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Femara Family 2014 ( 10 BFP's so far,3 Angels )

That is so strange Jenn!!

Well FF changed my ovulation date, so I'm into the TWW for the second time this month.. ughh!
Hi all...

Last cycle I ended with af. Doing 2nd round of femara, this Thursday cd 16, I had follicle scan 2 follis on right (small around 9 mm) ,1 folli measuring 26mm on left. My RE gave me hcg trigger shot on Thursday and told me to Bd Friday mor n eve, sat mor n eve.
My question is 26mm folli is a good one to get pregnant or it's too big to the sperm to penetrate????

Plz answer...
Your follie size doesn't really have anything to do with sperm penetration. The "lead" follie is usually the one to burst, and release the egg (ovulation). Then the egg that is released is what gets fertilized. Hope this helps! :)
Had my first femara today. Did any of you girls have side effects? I'm feeling kinda tired.
Cowgirl- I didnt have any side effects on Femara
Your follie size doesn't really have anything to do with sperm penetration. The "lead" follie is usually the one to burst, and release the egg (ovulation). Then the egg that is released is what gets fertilized. Hope this helps! :)

I was just about to say that! :)
Hey everyone. Congrats to those that got a bfp!! Im going in Tomorrow for a follie scan. Hoping they are nice and ready for a trigger tomorrow night! Then we will do our 3rd iui on Wednesday!!! 3rd times the charm! Feeling really confident about this cycle!
No side effects for me that I've noticed. Way better than Clomid in my opinion!
I've had hot flashes last night but feel fine now. Thanks!
I'm 8dpo today I believe, and I've been battling terrible heartburn for the past three days. Maybe its a sign I need to start eating better.. :blush:

How are you doing wantabby? & everyone else?
I had my follicles measured today, have one measuring at 22 on my left side! So I trigger tonight and iui Wednesday!
I'm well on day 3 of femara. No harsh side effects the last two days, besides breaking out like a teenager. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Hello ladies,

I'm wondering if I could get your advice on ovulating on Femara..

I am on my second round of Femara and I usually ovulate on day 12 but I have ovulated anywhere between day 10 -15. I go off opk, ovulation pain and cm. It is pretty consistent, I will have ewcm one day, a positive opk and ewcm the next day and cramps that night and then infertile cm the day after.

This month however I had ewcm cd 11, then positive opk and ewcm day 12, severe ovulation pain on cd 13 ewcm, and still pain today cd14 and ewcm. This is the first month my specialist said don't worry about monitoring and now I can't tell if I have already ovulated or if I'm still going to.

Normally I wouldn't worry but I am starting progesterone pessaries the day after ovulation and now I can't tell!

So my question is what was ovulation after Femara like for you? Did Femara change your ovulation at all; symptoms and cycle day? Did you have severe ovulation pain?

Thanks for your help.
I'm good Jenn, just in the TWW.. no real symptoms. . Just watching temps and waiting. . Progesterone check tomorrow!
Shaybe Baby - Femara elongated my cycle. I ovulated on CD15 which is about 3 - 4 days late per my cycle and I did have higher ovulation pain that morning. Clomid had all side effects possible for me and Femara on the other hand didn't bother me at all. But I guess symptoms change from person to person.

PS: I conceived on first cycle of Femara... :dust: to all of you!!!
Thanks mommyberry,

I was so confused, I didn't know what was going on. Last month on Femara ovulation was the same as every other month.

Great to hear it worked so well for you!

I got a hold of my specialist and he advised me to start progesterone tomorrow just in case. The O pain has subsided since then so looks like tomorrow will be fine to start.

Just when you think you've got your body figured out, you start fertility medication!
I would like to follow along with you ladies, this is the first time I've commented on a forum so I'm not sure what I'm doing lol.

But I'll start with introducing myself:

My husband and I are both 26, together for 10 years and married for two. We have been actively trying for about a year and half. My husbands analysis has come back all good which is a relief.

I have been diagnosed with mild endometriosis which was removed in December via laparoscopy and had my tubes flushed at the same time (all good there!) Since then have been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries (not polycystic ovary syndrome) and a luteal phase defect.

I had a Femara cycle last month 2.5mg days 4-8 and had a 22mm follicle however it did not improve the length of my luteal phase. This month I took Femara 2.5mg days 3-8 and on to progesterone pessaries tomorrow.

I would love to be able to gain advice from women who have experience with Femara and infertility in general as I don't know anyone else in my situation. Let me know if there is something I should be doing in these posts I'm so new to it all :)
Well I commented before that I was going to start my first cycle with Femara. Then I randomly ovulated naturally on CD42 for the first time in 5 years. I was hoping that'd be my BFP but AF showed up yesterday at 12DPO ending a 53 day cycle. The good news is, I get to start Femara sooner since I would have just started Provera a few days ago to bring on AF.

I picked up my prescription yesterday. I will be doing 2.5mg on CD3-7. I take my first one tomorrow.

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