Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

SamB Congratulations on the arrival of little Jessica!!!

Niffie I had a relaxing massage on my renewal retreat weekend. As previously said she just stayed away from my ankles and feet as there are pressure points there that can trigger contractions. I had to lay on my side to get it done.

Afm trying to get some sleep! Alia has one good sleep session of about 4 hours from around 11pm-3am. But then she is up till morning. The only way she will get any more sleep is if I put her down beside me, or on me, and we both sleep together. This terrifies me but its the only way I can get any more sleep at night. Aside from this she is a really content baby. Here are a few picts finally! Oh and it makes me laugh, she loves to sleep with her arms out and up above her head. In my ultrasound picts she was like this, and this is also how she was born so it much be a comfort thing. But its kinda cute. lol


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IMP--Alia is GORGEOUS!!!! And she looks so much like you!!

Sounds like Alia sleeps exactly how Grace does!! And I agree with you on the comfort thing, I think they do try to mimic their womb behavior.

Thank you for sharing the pictures!!!
what a day callums first vaccines, flat tyre and central heating has broken so we have packed up and are staying with my parents in law for a warm night! they have made tea and ruined me, callum is feeding quietly so i am going to try to post my birth plan but it may be in installments!

Friday 7th october my last day of normality if only i had known! Had a growth scan and all was fine baby estimated as over 7lb. Spent the rest of the day cleaning my kitchen and nesting in general. I had an ok night and got up early to walk the dog for an hour while dh watched england crash out of the rugby world cup! Had b shower when i got back and realised i had my show which was exciting. An hour or so later i got up from the sofa and got very wet pants! This carried on all afternoon so i realised my waters had gone rather than my bladder control! Phoned the maternity ward and went in for a check over. Me and bump were fine with no contractions so i was sent home and if i was not in labour by the morning i would have to go to the consultant unit to be induced.
That night i only slept for an hour or so before the contractions started so i spent the rest of the night padding about the house. By 6am contractions were regular and a minute long so went back to the midwife unit and on exam i was 4cm dilated so no induction required. I was given the pool room but encouraged to stay on dry land and walk the halls! 4 hours later i was at 6cm but then it all ground to b halt. I was transfered 30mins by ambulance to the consultant unit. The ambulance stirred up my contractions again so i persuaded the doctor to leave me without any syntocin for a couple more hours but we still did not progress. I really got upset at this stage cause i did not want the drip and was really concerned i would end up with lots of interventions so i very maturely burst into tears!
The lovely doctor calmed me down and explained i was 6cm but stretching to 9cm and she thought i would only need a dribble of drug and would likely then have a normal birth and she was right!
They started the drip and within half an hour my contractions really stepped up and i was onto the gas and air! I could feel terrible pressure and was telling the midwife i was pushing but she did not believe me!

Part 2 in a minute xxx
sorry just realised how long this is I will try to summarise!

Anyway midwife lost the babys heart beat from the monitor on my belly so wanted to put a clip on his head and when she did that she realised i was right! He was rigt in my pelvis and nearly here! She had to rush out to get a delivery pack and with a few good pushes (have no idea how long it took!) he arrived all in one go. She passed him striaght up onto my chest and it was me that told dh that it was a boy! We waited for the cord to stop pulsing before it was cut and after i delivered the placenta she helped me get him to breast feed.

Unfortunately i got a nasty tear probably cause he arrived in a rush so it took ages and lots of gas and air to sew me up! The midife then nad a break for an hour so we were left to bond as a family in the delivery suite which was great cause if we had been moved to the post-natal wardDH would have been sent home since it was by now the wee small hours of the night! Anyway by the time she came back cleaned up him and me and weighed him (5lb 9oz at exactly 39 weeks gestation) we got to the ward about 5am and hubby was sent home. Callum and i slept for a couple of hours before being awoken by the noisy ward! thankfully we managed to transfer back to the midwife led unit that afternoon for TLC and breastfeeding support for another 4 days.

thats it eventually 8 weeks on i have written my birth story, sorry for any typos i have done it one handed on my phone while he feeds!

he was 11lb 1oz at his vaccination appointment today so despite being small at birth and having rottten colic he is still growing fine.

Sorry its so long but it is good to share it with you all at last xxx
hi all just wanted to pop in and say hi. xxxxx

Imp - Alia is just beautiful.

Milo - They had to put the clips on Nate also to monitor. He has got little cuts on his head where they were attached. Did callum have any cuts.

I hope that you have healed well now from the stitches. XX
Milo- Love hearing everyone birth storys!!

Sam- Jessicas pics are soooo cute! she looks so much bigger than she is!!

LMP- You pictures are beutiful and she looks soooo alert!!

Anna- How are you and bump??

Amber- Hows working from home going??

Grand and Shell- Where is your updates? or have i missed them!

Hope all you bumps and mummys are all well!!

If you dont wish to read about my sex life miss the next bit lol

AFM- Were all fine!! someone was posting anbout :sex:?? after a 3week bleed we have finally :sex: id been putting it off and putting it off lolbut poor hubbys been climbing the wall and every little actions been linked to sex lol, i bought some lubricant, andwe finally did it!! i dont know why i was so scared, ive had 3 babys for god sake!! anyway to my dissapointment and his.... neither of us felt a thing!! literally!!! omg!!! ive been doing my pelvic exercises everday and for want of better words, it didnt even touch the sides lol im going to buy myself a new vigina!!!

Ill leave you with that thought!!

Libs been asleep since 5pm and its now 10.30pm..... long night me thinks lol



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Congrats Sam, Jessica is lovely!!

Bean, Nate is just gorgeous!!

Imp, Georgie sleeps in the same position too!

Millos, Georgie had the clip on her head for about 12 hours, she still has little marks from it, bless her.

Vix, nightmare re the sex, hope it all tightens up for you! haha!

AFM, still up and down really, had a terrible night with G last night, she had me up every two hours, urgh. Then she headbutted me smack on the nose at about 6am and I cried. haha! it bloody hurt. Thank god for my mum and dad who picked her up for a couple of hours so I could sleep and get a few bits done. I am praying for a good night tonight!! hope everyone is well xxx
Hey ladies..

Just thought i would share my appt went well.. get the results prob tomorrow morn.. bp was good, weight was good.. measuring 27.... and hb was 130.. :)

Next appt is Jan 4th in the afternoon... 32 weeks.. :)
Had midwife apt today. At 2 weeks old today, My little girl is already 8lb 4oz! Shes a good little eater that's for sure! I feel like she never leaves my boob. Lol
Lil- glad your app went well! Not too long to go now!

Kizzy- G just isn't getting this sleeping business is she! Hope she sleeps tonight! Your lucky you have your parents around to help!

Imp- 8lb 4 is a great weight gain! Have you got a pattern to feeding yet?

Libbys been asleep since 5pm, just woke her for bottle and cot time, and she's wide awake now!

And on the subject of getting jiggy with it lol, I've been sat on sofa all night doing my exercises! I WILL get bk to normal! Lol
So many babies have been born in here! How many of us are left???

This past weekend was the first anniversary of losing our last baby. It was tough, but I know all of you ladies know how that is. I'm trying hard to focus on the positive ahead though.

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is looking well with SF. Nothing really new to report there. I go again on the 19th and then I have another growth ultrasound on the 20th. Fingers crossed everything continues to look normal with our daughter!

DH and I have been keeping LO's name a secret from our friends and it is killing me! Perhaps I could tell you guys and it wouldn't be breaking any confidentiality. What do you guys say? :)
Yes do tell!!!
When it came to 1st Nov (our anniversary of loosing first time) what helped me something Kizzy said about, if it wasn't for my me loosing, I wouldn't have my gorgeous little lady! I was dreading that week, but when it came to the day, I didn't feel half as bad as I thought I would! And you right about the positive things, in 13 weeks you should be holding you precious little girl!

Kizzy- how did G sleep!?

Today I'm having our new fire place put in.... I must be getting sad and old because I'm really excited!! How sad!! Lol

Ahh thanks vix xx

Well she was up to feed at 11.30, 3 and 6.30 and didn't take a full bottle once!! Shes in my bed now and we both got back to sleep about 7.45 and ive been up about half hour so I feel a bit more human! I am going to put her back to 4 ounce bottles, we were developing a nice pattern with those and getting much longer bulk sleeps at night, might be coincidence but surely worth a try?? X
P.s my favourite thing georgie does is stretching when she has had a sleep, I live it, it's so cute! Especially if it's when you pick her up out of the car seat and her legs are all still tucked up and her bum out, so adorable :)

What's all your favourite thing they do? X
Hi :wave:!

Lil - Excellent appointment! So happy your babe is growing well and all looks good!

Beth - :hugs: Anniversaries are tough as we all know. :hugs: Glad that your baby is thriving inside - do tell the name!

Amber - How's the house looking? I remember you make tons of cookies as well for the holidays! :munch: yum yum! Poor wee Grace with her gas - I agree the smiles make the difficult moments melt away.

Milos - How did Callum react to the jabs - Indy has his next week and I'm nervous already. Thanks for your birth story - the beginning sounded a lot like mine but your ending was definitely quicker. Sorry about colic - hope he grows out of it soon!

Anna- You're in 2nd tri :happydance: How're you feeling?

Imp - Your daughter is precious - I totally agree that she looks a lot like her model mommy :kiss: - Excellent weight gain!

Vix - Kegels hon! Everyday whenever wherever:winkwink: I've been doing them lots and it makes such a difference - I was actually a little incontinent -just pee - after birth (intense pushing after effect) and now everything is fine due to kegels. PS. We had sex for the 1st time as well - Ok beginning but then my episiotomy scar felt funky so had to stop - baby steps, right?:wacko:

Kizzy - Wow every 2 hours - I feel for you hon! makes it hard to get much needed rest :sleep: Glad you have support from family though. I've gotten headbutted too :dohh: those little heads are hard! Re: fav thing: when he gets all koala on me ang grips my clothing, smiles with the dimple, arching back with butt out and although I don't like crying just before he starts to cry he pushes out his lower lip and his eyes get all sad - it's really cute!

PS. Updated all the new babes on frontpage - next project is updating scans! - SamB - I'm just missing your birth date of Jessica - Thanks!

AFM: Indy slept 5 hours straight - a miracle!!!:thumbup: not counting on this every night since it changes all the time but it was nice. He's a chunker at 13 pounds and super healthy now that the cold is gone. I've booked a massage because my back is killing me - next week can't wait! My mom is flying in this weekend for a couple weeks to meet the little guy and hopefully help out.

PPS. What little things will you be doing to make Xmas special for baby this year?
Vix we havnt got a feeding schedule really. And I'm not sure I'm going to put her on one. She eats every 2-4 hours on her own during the days, and my first session at night is 4-5 hours. I actually got 6 hours last night. I kept waking up and checking her cuz she was sleeping so well she wasn't even squeaking (she usually does). We are also trying to go soother free. Nothing against them really just trying to keep it as natural as possible. So without the soother I think that she sometimes needs the boob to sooth her a bit. If it gets too much we still may give her one but for now we are trying to avoid it.

Grand. What a cut lo you've got there!!! Love the hat!

Now I have a question.... I havn't tried pumping yet but I was thinking about trying. Just to have some on hand just incase. Does anyone know how long my Brest milk will keep? Can it be frozen?
hi all just wanted to pop in and say hi. xxxxx

Imp - Alia is just beautiful.

Milo - They had to put the clips on Nate also to monitor. He has got little cuts on his head where they were attached. Did callum have any cuts.

I hope that you have healed well now from the stitches. XX

Bean - Callum only had the clip on for about 30mins I think (bit vague at that stage!) so he had a small bloody area but it healed and went away within days. Hope Nate's little cuts heal up x
Grand - callum screamed when she jabbed and then calmed down within a minute, just in time for his jab in the other leg poor soul! He is a bit grumpy today compared to normal so I think he feels a bit off colour but then DH and I both have colds so he could also be getting that. Colic is still a problem but we have new drops to try to see if they help but I don't think I will be able to judge if they are working until the effects of his vaccine grumpiness wear off!

IMP - breast milk in the fridge (at the back coldest bit) keeps 8 days, frozen it keeps 6 months and it keeps -8 hours at room temperature. Good luck with expressing - its a bit of an odd feeling, it makes me feel like a dairy cow!

Vix and Grand glad to hear you have jumped back on the DTD bandwagon! I am plucking up the courage to try but no idea when its supposed to fit in between feeds, sleep and colic crying!

Kizzy - I hope G gives you a better nights sleep tonight. Callum goes max 4.5hours between feeds but the feed takes the better part of an hour so thats only 3 hours sleep for me and he only does it at the start of the night from 10-2ish then I am up and down twice after that usually. Its a bit tiring but apparently normal for breastfed babies xxx

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