Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Kizzy - I'm with you - I'm excited for a new little one on this thread!

Sparkle - As they say in French "Bon Courage" - Best of Luck to you - sounds like you're on your way for another little one soon. Keep us updated how you're feeling.

Kizzy - Forgot to mention your little girl is SO cute in her seat...looks like a very happy lady!

Sam - So happy you got some pills to help but are you also talking to someone there as well that you can check in with once a week just to get our your feelings and make sure you continue to do better and better?

Grey - Thanks for visiting! Your place is ready and waiting for you - Sorry about the lap/dye and drilling - but I've heard it can really help fertility get going again. :dust:

Bean - BFeeding still sucks!!! LOL :dohh: I know stupid pun. But it's still painful and I'm getting my nipple shields and special BFeeding bottle tomorrow (they don't stock anything here in this country - had to special order!)

Neffie - Wow that is not great maternity leave at all - I'm impressed you are getting to work - I was just so tired by 36 weeks (that's when I stopped) and getting so big. I hope you have a sit-down job at this point.

Anna - You look so great!!! You're so slim still. Thanks for updating and so happy the pregnancy is going swimmingly!

Hi Amber, Shell, Lil, Vix, and all those I may have missed :wave:

AFM: Back to classes (had music yesterday) and I have Music and Baby Massage for next week - so lovely to see parents and babies again - I'm on my own a lot! Trying to get out and about more often and make coffee dates with friends. X
hey not having anyone come round but i do have to see the doctor again in a week i also dont open up well to strangers so i talk to my mom everyday and she helped me thru my depression a few years back so she knows how to deal with me and also knows that alot of the things i say i feel like doing to myself are just feelings and i wouldnt ever act on them not now i have jessica so i cry alot down the phone to my mom and she only lives 10mins away so i can just pop down when things are getting too much for me
Hey Ladies!

Lil--Happy 33 weeks hun!! How are you feeling these days?

Anna--good to hear from you, you look GREAT! Love the bump pic! I am glad that they were able to find your condition early enough that it can be monitored. Let us know how your ultrasound goes on the 1st!!

Shell--good luck with slimming world!! I have started to slow down weight loss wise finally from the birth/breastfeeding, so now I need to find myself a workout/exercise plan. I have about 35lbs to go also!! Lets cheer each other on!!!

Neffie--Happy 38 weeks hun! Cruise control time!! I hear you on the job front--I am in the states as well and only had the one month off, working 2 months from home, and have to return to work in the office in Feb-not looking forward to that at all!

Kizzy--glad to hear G is sleeping better!! Sounds like your adjustment worked!! And oh she is so adorable in those photos, such a happy little lady, love it!

Samb--:hugs:i hope the medication kicks in and gives you the help you need hun. I am also happy to hear that your mom is not far away so she can be there for you--it is very important to have someone close by for suport.

bean--sorry to hear about your 4 year old? could it be jealousy of the little one? I have read that potty trained little ones tend to revert back sometimes when there is a new baby in the house. Oh, and ADORABLE picture of your little man! so precious!! How is he doing?

sparkle--happy 36 weeks!! I am elated that you have made it this far with Apple Alice and am so excited for you!!! Not long now!!

Grand--enjoy your outings! My best friend in Baltimore told me that she loved doing Stroller Striders with her little boy after she had him--it is important to get out of the house and have adult conversation!! Healthy for mommies and babes!! How is the expressing coming along?

AFM: Ordered Grace a Bumbo, tray and cover--should be here next week. Read up on it and that combined with how well all of your little ones are doing in theirs, sold me on it!! So I am excited for its arrival!!

Grace is loving her belly mat, I have a couple pics that I will post soon. She can't be on it for very long yet, but she tries to scoot across it already with her back legs!!

We are STILL co-sleeping. I can't seem to get her to sleep in her cradle for more than an hour at a time, then she pitches a fit and will only sleep in my arms or next to me. This is going to be a tough habit to break!

Hello to anyone I missed, I hope everyone is doing well!!
So sorry amber.. co sleeping is a hard habit to break.. we did it with my dd and she stayed with us until like 2-3 months ago.. now she is pretty much sleeping through the night in her big girl bed.. had a toddler bed but wasnt having it so got a twin bed.. and i still lay with her till she is sleeping.. :)

And i am doing well thank you.. just hanging out and spending time with my dd before peanut arrives.. 4 weeks to term and 6 till baby will be here.. getting close and exciting.. if anyone fancies.. here is a bump pic from today..


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Lil and Anna looking great! Love the bump. I almost miss mine looking at your Picts. Lol

Neffie. Not a chance I wake her up! Lol. I actually did the first few nights she slept that long as I was a little concerened. But she's gaining weight and growing well so there is no need to wake her to feed. She doesn't sleep much at all during the day either. Just little cat naps. So by the time 11pm comes. She suckey and tired. That's part of the daddy time problem. She's tired and sucky by the time he's home so just wants mommy. Mornings are her best happy time. And Unfortuinialy daddy has to go most mornings. Oh well it will come. I'm happy to get sleep at night so Im not really complaining that shes grouchy in the evenings. :)

Shell. You can fill a bottle in one expressing session. With one brest?!! Wow the most I've gotten with one Brest is 2.5 oz. and that's the Brest that produces more. I only got 1.5 oz with the other Brest!

How much do the rest of you get who are expressing?

I'm still exclusively bf'ing. I'm just trying to get some stocked up in the freezer for later. And she eats me empty during the day. Alia is a cluster feeder where she eats little bits frequently during the day. Then will sleep through the night. So maybe this is why I've had a hard time expressing?
Lil--you look fabulous!! thank you for sharing the picture!

Imp--During the day, if it has been 2-3 hours since Grace last fed, I can pump 4 oz out of my right breast and 2 oz out of the left. If I have breastfed within the past 2 hours, I usually get 2-3 ounces out of the right and 1-2 oz out of the left.

Mornings are my best time--I can fill 3 4 oz bottles total pumping both breasts--that is because I bottle feed her an expressed bottle at her 3 am feed.

If you cluster feed, you are correct, you will probably not express as much as she is taking her food throughout the day. I always find that I have better amounts expressed if I wait at least 2 hours after feeding Grace.

Hope that helps!
Omg i opnly posted a few days ago and missed so much!! Need to make it quick

Thank you all for the lovely msg about my poor cat! Feeling better now, altho house is too empty without her!!

Bean- I have used to depo since i had my eldest daugther at 16.... never had any prob no weight gain etc... its the perfect contraception for me!!

RE the bumbo... its fab!! expensive but worth it, Libby used it first at 12 weeks but only for a few mins at a time, now shes 14 weeks she can spend a good ten mins in it, and it has a tray on top and she has started to reach out and take her toys off it!!
Ive not tried a tummy mat, as libby hates tummy time! i try and encourage it but at mo its a no go!!

Shell- I have a headband ordered thanks!! same person who i got the dribbler bibs from!!

Kizzy, Glad G is sleeping much better! (at llong last)
Bean, i also have considerd if we have anymore.... cant afford nor cope lol
Sam, So glad your treatments started! Have u a sure start centre nr you?
Anna- Love the bump! and im sure everything going to be fine!
Sorry if ive missed anyone!!
AFM- Libbys finish meds and is fine!

Hi All...

Amber Hun its exactly the same with Nate sleeping. If i can manage to settle him in his crib (which is next to the bed) then I may get an hour, maybe even two. Once he is in though that is it there is no getting him back. I agree very hard habit to break - I had the same problem with the other two and they still co- sleep. The eldest is 7....

Lil - oh your bump is gorgeous. I agree with Imp. Makes me wanna a bump back aswell.

Vix - Glad that Libby is better. How old is your eldest Vix - sorry if you have already posted this. XX

Hi everybody else - hope that you are all ok. XX
Georgie rolled this afternoon, front to back, first time, I cried! Haha :)
Beautiful Kizzy - Did you get a video? A proud mummy moment :happydance:
No, I didn't expect it, we had some friends and another baby over and I was telling them she had got close to rolling and laid her down to show them and she just flipped right over!! Haha! She's not done it again since, next time I will get it on film :)
hello strangers! Sorry its been so long i do read and keep up but his lordship never gives me enough peace to post replies!

Lil and neffie - you are doing so well and you are both due so soon it has just flown by!! Enjoy your bumps while you can, i miss my bump so much x

sparkle - hows it going with AA did the contractions progress? Hope you are both well x

grand -wow indy is getting big! Glad you are getting out and about to meet others!

Imp - i have sleep envy how do you get her to sleep that long? As for the expressing i agree with the others more in the morning (i get 4h5oz from one side in about 10mins but i know that is fast compared to other people i have spoken to) persevere cause the more you express tha more you produce!

Amber and bean - the co sleeping is lovely and tricky at the sametime! So nice to snuggle up with them but I imagine you also want your beds back too! I have had a really difficult time with callum recently getting him to sleep in his cot and in his own room so we did some serious sleep training this week and it seems to be paying off. We followed the baby whisperers pat shh technique and it was stressful to start but he can nearly settle himself most of the time now and its only been a few days of practise. The baby whisperer forum sleep section is great although i don't follow the rest of her routine!

Kizzy - well done to G for rolling over, i am so impressed!

Vix - sounds like libby is doing well too, i like the sound of the bumbo. One of y friends offered me one months ago so i might have to take her up on the offer!

Anna - i love your bump it is so cute! Ii hope your next scan goes well and the uterine problems don't cause too much trouble.

Samb - sorry to hear about your PND but I am glad you have your mum to support you and hope the meds help soon x

so sorry to anyone i have forgotten i will blame the baby brain!

As for us well a busy few weeks, scotland for christmas and callums sleep improved a lot but then went down hill again when we got home! Combined with moving him to his big cot, vaccines and a growth spurt last week and we had no sleep and lots of overtired screaming! So we started the sleep training teaching him to settle himself in the cot with our guidance and started a nap and bedtime routine etc we have done all that for the last 5 days and last night he slept from 7.30pm til 7am with just one feed at 1.30am! I was over the moon! Anyway other than that we have started baby massage and still love our waterbabies (three under water swims today!) he is huge now 13lb 5oz which gives me a bit of backache - chunky monkey is his new nickname!

Well love to everyone and i promise to try to post more often but i am keeping up to date and reading all that goes on xxx
Aw Milo Lovely to hear from you. Sounds like things are going well. Thats great that you have made progress with the sleep training.
Hi All...

Amber Hun its exactly the same with Nate sleeping. If i can manage to settle him in his crib (which is next to the bed) then I may get an hour, maybe even two. Once he is in though that is it there is no getting him back. I agree very hard habit to break - I had the same problem with the other two and they still co- sleep. The eldest is 7....

Lil - oh your bump is gorgeous. I agree with Imp. Makes me wanna a bump back aswell.

Vix - Glad that Libby is better. How old is your eldest Vix - sorry if you have already posted this. XX

Hi everybody else - hope that you are all ok. XX[/QUOT

My eldest is Jessica who is almost 9! O was very young, but very luck I had huge support x
Sorry that was a reply with a quote but looks like I wrote it? My reply is at the bottom
Wow well done Georgina! How amazing, we haven't rolled yet, I don't think she spend enough tome outta my arms for learning rolling unfortunately! sp frustrating at times.
Libby isnt happy today, I'm thinking it may be a delayed reaction to her jabs? She's become fretful, jumpy and very easily upset :( I am so thankful for my eldest, she is brilliant in playing with libs and cuddling her so I can get a few bits done at moment! The diffrence between Libby and my other 2 is they both from 12 weeks went to nursery one day q week to break them into it due for me going bk to college after jess and work with zack, with Libby I'm her only care giver and she seems to be getting some stranger danger!

On a plus note we did baby massage today, and is forgotten how enjoyable or was, she giggled the whole was through and had a lovely nap after, will defo be continuing with it!

Sparkle- how are you?
Milos - as for getting her to sleep...our fist week home Alia was waking every hour to feed it was brutally exhausting. So after about a week I started to make sure she started to wake up around 9pm. Tickel her toes feed her some not wide awake but not out cold anyway. Then at 10pm make sure she's wide awake and give her a bath. I don't use soap most of the time only a couple times a week but put her in the warm water and wash her with a cloth for 10 min or so. When I take her out I think it must be cold as she has a good cry while I change her and dress her for bed. Then I feed her by the time I'm done our routine it's 11pm and I swaddle her in a thick receiving blanket then put her into one of those sleeping bags and put her into the bassinett beside our bed awake or a sleep and usually watch a movie for a half hour or so. She can see me so she will put herself to sleep most of the time. If she cry's I pick he up settle her then put her down again. She sleeps 11-6 usually. My only concern is I'm creating a monster for when I try to move her into her own room. But I guess I'll deal with that if/when it comes to it. Also if we are not at home I have substituted a sponge bath instead of an actual bath and it has done the job. Not sure if this is way she sleeps so well or not or if I'm just lucky. But I'm not stopping now! Lol

I also think that because she is a cluster eater (she eats on and off usually from 8-10 then again at 10:30ish - 11) she is really full when she goes to sleep so she sleeps longer...? But I do know if we have another one day we wount get this again. Lol
Hi Everyone,

Sorry, I don't have time to reply to all posts, but I did go back and read through all of them.

Milos - Great to hear from you! Glad to hear that Callum is doing well.

Lil - Cute bump pic! Not long now....

Quick update on me....had my appt yesterday, and they surprised me by doing an internal. :shock: I wasn't supposed to get another one until next week...oh well! Not much progress....still only 50% effaced, and only about a finger tip dilated so I venture to guess that Coco is pretty comfy in my tummy. Call me crazy, but I'm not ready for her to be here yet. I'm so enjoying my bump, and would like to take advantage of it to the fullest until my due date. On the flip side, I don't want to go overdue either as I'm so ready to meet her! A little selfish ehh? :haha:

Either way....I picture holding my beautiful girl soon enough! :cloud9:
Hi ladies,
Just a little update from me and AA!
Ha a mw appt today. I am 1cm!! Still contracting v irregularly. She's more than happy to let me labour at home now until I feel it's time to go in!
I feel so much calmer and happier. Wha with my mum now over too I think i can finally relax and let my body do this...

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