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Femara success?

Well, forget about your MIL. If she can't be happy for you guys, then she is not important (it would be very selfish of her). I can't believe how fast it's going! I love that you got to see them moving around That's so fantastic!

It was sad and a little scary to leave my FS, but I really like my OB as well, so that made it a little easier. Keep me posted on your progress and how your appointment goes in Dec.
Thanks. Great advice. I took it in the evening. I found it made me extremely tired.Also, I had dry cough and a slight headache. I also had fog brain. Hard to explain but almost sure it was related to the meds I think taking it before bed made the challenges easier.

I find it best to take it just before bed. I was having some mild side effects but taking it at night I guess you don't feel them as much.
Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to stop in to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates!!!

Also, I had my CD 12 ultrasound. The ultrasound found two dominant follicle 15mm & 16mm.The team wants them to grow a little bit larger before trigger. There were others but they were too small.

So, I guess that means my body responded to Femara. I am happy with the results. Could have been better but at least there was response.
That's great Regal! I was always hoping for more too, but I always seemed to just have 1-2 good sized follis. From what I understand though, that is a good healthy response.
So, my weekend was interesting. Thursday night, I started bleeding. Around 2am my husband took me to the ER. I was diagnosed with complete placenta previa. So now that I'm finally feeling better, I get to stress about this. This pregnancy really has been a roller coaster ride! I'm waiting on my doc to call me back today, but I do have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday. I'm pretty freaked out and so is DH. The bleeding has subsided for the most part, just minimal spotting of red blood now with minimal cramping. But of course I looked it up on the internet, so now I know all the craziness that could be in store. I'm just hoping they still let me fly home for Christmas!
Hi Sib Thanks!

So sorry that youre going through this. Praying for a positive outcome.

Is there anything your doc wants you to do in the meantime? When are you due?
Thanks Regal. I won't really know all that much until Wednesday. Right now all I know are the things I can't do, like exercise, lift anything heavy, sex. I'm not due until the end of April, so I'm not even half way there! (I'm 18 weeks today) It's going to be a long 5 months!
Oh I see. Let's hope it goes better than expected. It frustrates me when docs give a diagnosis but no f/u right away.
I know, me too. But I can't blame my doc, all the info I have so far is from the ER doc, who was pretty gloom and doom. She was very blunt and to the point, which I appreciate, but also not optimistic at all. (At that point we had been in the ER for 3 hours, it was now 5am and I have a history of miscarriage, so I could have really used a little optimism.) I already had an appointment scheduled with my doc for Wednesday, so he said there's no reason to rush in. He's more sympathetic and will give me info in a way that doesn't make me panic, so I am really looking forward to seeing him.
That's good your doc is encouraging! Praying everything will be alright. Sending positive vibes your way for you and your little one. :hugs:
Oh Sib, Im so sorry all this is happening to you :hugs: Im sure it will all be okay, technically you are halfway as baby is full term by 37 weeks so 19 weeks to go for you! I know its difficult now but everything will be okay.

I am thinking of you, please keep us updated.

Sending you loads of :hug:
Thanks Ibelieve!

How are you feeling? Excited for your appointment tomorrow?
Hey Ibelieve! How was your appointment?

I saw my doc on Thursday. He doesn't seem to be as concerned and is definitely more optimistic than the ER doc. I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow afternoon and then I see my doc again on the 19th. He will go over everything with me then. Stinks I won't know until the 19th if we can fly to Florida for Christmas...our flight is on the 21st! Talk about cutting it close! Oh well, it will all work out however it's supposed to.
Sib glad your doctor is positive! Hope you can get to Florida as planned.
Congrats Ibelieve! Glad most of your family took it well. What is up with your sister in law? Is she LTTC?

You must very be excited. Happy for you. :)
That's fantastic Ibelieve! So glad your MIL is positive. Forget about your SIL, obviously she just needs to grow up a bit. So glad everything is going well for you. Enjoy the bump! :)

Hopefully your DH's b-day will be a good luck charm for me ;)
So we decided to change our IVF date to March... With that being said if we don't get a bfp this month I am going to do one more cycle on Femara. AF was due today but no sign yet. I hope she stays away.

Good luck to all you lovey ladies!!

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