Femara success?

Sib I know you are overjoyed holding Evan! Owen is already a great big brother!!

I believe I hope they can give you a confirmed answer next week.

AfM- I just had my blood drawn this morning for a progesterone check. The nurse called me a few minutes ago. My progesterone level is 6.36, she said they like it at 10. I have to get promethium to insert twice a day. A little worried because she mentioned if I'm not pregnant we would increase the dose of femara unless I chose to go with gonal-f which is like the follistim I took. She almost said it as if it was a sure thing. Could they have tested for pregnancy already!! I know it's probably me freaking out. Ahhhh
Sib I know you are overjoyed holding Evan! Owen is already a great big brother!!

I believe I hope they can give you a confirmed answer next week.

AfM- I just had my blood drawn this morning for a progesterone check. The nurse called me a few minutes ago. My progesterone level is 6.36, she said they like it at 10. I have to get promethium to insert twice a day. A little worried because she mentioned if I'm not pregnant we would increase the dose of femara unless I chose to go with gonal-f which is like the follistim I took. She almost said it as if it was a sure thing. Could they have tested for pregnancy already!! I know it's probably me freaking out. Ahhhh

If this was a 7dpo progesterone check, they couldn't have checked for pregnancy yet - as it's possible implantation hasn't happened yet (or if it has, it hasn't been long enough for HCG to build up in your system to a detectable level >5). FX that the med works and that you get a BFP soon!!!
Hoping, that's how my FS handled my care too. I took prometrium as a precaution from Ovulation on and I tested 14 dpo. I called them with the result and when it was a bfp, I went in for blood work. Try not to freak out too much! :)

Thank you ENS and Always! It was amazing holding him! I feel at peace when he's in my arms, like everything will be ok.
Ibelieve, what a stinker! Hoping you get confirmation next week! Two boys sounds amazing! :)
Hi Sib,
Congratulations on the arrival of Evan, so happy you've got to hold him so quickly :cloud9: I've been following your progress since I posted at the start of the thread, but haven't managed to keep up with it all so haven't posted. But I was thinking of you and Ibelieve.
Anyway, just wanted to say I'm so happy your little guy is here safely and his big brother has started out being such a caring young man already. Love and best wishes for the coming weeks :hugs:

Hi Ibelieve - thinking of you also. :hugs: I'm sorry to have not kept up well with the thread, I've been suffering with very bad PND and haven't been organised well enough to keep up with the entire thread. I hope you'll have confirmation of the gender soon, two boys would be fab - but I am biased towards team Blue!

Dust and best wishes to everyone on their Femara journey, may all your dreams come true
copied this update from my LTTS Journal lol (don't get too much activity over there thought y'all might be able to help) .... any of you ladies temp?

8 DPO - had some very very light pale pink spotting again last night only 2 small dots and it stopped again (like last month) I have been trying to temp and I had a huge spike at 7 dpo then a dip this morning, but not sure if I should discard it -- I didn't sleep good at all I didn't get 3 straight hours of sleep either. I woke up freezing it got cold over night and the temp in the house dropped A LOT I didn't go to sleep until after 2 woke up around 330-4 cause it sounded like harley (my dog) was about to puke (he didn't thankfully) then woke up at 530 when jeremy got up and it took me a minute to go back to sleep (around 6) then the alarm went off at 7 so I don't even know if I should count this temp or not. I know it's probably still too early to tell just ahhh this TWW is aweful lol

I temp too!
Your spotting sounds promising - could it be implantation spotting? I had the same thing the cycle we had a CP (the only cycle we conceived, and I don't think the spotting had anything to do with the later CP). That may coincide with a dip in your temp, but hard to say since you didn't get 3 full hours of sleep in a row.

As far as your temp this morning, I would make a note that you didn't get a full 3 hours before your temp, but at the moment I'd keep the temp in. It's the 2ww anyway, so keeping or discarding the temp won't make much difference (since the goal of charting is to confirm ovulation) aside from looking for a temp drop that might indicate your period is coming. I'd keep the temp in and just wait it out.

I'm 11dpo and waiting to test for a couple days because I had a big dip yesterday and then it popped back up this morning. I might test tomorrow but would be better off waiting until Sunday 14dpo (FertilityFriend says to wait until Wednesday 17dpo since my period will be late then.)
yeah I'm trying not to read too much into it. took a nap this morning was going to test again but the durn dogs wouldn't let me sleep 3 straight hours again lol i was up twice with them so I will just have to wait it out.

i had the same thing happen last month and got my BFP but miscarried early so I'm an trying to be optimistic ... the spotting not the temp drop. It's weird cause my temp raised twice at 6 and 7 dpo .. 7 was a big raise.. then dropped .3 ... this temping thing just confuses me all together but as long as they stay up it's promising I'm told.

I'm not far behind ya FF tells me to test at 14 DPO also but FS wants me to test on the 26th and call them with the results no matter what the are... so I'm trying to hold out and not test before then. FX'd for you :)

It helps me to remember that the important thing with temping is to look for patterns and that you can't rely on 1-2 temps alone to tell you much. It might be tough, but try to hold out until the 26th - I'll probably be testing that day too!!! Here's hoping we're both calling our docs with good news that day!!!
Sharp and Always this two week wait is starting to get to me. I'm trying to focus on the promethium inserts twice a day and trying to remember follic acid everyday. I'm surprised I have one pregnancy test from the free one that came with the ovulation tests, and I haven't touched it yet. We'll see how long that lasts. I'm 8dpo today.
I'm barely hanging on too. Unfortunately I end up wasting many productive hours googling every possible symptom, lurking on message boards, and making "due in ____" badges (which I hope to use in my siggy someday). The making badges thing started today, and I can see it's going to be a productivity killer if I don't get a BFP soon!

OH, and I figured if this isn't our month I'd better print out all the forms the RE wants us to fill out before we see him next month.... but the printer kept just printing a solid black blob of ink. Maybe the printer knows something I don't? lol

Hang in there! You'll make it - FX that this is your cycle!!!
I'm getting cramping on my left side. Slight twinges. I'm so afraid that it's AF. I will really be heartbroken if it's a bfn. I keep telling myself that it's still early but it feels so much like AF.:af:
I'm getting cramping on my left side. Slight twinges. I'm so afraid that it's AF. I will really be heartbroken if it's a bfn. I keep telling myself that it's still early but it feels so much like AF.:af:

Remind me, how many days past ovulation/iui are you? I think some cramping is normal even for eventual BFP. Don't count yourself out yet!

I broke down and tested this morning. BFN. But also way too early. I'm 12dpo at the earliest, but might have ovulated a little later (Fertility Friend says I ovulated 2/9, but TCOYF thinks I ovulated 2/13, so... ???).
I'm getting cramping on my left side. Slight twinges. I'm so afraid that it's AF. I will really be heartbroken if it's a bfn. I keep telling myself that it's still early but it feels so much like AF.:af:

Remind me, how many days past ovulation/iui are you? I think some cramping is normal even for eventual BFP. Don't count yourself out yet!

I broke down and tested this morning. BFN. But also way too early. I'm 12dpo at the earliest, but might have ovulated a little later (Fertility Friend says I ovulated 2/9, but TCOYF thinks I ovulated 2/13, so... ???).

Hi Sharp, I'm 10dpo today. I know my other pregnancy I did not get a positive until exactly 14 days after ovulation. Day 13 didn't even show a slight line not even a vapor mark. I hope we both get big BFPs. Thank you so much for the encouragement.
So, I need to rant!

Things are really wearing on me. I'm hoping it's just the baby blues and it will ease up soon. I've been feeling so guilty, like all this stress is my fault. It's my fault Evan is fighting for his life, because I couldn't keep him in long enough, it's my fault that Owen and Matt are stressed and we're all tired from the busy schedule of living life and adding hospital visits into the mix. I just can't kick the guilt. To top it off my aunt passed away a few days after Evan was born (and my uncle, her husband, passed just before Thanksgiving) and my grandma (who is like my mother) had a stroke yesterday. My family is taking a major hit and I'm not there to help or be with them and I can't fly home. I know there's nothing I can do, but it's hard to not be there and it's hard to sit by Evan's bedside and be completely helpless. It's a mess! I just need things to calm down with my family. I'm fighting off tears all the time and now I'm starting to feel nauseated most of the time. My nerves have had it! I don't want to take any meds because I read they get into your breast milk and I figure Evan has enough going on, he doesn't need that too. So what's a girl to do?

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