Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Still no progress!! But AA and I are both calm and happy...
Thanks for all the updates Sparkle! I'm glad you are still doing well and AA seems to want to stay cuddled up with her mom a bit longer.

Sounds like all's going well with your chunky monkey Milos - We've had some sleep regression over here the last week - hoping it's temporary but we're trying to start a nighttime routine as well and hopefully that will help like it did for you. We can't start water babies till 6 months old - I'm jealous!

Neffie - Don't worry about no progress in your cervix because the day before I gave birth Indy was still really high (no dropping for me) and no dilation at all...when Coco is ready she'll come :winkwink:

Imp - I'd say whatever works just go with it...you will not create a monster...trust me your little one will want to be independent one day and if she sleeps so well with you all I wouldn't mess with it - just enjoy the sleep. :sleep:

Vix - we have baby massage for the 1st time tomorrow - I hope Indy enjoys it as much as Libby!

Hi to everyone!...Amber, Lil, Kizzy, Shell...anyone I missed.
Hey girls, quick update from me, G's first tooth is coming thru!! She's been dribbling and chewing her hand like mad for weeks and yesterday I felt her bottom left tooth all sharp just thru the gum!! Bless her! Typically we had just got her sleeping thru the night and now she is awake a lot with the pain/irritation so I rub a little gel on her gums and she mostly goes back off. I just bought some powder from boots and she seems to like that :) my baby girl is growing up quick!! We are going swimming tomorrow for the first time, I'm a little nervous as she still isn't great in the bath plus I don't want her eczema to get worse but will give it a go and see how we get on :)

Hope you are all well, gotta run xxx
Happy Monday ladies!!

Vix--Hope Libby is doing better, glad to hear your oldest loves to help out with her, that is wonderful! Thank you for all the info on the Bumbo chair, Grace's should arrive today, I am excited as she loves to be put in a sitting position all the time these days to see what is going on, and the Boppy I have doesnt give the support she needs.

Bean/Lil/Vix/Milos--:hugs:thank you all for the guidance and support on the co-sleeping issue. I feel better knowing that I am not alone in tackling this! I will definitely look into the baby whisper forum, Milos to see if I can get any pointers there, thank you!

Bean--how is your little man feeling?

milos--so good to hear from you hun and glad to hear that Callum is doing well and growing up big and strong. Chunky monkeys are a good thing (or so sayeth my pediatrician! :winkwink:).

Kizzy--wow, G is growing so fast! First roll over and first tooth all in one week! I can't believe how fast she is growing!!

Imp--you are not creating a monster hun, you are doing so well! The fact you have her bassinett trained is going to definitely put you ahead of the game for crib training into her own room, because you already have her used to sleeping separately! I have yet to get Grace to spend more than an hour at night in her cradle/bassinett. So I think you are doing awesome!!!:thumbup:

Neffie--down to the final days, time for Coco babywatch!! So excited for you hun!! :happydance:

Sparkle--AA babywatch time too!! I am so happy AA has been able to stay in for term, that is wonderful!! Please keep us posted on your progress hun! In meantime, enjoy the time and relaxation with your mum, you deserve it! :hugs:

So excited, I think we are going to have some new arrivals in the next week or so!! :happydance:

Grand--hope your night routine with Indy is going well, keep us posted and share any tips please!!

:hi: to Shell, lil, samb and all you lovelies!

AFM: We are doing well. Our only real struggle continues to be the sleep category! Grace is still sleeping in bed with us at night (I know, huge nonom but it is the only way we all get some rest!) and shows no signs of cooperating in that regard:nope:. As soon as I move her to her cradle, she wakes herself up within an hour or so and refuses to be consoled except for lying down with us. She still does a middle of the night feed, which I don't mind, but I know DH is really hoping I figure out something soon, haha.

Daytime sleep is much easier. We took the bumpers out of her crib (I read recently that these were bad to have in the cribs now) and managed to get her to lie down for 2 1 hour naps there this weekend. So progress!!! I will take it!!!

Grace is growing so fast. It seems like every day there is a new discovery or new "first". She has started to try talking to us, which is absolutely adorable. She stares intently into our eyes and opens her mouth, then tries to make sounds and move her tongue in response to the things we say. Melts my heart!!

As I said above, her bumbo arrives today, I am excited to try it out with her!!

Oh, and as promised, some pics of Grace enjoying her tummy mat. She used to hate being on her belly, but I put her on it for a few minutes each day and now she loves it! :flower:


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Oh amber she is so cute.. gosh lo's grow too fast..

Kizzy wow a tooth already.. where is time going..

Sparkle happy to hear AA is staying put yet..:)

Neffie hope your well not long now.. :)

Hope the rest of you are doing well.. I have my 34 weeks appt this week.. not much exciting to it.. but then i have my tour right after so that should be fun.. and before we know it will be feb.. :)
Grand - I have a feeling that's what's going to happen with me too...I have no pressure of any kind so we'll see what happens...:shrug:

Amber - Grace sure seems to be enjoying her tummy mat...her expressions are adorable!

:hi: to everyone else.

AFM, in laws will be here this week. Can't wait to see them!! Looks like Coco has decided to wait on them thus far. Hopefully she'll come by this weekend (that's what I'm hoping for at least :winkwink:)....time will tell I guess.

Happy Monday everyone!
Wow Neffie cant believe you only have 1 week left.. time has gone so fast.. for everyone.. babies are growing so fast.. and pregnanices are going so fast.. slow down lol

Happy 39 weeks Neffie.. :)
Sparkle - yay! congrats! you made it to full term! AA will not be a preemie like C! woohoo! :wohoo: !!!

Hi Ladies :hi:
Sorry I havent posted for over a week. I have been so busy in the last week. But im back now!

Neffie - Happy 39 weeks! cant believe Coco will be arriving any day now! glad she waited until your in-laws arrived. sorry to hear you have to work right up until the birth tho. that sucks!

Lil - Happy 34 weeks for tomorrow. loving your bump pic. its so cute!

Kizzy - yay! well done Georgie for rolling over! how exciting! she is growing up so fast! and i totally know how you are feeling regarding the teething. Freya has been teething since she was 8 weeks old. its hard, isnt it? can I ask you the name of the powder you are using? we are using bonjela gel, but someone else recommended a powder to me, I just dont know the name of it.

Anna - hope you are well.

Bean - aww, Nate is so cute!i love his little smile.

Grey - thanks for popping in. we are still keeping your seat warm. hope you will be joining us soon.

Samb - glad you have started your antidepressants. Hope they start to work soon.

Amber - aww, hun. i totally know how you feel. we are still co-sleeping too. Freya will only sleep in her cot for an hour at a time in the day, and not at all at night. she has slept in bed with me everyday since she was born. yes, it is a no-no. but we need our sleep, so have to do whatever works for us. dont beat yourself up about it, hun. im loving your photos of Grace on her tummy-time mat. Freya also has one with the special cushion, so that her face isnt smooshed into the floor. Grace seems to be enjoying it too. I hope she gets on well with her Bumbo when it arrives. post some pics when you can!

Grand - hope you are having fun at your baby music and baby massage classes. i bet its nice to get out and meet up with other moms again. good luck with starting Indy's nightime routine. we are starting Freya's this week too. keep us posted!

Imp - well done on the breast feeding! you are doing brilliantly! and dont worry about not being about to express enough to store some in the freezer. I have never been able to put any in the freezer. I only make enough for that day, or maybe the next day, so they go in the fridge. and yes, I can fill a 5oz bottle with each breast (so 10oz altogether). but only first thing in the morning when my breasts are at their fullest. at other times in the day, I can fill a bottle using both breasts (so 2.5oz out of each). keep up the good work!

Vix - glad to hear Libby has finished her meds and is feeling much better. and its lovely that you are enjoying your baby massage sessions.

Milos - great to hear from you! im interested to hear more about your sleep training. how wonderful that Callum is sleeping so well now. glad you and your Chunky Monkey are having such a lovely time with the baby massage and swimming sessions.

Hello to anyone I have missed :hi:

AFM: i returned to Slimming World last monday. I found it sooo hard to get back into the habit of eating healthily again. I have spent the last year "eating for two" and not even thinking about what I put in my mouth. So its been really hard saying "no" to takeaways, cakes and all the junk food. I followed the plan about 50% of the time, and was naughty the other 50%. so when I went to get weighed yesterday, I was expecting the worst - but I lost 2lbs! what a surprise! so can you imagine how much I could've lost if Id followed it 100%? lol

Freya had her first set of immunisations last Thursday. She obviously screamed when the needles went in, and it broke my heart. but she surprised me by calming down within 5 minutes, and she was fine after that. I got her home, fed her, and snuggled up in bed with her. she fell asleep immediately, and slept for 6 hours straight! bless her! but she has been fine ever since, luckily.

We are currently trying to get Freya to sleep in her cot. Everyday last week, I put her down for her morning nap (1 hour long), and she managed it every day. This week, I am putting her down for her afternoon nap (3 hours long). Yesterday she only managed an hour. but today she has done 90 minutes so far, and she is still asleep. so hopefully we are making progress. We are also starting a nightime routine - bath at 6.30pm, feed at 6.45pm and bed at 7pm. I will keep you posted....

Well done on 2lbs shell that's brilliant, great start! I am back on my fitness pal this week, 10lb to lose from Pre preg and another 10 to get down to where I was when I lost weight 18 months ago (don't even want to think about the other pounds I'd need to lose to be considered "normal" weight) so I am going to try to do it in stages!

Neffie, not long now honey, glad your inlaws will be with you, hope bubba makes an entrance on time to spend some qt with them :) lil and sparkle glad you girls are doing well too, home straight now!!

Amber and shell, really fab that your baby girls are spending some nap time in their cots, great progress, small steps but we are all getting there :)

Hi to everyone else, hope you and babies are well.

Afm, much better night for G tonight, she's been in bed since 10 and it's gone 4 and I've only been in to her twice, once fir dummy and once for gel so she is doing well. Yesterday was horrible she would be fine one minute then just scream out in pain and look really sad, heart breaking :( we spent all day chilling and I just tried to encourage her to sleep a lot and let her take what she needed from her bottles (only about 4oz per feed). I gave her some water too. Last night I m gave her Ashton and parsons powder, anbesol gel and nurofen and the combination of all three seems to be working. Shame I can't give Neil something for his snoring then I wouldn't be wide awake and on the sofa!! Ffs.

I am going on a baby first aid course tonight run by our sure start centre, should be good! Then baby massage starts on Tuesday :) was going to start swimming this week but I think I'll wait til her teeth feel better, poor little mite xx
Kizzy- have you considered an amber necklace? I think there are a few threads about them in the 'natural parenting' section. I used one with C and it saved us. His first teeth were awful but after we started using it things were much better...

Shell- that's great weight loss! Well done. Don't put too much pressure on yourself remember that feeding can take a lot of energy!!

Amber- well done on the cot time!! It was something I always struggled with with C. She looks like she's loving tummy time too which is so great!!

Neffie- nearly nearly there!! Hope you aren't feeling too uncomfortable. I know how I'm feeling and it must be worse as time goes on...

Lil- hope you're doing well

Sam- how are the anti d's going? Well done for getting help x

Hi to everyone I've forgotten, sorry x

Afm- we are term!!! Thank you so much for all your thoughts. I really can't believe we've made it... Still v uncomfortable and contracting once every hour or so... Waiting is tough but we all have to do it, I just want to cuddle my baby girl!!
Sparkle - Congrats on Full Term! :flower: Anytime now...I totally get impatience at the end.

Kizzy - I second the amber necklace I know a bunch of moms who've had great success with it! It can't hurt. Wow tons of activities planned for your girl she'll be sleeping like a dream after all that.

Shell - Excellent job on weight loss - I'd say taking it slowly is the best way for your body and if you;re breast feeding. Can I just say how jealous I am of Freya's sleep habits :sleep: Your crib training seems to be working like a charm.

Amber - Don't beat yourself up about co-sleeping - it's actually quite normal as long as it doesn't bother you. I think it's wonderful she gets crib naps in the day and if it helps her to sleep with you at night that's fine. She is too cute on her mat!

AFM: Baby massage was yesterday and Indy lasted about half the class before breaking down and wanting a feed :dohh: It was still nice and I learned some techniques that I can use at home. I'm really worried about how much he still feeds :nope: 14 times in 24 hours - sheesh that's newborn style. I've been told to try and withhold feeding him but when I do he cries bloody murder and turns red and gets so upset he ends up coughing and choking so I can't do that. I feel like all the other 3 month olds eat tons less :shrug: Don't know what I should do really? Just ranting a bit I guess. Here some recent pics:

Surprised and chunky!
Working out with mommy's exercise ball - loves kicking it!
1st time we put him in a high chair - he was bursting with joy.​
Thanks ladies, I am thinking about the Amber beads, I only worry that they might irritate her eczema as she gets it round her neck and ankles (one of my friends baby wears an anklet). Will research a bit more and see what I can find out, much better night last night and she has just drunk a full 6oz bottle for the first time in a few days which is great :)

Grand, can't really help on the feeding Hun, sorry, I get that it's hard not to feed when they are screaming for it, it's a hard ober, I hope you can work it out xx
Ps LOVE indigos pics, what a gorgeous boy!!! Xx
Kizzy - sorry to hear G is suffering :( but glad to hear her concoction of drugs is helping her. and great news that she slept from 10-4 with just a couple of "pop-ins". she is doing really well. Let us know how tonight's first aid course goes. and baby massage next tuesday sounds great!

Sparkle - sorry to hear you are getting uncomfortable with the hourly contractions. It must be tough, especially with C to look after. I bet now that AA is term, and is allowed to come, she wont! lol. come on AA - Mummy, Daddy and big brother want to meet you now! (and the FF girls wanna see your pics!)

Grand - glad that the first half of baby massage went so well. i bet it was lovely. hmm, im not sure what to say about the feeding? are you still exclusively breastfeeding? im pretty sure breastfed babies feed more often than formulafed babies, because the milk goes through their system quicker and doesnt hang around in their belly keeping them full. I have started comination feeding Freya. She empties both breasts, and then I give her a 2oz bottle of formula. It keeps her fuller for longer. But obviously I understand you perhaps not wanting to offer formula at all. I was very "anti-formula" for the first 2 months, but now I realise that she is still getting the goodness of my milk, but with a full tummy too....

AFM: Wow! we had an amazing day "sleepwise" yesterday. Freya took her 3 hour afternoon nap in the cot!! and then at night, she went down in her cot at 6.30pm, and woke up at 11.30pm! (I only had to go in once to put her dummy back in) I then co-slept with her for the rest of the night. But it was amazing for me and OH to have the whole evening to ourselves, and to know that our little girl was asleep in her cot in her own room. I am one very happy Mummy! :)
Sorry Grand - completely forgot to say "Indigo is gorgeous!!"
I adore the new pics of him, especially in the high chair. *Hmm, maybe I should buy Freya a high chair?*
He is such a cutie! :)

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