Femara success?

Always, thinking of you! When is your next appointment? The IUI?

Gabrielle, sorry your starting to feel sick, but its a good sign all is well!
Thank you Sib, that's what I've heard too! :thumbup:

Thank you Always, this morning sickness is no joke! It started off with the sensitive smell, and the next thing I knew, I was running to the bathroom. I've tried saltine crackers and they've only helped a little. I'm going to buy a big bag of peppermints and hopefully some ginger root and see how that helps.
when I was PG with my DS over 11 years ago I couldn't eat pizza, spaghetti, lasagna,... anything that had spaghetti sauce just the smell made my morning sickness worse didn't matter what time of day it was it sucked so bad cause those are my favorites lol the crackers & toast helped never tried the peppermints though not big on those!! hope you find something that will help. :hugs:

Thank you. My husband made a huge pot of homemade soup, and it was delicious, but as of last night I can't stand the smell of it. That sucks for him because now he's going to have to eat it all himself, or give some away. Aww man, I love pizza spaghetti & lasagna too! I hope they won't trigger it...especially the pizza. Up already early this morning with a stomach ache. Can't wait until the store opens so I can leave and get what I need. I'm calling the dr tomorrow for some Zofran.
I wonder why some apps say I'm 7w6d, and others say 7w7d? I put the same date for all of them.:shrug:
Gabrielle sorry you are feeling sick. I hope the Zofran helps.

Always I can relate to the spaghetti sauce. I had really bad heartburn and spaghetti sauce made it worse. One night after eating a Chicago Style deep dish pizza I woke up in the night with pizza sauce coming out of my nose. Ugg. I'm excited that we check the same day for follicle growth. I go Wednesday. I can't seem to think about anything else.:wacko:

Ibelieve how are you and the babies feeling?

Sib how are you doing today. I'm wishing you and your baby all the best. You are such a fighter and so is your little one.:thumbup:
Thanks everyone...I'm feeling better today. Last night was uneventful, thank goodness. My body does feel like it's been through the ringer and I can't kick this headache, but all in all, I'm not going to complain.

Always, fingers crossed everything goes as you hope on Wednesday. I'm sure it will.

Gabrielle, I think some sites count the first day of your new week as day 0 and others count it as day 1. Here at the hospital, today I'm 28 weeks 6 days and tomorrow I'll be 29 weeks 0 days. I think it's just preference, but means the same thing. Zofran is amazing, but it wasn't working completely for me. The nurse suggested I had indigestion as well and suggested I take Zantac in addition to the Zofran. Believe it or not, that worked. I couldn't believe I didn't realize I had indigestion, seems you would know that. But anyway, keep that in mind if you don't get all the relief you need. Also, I too have difficulty with anything with red sauce. It doesn't make me nauseated, but I do know if I'm going to eat it, I'm going to have to pay the price. I usually take a Zantac before I even take the first bite, which does seem to help and I save it for a late dinner so I can sleep through the discomfort.
Ahhhh. The waiting is killing me at least today is one more step closer. I buy the opk today to test tomorrow morning for ovulation. My FS has me scheduled to come in on the 12 for a follicle check and possible hug, however, I'm suppose to start the opks tomorrow morning. I'm trying to be siked but Im feeling a little blah about this cycle. The opks don't usually work for me because of the pcos. Sometimes is says I'm ovulating for days.:wacko:
Gabrielle thank you so much for the example of your grandmother. It really helps to know that people understand that no matter how many more children you have or how many years it has been the pain seems really fresh some days. My boys would have been 6 and just completed their first year of school.
Thanks for the welcome!

Ibelieve I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. I remember when it felt like my boys were wrestling in my stomach.

I did my opk test this morning, wouldn't you know it this is the one time that I didn't get that I didn't get enough on it. I told my DH I would have to drink more water and wait to pos again. To my surprise he came out the bathroom with the stick and said I guess it was enough. I don't know what to think because the edges of the line are dark and the middle is light. I think I'm going to text again at noon.:wacko:

Did anyone just test every 24 hours or do you think it's best to test twice a day?

How far along is everyone? Pregnancy? Femara? TWW?
Had to deliver last night. He is critical, but stable. I'm groggy from the.pain.meslds so I'll fill you all in with the details later.
Hi ladies!
I found this thread yesterday when I was looking for success stories on femara. My hubby (36 y/o) and I (35 y/o) have been TTC for a year, but off birth control for 2 years. I had a chemical pregnancy back in June '13, but otherwise no luck. I have fairly regular periods, so at the moment my OB isn't concerned about PCOS. In November '13, my OB tested and found I have super low progesterone at 7dpo. So she put me on letrozole/femara, 2.5mg, in the hopes of stimulating stronger follies. My 7dpo progesterone after the first round of letrozole in December was *awesome* (went from 2.3 to 26.7!), but still no BFP. Second round in January, no BFP. OH, and OB isn't monitoring with u/s, just relying on my BBT charts and the 7dpo bloodwork to see if the letrozole worked.

Anyway, so here I am, my 3rd month of letrozole, 2.5mg from CD4-8 (actually she said cd5-9 but then she said to start on cd4 because I spotted for 2 days before actual flow). Yesterday, cd9, I had a +opk, earliest I have EVER had, and a quick google search turned up info that letrozole/femara can cause false positive opks. Last night, I was having this fullness/crampy/lumpy feeling on my left side, which I imagined was just growing follies and evidence the medication worked. This morning, I ended up with a temp spike that looks like an ovulation temp for me (of course I need a few more of that sustained temp to confirm O), which now has me freaked out...

Is cd9 or cd10 too early to ovulate on femara/letrozole, especially if the last dose was cd8? Not expecting to ovulate this early, we just started BD on cd8, EOD, so not going again until today. Gah! I kinda want to fast forward to tomorrow morning and see if the temp spike was a freak, one-off thing or if it stays up. I'm kinda afraid to ask my OB because she's generally very hands-off (we can't get in to see the RE until end of March, so for now this is what I've got).

Sorry for the novel - just wanting to connect with ladies who have experience with letrozole/femara. Any insight, experiences, or ideas to help talk me off the ledge?
Sib I'm so happy your little guy is stable. You made it. I bet he is beautiful. Congratulations! I know it's scary and I don't know exactly how you feel. Enjoy every moment. He is here!:hugs:
Welcome Sharp:D. I'm new to the tread myself.

I'm not sure if cd9 is too early to ovulate. First Response Ovulation Kit says you can start testing from day 9 if you have a 26 day cycle. It seems possible. My cycle is "usually" 35 days but I'm thinking the Femara may make it shorter. I have pcos so I'm not exactly sure what would be normal. We are around the same time. I'm on cd11 but it's negative. I was shocked to learn that fermara could give a false +. Thanks for the info. I'm wishing you the very best. I'm hoping mine is + tomorrow morning because they could set up my iui. If I don't get a positive by tomorrow I go in on Wednesday for a hcg shot to force ovulation.
Hi all! Sorry to hear about some of the pains but hoping that you all are feeling lots better. I'm on my phone so I can't respond individually like I want to but my thoughts are with you all!

Welcome Hoping! I think we are on the same schedule! I finished my Femara on Sunday and took 150 iu of Bravelle ( Follistim is the same type of drug) today and ultrasound on Wednesday. Can't wait to see what is brewing! Hoping for IUI on Friday or Saturday. I'm a single mother by choice. My donor sperm was delivered to lab today. This is my 3rd donor (4th IUI). The first two had sucky numbers so hoping the 3rd donor's sperm is a lot better. I got a credit on the 1st donor and filing for a credit/refund for the 2nd donor. But hopin I won't need anymore after this one!!

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