Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Just wanted to say hi, will catch up later when I have a break from work!

Just wanted to announce that we got Grace to sleep in her cradle/bassinet last night for the first shift (her nights are divided into 2 shifts, 10-2, 3-6 (roughly)! We put the cradle right up next to my side of the bed, and she fell asleep watching me lie down next to her. Of course, second shift she would settle for nothing less than sleeping on my chest, but it is progress! And DH is elated for us to be in our own bed again!

Real quickly--Imp--on feeding, it is anywhere from 5 mins to an hour for me. The average is about 20 minutes. Your concerns about soothing suckling I can understand--when Grace gets colicky, she only wants the breast (and we use soothers!!!), and then attacks it! She also likes to use it as her means to fall asleep! Oh and we pretty much use just one breast these days--I know they say you should switch, but I pump the other so that is my way of keeping it active.

Oh-and we also use a teddy bear that has womb sounds, got it as a gift! It hooks onto the cradle and it works, Grace loves it!!!

P.S. LOVE you new pic of Freya Shell!!
Sparkle - Hope AA stays put for another good 4 to 6 weeks to get big and strong. Take care on bedrest and have a relaxing time in Jersey with your family!

Amber - Congrats on getting Grace in her own bed for a bit! It's so nice to have the bed back isn't it! We do the same and have the crib right next to us but I love that he has his own place.

Imp - Re: BFeeding - Indy feeds from 10 minutes (at nighttime) to an hour sometimes during the day but average is about 20ish minutes. You're doing great - each kid is different so just feed on demand and you can never go wrong. Also just to add we only do one side at each feeding no matter the length - seems to be fine as he gains almost a pound a week - it's crazy!

Vix - Good luck with all the methods the other ladies suggested - we don't have any noise machines but there's no snoring in the bedroom either so I can't really help but I hope you get your babe sleeping better soon.

Shell - New Avatar is adorable! She's really growing up Freya and looking cute :flower:

AFM: Mom's in town and loving Indigo and he's behaving so well and having lots of happy active time now - what a difference it has been seeing him grow up so much at 9 weeks. We'll be going to music class tomorrow morning so hopefully that goes well (last week was a crying disaster :dohh:)
Hey ladies.. not much new going on here.. been out all weekend.. got baby some body wash and lotion.. getting the things that i need.. and some more diapers.. :) on sale for 12 dollars reg 20.. getting excited to get the rest of the nursery done after christmas... cant believe how fast time is going.. :)

Gonna keep at wrapping today.. so much to do yet..

Hope your all well..

Grand-happy 2 months to little Indigo.. growing so fast huh.. hope all is well with mom in town.. so fun

Shell-love the new pic of freya.. she is getting so big..

Amber-yay for grace sleeping in her own bassinet.. so nice to have your bed back..
:hi: Gals,

Sorry, don't have time to reply individually but hope everyone is doing well. I did read through the posts, and looks like babies are keeping all the mommies busy. Loving the picture updates on the little ones. It's amazing how quickly they change.

Sparkle - I hope AA stays put for a while longer. [-o< I can imagine the stress you are going through. I've got everything crossed for you. Rest, rest, rest! :hugs:

AFM, I relished every minute of my spa day this past weekend. The prenatal massage in particular was HEAVEN!! This week is going to be a busy week for us. Have our baby shower this weekend, and will have friends staying over so there's much to be done at home. And only 6 more weeks left until Coco's arrival...:saywhat:
Hey there ladies! :hi:

Amber - great news on Grace sleeping in her crib! well done Gracie! please can you have a word in Freya's ear? lol.

Grand - glad you and Indy are having fun with your Mom. i hope this week's music session went well, with no crying...

Lil - happy 29 weeks, hun! things are moving so fast now! hope you are having fun with all your baby and christmas preparations.

neffie - glad you had such a lovely time at the spa. it sounds amazing! hope you enjoy your baby shower at the weekend, and have fun with your friends visiting. oh, and happy 34 weeks! only 6 weeks left....

AFM: Freya is 8 weeks old today! i cant quite believe it. the time has gone so fast!! Freya and I went to a Christmas party at our Mum+Baby group yesterday. It was lovely, and Freya looked so pretty in her posh frock.

Hope everyone is well :friends:

Neffie- your massage sounds great! Glad you had fun...

Grand- your Mums visit sounds great, hope you all had a good time at music. Its good for you and little Indy I'm sure.

Lil- Happy 29 weeks!

Shell- I can't believe how big these babies are getting. Happy 8 weeks Freya!

Imp- your bf sounds like its going great! Well done. I only ever fed one side at a time to C. Although very rarely he had both. I LOVED feeding C and really hope it works for us this time too. It was such hard work at first, but I'm so proud I did it. Well done Mumma x

Amber- Grace sounds like shes doing great with sleeping! its lovely to have them close without worrying about them on you! Well done.

AFM- not sure where to start! Still on bedrest, bored bored bored! LAst week C got this terrible headcold and vomit thing. Thank goodness hes finally better but now I have it. I feel like death, praying AA doesnt decide to come now when I feel so rubbish!
We are supposed to be in jersey but on Monday our ferry was cancelled due to bad weather. Rebooked for Friday- keep your fingers crossed please!! I just want to be with my Mum...
Hi all

Oh Sparkle so sorry that you are having such a rough time at the moment. I hope that you start to feel better NOW.

Shelll - 8 weeks old OMGoodness where has that gone. She is a little beauty.

Neffie - glad you enjoyed your spa day.

Lil -Hope that you are ok hun.

Grand - hope the music class went well. Bet its nice having your mom around.

Amber - thats fab thats grace had such a good sleep.

I have the basket pulled up to the bed aswell. Nate slept from 9.00 -11.00 pm last night. Then that was it everytime I put him in he cried. Those teddies sound good. I keep being asked if I want anything for christmas for him. Might have to get one..

Sam, imp, vix and milo how are you all?

Sorry to anyone I missed. XXXX
Sparkle hope you get to see your mum, I don't know what I'd do without my mum these days!

Hi all, hops everyone is good, I am tired, tired, tired, georgie just doesn't sleep well at night and it's killing me :(
Oh bean, are you in uk? Fisher price do some seahorse thing which is meant to be good I have asked for that for her for Xmas xx
yeah I am in the uk Kizzy. Seahorse - tell me more.

Oh poor you getting no sleep - it makes everything so much harder doesnt it. Hope it settles down soon. XX
Kizzy- I really feel for you and the lack of sleep... :hugs: this will sound strange but are you sure shes warm enough, C was always the kind of child who liked to be overly warm. I used a cotton cellular blanket for him at first but my mum suggested he was cold and we started using a fleece, he was warmer, happier and slept better. He still likes a blanket and duvet on his bed at night. I think he just gets really cold!!
Kizzy - I agree with Sparkle about making sure Georgia is warm and toasty at night. We put Indy's blanket on a heater before putting him in bed and each time he feeds at night so it's always warm when we lay him back down. We also use a swaddle blanket and he seems to sleep better with it. :sleep:https://www.miracleblanket.com/
Bean--Hope you and your little man are doing well! Nate does the exact same thing Grace does, she sleeps in her cradle for about 2-3 hours, then pitches a fit. And if she is not in a deep enough sleep, we can't put her back down. We just keep putting her back in whenever she falls asleep, sometimes it works, sometimes not, but hopefully it will kick in for her to stay in it longer!

If you are in the states, here is a link to the teddy bear that Grace was given that does the womb sounds. They are out of stock online, but I was in my local Target the other day, and they had it in stock there, and I think they had another one that does the womb sounds along with some other sounds as well (ocean, etc.). It works so well with Grace (when we can get her to stay in the crib for the first few minutes!)


Kizzy--aww hun, I hope things improve for you in the sleep department! Is this the seahorse you are talking about?


We have one for Grace, it was one of the top items on my baby registry, and she loves it!!! I hope you get it for xmas!!!!

Neffie-Happy 34 weeks hun1! so glad you had such a wonderful spa experience!!! :thumbup: enjoy your shower this weekend (hope you get lots of goodies) and all the prep in your final weeks here before Coco's arrival!!!

Lil--Happy 29 weeks hun!!! sounds like you had a great time getting some finishing touches for the baby--and great deal on the diapers!!! :thumbup: I'm a bit frazzled as I am starting to run out of diaper coupons, I hope Pampers/Huggies sends me more soon in the mail, haha! (I actually told my mother I wanted diapers for xmas, lol!!) I am also so glad to hear your GD results were negative, that is FANTASTIC!!:thumbup: A huge stress off of your mind!!

Grand--so glad to hear that you and your Mom are having such a wonderful time with Indy--I hope you get lots of pictures, Grandmas and grandbabies are so precious together!!! I hope Indy's music class goes better this week :xmas17: and Happy 2 months to your little man!!

Shell--Happy 8 weeks to your precious little Freya!! Like I said above, I love your recent avatar picture of her, so cute and you can really see her personality coming through!! Did you get any pictures of her in her party frock? Would love to se them if so!!!

Sparkle--:hugs: been thinking of you hun and I hope you kick that cold! I will say extra prayers that you are able to get to Jersey to see your mom this Friday!!

:xmas3: to all our other mommies and mommies to be!

AFM: Grace is sporadic with her cradle, but that is to be expected as we just started to put her in it at night. If she is deep enough in sleep, we can get her down for a few hours, if she is even lightly sleeping, she recognizes immediately where she is and starts screaming to be picked up and held. So I have spent the last few nights putting her in, taking her out, holding her, feeding her, putting her back in, taking her out, rinse and repeat lol! Exhausting, but I know in the end this is healthier for her (as much as I want her in my arms all of the time, a tired mommy is not good for her, so I need to get sleep too!).

We also got the Tree up :xmas16: and the house decorated!!! :xmas8::xmas12: Now I just have to find time to bake the cookies!!!:xmas14: So many folks (family and at work) keep asking me for them, (I usually have them done by now!), and I am like "hello, I just had a baby and am working too, give me some time", lol!!)

Oh, and here are a couple pics of Grace with her stocking (the one I mentioned that I got her) and our tree (that I am proud of!). Still waiting for her ornament to get here!


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Shell - Wow, Freya is 8 weeks already??? Where has time gone...Glad you had fun at the party. I bet Freya was a doll in her little frock. :)

Sparkle - Glad to hear that C is feeling better. Sorry to hear you've caught the bug...hope it eases up soon. I can only imagine how you feel being on bedrest and not being able to do much. But if that keeps AA put, it's totally worth it! I hope you make it up to Jersey on Friday so you can spend time with your mom.

Bean - Hope Nate gets into sleeping pattern soon. Those teddies do seem to work from what I hear.

Grand - Happy 2 months to Indy! Already such a big boy. And I have to say that the pic of him wearing the news boy hat was darling! :kiss:

Lil - Happy 29 weeks! Time is starting to fly now, isn't it?

Amber - That's great that Grace is sleeping so well. Those photos of her are too cute! It's a good approach you're taking with her to establish a sleep pattern. At the same time, I'm sure it's not easy since you'd much rather have her in your arms. Have fun baking the cookies. Seems like they're pretty popular in your family & work circle. :winkwink:

Hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM, have my 34 week appt tomorrow. Coco seems to be doing fine and is active (knock on wood!). This morning though I suddenly started feeling some pain in my right foot (the top of the foot under the toes). I looked down, and saw a bit of bruising. There's no swelling, but it hurts when I put pressure on it. Of course I'm panicking a bit thinking of all the worse case scenarios like deep vein thrombosis, etc. I hope it's just something minor like tweaking my foot in my sleep. I couldn't take the day off from work, but I'm elevating my foot as much as possible in the meantime. Tomorrow can't come soon enough...
Wow Amber that was quite a post.. :)

and thank you.. I have been stockpiling diapers now for over a year.. since before i mc'ed the first time.. so i have an okay stock going.. for the beg at least.. sizes 1-2 and such.. a few newborn.. will need more of them yet.. but its getting there.. I cant wait for christmas then after that its getting things ready for baby.. like finishing the nursery.. im excited.. :)

AMber-Grace is just beautiful.. they grow so fast.. love the tree..

I too need to bake.. hope to get started some today on cookies.. and wrap a bit more if i can.. we will see..

Cant believe im 29 weeks.. seems like yesterday i got my bfp again and joined back up in here.. :) Really hope everyone is well

Neffie-snuck in while i was typing.. -hope your foot feels better and its nothing serious.. happy 34 weeks and hope your appt goes well.. and yes it does seem to be going much faster now.
Sparkle Sucks that you have to be on bed rest but I hope that its doing the trick for you and you lo stayes put a while longer, and feel better soon! Hopefully you'll get to see your mom and that will help you get through this last little bit!

Amber, love the stocking! I want one for Alia with her name but can't seem to find anywhere to get it done :(

Afm, playing around w my camera and took a few family/Christmas photos. I still want to get some good ones done, but these are nice/cute for now :flower:


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IMP--OMGosh Alia is too cute! Those pictures are adorable! And I love the family pic and the one of you and her, too precious!

Oh--I got her stocking from Pottery Barn, do you have those in Canada? I bet they would do it and ship to you, I ordered mine online. They got them to me in just a couple of days too!
Amber, that is the seahorse, yes, bean check out the link...

Girls thanks for support re sleeping, currently G wears a vest (long sleeved or short sleeved) an all in one baby gro and a 2.5 tog sleeping bag. She sleeps on fleecy blankets on top of her mattress and I tuck a blanket over her too. I thought a couple of weeks ago it might be coldness so we now have the heating come on for an hour at 2am after going off at 11pm and it comes back on at 6am. Not sure what else I cam do, a friend gave me a long sleeved sleeping bag today which I am washing now for tomorrow night as I had thought of it today too. I am also taking warm bottles up at night to keep in a bottle warmer so they stay warm for feeding, hope this helps too. Anything else? When you girls swaddle do you tuck the arms in too? G's best place for sleeping is her car seat, I think it's because she feels all snugly and warm :)
Awww Imp those pics are just too cute.. love the family pic and the one of you two..

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