasn't comfortable with the treatment from my doctor then I needed a second opinion. So I found this WONDERFUL clinic and met with a doctor on Wednesday. She listened to everything I had to say and not only offered a ton of advice but also already started me on a new plan of action. One of the things she told me is that my original doctor had me taking Premarin (estrogen) on days 10-14...immediately following Clomid/Femara on days 5-9 and apparently the Premarin was COMPLETELY COUNTERACTING the Clomid/Femara. She said she has no idea why he prescribed me that but that I am not to take it ever again. She also has me set up for an ultrasound to check for any cysts in my ovaries...something I asked my original doctor about but he said he never heard of that happening so I was probably fine. She also has DH set up for an SA next week. She instructed me not to take Femara this cycle and that we would start it next cycle. She also said she would monitor my next cycle by doing a CD12 follicle scan and blood work to see if I need to start progesterone supplements right after ovulation since I have a history of low progesterone levels.

I already feel 100 times better about my care with the new doctor then I had so hopefully good things will be in my future!
Just wanted to update AF gone and now onto my 3rd round of Femara and waiting to O
hey ladies, i know it's been a while...i've been busy with work, and trying to make it through the TWW, but i have news.......


thank god for femara!!!! it works!

CONGRATS !!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
What a way to return and see such great news,tests look great cant wait to hear the numbers
I just got a faint BFP at 10 dpo! I already had an apt scheduled with my fertility doctor today so ill update you on what happens. Ill post a poc later too

CONGRATS !!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Saw your ticker before the news and was like "WHAT" more good news??? lol
Thanks for the concern all - Thankfully the baby seems okay and was kicking its tiny hands and feet and also had a lovely heartbeat.

Doc said there is some collection of blood below the gestational sac which is coming out. Nothing to worry as such. It is called marginal bleeding and happens sometimes.

Inspite of all that assurance I'm still edgy as the bleeding hasn't completely stopped yet. Will keep you guys posted.

Oh my Gosh when I read this my heart almost stopped,I am soooooo glad that you and baby are ok,please rest and take care of the baby :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Welcome to all the new ladies lets hope we all join the BFP Ladies soon
Good luck nightnurse!! :dust:

I'm just trying to figure out what my cycle is doing?! Not sure if I o'd CD 20 or 25?? Just watching my temps to see what happens? !
Good luck nightnurse!! :dust:

I'm just trying to figure out what my cycle is doing?! Not sure if I o'd CD 20 or 25?? Just watching my temps to see what happens? !

Hmm yeah it does look like you might if Od the 25th. Because it went down below the line then back up...unless you ovulated more then one egg? Femara can cause you to O more then one which is why your at a higher chance of mulitples. But I dunno if thats even possible Oing two eggs that far apart.
I heard you can O more than one egg, but they're usually within 24hrs of each other.

My aunt married a 'twin' and he was conceived almost three months after his brother. His mom got pregnant with Fred, obviously didn't use precaution after that, and her body ovulated like regular and she got pregnant with my Uncle Frank! Our bodies are so weird. :)

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