Femara / Letrozole thread

Well the question is moot now. I have spotting tonight!! So close to starting to pills.
Hi ladies!!! And sorry for being MIA !!

Great news here, Aayla yay, hopefully pills work their magic!! ;)

I just took my last pill of my last cycle..so we will see if this is as "good" as the others..
This morning i woke up with a rash on my chest (between breasts) have any of you gotten that kinda things? Just wondering if its the meds..
Hi Asry! Rash? Yikes! Never had that happen. 😕 ok so last pill! Here we go!! Fingers crossed! 😄

I'm finally on my cycle!! Woohoo!! This one is def more painful!! Nurse said it would be after the surgery.

I'll start femara tomorrow for 6 days. So excited to start trying again!! 😃

Hi Aayla! Ok so we're close this cycle!

I have a good feeling about this round for us!! Hope the other girls are well! 💜
me too! Cd 5 today for me. 2 more days of letrozole and then I start opk's on cd 10. I should ovulate around cd 17-19 which is May 12-14. May 12 is my bday so fx.

I will begin testing on 10 dpo. I always wait until after ovulation is confirmed on the progesterone test and I know that there is no way a positive would show up on 8 dpo.

I was doing some calculations in my head while trying to nap and it will be father's day on the 3rd sunday of June. That is too far ahead of my test date to tell my hubby but I thought about giving him an early gift. and then I thought how awesome it would be to tell my dad that way. but can I hold out for 3 weeks? But I thought about writing something in a card that says "the ony thing better than being a father is being a grandfather."


"on Aug 20, 1988 I became a father (this is my parent's wedding anniversary and technically he is my step-dad) but on Feb 4, 2017 I will be promoted to grandfather."
hey ladies! how is everyone doing?

I am cd 8 today. No more letrozole for the month. I start using opk's in 2 days!! I so want to do them now but there is no point and I have the digi's so it would be a waste of money. Although it is tempting to get some dollar store tests to do mid morning. I do the digi at 7pm as that is the time I got my positive in the 2 cycles I have used them.
Hi there!! And bring on ovulation huh?! Hows Jenntt, o'ing soon too? ;) you guys better get busy!!

I am dpo 1 today, I ovulated early again cd 12 which suits me fine :D not so patient.. I didnt have any Pregnyl left this cycle so going au natural and it did release yesterday the pains was bad!

I dont think the rash was from Letrozole, must've been from something else..

Good luck girls <3
Hi Asry! Is the rash gone? &#128563; heck yeah! Early is better than later! &#128515; ok so do you think you timed it right?? Hopefully you had a "busy week"!! &#128521;&#128513; fingers crossed! &#128525;&#128156;

I'm catching up to you. Period is finally almost over!! Ultrasound is Monday to see where my follies are size wise. &#128516; we'll see! We're doing IUI this cycle.

Aayla will be O'ing soon too! Yeah don't waste the money. Save it for the REAL tests! &#128516;&#128516;

So onto eating very healthy and no stress! &#128542;&#128521;

Fingers crossed girls!!! &#128156;
I should O next week. Started using my opk's just for something to do. Yesterday was a shit day. It was the due date of our little bean. and I was alone going through it. People knew, as I posted a little thing on facebook. other than some reactions, the people in my life said nothing, did nothing. it was just crap.

I'm feeling a bit better today but not great. I think it helps that we are actively trying.

I do think the wait to O is much more exasperating than the tww. At least in the tww there is symptom spotting and we can test. lol
Hi girls!

Asry how are you feeling? Are you having any symptoms that we can obsess over? &#128515;When will you start testing? You're 7dpo now right? I'm really hoping this time works for you!!! &#128156;&#128156;

Aayla are you opk testing? Anything yet?

I had day 12 ultrasound yesterday and I have 15 follies on each side. He could find 1 or 2 dominant follies but they were only at about 12. So I'm back on Femara for 4 more days and then we check again Friday! Exciting! And I cut my insulin in half!!! Woohoo! &#128516;&#128516;
I don't think my insulin will stay low much longer. I discovered a sour apple Italian ice that's soooo yummy! &#128513;&#128154;&#128154;
I had 6 cycles on FE:
2.5mg O
2.5 no O
5mg O
5mg no O
5mg no O
5mg O

There were break cycles in there due to my cyst. Not very good odds (50% rate of O) but it has me wondering if i should ask to try it again? It was taken cd3-7 on O cycles.
Hi On, welcome!

Maybe there's a reason it's only working half the time. Maybe change the length of time taking it. Maybe the cyst had something to do with it. It's so crazy not knowing why it doesn't work. I know it's frustrating. We're here to talk to bounce ideas off, vent and hopefully make it a little easier. Good luck to you!!
I was put on 5mg to start and it didn't make me O and then the next cycle I was put on 7.5mg and I have Ovulated every cycle while on it. maybe going up in strength is the answer?
no positive opk today. Sort of bummed. Was really hoping that my O date would shift back to what it was pre pregnancy. I only have one digital opk left. Hoping I surge tomorrow. Going to pick up a couple of dollar store ones to get me through cd 18 and 19 just in case. my temps are inching back up to cover line. Hubby insists on having the a/c on but he has been keeping it on low if the room is warm or fan if it is slightly too cold. He knows if it gets too cold it messes with my temp.

I've undiscarded the dip for now. Just going to see what FF does.
Hi girls!

Asry how are you feeling? Are you having any symptoms that we can obsess over? &#55357;&#56835;When will you start testing? You're 7dpo now right? I'm really hoping this time works for you!!! &#55357;&#56476;&#55357;&#56476;

Aayla are you opk testing? Anything yet?

I had day 12 ultrasound yesterday and I have 15 follies on each side. He could find 1 or 2 dominant follies but they were only at about 12. So I'm back on Femara for 4 more days and then we check again Friday! Exciting! And I cut my insulin in half!!! Woohoo! &#55357;&#56836;&#55357;&#56836;

Hi hun! I'm feeling fine! I dunno how these days are so busy I dont find time to log in here:haha:
Today dpo9 and not really any symptoms, yesterday started af kinda dull pain but nothing more than that. I did test today but i dont think theres anything, tomorrow again, keep your fingers crossed :thumbup:

holy cow, 15 follies :headspin: Im sure the dominant ones are about to pop any time, they grow 1-2mm per day. So will you have another u/s soon? Or go by opk's and then to IUI?
You have so better chances on conceiving with IUI than just TI, i have a good feeling about this one for you :cloud9:

Aayla - your chart looks nice and the dip totally looks like ovulation? But you didnt catch it in opk? Hope you got it covered IF it already was it :sex::haha:
oh my goodness - i checked out your bd!! You were busy !!! Great job, I wish I would have the energy to be so active :D

OnE - welcome! Maybe you should ask if they dose up your letro? From what I have read about it they normally up the dose pretty quick if nothing happens on ovulation :thumbup:

edit. heres the test i took this morning, tell me do you see anything?
I don't see anything unfortunately.

No positive opk yet. The dip was due to the air conditioning being left on during the night. At least I am assuming. I usually ovulate cd 17-19. Last cycle was cd 19, the one before cd 18 and the one before that cd 19 and that one I got a positive opk the same day.

We have been busy. Oh we are so done too. Lol this week came when hubby was switching job and now he is suck with allergies and then my job cut my hours which sucks as I work for my parents.

But we are making it through. Lol my temps are inching up so I am hopeful for my spike soon. It is possible I just missed the surge.
Well today atleast the test was negative, i usually do see two lines even in ball printed wallpaper if I want to :haha::haha:
Havent got much af pains yet, but I will stop progesterone today. Took last one yesterday, I have always showed by dpo10 so dont believe this would make any difference.

Hows Jenntt??? And where are all the other Letrozole girls? :flower:
Asry! I see a faint line! Or are my eyes playing tricks?? Post the next one you take. Don't stop progesterone until you know. 10dpo is soooo early!!! Hang in there girl!! &#128525;&#128525; my fingers and toes are crossed for you!!

Had another ultrasound yesterday and the follies did absolutely nothing!!! Now he put me on 25mg of Clomid for 10 days!! Guess no one is in a rush but me!! I'm getting really annoyed and frustrated!

Asry- how are your opk's today?
No positive opk's yesterday for me. No temp spike today. I think today is the day. I had a lot of ewcm yesterday. I can honestly tell you that grapefruit juice works to increase cm. If I ever get ewcm it's a little and never enough to collect when I check internally. I was so surprised by how much I got yesterday.

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