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Femara success?

Hey Ibelieve! My nausea started out the same way, only when I was hungry (I guess that's how I gained 12 pounds in 12 weeks!). Thankfully the nurse told me that since I had that weight gain, it's likely I won't gain too much in the second trimester, but we shall see! I gained 46 pounds with my son!

I found that eating lots of protein helped with the nausea. Not sure what it is but I definitely feel better on the days when I've eaten more meat. I can't wait to hear from you on Friday! Try not to let your dreams get to you. Dreams do get crazy when you're pregnant.
That is so fantastic! Now you can relax a little! :) That's really great of your doc to give you the extra scan! Why do you have to see the specialist? Is it just standard procedure when twins are expected?

I'm doing pretty good. I think I'm getting better! Hoping to be back to "normal" in the next couple of weeks. At least the medicine is working and I am able to drink plain water again, so that's improvement.

I'm so happy for you!:happydance:
I'm glad it's just standard procedure.

It is crazy how bad you feel when you're hungry. It always seemed odd to me that you have to eat to make the nausea go away, but it works. I'm still dealing with that. Water would make me more nauseous. I also can't drink anything with artificial sweetener (like diet drinks) or soda (like Coke or Pepsi). Thank goodness I can still enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. Isn't it funny how everyone responds different? There really are no "normal" cases of morning sickness.

Another crazy tidbit...before I had my son, I like sweet potatoes, but when I was pregnant with him they repulsed me. I still can't eat them. But everything else went back to normal. As soon as I had him I ordered a cheeseburger and a diet pepsi. (I'm short and have a small midsection so I couldn't really enjoy eating at the end.) I enjoyed that hospital food like I've never enjoyed a burger before! :) I'm sure it will be the same with this one.
Me too, Ibelieve!

Cravings are funny. I never really had them with my son and so far not with this one either. There are things I can't eat or drink, but nothing I want so badly that I go out of my way to get it.

Feeling a little weird today. I keep getting these pains across my lower stomach, feels like gas bubbles moving across. I also feel like I need to have a bowel movement (I know TMI), but this is how I felt when I went into labor with my son. Kinda scary, so I'm trying to relax and just sit at my desk. Nauseated again today :( yesterday was pretty good.
Its not like I am craving that I have to have it but it seems like the only food that I can stomach is the ones that I wish for.

I have had that bubbly feeling quite a bit, I just assumed it was gas that's why and I usually did have a bm after... just relax, Im sure its nothing...

sorry the nausea is still with you!
So, I woke up this morning leaking fluid. We had sex last night, so at first I blamed that, but then I woke up again with a wet pantyliner (so wet it spilled over to my underwear and shorts). I put on a thicker pad, but I can still feel it leaking. Not sure if it's urine or amniotic fluid yet. Waiting for the doc to call me back and tell me if I should go to the hospital or the office. I don't have a good feeling about it though. :( I'll keep you posted.
We've been to the doc and had a scan. Fluid is low, its 5.7 and normal is between 5-25. They aren't sure if its amniotic fluid I'm leaking or not. Because we had sex last night, the tests were inconclusive. I guess semen can cause positives the same as if it were an amniotic fluid leak. I have to go back Thursday to f/u and another scan next week. I think it's stopped for the most part and now I just have minor cramping, which I'm thinking is due to stress and nerves (I'm pretty tense), but who knows.

On the up side the baby looks good. They were able to see heart and chambers, kidneys, stomach and brain. it was good to see all of that, but it will make it that much harder if something happens. I hate the wait and see business, but at this point that's all we can do.
Oh Sib, Im sorry to hear that, how stressful, did the sex cause the fluid to leak if it is amniotic fluid leaking on its own? Unfortunately this whole wait and see is part of the whole process of TTC and pregnancy

I will pray for you, please keep me updated, and try not to stress everything will be okay.

Not sure, but they did say no more sex (for now), which we would be too scared to do anyway.
Thank you! I've been pretty stressed, but trying to keep it in check. I go back to the doc tomorrow and I think they are just going to rerun tests to try to determine what fluid it was. I believe I will have another ultrasound next week to measure fluid.

Sorry you had a scare this morning but glad everything is ok. I'm still amazed you are having twins! They do grow fast don't they? And it doesn't stop after they are born, time really does just fly by!
Hey Sib,

How are you doing? Sorry I have been MIA but I was in hospital with another bladder infection and a sciatic nerve pain.

How are things with you?
Wow! Sorry you had to go to the hospital. Hope you are doing better now.

I'm ok. Went to see the doc on Thursday and he gave us the all clear. He doesn't think it was amniotic fluid that was leaking (though he didn't tell us what he thought it was). I am still on pelvic rest because they think I have placenta previa, but said as my uterus grows it should move and correct itself. We find out the gender in about 5 weeks!
Hey Ibelieve! How are you doing? Hope your getting better!
Hello first post here just wanted to share my success!!! Ttc for four years, after four clomid cycles and three RE i have been placed on femara. My RE started me on 10mg femara and 150mg metformin !!! My first u/s was cd 12 no follicles :( same cycle today is cd 18 u/s today and bam!!!! 18 mm follicle on right side!!!! Going to do the triggershot tomorrow and fingers crossed it works. Femara did to me what clomid never did!!! Good luck ladies baby dust to all
That's fantastic rosie! The cycle I got my BFP, I had one follie on the right as well! Good luck to you!

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