Femara Family 2014 ( 10 BFP's so far,3 Angels )

So, apparently I have a weird uterus that is hard to see. It's far back or something. My right tube is still dilated but not as much. Other than that, I have no signs of ectopic. My uterine lining is 15mm which is really thick I guess.

So last second the ultrasound tech saw these in my uterus... they were not there last week. My doctor said it could be something else like cysts but it could be sacs... especially since they weren't there last week. They said with where my HCG is at, this is exactly how big they'd expect a sac to be. She said she thinks it's very unlikely this is a healthy pregnancy either way but since there is something there that wasn't last week, she doesn't want to do Methotrexate today. I have an ultrasound for Tuesday at 8:15. If these little black dots haven't grown at all then we'll do the Methotrexate.

She said I've been her most confusing patient she's ever had and it's been keeping her up at night this week... trying to figure out what's going on and being worried about something happening if it's ectopic. I really love my doctor. She said if this turns out to be a viable pregnancy and especially with twins, I would officially be the weirdest case she has ever had. I am not getting my hopes up at all, I'm keeping the mindset that this is not viable.

So there's my even further confusing update. Couldn't make these past few weeks up if I tried.


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Your doctor sounds wonderful. It's good to know that while you are going through this roller coaster that you have someone who is looking out for you!

I will be hoping that precious fallopian tube continues to shrink back to normal and that tuesday gets here with the quickness! You have had a wild few weeks. Sending good energies your way and to those little sacs. :flow:
Sounds like a tilted uterus. Which can make it difficult to see the baby early on. My fx are crossed for you...at least they see something now and know its not ectopic.Hopefully you will go in on tuesday and find a couple of heartbeats or growing sacs!
So AF showed on the 10th so I was not in the best of moods and will have to sit out this cycle and do it naturally so I do apologize for not being more active ,I am thinking about trying clomid again since its like $50 and Femara is $130,so torn cause i doubt clomid will work althouigh i've been seeing alot of clomid BFP's on facebookl lately but things are so tight dont wanna waste that amoint of money on pills that still might not work,just so emotional right now

Welcome to all the newbies to the group and good luck

Congrats to all the new BFP's wishing you all a happy and healthy 9mths

My wells wishes to all who have suffered a loss,wish you never had to feel that feeling,rest up and good health

Shilo as I said in my last post to you I am praying for a miracle for you,hope you get your answers soon
Nightnurse, I don't know where you're from but if you're in the U.S., do you have a Costco nearby? You can get generic Femara (letrozole) for $10 - $20 there depending on your dosage. My 2.5mg for 5 days was $10 and a three month supply was $20. You don't need a Costco membership to use the pharmacy either. That was the price without insurance.
When in for my baseline appt on Saturday and the cyst on my ovary had cleared up so I started round 2 that same day, CD3. They bumped me up to 7.5 as expected, so hopefully my little follies will develop faster this time.

I go in for monitoring Friday to see what's growing.

Nightnurse--I also use the generic letrozole and it ran me $12 at walgreens for this round.

Shilo--Sounds like our doctor is on top of it. I hope that they can figure out exactly what's going on for you and get it resolved.
How are you Shilo? Let us know how the appointment goes!
Nightnurse, I don't know where you're from but if you're in the U.S., do you have a Costco nearby? You can get generic Femara (letrozole) for $10 - $20 there depending on your dosage. My 2.5mg for 5 days was $10 and a three month supply was $20. You don't need a Costco membership to use the pharmacy either. That was the price without insurance.

I live in the caribbean so its the just the 1 pharmacy i've found on the island that sells it,wish it was that price,what ill do is visit the site and order it and see if the country lets me bring it in
Visiting my doctor for my check up tomorrow (high blood pressure and severe reflux and asthma ) and thinking about trying clomid again,everyone's being laid off at the moment and fortunately for DF he's been getting steady work and since i'm paying about $130 for Femara,when I can get clomid for $50-$60 or double the dosage of what I'm paying for Femara,I think its better for the moment and we'll still be trying something at least

I think i'll get the clomid and see if i can get the Femara from online so that if I cant get the Femara cheaply online then i'll have a back up plan,what do you think?
Went in for a monitoring visit this morning. Multiple small follicles on both sides, but nothing really happening. This is the same as last cycle, but I was hoping with the uppage in dose that I'd see something faster.

New nurse at the office tried to take blood from the outside edge which is a BAD vein (I have one good vein in the exact center on both arms). It's super bruised and hurts whenever I move :(

They're having me wait until Tuesday to come back again to do another monitor.
Sorry I've been MIA for awhile, been crazy busy at work :neutral:
AF started on Friday, onto a new cycle, surprisingly I wasn't as emotional this time, makes it a bit easier to carry on with normal life I suppose

Hope everyone's well xx
Hi Ladies! May I join you? I am starting my first round of Femara this month. I tried clomid for 3 cycles last year with no luck and I hated the side effects. My RE prescribed 5mg Femara on CD 3-7 with timed intercourse CD 12, 14, 16, 18.

My question is I started spotting on Friday with full flow yesterday and since I start on CD 3 would today be CD3 or tomorrow? My RE office is closed today so I can't call and ask them. I'm thinking that I will just take it late tonight before bed.

I'm off to read the rest of this thread and maybe answer my own question.
Hello! I think you would be fine to start either today or tomorrow. Also, are you being monitored for ovulation or taking OPKs? I would be having intercourse more than just on those days. I've seen some women ovulate as early as CD10 on Femara and as late as CD30+. My first round I had given up and thought I wasn't going to ovulate but finally got a positive OPK and ovulated on CD24. I would hate for you to miss it!
Thanks Shilo! I will be using OPK's but my RE is only in the area where I live once a month so that is the only ultrasound I will have. I will be doing CD21 blood tests though. I am going to start OPK's on CD8 and probably BDing on CD10 every other day until the day after OPK goes negative. I know I already O on my own without Femara, I guess we are just trying to make more or stronger eggs.
I hope Femara will be just what you need then! :) I don't ovulate on my own so I just had no idea when it expect it.

Femara worked for me on the first round which is amazing. I was pregnant with twins but one sac stopped developing and the other is measuring 2 weeks behind unfortunately. I'm likely going to miscarry but that's unrelated to the Femara of course. I will be using it again if I do miscarry. It was a miracle drug for me. I skipped Clomid and asked for Femara first since I have seen so many success stories from people who Clomid didn't work for. I hope this is the case for you.
@hopethisyear- i was already o'ing when i was put on it- i wouldn't do it (o that is) until CD 30 or so. I was still getting BFPs, but they all ended by 5 weeks. Doc put me on it for a stronger / earlier egg and combined it with progesterone just in case (since i was up to 3 losses in 3 very long cycles).
With my first cycle of femara, I o'd on CD 20, and so far have managed to get farther than any other pregnancy- even saw the heartbeat a week and a half ago (which was a first for us!)- we'll know if things are still going well at our next scan on Thurs.

So- even if you're already O'ing, it can definitely help!
SCgirl - Congrats on your pregnancy, it sounds like things are going well for you this time and this is your sticky bean.
Hi Ladies! May I join you? I am starting my first round of Femara this month. I tried clomid for 3 cycles last year with no luck and I hated the side effects. My RE prescribed 5mg Femara on CD 3-7 with timed intercourse CD 12, 14, 16, 18.

My question is I started spotting on Friday with full flow yesterday and since I start on CD 3 would today be CD3 or tomorrow? My RE office is closed today so I can't call and ask them. I'm thinking that I will just take it late tonight before bed.

I'm off to read the rest of this thread and maybe answer my own question.

Hey I had this question a while back and the answer I got was CD 1 was the day I started spotting.
Good luck to you! Femara worked for me on the second try. I O'd on Cd 19 with Femara so if your charting I would just keep Bding as much as possible until you O.
I'm 8 weeks pregnant now. 4th cycle of femara worked for me:happydance: had ultrasound and heartbeat was 115 bpm.I had no symptoms except sleeping like crazy....

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