Morning Ladies!
Lil--Happy 34 weeks hun! Hope your doc appt and tour went well! Be sure to fill us in!!
Neffie--Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your time with the inlaws! Cannot wait for little Coco's arrival!! Thinking of you!!
HAPPY TERM!!! I am so happy for you, it has to be such a relief to have made it!! Keep us posted on how you are progressing!! Thinking of you too!!
Kizzy--aww hun, so sorry to hear G's having a hard time with teething. I wish I had words of wisdom to share. I hope all the other ladies' pointers and tips help, I know that I am taking notes for when Grace starts teething!! Hope your first aid course went well!
Shell--Wow, awesome news on your weight loss hun, that is fabulous!! I have seemed to finally bottomed out on the post-pregnancy weight loss myself as my weight has not moved in a week and a half, so that means I have to start doing something about it!! I am hoping that when I return to the office in 3 weeks that it will help (I am more disciplined at work about my eating habits. Being at home, I find myself snacking a ton on chocolate and other goodies, which I am sure is not helping me lose the weight!!) Glad Freya only had a little cry with her immunizations--Grace did the exact same thing, a startled scream and then once she was snuggled back in my arms, all was well with the world!!
I am amazed at how well you are doing with Freya's sleep routine, that is fabulous!! I'm really trying to work on Grace's daytime routine right now with her going into daycare soon--I know they will put her in a crib (and not a swing, makeshift boppy bed, mommy's arms, etc.) for sleeping, so I have to get her used to it!! Bedtime will come after I get her comfortable sleeping in it I think.
Have any recent pics of Freya?
Grand--omg, how cute is Indy?!? He looks SOOO much like you in that first picture, I think he definitely has your eyes, I can so see you when I look at him! And what a biggie boy in the High Chair!!! We have a high chair given to us from our friends in Baltimore, I had not thought to try Grace in that yet, will have to get hubbie to dig it out this weekend!!
On breastfeeding, I may have an answer for you--my lactation consultant told me that breastfeeding babies fed exclusively from the breast do tend to eat more often, so do not fret over it! Over the past couple of weeks I have been weeding down how often I feed Grace from the breast (because she will be in daycare soon) and instead give her bottles of expressed milk--this has cut down her number of feeds considerably--I think it is because she gets more quantity wise out of a bottle feed than a feed straight from the breast, so she fills up more quickly, whereas a breast feed is a gradual fill. We are still giving Grace only breast milk, via breast or bottle, but we do keep a container of formula on hand just in case--with her getting bigger and going through growth spurts, I want to make sure that I have backup if we run out of milk. I have managed to stash away a few packs of 3 oz frozen breast milk though in the past 2 weeks (daycare asked us to bring a couple in), so we have that too. Have you continued trying to express hun?
On TTC again, DH and I are absolutely going to try for another! I would LOVE to NTPN right now but, due to my having a C-Section, the doctor recommended we wait about a year to start trying again so my uterus has time to fully heal and be able to support another pregnancy. I am not sure we will wait quite that long (given how long it took us to get Grace, as well as my age at 37, I am not a spring chicken!), but probably at least 6 months or by next fall. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
Hi to all you other ladies, hope moms, babes and mummies to be are doing well!!
AFM: Grace's bumbo chair came, she loves it! I only put her in it for a few minutes at a time right now as her head does still roll a little bit (she is not keeping it steady ALL of the time, so when her head starts to roll, I take her out of it). Thank you ladies for recommending it! I also got a cute little brown cover for it and the tray! I will share pictures as soon as I get them loaded up.
Grace had a growth spurt yesterday, poor dear. Was up all day crying and starving for food. I hope she is able to relax a bit today, she is currently sleeping in her swing, and I am NOT about to disturb her! haha