Femara success?

Future - Welcome and good luck!!!

Hoping - what's the verdict today? FX for you!!!

Always - I am so sorry about the temp drop :( (((HUGS))) It is emotionally exhausting. will you be on the same protocol next cycle? Also, grr about your son being bullied - did the school respond like they should and do what needs to be done to protect your son?

AFM, temps are still up but all tests are negative. I think Fertility Friend estimated my O date wrong, so I may have a couple more days of waiting. FF says I'm at 17dpo, which would make it my longest ever LP that wasn't a pregnancy (miscarriage) cycle. I'm thinking I might have O'd later (darn OB who wouldn't do u/s to monitor follies!), so at this point I have no idea what's happening. I'm preparing for the worst and getting ready for another cycle of trying before we get to see the RE in a month.
Hi ladies, just dropping in to see how everyone is doing. Sib and Lovely my condolences to you and your families, I hope the both of you are holding up ok. FX'd for everyone in the tww!! Always I know it has been a long and difficult journey, but don't lose hope. It can and will happen for you! :hug: Also, I hope the bullying situation was handled appropiately at your son's school.

Afm, I'm currently 10 weeks and haven't been feeling too bad. My boobies have been growing, and so heavy they feel like bricks! I also still have soreness from time to time, but nothing major. My next dr. visit is next Thursday, and I'll be 11 weeks, so I'm hoping I get another ultrasound as well! I'll keep all of you updated! :babydust:
I'm out. I tested yesterday morning, evening,and this morning :bfn::bfn::bfn: The nurse told me to call this morning so that we could do blood work, today or tomorrow. She told me it was still early but I know I'm not. Yesterday was 13dpiui and 14dpo. I'm sooooo bumped.:cry:

Ensharp I hope everything turns out well. I'm so looking forward to hearing some good news.

Always, I m glad they were able to change your sons class. Such a cruel thing to say to your son. Evidently he gets that kid of speech from his idiot father. I'm totally with you about letting that boys father have it. I hope this next cycle is our cycle, I'm trying so hard nor to cry.
Hoping and Always --- I'm in the same boat as you two... huge temp drop this morning and nothing but BFNs, so I'm out I think. I'm super bummed. Going on to round 4 of letrozole, but can't make any dose adjustments or ask for monitoring or trigger since my OB shuffled us over to the RE, who won't see us for another month.

I had a big meltdown yesterday because SIL is 37 1/2 weeks and probably going to deliver sooner than later (she's on bed rest b/c baby's baseline HR was low), AND we're doing an online/virtual baby shower for her that starts Saturday. So it's all baby all the time, and I'm left feeling like I'm losing hope/faith that my husband and I will ever get to have our own baby. So the temp drop and impending AF just piles on to the sad feelings. It's a depressing place to be right now.

Always - I hope the bullying situation is resolved now that your son is in a different class. I'm sorry your son and you had to go through all of that!
Ohmigosh Always - I would have been furious if I was in your shoes!!!! That breakdown is totally merited, IMO, you have a right to it!!! I'm glad the med snafu is fixed and you have your medications filled in time. But let those emotions out when they need to come out - and FX that March is kinder to you!!!

I'm still waiting on AF, have wicked cramps and a bad headache. on top of that, my sister in law gave birth today (I would have won the "guess when baby will be born" game), 2 1/2 weeks early. She's is completely healthy and both mom and baby are doing well. I'm over the moon happy for them, but at the same time feeling a little jealous and sad that my hubby and I are nowhere near having our take-home baby, and our one loss would have been due 3/14. AND I'm stressing because those in charge of her baby shower waited til the last minute to plan it, and it's supposed to happen tomorrow, so we're scrambling to rearrange everything... and all I want to do right now is binge on all the cookies.

Starting next week, though, I'm getting back to the gym and going to give South Beach a try. I've been inspired by those early posts in this thread and I know the RE is going to want me to drop some lbs as part of our treatment plan. So tonight I dine on pad thai and indulge in girl scout cookies, 'cuz next week I'm on a mission!
today has been just an aweful day.. had been trying to reach my OB/GYN so she could put in the new dosage and refill my trigger shot .. been trying for 2 days... called this morning and the clinic said they'd give her the message right away (since I needed to pick it up today VA is closed on weekends so it had to be today to start on sunday) ... didn't hear anything called again front desk transferred me back .. no answer so I called the pharmacy at 2 hoping she put it in and forgot to call me... the pharmacy tells me she isn't even in today .. I don't know why the clinic couldn't have just told me that ... at this point i finally broke.

I have been trying to be strong and trying to be positive but just seems like everything is stacked against us I was straight up sobbing.. all 4 dogs jumping all over me worried hubby at his appt son at school i was alone and just sobbing i completely broke down.

After about 5 mins I gathered myself and called the clinic manager and she talked to the other OB/GYN to see if he'd fill it .. his nurse called me and said if the FS could fax the prescriptions to him (since my OB/GYN has them and isn't in) he'd fill them but I'd have to head out right away since they close at 6 and I live an hour away... thankfully the FS got right on it and I now have my meds.

Just goes to show you .. you can only be strong for so long... 10+ yrs about time I had an emotional break down..... come on March be kind to me!!!

I'm so sorry AF showed and that you had a rough day, but happy things worked out. You definitely deserved a breakdown. I bet you feel a little more refreshed to have let it all out and now you can move forward. I know that's how I am...I usually have a cry fest every night (in the shower), allow myself 5 minutes or so to lose it, and then gather myself and move forward. It definitely helps to have a good cry.
So here I am again, need to get it out! Today was rough, they put Evan back on the vent (he was on what is called an NIPPV, which is like a CPAP - keeps pressure in his lungs and forces air but he had to do all the breathing on his own). He was breathing ok on the NIPPV; however, wasn't pushing it all out so his carbon dioxide level was rising. The doc opted to put the vent back in to prevent an emergent situation. They are also watching his lung pressure and heart because the one of the "holes" in his heart that is common in preemies, it's called a PDA, hasn't closed up yet. So, on Monday they are going to do another echo and then decide if they are going to surgery to ligate the hole. Needless to say I am exhausted, its been a very stressful day. Things really do change minute to minute with a preemie. Just yesterday we were ok to monitor him with no discussion of surgery, now today, we are looking at a likely possibility of him having surgery. It's not a major procedure, thank goodness! Bonus is they are going to allow Owen to go in and see Evan. They have been on a flu restriction and he hasn't been permitted to go in, but I asked since they are possibly going to do heart surgery and it would kill me if anything happened to Evan and Owen never got to see him. Anyway, thanks again for letting me "get it all out". I appreciate you ladies!
Hello everyone! Just stopping by to say hello. Wishing everyone well wherever you may be on your journey.

Also, wanted to say congratulations on your baby boy Sib! I love his name. Praying for him as he grows strong! So very happy for you. Blessings!
Hello! I am new to this forum. I've spent the last couple hours reading all of the posts. My husband and I are in our early 40's and trying to conceive our first child. We have been trying for a year before being referred to a fertility specialist. After all the tests coming back positive for great swim miles and an excellent egg count, the Dr found two small cysts in the uterus. I had surgery in January and I am on day 4 of taking Letrozole. Tomorrow is my last dose and I have a follicular ultrasound on Thursday. From there, the Dr will determine when to take the Ovidrel shot and IUI appt. both of us are super excited! It seems like the days pass so slowly but we are very grateful that we have these options available to us.

Looking forward to seeing how all of your stories progress.
Hi everyone -
Sorry I've been off the radar for a few days. AF starting and my SIL giving birth on the same day pretty much spiraled me into depression for a few days. I am beyond thrilled for my SIL and her family, but feeling sad that the miracle feels so far away for hubby and I. But, today I'm starting one more round of letrozole before the RE will see us. I also realized that the RE is going to tell me I need to lose some weight, so I signed up at the gym today. Feeling good about getting started working out and hopefully losing some weight, but when I did my weigh-in at the gym my weight/BMI was way worse than I thought it was (our scale at home is truly broken - the battery died and I can't find a new one to replace it). So feeling a lot of mixed feelings today. I can't really afford the gym membership, but I kinda can't afford NOT to either.

I will be so thrilled if this next round of medication works and we start growing a little Christmas baby and can cancel our RE appt (which would make the cost of the gym membership hurt a little less). Keeping up hope!
ENS, I'm so sorry you are having a rough time. I know it's not easy seeing people have babies all the while you are fighting to have your own. It's hard to remember in the moment, but trust that everything happens for a reason. Your time will come, one way or another. If you can't afford the gym membership long term, maybe just see a trainer for a few visits, get the plan and then drop the membership and do what you can at home. There are so many ways you can improvise and do the workouts they set up for you, especially the cardio. Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks Sib! You're so right.
I signed up for the gym and will find a way to make it work. I just have to find ways to keep my hope up each day that our time will come. Figuring out a way to address my weight is one way to feel less helpless in the process.

I hope your little guy is doing better and having more good days!!!
Hi all not getting on much as watching my 2 year old nephew and he keeps me really busy

Sorry you guys have to constantly be going through hard times,but hopefully we all will have our little ones in our arms soon

Praying for little Evan that he's out soon and with him family

some bd'ing in hoping to catch that egg/eggs so here's the schedule,think I just may have

Trying to get this down for record purposes,had other things taking up my time do didnt keep track of the days very well so here goes

:sex: Feb 26th
:sex: Feb 27th

:sex: March 1st
:sex: March 2nd

:sex: :sex: March 1st March 4th (cycle day 14th , really wanted this and was pretty demanding yeah for Femara :happydance:)
:sex: March 5th
:sex: March 6th (
today )

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