Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Shell - Indigo was beaming when we put him in - He still needs a bit of help to sit up in it as he isn't totally strong enough but he just loved being a "big" boy (I'm sure Freya will love feeling like a "big" girl as well) - We had to buy a high chair sooner or later so since we don't have the bumbo we decided to go right for a high chair (Ikea so not super expensive). As for feeding not totally ready to give him formula as you guessed :winkwink:...I think you're right that BFeeding babes just feed more often - Sometimes I'm fine with that but other times it drives me bonkers :wacko: WOW I'm super impressed by all that sleep...I'm lucky if Indy sleeps from 9pm to 1am without interruption. Sounds like Freya's transitioning well.

PS. In other exciting news I got my period today...YIPEE...kinda kidding there but OH and I have decided we are going to NTNP for number 2 since time is ticking and it took 2-3 years to get our wee Indigo...anyone else thinking about another or are we the only crazy ones?
Morning Ladies!

Lil--Happy 34 weeks hun! Hope your doc appt and tour went well! Be sure to fill us in!!

Neffie--Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your time with the inlaws! Cannot wait for little Coco's arrival!! Thinking of you!!

Sparkle--HAPPY TERM!!! :yipee::happydance: I am so happy for you, it has to be such a relief to have made it!! Keep us posted on how you are progressing!! Thinking of you too!!

Kizzy--aww hun, so sorry to hear G's having a hard time with teething. I wish I had words of wisdom to share. I hope all the other ladies' pointers and tips help, I know that I am taking notes for when Grace starts teething!! Hope your first aid course went well!

Shell--Wow, awesome news on your weight loss hun, that is fabulous!! I have seemed to finally bottomed out on the post-pregnancy weight loss myself as my weight has not moved in a week and a half, so that means I have to start doing something about it!! I am hoping that when I return to the office in 3 weeks that it will help (I am more disciplined at work about my eating habits. Being at home, I find myself snacking a ton on chocolate and other goodies, which I am sure is not helping me lose the weight!!) Glad Freya only had a little cry with her immunizations--Grace did the exact same thing, a startled scream and then once she was snuggled back in my arms, all was well with the world!!

I am amazed at how well you are doing with Freya's sleep routine, that is fabulous!! I'm really trying to work on Grace's daytime routine right now with her going into daycare soon--I know they will put her in a crib (and not a swing, makeshift boppy bed, mommy's arms, etc.) for sleeping, so I have to get her used to it!! Bedtime will come after I get her comfortable sleeping in it I think.

Have any recent pics of Freya?

Grand--omg, how cute is Indy?!? He looks SOOO much like you in that first picture, I think he definitely has your eyes, I can so see you when I look at him! And what a biggie boy in the High Chair!!! We have a high chair given to us from our friends in Baltimore, I had not thought to try Grace in that yet, will have to get hubbie to dig it out this weekend!!

On breastfeeding, I may have an answer for you--my lactation consultant told me that breastfeeding babies fed exclusively from the breast do tend to eat more often, so do not fret over it! Over the past couple of weeks I have been weeding down how often I feed Grace from the breast (because she will be in daycare soon) and instead give her bottles of expressed milk--this has cut down her number of feeds considerably--I think it is because she gets more quantity wise out of a bottle feed than a feed straight from the breast, so she fills up more quickly, whereas a breast feed is a gradual fill. We are still giving Grace only breast milk, via breast or bottle, but we do keep a container of formula on hand just in case--with her getting bigger and going through growth spurts, I want to make sure that I have backup if we run out of milk. I have managed to stash away a few packs of 3 oz frozen breast milk though in the past 2 weeks (daycare asked us to bring a couple in), so we have that too. Have you continued trying to express hun?

On TTC again, DH and I are absolutely going to try for another! I would LOVE to NTPN right now but, due to my having a C-Section, the doctor recommended we wait about a year to start trying again so my uterus has time to fully heal and be able to support another pregnancy. I am not sure we will wait quite that long (given how long it took us to get Grace, as well as my age at 37, I am not a spring chicken!), but probably at least 6 months or by next fall. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!

Hi to all you other ladies, hope moms, babes and mummies to be are doing well!!

AFM: Grace's bumbo chair came, she loves it! I only put her in it for a few minutes at a time right now as her head does still roll a little bit (she is not keeping it steady ALL of the time, so when her head starts to roll, I take her out of it). Thank you ladies for recommending it! I also got a cute little brown cover for it and the tray! I will share pictures as soon as I get them loaded up.

Grace had a growth spurt yesterday, poor dear. Was up all day crying and starving for food. I hope she is able to relax a bit today, she is currently sleeping in her swing, and I am NOT about to disturb her! haha
Wow grand, back to the two week wait etc again then hehe! I bet you'll get preg quickly as you're expecting not to and you're meant to be really fertile for 6 months after childbirth, good luck Hun!! I am terrified of getting pregnant again, taking my pill religiously (not that we've had much action, we've only done it once and I've had my period the last 11 days!!), we don't want any more so defo not thinking about trying :) one of my friends had her first in may 2011 and her second is due July 2012 so just a 14 month gap :)
Shell - Hope Slimming World is going well. Great job on the weight loss! And I too am jealous of Freya's sleeping routine. Well done! :thumbup:

Kizzy - Hope Georgina feels better soon. I'm sure you'll learn tons at the first aid course...and I'm sure you're excited about the baby massage.

Sparkle - Happy term!...so glad that AA has decided to stay put. Not long now..

Grand - Indy is such a cutie! How precious are his dimples. :cloud9: That's great that he's already loving the high chair so much. Sorry to hear that you're still feeling the blues with BFing, but it is true that babies who are exclusively breast fed tend to eat more. It will get better I'm sure. Good luck with the NTNP...the excitement continues! :winkwink:

Amber - Glad to hear that Grace is enjoying the bumbo. Look forward to seeing pics. I can't believe it's almost daycare time for her. I hope it's as smooth of a transition as possible.

Lil - Happy 34 weeks!

:hi: to anyone I missed.

AFM, still managing to make it to the gym a few times a week. Everyone is saying that I'm crazy still showing up, but I figured it doesn't hurt if it makes me feel better, right? Not feeling any change yet....no pressure down below, no noteworthy contractions to speak of so it really is a guessing game. Have an appt tomorrow, so let's see if that sheds some light to the situation.
Thanks for all your 34 weeks wishes.. :) Going so fast..

Grand Indigo is just so cute.. love the smile in the highchair.. and yes i think at this point you are the only crazy one.. lol but then im still pregnant.. lol Give me a few months and i will want my last one.. :) but not gonna for a bit, as i am still a spring chicken lol-25 years old..

Neffie yay for 39 weeks your almost there.. and yay for still working out.. gives you something to stay busy with too.. and you may as well stay as fit as you can..

Sparkle so happy to hear you made it term.. that is wonderful.. :)

Kizzy-Amber-Shell-Bean and anyone i missed hope your all doing well and so are those cute little babies..

Anna-how are you doing.. hope your well and baby is well.. stay team yellow or find out gender.. :)

AFM-Im doing well.. 34 weeks today and have my checkup with the dr.. Have been having bh's and pain down there with some pressure at some points.. so we will see if the dr wants to check me or not.. if not i guess we wait and see if anything more comes of it.. or he will for sure at my 36 week.. wait and see.. Then after my appt its my tour.. getting excited for it all..

Have a good day everyone..
OMG so many posts. I have read all of them.

Grand - Indy is so lovely. I too love the one in the highchair especially. I have that highchair - ikea.....

As for more i think I have already said that there will be no more for me. My dh has said no way. To be fair I don't think that I do want anymore but I am sad about it. I gave all my maternity clothes away the other day. BOO HOO. I do have 3 gorgeous boys though... I have spent over 5 years ttc with all of them together so now want to enjoy my children without the stress. Pretty sure if my dh said he would I would though..... But he won't... He is 41 and I am 35 .....XXX

Lil - 34 weeks - Woohoo

Sparkle - Congrats on full term.

Neffie - hope yourt appointment goes well tomorrow.

Amber - glad that grace likes the bumbo.

Shell - great news on freya sleeping and your weight loss.

Little Nate was weighed yesterday and he was 10 lb 11. Little tubba. He is sparked at the mo. The last few nights he has slept in his crib next to the bed until about 1.00 am, then after a feed staying in with me. I am falling asleep then though so think if i could sta awake i may be able to get him back in. Will try..

Hi to everyone else.... XXXX
Grand - wow, NTNP already? you are so brave! lol. i bet you fall pregnant immdediately and have a 2012 baby! haha. good luck hun. AFM: i wanna wait til Freya is 2 or 3 before we have another one. im only 24, and OH is 32. so we have plenty of time. and we seem to fall pregnant very quickly - 1st month of TTC with Baby C, and 2nd month of TTC with Freya. so NTNP would be very dangerous for us... lol.

Amber - its great that you managed to lose so much weight without trying. so im sure that when you return to work, and start eating healthily again, the weight will start to drop off once again. good luck avoiding the chocolates. lol. aww, i cant wait to see pics of Grace in her Bumbo. Freya loves hers. she goes in for about 15 minutes at a time, as she has excellent head control. sorry to hear Grace was so upset yesterday. i hope she is feeling better today.

neffie - wow, its great that you are still going to the gym! i take my hat off to you. im sure it will help you during labour and delivery to be fit and healthy. and it should also give you energy to look after a young baby on little or no sleep! well done you! 5 days til your due date! eek!

Lil - ooh, those symptoms sound promising - although I hope you hang in there for another 3 weeks and make it to term. hope your checkup with the doctor went well today.

Bean - great news on Nate's weight gain. he's doing really well! and well done Nate for sleeping in your crib! clever boy!

Hey ladies.. had my 34 week appt and had an internal due to contractions and pain and such down below.. am 1cm dilated.. dr said he thinks it will still be a few weeks though so hoping he is right.. lol.. did the gbs in case baby comes early.. next appt is feb 1st, so last two weeks.. will have another internal if i have been contracting.. which im sure i will be since i have been for awhile on and off.. wait and see now..
:hi: all,

Just wanted to say Hello - I do keep up with this thread but just don't post really.
I am so pleased for all you new mummies - your babies are all gorgeous :cloud9:

Good luck Neffie and Sparkle - hope your babies come soon and can't wait to see updates and photos.

I'm well and still staying positive even though I am still waiting for my first AF since the ERPC, its been 15 weeks. I am off to the docs next week to see what they are prepared to do about it.

I will leave you with a pic of my baby (for those of you who don't already know) I got a puppy...

He's called Milo and I love him dearly...


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Hi New! :wave: Sending tons of dust your way - Milo is a cutie pie - is he a cuddly puppy? I hope you get your period back real soon and I'm glad you're going to the doc's right away to see what's going on.

Lil - Wow 1 cm already!...sounds like you're on your way but I hope your wee one stays tucked in safe a couple more weeks.

Bean - So cool you have the same high chair - cheap as chips but does the job! Nate sounds like another chunky monkey on this thread.:baby:

Neffie - that's awesome you are still working out - it should make labor and pushing easier and recovery as well...doesn't the waiting game suck? The day I started labor I was in tears thinking I'd be pregnant forever:dohh:

Shell - You're so lucky that you've got so much time...I would wait as well but at 35 I think I need to start as soon as possible...wow you are super fertile...1-2 months ttc each time is amazing!

Kizzy - Although we are going to be NTNP we have definitely got to have more action LOL...1 time since birth isn't going to cut it :wacko: Do you mind me asking why you've decided to stop at one? Just curious :flower: The whole ttc, pregnancy, birth roller coaster scares me but we decided we really want 2 kids...if it doesn't happen though I won't be greedy - I love Indy so much and feel blessed to have him after my loss.

Amber - You are always a jewel of information for breastfeeding and expressing. Thank you so much. I'm a bit ashamed I haven't expressed since my first dismal attempt but I need to start again! I've got my bottles all ready to be filled up. Glad Grace loves her Bumbo...growth spurts are killers aren't they...next one up is 4 months!

Bisous to all - and thanks for all your lovely comments about Indy! :blush: Makes a momma proud. We've got our 2nd jabs/vaccines this morning....wish us luck...I'm always more nervous than Indigo
Thanks for the dust Grand, I definitely need it.
Yes, Milo is a cuddley puppy but only when HE wants a cuddle. When hes in full on play mode, there's no catching him.
But I love it when he's sleepy and he tucks his mode under my chin for sleepy time and cuddles.

Indy is very cute, (I love that first pic, he's growing up quick!) Hope his jabs go ok and it doesn't distress him too much
Hi New :hi: thanks for popping in. Milo is lovely. Good luck with your Docs appt.

Good luck for your jabs today Indy (and Mommy!) :hugs:

Neffie-- I thnk it is so awesome that you are able and still do go to the gym, that has to be so healthy for you and Coco! It will also help keep you disciplined for when you are able to start exercising again after Coco is here! Hope your appointment goes well today!

Lil-- 1cm already! I have a feeling you may not end up needing that induction! Hope bubs stays put a couple of more weeks for you!

Bean--Hooray for Nate's weight gain, that is wonderful news! And I have the same issue as you with Grace's middle of the night feed--I end up falling asleep, sometimes with the bottle still in my hand!!

New-- :hi: Thanks for stopping by hun! Milo is such a gorgeous little fella, and he looks like he has a very spunky personality!! I hope you period shows soon, looking forward to some more 2012 babies from our Femmes!

Grand--Hope Indy's jabs go well today. :hugs: I hear you on the TTC issue--had I not had a section, we probably would have started NTNP this summer (once Grace is 6 mos), but instead we have to wait a bit longer. We want 2 children as well, and I hope to have our second before I turn 40. If it is not in the cards, however, like you, I feel blessed enough to have Grace!

AFM: still some growing pains, so lack of sleep at the moment. She is currently snuggled up on my chest, I wish I could be more comfort to her at these times!!! Not sure I ever mentioned it, but Grace developed a hernia in her belly button (where the cord was attached), that would swell and cause a large bump there (which I suspect is why she hated tummy time so much). The doctor said it should eventually go away, and I am happy to say that the last 2 days, there has been no bump, and her belly button is starting to look somewhat normal! phew! If it didn't go away, she would have needed surgery at age 5 to correct it, so I am quite relieved!!

Hope you ladies have a great day!
Thanks ladies.. I am pretty confident i will make it to my next appt in 2 weeks.. just who knows after that.. dr said he thinks a few more but thats a guess so its a waiting game.. would love to make it to full term.. seems like everything goes so much fast the second time around..

New milo is soo cute.. hope your period starts back up soon..

Grand good luck with the ntnp, hope it catches sooner than later.. and hope indy's shots go well..

Amber happy to hear about the hernia going away.. hope it stays gone.. :)

Neffie hope the appt goes well today.. keep us posted..
New, thanks for popping in, love all the pics of milo you put on fb :)

Amber, hope grace is ok, glad it seems to be correcting itself xx

Grand, of course you can ask why we will only have one, it's a funny one really, I am one of 4 and OH is one of 3 so we both have quite big families so there is a part of me that feels we should have another so georgie has someone to play with but having had the m/c and then not having G til I was almost 36 I just feel really grateful to be blessed with a perfect little bubba and want to fully enjoy her and be able to completely invest in her, you know? From a practical standpoint we'd have to move house withanother one and I am hoping to go back part time to work which would also be harder with two (childcare etc). Then there is pregnancy and labour.. I loved being pregnant (except the last two weeks overdue) but I did not enjoy labour at all and fond it really hard and I just don't really want to go through that again. Neil feels the same, he doesn't want any more abd we are lucky in that almost all my friends have babies within a few years of georgie's age so she has lots of little friends to play with and we will holiday with other couples and their babies etc so hopefully she won't miss out :)
Grand. On the breastfeeding, I was having the same issue where Alia was feeding all day it felt like! I have been doing some research and I'm not sure if you've heard of for milk and hind milk. But apparently the milk we produce that sits in the breasts (for milk) is lower in fat... Then there is the hind milk which takes a bit longer for the baby to get nursing, the milk that you feel come in as you nurse (hind milk) its higher in fat etc. anyway long story short the hind milk fills them up more and keeps them satisfied longer. Alia wasn't getting the hind milk and therefor eats more frequently and her stools were runny and green. I wasn't leaving her on long enough, I was afraid also of her learning to use me as a soother (we don't give her a pacifier). I've started to let her eat till she comes off herself (which can be an hour or more sometimes) but she now can go a few hours between feedings and her stool is the yellow oatmeal stuff it should be. For me when she is actually getting the hind milk it burns and this is why i would take her off as it kinda hurts. But now that I know it has really helped to leave her on. Maybe you are experiencing the same kind of thing? Perhaps your lo is not getting enough hind milk and therefor not full very long?? Have a look into it you can go on www.llli.org its a lactation international support group and has a lot of useful information. maybe this will help?

Also on the more children thing we definitely want one more, not sure yet when though. I was thinking I'd give it one year before we try again. I want to make sure I get all the weight off from this pregnancy at least before we try again. I still have about 10lbs to go. But I'm not on any protection yet either so I guess anything could happen. (even though we are using the pull out method for now)
Bean - Look at Nate...he's growing up so fast! Already 10 lbs...That's great that he's getting used to sleeping in his crib...hope it continues that way.

Lil - Looks like you're on your way. :thumbup: Hope peanut stays put for a little longer so you make it to term.

New - :hi:. Thanks for stopping by. Hope the :witch: makes an appearance soon. Good job on making the appointment...hope they can get you some answers. And Milo is such a cutie! Is it me, or has he already grown so much since you posted a pic of him the last time?

Grand - Hope all went well with Indy (and you :haha:) at his vaccine appt today.

Amber - Sorry to hear about the hernia, but looks like it's on it's way out the door. It's definitely a relief if you can avoid the surgery down the road. Hope she feels better soon, and the two of you can get some rest.

AFM, still 50% effaced, but 1 cm dilated so I guess I have made some progress since last week. The wait continues...:coffee: Next appt is on Monday along with an ultrasound if she hasn't made an appearance by then.
Yay for 1cm dilated Neffie your on your way.. and 50% effaced is good.. means things are happening.. unlike me which is good lol..

So is Monday your due date then.. ? Hope you go this weekend.. but if not hope soon for you.. :)
Bumbo pics as promised! (We have the pink bumbo, but I bought the brown cover to go overtop it!)


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Aww Amber she is so dang cute.. look how alert she is already.. :)

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