Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Congratulations! And Happy Birthday Bean! Hope you everyone is doing well and getting settled.

The first few days were crazy hard for me but things are starting to get easier! I am so in love! I already don't want her to get any bigger. I can't beleive she's a week and a half already!
Congrats Bean on the birth of Nate.. cant wait to hear more about your birth and him..:)
CONGRATs BEAN!! Well done!! Welcome Nate Daniel!!! What a lovely name, never heard it before but it is lovely!!

My tricks for Libbs sleeping?? Don't think I have many lol

She doesn't sleep for more than a hour during day, so come 8pm I get her dressed for bed, she has cuddles with daddy whilst I bath and bed oldest 2, she then sleep untill I dream feed her at 11pm, I then put her in her sleeping bag and take her to bed, she lays on a very big fluffy blanket and this has improved her sleep!! She wakes around 5-6am for a feed I then take her into my bed and remove the pillows and duvet and cover us in a blanket and she sleeps untill around 8am! Last night was not as good but still ok, we tried the cot and she kept trying to roll onto her side and waving limbs around and waking herself up! But I won't give in!! Lol I also think the sleeping bag is brill, before shed kick the covers off and wake up but now she's cosy all night!!

I loved sleeping bags for c, I used to pop him in his sleeping bag then swaddle him with a really light cotton swaddle!
C also used a dummy for sleeping at night from about 7/8 weeks until he was 10 months. He never had it at any other time and I found it helped him understand it was a different kind of sleep
I love the sleeping bag also. I've been swaddling her in a receiving blanket then putting her into the sleeping bag. I keep my house a bit cooler and this seems to keep her cozy!
james 001.jpg

Here he is Will post birth story later - that has just taken me ages me to figure out how to do. Phew....

Thank you everybody for all your congrats. Promise will reply properly soon.
Thanks girls - he is a bit gorgeous isnt he.

Ok - am going to have a go at writing story..... May have to stop and continue depending on interuptions from dh ........

OK - Went in on Thursday to be induced as planned. About 5.00 pm they inserted a prostaglandin. They say that it is a new induction process. They leave that in for 24 hours and check your BP every four hours and monitor baby. Anyway i hardly slept thursday night, pains etc...... being woken for monitoring etc..... The mw was not happy with the babies heart rate so monitored me from 10.00 to midnight. She still wasnt happy and so spoke to the doc who said to monitor again in 2 hours. So they woke me a t 2.00 am and monitored until 4.00 am. They then decided that it was ok. Tried to get some sleep. DH came at about 9.00 am. We argued as he was driving me mad. I was on a ward with 3 others, one of whom was going out for cigarettes????? \anyway he went home and gave me a couple of hours and then came back. More monitoring thoughout day etc..... Then at about 5.00 pm they examined me to see if they could break my waters - noooo..... I got upset and the MW suggested that we go for a walk around the hospital for a walk. Which we did. She said that I had to keep the prostaglanding for another 8 hours and then they would check me again. So at about 1.00 am they came in and monitored me again for 40 mins. Then checked my cervix and just about managed to break my waters. They said that if nothing had happened in 2 hours then they would check me again. I managed to get to sleep and actualy had a couple of hours of a really deep sleep. Woke at just after 4.00 am saturday morning and was told that I had a room and they were going to put me on a drip. I phoned my dh and he came in for about 4.30 am. They put me on the drip I went to the loo and wham the contractions hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was in agony. Had gas and air and a pethedene injection and struggled through. The MW then swapped. They said that the drip had over stimulated me and that the contractions were coming to fast and so they turned it off. I am not sure of time scales in a lot of this. Anyway I carried on at one point nearly ripping the bed apart and dh top. The mw checked my cervix and I was only 2 cms - was devestated, but then she rechecked 10 mins later and I was 5 cms. They said it was very fast. At about 8.00 am I got the urge to push so the MW told me to go with it. For about 45 mins I pushed and nothing was happening. Babys heart rate started dropping and they got concerned and told me to lie on my left side. They called in another MW who said that he had changed position. They were not sure what had happened. They called in the registrar who also checked me. They got quite stern and told me that I had to focus. The registrar put his hand in and said that head was stuck as it had twisted. He managed somehow to grab his head and as I pushed he pulled. After an hour of pushing he was out. He had a really long umbilial cord - they said that they had never seen one so long.

Anyhow then they could not get the placenta out. so another doctor came in and he tried to get it out - he couldn't and said that I needed a spinal block and they would remove it. So I got taken down to theatre and had to leave dh and Nate. Fortunetly my platelet count was ok so i could have the spinal block. I was petrified, I didn;t want to leave them. I went down and it took ages - they said that it was really stuck and came out in bits.

Finally I was taken to recovery and dh and Nate were finally brought to me. They told my dh that I would only be 30 mins but they left him whilst i was in recovery aswell. They left him for about 1hr and 30 mins and didnt tell him that I was ok. When he finally came to me he was shaking thinking that something bad had happened. He was really upset.

Wow think thats about it.....it was quiet stressful but he arrived safely and that was the main thing ....PHEW....

Sorry about all the spelling mistakes in that but had to get it down quickly whilst boys playing..
Bean - Awwwww, look at little Nate...he's just precious! :kiss: And those lips are adorable! Boy, what a birth story!. Sorry to hear about all the difficulties, but glad to hear that everything went well, and neither of you had any issues. Enjoy your time with your little bundle of joy, and look forward to seeing more pictures when you get a chance.
Hey ladies :hi: only just got home been in hospital for a few days! and our beautiful Jessica is home with us too!! labour was hard as hell 22 hours and losing a litre of blood later it was totally worth it.

I will post my birthstory soon xx here's some pix



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Awww such cute babies..

Congrats again Bean he is just so cute.. and wow what a birth.. that will be a story to tell him someday.. :) Happy to hear your home and all is well..

Sam what a beautiful little girl you have.. Love your pics congrats on little Jessica.. look forward to hearing your birth story when you get the chance..

Neffie happy 33 weeks.. 4 more to term.. wow :)

Hope your mommys are all well..

AFM-not much going on here.. heartburn and sciatic nerve is about the worst for me.. have my gtt on wed so looking forward to hearing all is still going well.. then its shopping to try to finish up for christmas.. been wrapping lately trying to get some of it done.. still have all of my daughter stuff.. as she doesnt leave me alone, she is 2, she wants to help.. :)

Thats all with me.. cant wait for christmas.. love this time of year.. then its 2012 :)
Aww Bean! Nate is so cute! sorry to hear about your stressful labour, delivery, and aftermath. But glad that you are both safe and well.

Congratulations Sam on the birth of Jessica! she is beautiful, and looks just like she did in your 4D scan pics. Cant wait to read your birth story....

Bean- Nate is just gorgeous!!

Sam- aww welcome to the world baby Jessica! Many many congratulations!! She is so cute!!!
Bean - I'm on my phone and for some reason I can't see Nates pics!! Hope your both settling in well tho!!

Sam- Well done hun x
Sam - Congrats!!! :happydance: Sorry to hear about the long labor. Jessica is gorgeous!! Hope you're doing well post delivery, and have a speedy recovery. Look forward to hearing your birth story.

Lil - Hope the heartburn & sciatica ease up. Enjoy finishing up all your Christmas shopping. I finished putting up our tree this weekend. Next job on the list is to decorate the outside of the house. I'm with you...absolutely love this time of year!

Hope everyone else is doing well. Have my spa day booked for this weekend, hoorah!! Any feedback on whether it's ok to get a regular (not pre-natal) massage at this stage? Not planning on lying on my belly, but just curious if any of you have any thoughts/suggestions.
Welcome Jessica!!! Excellent pics!

Bean - Nate is the picture of health - what a sweet looking boy! Thank you for sharing your birth story! I love reading them. :)

Neffie- Re: Massage - Just get a relaxing massage and make sure they don't do the ankles too much or wrists as sometimes it can stimulate labor (pressure points) - enjoy it! I'm sure any massage professional knows how to deal with a pregnant client even if it's not a pre-natal massage

She is just gorgeous, Samb, sorry to hear about the rough labor, hope you are getting lots of rest and enjoying your little bundle of love!

Bean--omgosh, Nate is so adorable!! I too love his little lips, he is so precious!!! Thank you for sharing your birth story, I am sorry to see that you went through a stressful and long induction, and the stress that came along afterwards. I hope that you too are getting the rest you need and enjoying your time with your little man!!

Lil--will be thinking of you tomorrow hun! Enjoy the rest of your holiday shopping!!

Neffie--Happy 33 weeks and I hope you enjoy your spa weekend! I've never actually had a formal massage or spa experience, so I don't have any words of wisdom other than to just enjoy the pampering, you deserve it!!

AFM: Grace had some gas issues last night, which led to a 2 1/2 hour screamfest :brat:, she was inconsolable and I was almost in tears myself. She is doing much better today though, got some smiles and coos, which makes last night seem like a far away memory (other than the fact I am exhausted and trying to work! lol). I am hoping to get the house decorated this weekend, I really love this time of year too and so want Grace to have a great first christmas (even though she won't remember it!).

Hope all you ladies are well!!
congratulations on the new arrivals!

Bean - nate is gorgeous and a beautiful name too. your labour sounds tough and stressful especially at the end but as you say he is here safy which is most important xxx

sam - jessica is so cute I love her pink stripey outfit. I hope you are both settling well at home x

sorry i have not caught up with everyone, i read all the posts usually in the middle of the night while feeding or burping but callum rarely gives me a chance to post replies! We are ok he is growing really well and has his first vaccinations tomorrow but he still has terrible colic trouble so evenings and night times are a struggle. Really hoping that it settles down at 12 weeks like everyone tells me it will!

Love to everyone, mummies, babies and bumps xxx
How are you doing Anna.. feeling any better about sharing your pregnancy with people.. ?
Will reply to everyone later, just want to reply to neffie....

neffie - i had a voucher for a massage treatment of my choice, but it had to be used by the end of august (i was 32 weeks pregnant). when i rang to book in, i told them about my pregnancy, and was told i would not be allowed the full body massage or the aromatherapy massage, but i could have a back massage (if i sat on a stool, and leaned over the massage bed, resting my arms and head on the bed). or i could have a facial (lying on my back, propped up with pillows). i thought the back massage sounded uncomfortable, so opted for the facial. i didnt question the reasons behind why i couldnt have the other treatments, which i probably should have.

perhaps things are different where you are, compared to over here? so i would just ask your massage therapist on the day, im sure she will be fully trained to know what's safe and what's not safe during pregnancy. i hope you have a wonderful relaxing time at the spa. you deserve it :)


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