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Femara Family 2014 ( 10 BFP's so far,3 Angels )

Hi ladies- I'm a bit late joining, but just took my first 5mg of letrozole today (after 3 chemical pregnancies since November, and an average O day of CD 30 which the doc said is prob a bad egg).

I might have started taking it a day early (CD 4 instead of 5) because my husband is going out of the country in less than 3 weeks... :shhh:

I was prescribed this after no sort of testing (despite 3 losses)- my cycles have been crazy since having the depo shot Oct '12. I asked for testing, but the doc said it would cost thousands and she didn't think we'd get any kind of answers.

She also prescribed progesterone, beginning CD 14- she seemed very confident that's the day I'd O. I'm not so confident, and am debating if I'll start it then, a few days after a +opk, or after I see a temp shift. I don't want that to mess up my chances! Anyone else have a similar rx?

So, I've been told to use an opk cd9 on, and have a blood progesterone test scheduled for CD 22. (they said it has to be done between CD 21 and 23.)
Cute idea Berry!!!

SCgirl, I ovulate all over the place. Sometimes CD15, and this last cycle was CD25. So not everyone ovulates the same every month. I temp and seven days after ovulation is confirmed I have my progesterone checked. This month it ended up being checked on CD32.
I wouldn't take progesterone until after your temp has shifted for three days. That's just me, but without meds I have od anywhere between day 13-18. My testing hsg, thyroid panel, progesterone and the sa cost us under 1000. Our insurance doesn't cover anything.I took femara on day 5-9, got a positive opk today day 13, which is inline with my unmedicated cycles.
Hey SCgirl,

I'm also on Femara 2.5mg cd3-7 and progesterone pessaries 100mg 2xdaily.

The first month (on Femara alone) I was monitored via ultrasound and blood test and I ovulated as normal cycle day 12. This cycle however I was not monitored and ovulation was different for me, it was day 13/14 and ovulation symptoms were a but different.

My FS is new to progesterone treatment, it's normally only used for IVF treatment here. My FS wanted to try to injections of HCG to trick my body into thinking I'm pregnant and keep making progesterone. I however think my body can't sustain progesterone so wanted to try the progesterone pessaries. So this cycle has been a bit of trial and error.

I think I'm going to have to start temping if this cycle is not successful, so I know when to start the progesterone.

What dose are you on? I'm worried mine might be too low?
I'm taking 5mg of letrozole (supposed to be 5-9, but will be 4-8 this cycle- oops!), and a progesterone 200mg capsule (oral) nightly during luteal phase.

I had progesterone checked 11dpo with my 2nd bfp- it was 13.5 (doc wouldn't give suppl. if over 10, but that still seemed low) but my hcg was only 11. (HCG went up to 99 less than 3 days later and progest. wasn't checked, but my temp and cervix had already started going down, don't know if low progesterone could have caused since that number was taken early).

I've never taken it before- so I don't know how it'll affect me, or what a normal dose is. I also haven't heard of many people taking it orally on these forums (but haven't really looked)...

I had some very unpleasant stomach issues last night ~4 hours after my first letrozole pills- not sure if that was a side effect or coincidence. Also had bad headaches this morning. Took my 2nd dose around 3 hours ago, and so far I'm doing fine (fingers crossed it stays this way!).
Letrozole gave me headaches the first cycle but not this one. I'm on the progesterone pessaries taken vaginally morning and night. I have not had a bfp in the 15 months we've been trying, I am taking them for a luteal phase defect. I'm not being monitored this month so I guess if AF doesn't start whilst taking the pessaries Ill know they have done their job. I'm really over the guessing though, it's all so ambiguous!

Good luck with the rest of the letrozole, progesterone made me really tired, I'm struggling to stay awake in a classroom of 7 year olds:dohh:
Sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancies that must be heart breaking and frustrating.
Hi ladies? Can I join in :blush:

Well, i'm cd24...which is roughly 9dpo I think. IDK, I didn't monitor with OPK's out of pure resentment for the news I received from my RE this month. I'm 39, we are ttc #2. We have a 5yr old that took 4.5 yrs to conceive naturally, then we had a surprise BFP last March that ended in missed miscarriage. I had a D&C at 9wks and been TTC # 2 again ever since.

RE just dropped the bomb that my egg reserve is shit. So IVF is out the door (like we could afford it anyhow..insurance doesn't even cover my fertility meds)! But the Dr placated me this cycle with 5mg Femara that he had made 8pills AT ONCE on cd3. :dohh: Thankfully the only thing I've dealt with from that is teenage zits. As irony or fate would have it, my cycle has aligned to the day to March 2013..yup, the same month I got my bfp last year. Which means if the Femara worked by a miracle this cycle, our EDD would be the same. :cloud9: I'm very very very cautiously optimistic...maybe I'm just crazy and refuse to believe we can't have just ONE MORE miracle baby. But DH and I are holding onto hope.

When should I test? oh, my CM is DRY DRY DRY. But it was that way last year when I fell pg then too, so that doesn't help. 3 days ago I had a big ol glop of EWCM that came randomly. I cursed thinking 'i better not have O'd late!) Too late to catch it if I did. I'm pretty sure I O'd around cd15. Praying I did. Praying we caught it. Don't have many cycles left.
I ended up with some headaches and acne nothing to bad. Still waiting to o.
I'm kicking myself too little to late for not temping or not doing OPKs....because I"m just going by ewcm and ovary pains that i must have O'd. time will tell...:shrug:
I'm having some crazy salt craving just want everything with salt,fruits with salt,tomato with salt its all i think about the entire day,Have Hight Blood Pressure so I have to take it easy on the salt,had this PMS symptom a couple of years ago and AF turned u,so hoping its the other way around
These pills have given me horrible headaches (no more digestive issues so I think that was unrelated), have experienced spotting longer than usual after af, i'm super emotional, and last night I was just plain mean to dh (very unusual haha)- 2 days left of 'em! Ah, hormones (or blockers)...

I've also never had temps this flat before- esp. so early in the cycle... So looks like something might be regulating...
After being 3 days late with a negative beta, AF finally showed yesterday mid afternoon! At least she waited until I was off the plane and settled in the hotel! Moving in to cycle #4, and we will be doing IUI this month! I'm excited =) good luck to everyone else!
So after my miscarriage my new doctor told me to take a break this cycle. She said to give my body and mind a rest for a month and then we would start up Femara again after AF comes. Well I have given my body a rest but I just can't shut off my mind. I know my body too well now so I am pretty sure I ovulated this past Sunday...had EWCM Friday and Saturday and wicked cramps on Sunday night and now my nipples are sore. All leads to ovulation. Not to mention I have read many different things that say you are more fertile immediately following a miscarriage. DH and I BD'ed on Saturday night but since he had an SA scheduled for Tuesday afternoon that was it. The SA doctor called him today and said the results of his SA came back normal...which is good...but I am waiting for my doctor to call me to give me the actual numbers.

So I am guessing I am in the TWW now. Although I am actually terrified of becoming pregnant. I am convinced that if I get pregnant without any monitoring to tell me what all my levels are or medications to help everything I will just miscarry again. For the first time in almost 3 years I am praying for AF to show. Ofcourse, ideally I would love to get pregnant naturally and have everything be perfect and have a beautiful Christmas gift but...I just don't trust my body to allow that to happen.

We will just have to wait and see I guess.
Feeling very strange for the last two days; cramps, sharp
Pains in my stomach, indigestion and nausea. Not sure
If it's the progesterone or if I just need to clean up my diet? Cd 24 so I would normally be feeling my progesterone plunge but not so much and I haven't had sore boobs at all so I'm taking that as a good sign, the progesterone is keeping my levels up:wacko: who knows! Blood test in four days. I tested using a FRER today 11dpo but it was a :bfn:

Is anyone else close to testing?
Had to take provera to induce my period after 40 days! CD4 taking 5mg femara mid cycle ultrasound in 10 days grow follies grow!!
Keep us posted Kantny!

AF is taking her sweet time showing up! Ughh!! I had temp dip and I've been having AF cramps and sore boobs, but nothing yet! This cycle has just been crazy! I'm definitely asking for 5mg this next round!
Kantny09 i'm praying that it all works out for you,let us know ok

Cant wait to hear who's next with a positive HPT

AFM: Just waiting to see when AF will not show,havent had a craving in a long time so hopefully that means hormones or doing a good job,will update soon
I still don't know if I od for sure I was out of town for a few days. I guess I'll find out at my progesterone reading.

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