Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hi girls, i'm on my phone, so just a quickie update from me. I still have the remnants of my rotten cold hanging around. One ear is completely blocked.
Nausea is mild, but I'm not going to panic about it. I rarely had it in my other pregnancies. Boobs are a little sore at the sides. Still super tired and I have to have a lie down in the day. If my 2yr old has a nap, I have one too. I have been sleeping great at night, this is unusual for me. Have tried to be a good wife for my husband this week. Poor guy went from complaining about getting too much when we were ttc to zip! It's just hard to muster up the energy lol.
Hope your all feeling sick, tired and sore.
Morning ladies!

Lots of activity over the weekend, I like to see that! We dont have internet at home atm so I cant come on and speak to you all and it's weird on my phone so not great but it does always make me feel a few more days along when I come on here on a Monday morning!!

So, an up and down weekend really. OH and I had a huge argument Saturday, bleugh, we're fine now, and I think it was a combo of him being a typical thoughtless man and me having prego hormones but it erupted pretty quick and was not nice. We went to my friends for dinner Sat night though and had a lovely time and it seemed to diffuse the tension between us which is all good :)

Then yesterday was the big m/w appt, gosh I was an emotional wreck!! and I didnt expect it so it was quite a shock. I basically sat down in there, burst into tears and couldnt stop crying. They were so lovely to me though and very reassuring and once I pulled myself together it was actually a good appointment. They classed me as low risk, gave me forms for a blood test tomorrow, scan date (16th) and next m/w appt for the 6th April so it all feels real now, like I am actually pregnant.

Thank you all so much for thinking of me and asking after me, what would I do without all you lovely ladies!! I love our little crew in this forum :)

So how is everyone else? Nausea is fading for me and I am determined not to panic about it, bbs still sore, i am clearly hormonal, very tired and constantly hungry so all good signs I think! how's all your symptoms on this miserable wet and cold Monday??

Hello everyone, thank you for the warm welcome!

Milosmum - im suffering nausea but no actual sickness. Snacking on ginger biscuits helps a little.

Hope everybody is ok, im on countdown until my scan on March 16th so i can finally tell everyone and stop trying to hide my bloated tum!

Good luck with the job Grand!
your scan is the same day as mine Pixie P :)
your scan is the same day as mine Pixie P :)

Ah Wow, not long now! I really cant wait! Will be counting down with you!
Is it your 12 week scan? What is your edd? We are 2nd Oct at the moment and as i recently had an early scan at 8weeks i dont think the date is likely to change now.
Im having the combined dating/NT scan. I will be 11wks and 3days then! Im glad ive got it earlier rather than closer to 13wks. Im so impatient!
yes mine is my 12 week, I'll be 12 weeks 5 days so a bit further along, its been a really long hard wait but at least tomorrow is March so I can say its "THIS MONTH!" haha!

I am the same as you though with being sick of trying to hide it, I dont even bother that much for work anymore, if people think I am then fine, they'll hopefully find out for definite in a couple of weeks! :)

My EDD is the 24th Sept x
Promise to catch up with everyone's post but I wanted to update you ladies on my job problem.

So I had my 2nd interview for the part-time secretary and it went really well and they want me BUT it has to got through some big honcho in London before I get confirmation and they must give him 5 candidates. So I won't know if I have it until a week or so....

BUT I had promised to call the organic clothing shop today for my final yes or no decision. So I called and I actually decided to be honest and told her that part of my hesitance was that I found out I was pregnant (I told her about my M/C and everything) - She was so cool about it and said that it's not a problem at all and I am welcome to have a job and that she very much appreciated my honesty and that shows the type of person I am...I was so nervous and I actually prayed about it and I decided to just lay out my situation and see the reaction. She's going to get in touch with her insurance guy and see if there would be a problem but from her end she still wants me pregnant or not! What a relief to not have to lie or cover up all these weeks. With that attitude I really am leaning toward this job - my boss would completely rock!

Just wanted to share...I suck at lying so honesty in my case was the best policy and also it showed me a lot about the person I would be working for. She's absolutely lovely!
Well done Grand! I am very impressed with their attitude and good for you for being honest, I'd have done the same as it would have stressed me out to lie and not know what their reaction would be. They sound like a solid decent company and they'll probably be a great employer, good for you!
Thanks Kizzy - She is really a gem - originally from Liverpool. The other thing that is cool about this company is that I start off as a shop assistant but there is room to move up to manager and beyond whereas the other job would only be a secretary with no chance for movement.

All this nervousness has made me forget about M/S! :happydance:
Shell - hope you get the rest of the week off after today then. Who's knocking your boobs around??? :haha:

Kizzy - Oh I'm so happy they were sweet with you and got the ball rolling. "Low risk" must have been nice to hear.

Milos and Melly - sorry you are both feeling poorly on top of pregnancy symptoms...hope you both get better real fast...keep hydrated!

Pixie - You're all updated hon on page one! But I'm missing your BFP date if you can remember - thanks :winkwink:. I have only nausea as well thankfully for the moment.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone for your encouragement and support during the job search...hopefully I'll know in the next couple days whether I'm a working (preggo) girl!
Grand--excellent news on the job front, I really hope everything goes through smoothly with the insurance and you get the job! Will keep my fx'd for you!

Shell--hope work goes well for you today and you don't get your boobies smacked around too much! Try to sneak in small meals instead of 3 big meals throughout the day, I have found that that helps a little with my tiredness and quesiness.

Melly--glad to hear you are doing well and hope you kick that cold! I hear you on the DH frustration. I actually caved and let the hubby get a little action this weekend! haha

Kizzy--sorry you and DH had a spat, but glad you were able to patch things up and enjoy your night out! I am also so glad to hear how wonderful your m/w appointment went and how nice they were, that is so important to have folks around you that you feel comfortable with through this journey!

Pixie--you are right, ginger is great for nausea, I forgot! :dohh: Will have to go get some ginger cookies at the store this week (or send DH out for them! haha!)

Kizzy/Pixie--Keeping my fx'd for your scans on the 16th!

milos--:hugs: so sorry you had such a rough weekend, hun. Being sick on top of preggo really can knock you for a loop and cause so much stress! Glad you were able to get some rest and I hope your scan goes well for you!!

AFM: Very brief, almost unnoticeable nausea this am and my boobs are not hurting hardly at all. They are, however, sensitive when you push on them. Got another stuffy nose (I mean seriously, the weather here can be so nuts, we are going from 51 degrees farenheit with thunderstorms, flooding and tornado watches this morning to 24 degrees and snow tonight--I am not making this up! Arg!!) Trying not to panic about my lack of symptoms today. I did have to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, and that almost never happens! So I guess that is a good sign.

My first gyn appointment is tomorrow. A bit nervous, but I already know the doctor and like her. Hopefully will be able to set up a scan date!

Hope you ladies have a wonderful day!
Good news ladies - scan was brilliant! Baby in utero with a hearbeat measuring 6 weeks 3 days which is actually ahead of where I think I should have been! Absolutely over the moon with the news!

It was so quick though and I totally forgot to take a piccie cause it was so fast which is annoying now but the relief at the time was more important. Nurse told me to book a midwife's appointment so I've already done that for 8weeks - 3rd pregnancy and this will be my first midwife appointment!

Grand - so pleased to hear about your job she sounds like a wonderful boss x

Kizzy - so glad your appointment went well - not long for your scan now - or Pixie's!

Amber - I am proff that the signs can wane and nothing is wrong cause I dont feel sick or sore today but everything is fine so I hope your appointment tomorrow goes as well x
Milos - Excellent scan news :happydance: Thanks for reminding us again that symptoms come and go...I'm feeling almost human today and it scares me...just a light stomach ache...I will try to relax and just enjoy this "day off"
ahh wonderful news Milosmum! Congratulations, how fab xxxxx
milo--:happydance: so glad the scan went well today, that is awesome news hun!!
milosmum - so pleased that it all went well for you today

grand - good news with the job

hope everyone else is doing well
Evening ladies!!!
Long time no see!!
Been so tired last couple of weeks that i havent had the energy to write, just keep having quick looks,

Milos- Congrats on the scan, best thing in the world to see the bean in the right place after ectopic isnt it!!
did you get a pic???

Amber- Hope your appoinment goes/gone well,
I go for my first appointment thursday, cant wait to get all my bit of papers and im even looking forward to having her take my blood! lol

Well 2moz ill be 9weeks and starting to become a little more relaxed, feeling terribly sick at the smell and taste of almost everything, which is my worst fear i absolutley hate being sick it makes me cry lol
Boobs arent as sore as they were altho still sore if im knocked..... tireness is horrid, bed b4 9 every night almost lol
On a plus night the constipation is settling!! yay!!
None of my pants fit!! I havent got a bump as such but my waste seems to be growing out of my pants lol Has anyone else having problems with trousers??? i fitted into my clothes with my previous pregnancys for months lol

I seem to be moaning alot and i feel terribly guilty about doing so but i feel absolutley shocking!!! i do try not to moan as if i heard someone moan after i had my ectopic i could have hit them, but ive never felt so crappy with any pregnancy maybe its coz im getting old lol

How are you all doing??

Hey ladies,

Sorry I haven't posted recently!

Hope you are all doing well!

Grand - excellent news on job!
Milos - congrats on scan!

Well I have been feeling really anxious as haven't really had any symptoms, I know that can be normal as I didn't have any with my LO! But because of the MC I am worrying! So I did another digital today and it was 3+ so I felt a bit better, I also took it apart and all the lines were super dark!

I have my doc appointment tom so will see what he says!

Hope your all feeling sick, tired and sore.

Absolutely loved this quote from Melly! :haha:

Morning ladies. :hi:

Sorry, just another very quick post before work....

Grand, great news regarding the job. How wonderful is your (potential) new boss. I say if you have to choose, then choose the clothes store. The boss sounds great, and theres the option of working your way up the ranks. Good luck with the insurance check.

Amber, good luck with your first GYN appointment today. Will be thinking of you....

Milosmum, fantastic news on the scan! How wonderful to see your baby growing in the right place this time, and to see the heartbeat too. Brilliant!

Sorry I cant chat to everyone individually. Hi to you all :hi: Will be back after work (if I can stay awake?)
Have a good day
Afternoon ladies!

Bellas - nice to see you around - let us know how the doctor's went today!

Vixmar - all your symptoms seem really good hon. Sorry you are feeling so poorly - it does indeed suck but hopefully in 3 more weeks it will be over as you move into 2nd tri.

Shell - I thought you were supposed to be off this week...what's all this going into work during vacation business?

AFM: Well looks like after all I won't be working at that store - the lady called me and since I would be having my baby before their season is over then it actually won't work out. Fair enough - I had expected that answer. She was still very lovely about it and apologetic but I feel a bit down about the whole thing...like being pregnant is some sort of disease and nobody wants me...I know I'm exaggerating but it's the hormones and feeling a bit useless. I was on such a high yesterday and I guess I'm back on planet earth again. In other news...still nauseous :sick: hasn't gotten worse and I hope it doesn't! OH has been supportive and giving lots of hugs and said he'll just have to work for two if nobody wants to hire me. I feel so guilty and plus I want to be active and contribute. Sorry for my pity party.

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