Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Happy Monday Everyone :hi:

Vix - Great birth story! That's great that you were the first one to touch her after the birth. She's such a cutie! Don't beat yourself over giving up BF. At the end of the day, whatever works best for the LO is the best option.

Grand - Past 39 weeks now, wow! Little Blue is going to be here soon!

Lil - That's great that you're feeling so much movement, and can now actually see them as well. It truly is something, isn't it? Not too long now before your scan. I'm sure you can't wait! Look forward to seeing some pictures.

Milos - Hope the labor is progressing smoothly. You might just be holding Squiggle in your arms as I type this. :winkwink: Look forward to an update when you have a chance. Hope all went well!

Sparkle - Sorry to hear about your mom. :cry: I hope she gets the best treatment possible, and has a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you. As for IKEA, I know what you mean....it's insanely crowded there every single time, but they sure have some good stuff at great prices. :thumbup: Good luck making a decision on a cot for Apple Alice.

New - Great to hear that you're feeling better & have had a speedy recovery. :hugs: Hope you get some rest before you get back to work.

Amber - So looks like Grace will be here next week, eh?? So many more baby pics to see, I'm getting so excited! :lol: Yay for the surprise baby shower, that's awesome! :thumbup:

Shell - Look like you're making progress. If the bouncing on the ball, & long walk don't do it, get on DH again for some :sex:. :haha: Keep us posted!

Bean - Glad you're enjoying maternity leave. Have fun cleaning out the lounge. Hope you don't get in too much trouble with OH. :winkwink:

Kizzy - Happy Birthday!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM, the crib & changing table have found their places in Coco's nursery. :thumbup: We also managed to find her bedding set & mattress liner over the weekend, so excited about that! Still have other things to put in place in the nursery, so will hold off on putting up the bedding until a little later. We found some cute wall decor online, so will probably go ahead and get that ordered this week. Also, almost done with our registry...only a few more tweaks to make.

On another note, the weight gain is here and boy did it come quickly over the last several weeks! :confused: I'm not going to pay it too much attention since this is when the baby's growth really kicks in. I'm also a healthy eater overall, and still exercise on a regular basis. But boy has it got me wondering...where the heck is it all going?? :shrug: On the other hand, people around me keep commenting on how small I still look, and the only place I've gained weight is on my belly. Hmmm, more confusion. :dohh:
Thanks for all birthday wishes ladies, it was lovely to get a mummy card, I cried! Haha!!

Shell, it all sounds so promising, crossing my fingers for you!!

Lil good luck with the scan :)

Amber, wow, you could be induced a were Wednesday, how bloody exciting!! Your baby should be here by next sat at the latest!!

Hi to everyone else, on my phone so not easy to see/remember everything!! Xx
Morning Ladies!!

Libby is having her nap so i thought id grab a few mins to get laptop out and have a good read throught our thread!!

Shell- How exciting!! I also had the problem of contractions stopping when i rested so i didnt!! i went for walks, even went to watch rugby and also got jiggy with it, and that really helped getting it going!! have u got a tens machine?? id recommend them to everyone!! Ive always had a epidural but thanks to my tens i didnt need one! Ill keep checking for your baby announcment!!

Milo- Im guessing as your being quiet this means maybe your babys here? Good luck, thinking of you both as I AM SOOOOOO BROODY AGAIN ALREADY!! i miss being pregnant so much and i also want to do the labour again it was brill lol

Amber- Good luck for you scan!! Hope your well!

New- Glad your feeling more positive!! it takes time xx

Sparkle- So sorry to hear about your mums secondary, Im keeping my fingerscrossed for you and your family x


Libby is great, perfect, amazing!!! The love i feel for my little bundle is out of this world, i cant stop looking at her and thinking WOW!!
The birth of Libby had also brought me and DH closer together, even tho we have always been close a new baby bonds you even more!!
Andy went bk to work Monday, so ive had to juggle a 8yr old, 3yr old and Libby, so far so good, the kids are brill with her!!
My Milk is now drying up, and im glad, once its gone maybe the guilt im feeling of failing will less....
The baby blues hit me over the weekend, cryed at everything and everyone lol
Think it was just overwelming the thought of being alone and in control of 3 kids? the step from 1 to 2 is big, but the 3rd is huge!! also didnt help that with my eldest i had post natal deppresion, and i dont think i bonded and truley loved her till probably her 1st yr, as i didnt get help till she was 7months old, and we have so many pics of Zack and Libby and i barley have any of jess, and i dont remember anything about her as a baby due to the deppresion and i feel so much guilt for that, i love her with all my heart now and i think our experience with the depression had bonded us in such a way thats so diffrent from libby and zack, we are very close, but i will alway feel guilty for what happened!! Im watching out for every sign of it again, altho i feel fine at moment!!

Hope anyone else ive missed out is well, ive had to write notes on my hand just to remember what i wanted to say to each person lol

Take care x
Really quick as I am in and out the door at work this am--NST this am showed grace having a good heartbeat but she was a bit lethargic, so they are sending me for an ultrasound in an hour just to make sure she is breathing ok and there are no issues.

Internal exam revealed that my cervix is softening up and I am starting to dilate! I am also starting to have mild period type cramping and cramps in my butt (which makes me laugh, but MD told me this is normal!). MD says that I am probably showing early signs of labor--but not to get too excited as I could be one of those ladies that labors for days OR it could move quickly! :dohh:

So, that put me on the fast track at work. I have my last day "scheduled" to be the 18th (day before my induction), but now it may end up being sooner! Argh! Too much to do!

I promise to catch up properly with you all later today/this evening!

Milos/Shell--thinking of you both!!
Amber- hoping everything is ok xx

Shell- how are you doing? Any progress? x
Arg, I am so lagged out with this new site design, I am sorry, hopefully it will be better tomorrow, this is my 3rd attempt at posting!

I just wanted to let you ladies know that everything went well at the ultrasound today, Grace passed all the testing criteria and is not in any distress, phew!

Hopefully I can catch up properly once this lag clears!
Amber i dont think too much will change tom.. they r working on the slowness.. and everyone is making a big to do about the new homepage.. and how the site is ruined.. blah blah blah..

But thanks for the update.. happy grace is doing well and is fine..

AFM-my scan is tom.. 20 weeks..
Amber- so glad everything is well. X

Lil- it's today!!!! Thinking of you, hope everything is wonderful!

Kizzy glad you had a wonderful birthday!

Neffie- nursery sounds lovely. I know what you mean about the weight gain. I feel that at least I look pregnant not fat!!

Afm- might not be on much for the next few days. Cormack has whooping cough, never rains but it pours in this house! My mum is still deciding what she wants in relation to her treatment. It's so hard with her being so far away, we've been talking 3+ times a day on the phone. AA seems to sense I'm feeling anxious and has been wiggling more and more to let me know she's ok.
I'm also hating the new layout. Can see me spending less time here... Anyone who wants to add me on Facebook is welcome, I missed it a few hundred pages back! I'm Melanie Horn, profile pic is me and C on a windy day!!
Sorry cormack isn't well hun, and also I havent said how sorry I am about your mum, thinking of you. I'll add you on fb xx
Morning Ladies! :hi:

neffie: wow, it really sounds like your nursery is coming along now! how exciting! and I hear you on the weight gain. I have actually gained almost 50lbs!! but you would never guess when looking at me. Its all on my bump, and nowhere else, but my bump is measuring normal and not oversized.....confusing, huh? so dont worry! :)

Kizzy - glad to had a good birthday. and Yay to the Mummy birthday card!! Love and hugs to Georgina :hugs:

Vix - no, I havent got a TENS machine. I looked into it, but never got round to hiring one in the end. I hope I dont end up regretting that decision....Glad things are going so well with Libby. Im sure you will cope just fine when DH goes back to work. And how lovely that you and hubby are much closer now. Thats so sweet. Keep in touch, Hun :friends:

Amber - oooh, exciting symptoms for you, it seems! Cervix softening and dilating, and mild cramping....sounds promising! Keep us updated on that! Also, glad all went well with the scan, and that Grace is OK. And happy 38 weeks today!! :dance:

Sparkle - so sorry to hear that Cormack has whooping cough. Bless him. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Glad that Apple Alice is wriggling lots. Thats a good sign at least. I hope your Mum finds the right decision for her, regarding her treatment. Thinking of you during this stressful time :hugs:

Lil - good luck for your scan today! Let us know how it goes....:flower:

Hope the rest of you are well :friends:

AFM: arghhh! im getting really down right now. after my large bloody show on monday morning, I had pink discharge all day, and intermittent backache and period pains. I assumed things were happening. Anyways, Monday came and went.
Yesterday, I had no discharge at all, and barely any pains during the day. I went for a long walk round the park with my OH in the evening, and was having strong Braxton Hicks. I got home, and I was in a lot of pain. Strong stomach cramps and back pains. I couldnt get comfortable on the sofa at all. I then had a "clear out" when I went to the toilet (sorry, TMI). I really thought things were happening. But then I went to bed...and everything stopped.
What can I do?! I honestly dont mind if Bo stays in here for another couple of weeks. Im not desperate to get her out or anything. But Im just sick of being in pain, and not getting anything out of it!! It just seems like its all pain, and no gain :(
Sorry for moaning. Thanks for listening :hugs:
Shell- has anyone checked you? You might just be in slow labour... This happened to a friend of mine, but it did mean that the pushing phase was shorter. She walked around for a few days and was 6cm before 'active labour' started!
Wow, that sounds amazing - walking around for days in labour and being 6cms before anything happened?! :wacko:
No, I havent been checked. I havent been to see anybody about it. I have an appointment with the midwife on Friday. I could tell her then, but I will only be 38+1, so I doubt she would check me, would she?
Im just feeling abit down with it all, thats all.
Thanks Sparkle :hugs:
She might check you if you ask? Especially as youve been having strong 'contractions' and pain as well as bloody shows.
Thinking of you..
I should point out she was having cramping and stuff, but nothing out of the ordinary for the end of pregnancy!
Thanks for that info, Sparkle.
I will see what the Midwife says on Friday.
Hope you're ok?
I'm doing ok thanks shell- C is currently settled in front of cbeebies ( something I swore I would never do!) and I'm trying to dettol the flat!
Aww, there's nothing wrong with Cbeebies!
As long as its in moderation :)
Morning ladies! Board is moving much better for me this morning, so I feel confident that my post will not get lost in the lovely lagaland!:haha:

Lil--Happy 20 weeks madam! :happydance: Good luck with your scan today, I will be thinking of you and can't wait to see the pics! It seems just like yesterday you got your BFP, boy time is flying!

Neffie--:thumbup: awesome job on getting both the nursery furniture AND your registry going (the registry can be such a pain in the but, it was overwhelming!). I can't wait to see the pics of your nursery!!! As for weight gain, mine was sporadic. I think I have put on a total of 10 lbs this pregnancy, and it all went to the bump--but I gained 5 of it in 1 week!! I was panicking but the doc said not to worry, we all gain differently--so long as baby is measuring well and you are sticking to a healthy diet, all will be well!

Kizzy---So glad you had such a wonderful birthday, and that card is so touching!! I am loving all the lovely pictures you are posting on your facebook page, Georgina is so adorable, and clearly loved!!

Vix--wow, sounds like you have your hands full at the moment with your little ones!! I am so glad to hear that Libby is doing so well and you sound like you are doing great!!! I also think it's great that you and DH feel so much closer, that is wonderful!! I think you are going to do just great when he goes back to work! :hugs:

Sparkle--poor Cormack! I hope he starts to feel better soon, poor little guy! I also hope your mom is able to make the decision that she feels is best for her, and it is good that you are able to be there for her, even if it is over the phone. My mother lives over 3 hours away and when she was going through all her testing, we were on the phone a lot also--she told me afterwards that it meant the world to have me reachable by phone at any time--and I am sure your mother has to feel the same! I am keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. I also think you are right with Apple Alice knowing when you are anxious or nervous--whenever I feel stressed out or upset, Grace starts wriggling around too--I think it is just our little girls' way of letting us know they are there for us and that they love us! Kinda like a Hug from the womb.

Oh, and I tried to find you on Facebook hun, but I could not find you! Can you please add me, I would love to stay in touch! My name on Facebook is Belinda Lison (my photo is of me in my office in front of my blinds, I have blonde highlighted hair and am wearing a grey sweater). I would love it if any of you other ladies would want to add me as well--I know when we have Grace, most of the pics and such will be there as DH will be doing most of the updating for family on my page!

Shell--:hugs: Oh hun, you have to be so frustrated! I would definitely talk to the midwife and ask for her to check you on Friday for sure! I don't think 38+1 is too early at all, I have already been checked twice (36+3 and 37+6) just to monitor my progress, and you definitely have far more progressive signs than I do! Please keep us posted!!!

AFM: After our little wake-up call yesterday that things "may" move faster than we anticipated, we kicked into gear and made sure that we have the bags fully packed and in the car, as well as the car seat all set to go and latched in properly. Now, if something happens while I am at work, we can go straight uptown to the hospital, haha!

DH seems convinced I am going to go into full blown labor before the weekend, I have a feeling I am one of those slowly progressing types, so will likely hold out until my induction on Wednesday, but at least it "should" go easier since they say that it is less painful if you are already dilating as opposed to forcing the body to do something it hasn't even started doing yet!

Today I am just having some mild period type cramping and more butt cramps! I really don't have lower back pain, but I am wondering if that is what the butt cramps are considered, haha. I am just taking it easy, trying to close things out here at work.

Hope all of you ladies are doing well today!
Thanks ladies.. Im very excited for my scan later today.. its in the afternoon.. so will update once i get the chance.. :) Im nervous and excited.. normal right.. :)

Happy to hear your all doing well..

Amber-happy 38 weeks.. and i never had back pain went i went into labor so no help.. but trust you will know when its real labor.. so excited for you..

Shell-I too would check with the midwife.. as you had bloody show so your dialating.. just taking its time like with kizzy.. :)

Sparkle-hope c feels better soon... so no fun when our kids are poor.. hope your mom finds what will be best for her..

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