Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

IMP- 4-5 hrs during night is brill for a bf baby isn't it? When I bf Libs for the first few days she was constantly attached day and night, I really admire the ladys who've got the whole hog with bf! Libby still demand feeds, but she's waking at the same time each day so her feeds are pretty pencilled in, how havr u found the bf in public? X

Milo- hope Callum gets over the effects of his jabs quick smart! And he doesn't get your cold! I found calpol saline drops a life saver if he does!

Grand- what a little stunner you have! RE the epi scar, I has one with Zack, and it felt funny for a while, I was advised to massage it, I couldn't as the thought made me go all funny lol hope it looses sensation soon and you can resume stuff soon!!
Well done on the 5hrs!!

Kizzy- sounds like G is a night owl?? Maybe she just wants mummy cuddles, does she settle on you?? We've put Libs bk down to 5oz as she rarley does 6now! Put her night bottles if she has one to 4oz as she falls asleep on 3! RE our nappy talk, I've changed to Pampers, and hey presto.... We've kept the pooh in the nappys lol

As for my fav thing, gotta be tickling her double chin, she never fails to do a goofy giggle!!

For xmas, we've bought a few bits and pieces, but were planning to pay money into her savings account as she's too young for anything else, and as we have a big family she will get everything she needs for the next year!

Has everyone bought there bounty pics?? I've transferred mine to snapfish. And instead of paying £49 I've paid £11 for 10x8 x3 of all four of the pics, plus keyrings plus a post of them!! Bargin!! Also they're offering a free photo book worth £9.99 free!! I've had one done for all the kids, from first scan, first belly pics, to birth and beyone, all for £2 p and p!! If anyones intrested the discount code is 'moneycouk' and available until 11th Dec

Vix. I'm not sure what's normal but yeah I'm very happy with 4-5 hours at night. Especially since the first few days was every hour. The first night she slept that long I actually woke her as I was worried. As for bfing in public I'm not a self conscious person so dont really mind it at all. I just bring a black scarf to put over bebe's and my shoulders and you can't even really tell what I'm doing. It's just getting the boob out and the initial latch that makes for bit of a show. Lol. But I'm not worried and I'm sure we'll get better at being more conspicuous. Alia is just 2 weeks now so I'm sure she'll also develop a bit more of her own schedule. But like you said she is just demand feeding right now. We are actually going out with my parents for a nice dinner tomorrow night so that should be interesting. Hopfully I can get her to feed before we go so she sleeps most of the time... We shall see...!
Happy Friday ladies! I have a little catching up to do!

Imp--reading what you have said about Alia's sleeping and feeding habits are like reliving Grace's first few weeks all over again! And she is a bf baby, so I'm guessing this is what normal should be! :flower:

As for pumping, I am expressing 3-4 times a day now (I try to stay hydrated in between and try to put about 3-4 hours between each express to give my milk time to replenish and also to meet any demands Grace may have for the breast during that time). Milos is right on the freezing and how long the milk is good for in the fridge/freezer. She is also right that you can feel like a cow with all that pumping (I call myself Bessie!:mamafy:). You will also find that you have a better supply at certain times of day for pumping (mine tends to be best first thing in the morning and late at night).

Also, since I give Grace breastmilk both from the bottle and the breast now, I haven't frozen any of my milk because she seems to go through the bottles well in time just from the fridge. I just express, put the milk in a bottle and date it so I heat the oldest bottle first.

I am surprised, Grace has shown no nipple confusion at all doing both the bottle and breast--I was shocked--she knows the difference, and will turn a bottle away and root for the breast if she wants the breast--smart little lady!!

Enjoy your dinner out with the parents!!

milos--I hope you are back home with heat and snuggling up and warm (although I am sure you appreciated the short break you got at the inlaws for some hot tea and rest! And I'm sure little Callum didn't mind some grandma pampering!).

Thank you for sharing your birth story! I am so glad that you had to have minimal intervention and did not need the drip for long. I also think it is so lovely that YOU got to tell DH that the baby was a boy and that the three of you were able to enjoy precious bonding time together.

I find it interesting that they had Callum's weight estimate wrong beforehand and were about 1lb off? That is the same with Grace, they were 1 lb off on her too, and she ended up weighing less.

GJ to hear of Callum's excellent weight gain and I hope his colic is improving (we are currently dealing with that as well!). I also hope your tear has healed and you and DH are feeling better from your colds!

Vix--I hope your va-jay-jay is doing better and all the exercises are helping. If it helps, before I had Grace (I was fearful of this happening with a vaginal delivery), I talked to my Gram who had 4 children (all around 10 lbs each!)--she said that she had issues after her second with looseness, but that it got better after 3-4 months--and they didnt give them the exercises they give us ladies today! (Yes! I talked to my Gram about this! lol My mother had my brother and I both by Section, so she was my only resource, lol!) I ended up having a section myself, but hopefully her info is useful to you ladies here!

I LOVE the pics of Libs and your children--they are all so cute and Libs looks like such a happy baby! Hope the fireplace install went well!

Kizzy--I hope G starts to sleep a bit more for you hun, every 2 hours is rough!! I am so glad your mom and dad are around to help out and give you a hand when needed! I have found that even 1 hour's rest (DH takes Grace when he gets home and I do a solid hour of naptime for myself) is precious!!!

As for headbutting, my goodness, I am so glad I am not alone!! When I am burping Grace, she is always trying to lift her head and look around, and that usually results in some nasty headbutts! She headbutted me right in the eye last week, yeouch! that hurt!

Hmm--My favorite thing that Grace does--I have a few, but one that cracks me up every time is this: you all know I am working from home, and my job is to give legal consultations, so I am on the phone a lot. I'll be on the phone while she is napping/sleeping, so will be sitting next to her--I start to give out the legal advice and, like clockwork, she starts grunting and cooing--in her sleep!! lol it is adorable-I call her my little legal assistant, always putting her word in, even while asleep! lol
I do have to say I also love how the first thing she does when I pick her up is grab a fistful of my hair and doesnt let go--ever! I think I am going to go bald with this child!

Lil--so glad that your appointment went well and that your LO is doing so well! Did you get the GT results back yet? Keeping my fx'd for good results for you!!!

Beth--:hugs: to you for your angel's anniversary:hugs: Those days are so hard, even with our bundles of joy that we have now either growing inside us or in our arms. I hope that you were able to get through that day with peace and love, knowing your angel is up there watching over you and your little girl.

I am so glad everything is going well with your little girl! Good luck with your U/S on the 20th and I hope you are able to share some pics with us!!

And yes, it would be an honor if you shared her name with us! That is part of what I love about this group of ladies, all the sharing we do with one another!

Anna--hope you are doing well hun!

Grand--Ok, that pic of Indy in the hat is just too darn cute! I can't stop looking at it, he is SUCH a little charmer!! You are going to have to watch him around the ladies!!! :xmas4: Excellent news on his weight gain :thumbup: (babies are supposed to be chubby my Pediatrician told me!) and glad to hear you got a good night of sleep, even if it may only be 1 for now, they will start to repeat themselves!!

I hope you enjoy your massage, I think I need to get one myself, my back is killing me too! I wonder if that is due to the BFing?

How lovely that your mom is coming to visit and stay, that is going to be such a wonderful time with her, enjoy every minute of it hun!

What I am doing for Grace for xmas: Well, I ordered a set of stockings for our fireplace, each one embroidered with our names (will share a pic once I have everything up!),and we got her a Lenox crystal ornament for her first xmas (it is a teddy bear in a rocking chair that has "Mary Grace's First Christmas on it). I have also been taking 1-2 hours each day with Grace playing christmas music and singing to her--when I was growing up my mother would play christmas music every day after thanksgiving through little christmas (January 7th or something like that)--so I am trying to bring a bit of my favorite memories into Grace's life. And yes, I will be baking cookies this year, maybe not as many, but I am going to try!! I plan to do that next weekend, this weekend is for the tree finally!!

Hello to the rest of you ladies!!

AFM: This post is already so long, so I will keep it as short as I can! Grace got a present yesterday, it is a teddy bear that plays womb sounds (heartbeat, etc.)--we turned that on last night when we put her down and she slept for 5 hours straight! First time for that! We were excited! She is also now FINALLY accepting her Papasan swing as an ok place to sleep as well as play (she used to only look at the mobile and lights, then get bored and scream!). Also, I have her playing with her playmat and toys--she is watching the different colored lights and is hitting the toys with her little fists--makes me so proud to see her motor skills developing so well! Balancing her and work during the day is completely exhausting, I am always running on below empty, but being able to spend these first months with her was the best decision I ever made, I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Ladies- I've read all your posts but am not feeling up to much posting today, sorry x

Had a rather stressful morning at the hospital today. AA was hiding from the midwife and she couldnt find her hb, I had to go to the dau for monitoring and they found her deep in my pelvis in the end. The monitoring was fine, I stayed on for an hour. Shes a strong little madam although I cant hear her myself.
I'm 1 cm dilated tho not contracting regularly so theyve decided to leave me alone. I am rather terrified. We're going to Jersey on Monday for more rest... I'll be 32 weeks. I'm having lots of pressure. Hubby is going to take C to his parents in suffolk this weekend just for Saturday night. They are rather upset that they wont see him at all over the christmas period. Just praying I dont go into labour this weekend...
Sorry to hear all that your dealing with right now sparkle.. Hope AA stays put for a little while longer... Just a question, should you not be on bedrest for early dialation..

Amber-I did get my results and I passed thankfully..

Hope your all doing well, I have read but have no time to reply to you all.. I just hope your all doing well momma's and preggos.. love all the baby pics they are just the cutest.. cant wait to share my peanut soon too..
sparkle sounds like you have had a stressful day but i am glad aa was ok. Praying for you that she stays inside for a few more weeks and gives you a stressfree xmas.

Imp i cant believe alia is sleeping so well already! Callum went about 5.5 hours last night between feeds which is his longest ever and my best sleep in 8weeks!
Grand indy looks so cute in his photos i must try to sort some more of callum.

Amber sorry to hear that grace has colic too i hope you can find a solution to it for her. Callum seems calmer since i started his new drops called colief.

Afm still in grandparents house but hopefully will have heating fixed tomorrow. Its nice being looked after and babycare is much easier with someone to feed you and no housework to do but i really need to get on with christmas preparations and things which i cant do here! Sorry to everyone i have forgotten hope you are all well xxx
San Francisco/ Sasha Fierce's actual name is......

Lil- I am on bedrest, have been for a week now. Although I left the house for the hospital today and shall be sitting in the car on Monday, with my feet up! Welldone on passing the gt

Milos- hope your heat is fixed soon...

Beth- I love her name! I think we've decided on our little princess's name too!!
aww sorry sparkle.. praying she stays put for a few more weeks at least.. sorry i didnt you were on bedrest.. must be so tough with c..

Beth what a beautiful name..
Happy Saturday everybody :hi:

neffie - glad that you enjoyed your breastfeeding workshop. and i hope you are enjoying your spa weekend! i am green with envy :sick: and i cant wait to hear about it when you get back.

Imp - Alia is gorgeous! and she definitely looks alot like you. great news that she's eating so well and gaining weight. hope she starts sleeping better for you soon.

Vix - Loving the photos of Libby and your other 2 children. what a lovely little family you have. sorry to hear about the sex issues. I have the same fears, although we still havent DTD yet :wacko:

Milos - hope you get the heating sorted out soon. Thankyou for sharing your birth story with us, it was a fascinating read. sorry to hear about Callum's colic, but im glad that he is growing well.

Lil - great news on the GTT results! and glad that your most recent prenatal appointment went well.

Kizzy - sorry to hear Georgie isnt sleeping too well. hope you can get things sorted soon.

Beth - glad all is going well with your pregnancy. and Selah Faith is a lovely name :flower:

Grand - glad to hear that Indy's cold has cleared up and that he is nice and healthy (and chunky) he looks gorgeous in the photos, my fave is the one of him laughing! also great news on the 5 hours sleep! and how lovely that your Mom is coming to visit. that will be so wonderful for you all! Hope you enjoy your massage. I loved mine, and can't wait to have another!

Amber - i have so much respect for you that you are managing to work from home as well as looking after Grace. you are doing an amazing job!! :thumbup: I love the thought of you singing and dancing to Christmas songs with her. How adorable!

Sparkle - so sorry to hear of your stressful day yesterday. I truly hope things calm down for you, and you manage to enjoy a relaxing and stress-free Christmas and New Year with your families. I hope that Apple Alice stays put long enough to be nice and strong when she arrives...will you be sharing her name with us at all? :winkwink:

AFM: Freya has really developed her personality over the last week. she has been smiling and "talking" lots every day (especially to her Daddy) and it just melts my heart! the health visitor came on monday, and weighed Freya - she is now 10lbs 6ozs! she has jumped up to the next line on the weight chart/graph, so i think that means she is gaining too much weight? oops! my little chubby milk monster! :)
i am still co-sleeping with Freya every night, and she also takes all of her daytime naps lying on my chest :nope: we really want to get her out of both of these habits, and start her sleeping in the Moses basket both day and night, but she refuses and just screams and screams. i know its our own faults for letting her get into these habits in the first place. oh dear :(

Hmm, my favourite thing Freya does.... it has to be the face she makes when she is just starting to wake up from a sleep. she raises her eyebrows and pouts her lips, and stretches. its just soooo cute!

And for Christmas i have bought Freya a pair of pink sparkly Minnie Mouse shoes, and a pair of pink knitted booties to go in her stocking. and we are also going to buy her a "doorway bouncer thing" as her big present that we will wrap up nicely.

Hope all Ladies, Bumps and Babies are well :hi:

Hmmmm guess I missed the my faveriot thing she does question. Well thats a hard one... But I guess I'll have to go with the face she makes and the desperate way she breaths just before she latches on for a feeding. It's this wrinkled up little forehead and huge open mouth while almost growling. It's too cute/funny. As for Christmas we really arnt going to do much this year. I want to order her a nice custome stocking she can keep forever but thats it. We have everything we need so It's really about saving money this year. We may open a bank account in her name and start that off with a bit of money also.

Now a question for all you ladies bf'ing. How long is a typical full feeding? And do you always feed both sides each feed?
Shell- I had the same problem!! Id take Libs to bed at 11pm, and shed wake at 4am wanting a feedm after as hubby goes to work at 5am id take pillows away and lay with just a sheet and me and her, but i dont want this to become a habit!! does she have a dummy?? i started putting her bk down, and having basket right next to bed and i slept with my hand on the side of her face lol it did work eventually!! now shes in her cot a few meters away! its so easy to co sleep when its the only way they like to sleep!!
Andys a bugger for laying her on his chest to sleep during evening, and id much prefer her to learn to drop off herself which she wont do!

im desperate to get my eveings back but when she falls asleep at 8pm, ive tried taking her up but coz she cant hear Andy snoring she wakes up!! going to try a radio and put it on quietly during eveinign in the bedroom!!

Hope u get little freya in her own basket without too many tears!!
Shell & Vix: I've had a hard time getting Alia back to sleep in her bassinette after her feeding around 3am. My cousine had purchased me/Alia a stuffed animal called a sleep sheep. It makes rain fall, ocean, whale, and heart beat sounds I recently tried using this. And combined with the rocking of the bassinette it's seeming to work. She really likes the sounds. So something like this may be something to consider trying also.
That sounds a good idea! I've never heard of one, your not in the uk are you?? I will try ebay! X
No I'm in Canada. But I'm sure there is something similar you could find...? I love this thing I've even put her down not quite asleep and it soothes her to sleep. I'm not going anywhere without it now. Lol Here is a link to it so you have a better idea of what it is.

Now a question for all you ladies bf'ing. How long is a typical full feeding? And do you always feed both sides each feed?

Freya doesnt have a "typical" feed length. sometimes she just wants a 5 minute snack, other times she is on for an hour! usually its between 10 and 20 minutes i suppose. sorry thats not very helpful.
Also, i only offer one side per feed, and offer the other one next time. not sure if thats right or wrong, but it works for us!

How are you getting on with the breastfeeding, Hun? xx
Vix - we have this, and Freya loves it!!


Shell. Bf'ing going well. Alia is the same. Sometime an hour sometimes 5 min. I just didn't know if I was catering to her too much when she was only taking 5 mins. I dont want to get her in the habbit of soothing herself on my breast cuz we're not using a soother. But if this is normal I'm then great! I've also been trying to feed both sides. But the snacking doesn't always allow that. So just wanted to compair with what others were doing.

When she feeds for an hour does your one side allow for that? There is enough?
Yeah, im pretty sure its all normal!
Sometimes there isnt enough for her in just one breast, if she is really hungry, so i will offer the second one. but most of the time, just one is enough.
Yeah, i have caught Freya using me as a soother a few times too, cheeky madam! but im pretty sure thats normal too....

Thanks LMP Shell, the sheep seems a brill idea as its a comforters and sounds, not sure on the projector, good idea for keeping her busy whilst I'm cleaning upstairs during day, but I'm not sure on the lights as I'm guessing they'd keep her awake? I have a piano toy that sings when she kicks it at the bottom of her cot, and a fisher price animal light and sound mobile which is fab, but instead of lulling her to sleep she lays there and makes noises at it!!
At about 4months I plan to do 'controlled crying' where I will lay her down awake, and leave her, 5mins, go bk and reassure but no spking, then leave again.... And so on and so on, this worked with my other two babys and within the week they learnt to go to sleep alone and started to sleep through as if they did wake up during the night they'd have their bottles and go straight bk off!!


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