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Femara success?

Crossing everything for you TLB!!! I hope and pray this is your month!

Sending you lots of good luck on Dh's birthday Sib, it will be one of his gifts from me!! :winkwink:
So, I had my 20-week ultrasound on Tuesday. It was depressing! I have low-amniotic fluid and my placenta is thick, too thick for 20-weeks according to the doc. The doc explained that if there isn't enough fluid for the baby to swallow over the next 4-6 weeks, the lungs won't develop properly and he/she won't be able to survive outside of the womb. The other concern is there is not enough room for the baby to move around, so the joints could get stuck and the baby could need intensive therapy after he/she is born. He also thinks the placenta has a chromosomal "problem" and confirmed I have complete placenta previa. I have a myriad of problems going on right now. Had blood work done yesterday, so hopefully we will know something next week. Needless to say, I've been a mess. I feel so helpless. They did tell me I need to soak in a bath for 45-60 minutes per day (apparently there is research that shows this helps increase blood flow to the uterus, which will increase the fluid level), I have to drink 2.5-3L of water per day and stay off my feet as much as possible. So I'm helpless to help DH around the house and to really do anything to help the baby, not to mention all the things I can't do with my son. DH is very supportive, which makes me feel even worse, if that makes sense. I'm the kind of person that likes to be busy, taking care of my family, not having them take care of me. This is so very hard! I'm so scared I'm going to be strapped to the table for a C-section (which I will have to have due to the previa) and will not be able to hold my baby before it passes. that's my biggest fear! Next is having a baby with major mental and physical defects...I just don't want my baby to have to live like that. I know, maybe I sound selfish, but it's not the life I want for my child. I'm sorry to dump this on you all, but it feels good to get it out. Thanks for "listening"!
Sib, I am so sorry you're going through this, love. I truly wish the best in this situation. May you find strength through it all. Praying for a miracle for you. Your fears are totally natural. I can not imagine what you are feeling but know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your little one to beat the odds!

AF came on the other day. First round of Femara + Ovidrel (IUI) failed. On to next round. :(
Hi girls
Ive been on this forum and in this thread a bit, but it's been a while since i updated... I am currently on my 4th round of Femara , I O'd on the last 3 with BFN's. This is after several cycles on Clomid which I O'd on 2 rounds with BFN's. I am now over two years ttc and my OBYGN wants me to do injectables starting Jan 2014. Im so depressed over the TTC process that this month I am not temping or using OPK's (which I normally use religiously) because I seriously can't be bothered. Why bother when all you get is heart break month after month... I've taken my fourth round of Femara, that's as far as my process goes this month! Good luck to you all, FX you get your BFP's and have happy sticky babies! :)
Thank you Regal! We are trying to stay positive and just take it a day at a time. Sorry AF showed! Fingers crossed for you this cycle! :)

Molly, sorry you are going through this. Ibelieve did Femara and injectables and had success! Here's hoping that's what works for you!
Thanks Sib!!

@Molly praying this is it for you! I hear ya! I know the feeling. Sometimes enough is enough. You just pray for the best and keep it moving.

fx fx for ya!
Thanks girls, it's really hard to keep your head up sometimes...where as sometimes i'm perfectly fine... one month at a time! I have my fx also, that femara and injects will be our winning combo!
Update: Saw my doc yesterday. He was pretty positive. He said that we have a healthy baby, just small. Measuring 14 days smaller than the gestational age, which can be due to the placenta previa. He said they will keep an eye on the growth and I need to keep doing baths and laying down to try to get the fluid level up. It's only 2.5 and they want it over 5. (Although, on the ultrasound we saw his bladder and stomach were full of fluid too and I'm not sure that's included in the total volume.) Anyway, he said we will take it day by day, but he's optimistic. Still concerned about the lungs developing, but he said since the baby appears so healthy that he's hopeful. Also all my blood work came back normal so we know there isn't anything chromosomally wrong. Fingers crossed, but at least I'm feeling better about things.

And we found out, it's a BOY!!!! I think that helped me too. I wanted another boy and it helps to know the gender. It makes it easier for me to think of him as a real person and not just a dream. I feel like I can connect better now that I know. If that makes any sense at all.

Hope you all are doing well!

Molly, fingers are crossed for you!
Thank you girls! :) congratulations, and have a very merry Christmas and safe new year! :)
Hey ladies I have read all of the threads, I'm so excited I have read them now I don't feel along. Little about myself first pregnancy got pregnant on my own which was a big shock bc a past doctor said I couldn't have children..(prove him wrong) well that pregnancy ended at 21 weeks due to a incompetent cervix. It was nothing we can go to save our son we (my husband and I) did the cerclage (surgery to keep my cervix close) but it worked for a few days and I still went into labor. 4/30/12 our son went flying high with the angles above. So we waited two months to start trying again. I have irregular a/f so after a while we took provera to bring her on and clomid days 3-7 did two cycles of that with no success. So my doctor tried femara days 3-7 and first round of that I got BFP. That ended in a miscarriage week before thanksgiving. But on better news we are still trying and I'm currently on cycle day 14 today. I start testing for my BFP on 01/09/14 which I strongly believe it will be BFP I'm confident in it and been praying and taking prenatal to get my body ready. I look forward to hearing from you ladies. -sorry for going on and on
Praying, I'll keep you in my thoughts!

Always, it took me 3 cycles on Femara, but I also got a bfp. I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant. I also did the HCG injection to force ovulation and I was on progesterone vaginal cream to prevent miscarriage. (I had 3 miscarriages between my son and this pregnancy.) Once I got my bfp I was started on other meds to prevent miscarriage as well.

Ibelieve, sorry I was MIA. I'm doing well. I have to call the doc for another ultrasound on Monday or Tuesday and then I see my OB again on Thursday. I believe I will be seeing them often so they can monitor growth and fluid levels. We did go to Florida for Christmas and I didn't realize how stressed I was until we got there. It was hard to be away from my docs and hospital, but we made it back safely. DH was not happy I decided to go to FL because I started bleeding again the night before we left. It wasn't bad, not enough to go to the hospital, but we were nervous. I think I'm just going to be one of the "lucky" ones that spots the whole pregnancy. My doc said it's expected with the placenta previa. It's been one stress after another with this baby. Here's hoping for some more good news after our appointments next week!

Enough about me, how are you? Did you have a nice Christmas? Are you feeling the babies move yet?

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