Femara success?

Hi everyone, I'm just leaving my appt....whew, what a busy day! Had my nurse visit and got all my bloodwork done, and of course my ultrasound! =) Everything looked perfect, I got to see my little bean and its heartbeat. Heartbeat is 135, it just measured 1cm, and I'm 7w3d on the dot, so my due date is the same. Words cannot express how I'm feeling right now. Once I saw that little heartbeat, I instantly fell in love. I am so blessed and thankful.
Oh my gosh Gabrielle that is amazing! Congrats! I can imagine how excited you are right now! When.is your next appointment?
Oh my gosh Gabrielle that is amazing! Congrats! I can imagine how excited you are right now! When.is your next appointment?

Thank you Sib! I am beyond excited!! My next appt. is March 6th. Oh and I got my sonograms too! =) I have a cute little jelly bean.
Oh Im so happy for you Gabrielle! I know the feeling it is so overwhelming and unexplainable but just wonderful...

Keep you sonograms, its amazing to see how they evolve and grow into little beings from little beans :haha:
Thank you Ibelieveitwil! I'm saving all of my sonograms in a scrapbook =) I am so overjoyed, this is an amazing feeling.:cloud9:
So excited for you Gabrielle!

Thank you Sib!! =) How are you doing? Any positive changes happening or is everything stable at least? I'm sure you can't wait to make it to the 38 week mark so you can finally hold your precious baby and breathe a sigh of relief! I can imagine how difficult things are for you, but you are one tough mama! :hugs: You're still in my prayers!
Hey Ibelieveitwil! What's going on with you my darlin? How are you feeling?
I'm doing ok. This week has been crazy. Had a bleed on Monday, which scared them a little. Thank goodness it has subsided and I'm not bleeding anymore. Now of course I'm dealing with pain in my side. I think the baby is pushing/pulling on a ligament and I'm barely able to get out of bed.

Good news is the baby looks great! Everyone is really impressed with how well he is doing and how much he is moving with no fluid in there. I've started to leak more fluid, which they are taking as a good sign, since it means he can make all that fluid. They want me to make it to 34 weeks, and then they will discuss delivery. Anything past that and my risk for infection increases. So just 5 and a half weeks more at the most. My next growth ultrasound is on 2/17. I'm anxious about that, but really want it done too. Would love to know how he's growing...by the looks of my belly and the amount of discomfort, he's got to be getting bigger. Anyway, overall I'm doing well, just uncomfortable.
So I just woke up to another bleed. Pretty bad one and I'm having contractions every 10 kinutes! They just gave me a shot to stop them and its making me crazy! Cant stop shaking and my heart is racing! Its only 1:30am here...feeling so.lonely. I want to call dh but I don't want to freak him out and what can he do. So here I am. I'm a hot mess! How.much more can my body handle?!?!
Thank you Ibelieve. I made it through the night. Still spotting and cramping but its better. Not sure what they are planning for me today, still waiting for the doc to come in.
Hi Everyone! Just joined today but I started reading the thread from yesterday. Yes, I read all 70 pages lol. I was a little hesitant about joining because it's hard to express how you feel. You have all given me courage to actually write. I haven't written on a blog since I lost my first babies. Every time I try to conceive all the feelings keep flooding back. I have pcos and was able to get pregnant with twin boys using follistim injections and double iui. At 22 weeks I went into preterm labor due to in incompetent cervics. They were able to hold off labor for a week. My twins were born a week later my first born lived a week and my second baby lived two days. I hurt everyday for them. Two months later I got pregnant on my own. Then I had an early miscarriage the week I returned to work. Happily 8 months later I got pregnant with my son using follistim and double iui. He made me smile again after so much pain. Two years later I was able to get pregnant again with follistim and double iui. I found out it was twins. I thought it was one and was confident I could carry one so when I found out it was twins I was excited but fear instantly came upon me. I am so happy to have my son and twin boys. They have healed my heart but everytime I try again I can help but ache for my first two. I hope it's ok that I'm joining the conversation. My husband and I are trying again and I know I already have three sons here but I'm really nervous about Femara working. New can't afford follistim right now and I always viewed it as my Miracle drug. I really feel for everyone I have read about.

Sib. I am rooting for you. I understand the the hospital stay and the nerves. I will pray for your big boy.

Ibelieve I'm so excited for you and your twins

Lovely I think we are close to the same schedule I just finished my 5 mg of femara yesterday. Monday opk

Gabrielle I'm really happy for you. You are in my hometown

I m sorry if I forgot some names but believe me you have all been so encouraging. I remember someone has tiny footprints next to there name. I hope you are feeling better I know you were having back pains and I'm hoping for a bfp
I am finally feeling better. Still cramping and have a headache but better than this morning. Always- the doc says as long as the baby looks good they will hold off on delivery. Right now they say he looks so fantastic he looks full term. Guess I just have to deal.

Worst part is my son was here this morning and saw me at my worst. I guess he broke down when he got home (he couldn't leave here fast enough). He and DH talked and cried together. Makes me feel bad like I am causing all of this but I'm glad they had their moment. I think they both needed it.
Oh my gosh, Sib I'm so sorry you're going through all of this! I pray everything will be ok, and that you're able to make it 5 more weeks. Your littlel guy sounds so strong and seems to be doing an extraordinary job in spite of a lack of fluid. You can do it Sib! We're cheering for both of you!!<3<3
Hoping welcome!! My heart goes out to you for your losses. I have loved ones who have experienced the same as you, and I know that's something you'll never forget. My grandmother delivered triplets, and they passed away shortly afterward. Even after so many years had passed and 9 kids and a bunch of grandkids later, she still talked about them often. That's a void that just cannot be filled. However you CAN rest assured that you have two lovely angels watching over you and your children! I pray that in time your wounds will slowly begin to heal, and give you the strength to carry on. I have my fingers crossed for you that you'll be just as lucky with the femara as you were with follistem! Femara was my miracle drug, I got my BFP after only one round!
Thank you Always! I have my fingers crossed so hard for you! I really want this cycle to end with a BFP!! Cheering for you too!:dust:

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