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Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Ahh Shell, that must have been very upsetting but really mixed emotions at least knowing it wasnt ectopic.

My experience from last time was this... (all dates from LMP).
Scan 1 - 5 weeks 3 days - Gestational sac seen
Scan 2 - 6 weeks 6 days - fetal pole/yolk sac seen
Scan 3 - 8 weeks - baby with heartbeat seen (not by me though, just by the sonographer) so it's very similar to your dates and situation. We knew that we'd DTD 12 days after my LMP and as Grand said implantation can be any time after that so it makes sense that there wasnt much to see in the very first early scans and I am sure yours will be the same. Did they check your bloods for HCG?
Thinking of you honey, I hope you're ok, stick with the PMA I am sure it's going to be ok for you xxxx

Hi to everyone else!! :)
Thanks for that Grand. Yes, a Halloween baby would be wonderful!
Bo is already giving me nightmares! :haha:

Thanks Kizzy. I supposed I should just be happy to have seen a yolk sac, and to know it isnt ectopic. Its just the dating thing that worries me, that all. And no, they didnt check my HCG? Thanks for your info though.

I haven't much to update. The weeks are going by sooooo slowly. Next appointment is just under 3 weeks. Just reading and catching up on everyone progress so far.
Hi Hmm - Let me know your scan dates! :flower: Yes I agree...1st tri is going like molasses...apparently after 12 weeks it starts going fast.
Wow Hmm! 13 weeks! good luck for your next appointment.
And Hey, it may be going slow for you, but its going backwards for me :wacko:
Hmm--wow, you are moving right along there! That is so wonderful!

Shell--I am glad that sharing mine/Peanut's story helped a bit. I am sure Peanut is up there happy he helped too! Kizzy's story is also helpful and it looks like this dating issue happens a lot!

I think little Bo just wants to be a Halloween baby so she/he can come out and say Boo!

AFM: I got a wave of nausea here at work that started around 9ish am and has not gone away, it is just lingering around. Making me dizzy and burping a lot. Hard to talk to clients on the phone when you are worried about burping in their ear! Then we got a fire drill and I had to go down 14 flights of winding stairs, just peachy! And of course,what do people do standing around in the street, they light up cigarettes. I kept trying to move and they kept trying to follow me and talk to me, argh! No one here knows I am expecting so I was trying to be polite by just skirting away. I'm scared about eating lunch atm...
Shelleney - sorry to hear your mixed news but so pleased for you that it has reached the right place! I can't believe they even tried to scan you via your abdomen - my early scans have always been transvaginal. When I miscarried the nurse could only find a tiny fluid sac in utero - measuring much much smaller than my dates so I knwew it was bad . Especially cause it was so small they dweren't even sure that it was the pregnancy in utero and still did my HCGs to make sure it wasn't ectopic and they couldn't find it.
I agree with the other girls - hold onto the hope - its in the right place and little but you had such a late BFP maybe you just ovulated late or it took longer to implant than expected. HOpefully the next 9 days will fly past and next time there will e a bubs and heartbeat
Hey ladies,

Shell :hugs: to you. But I have a really positive feeling that all is going to be fine! You say you ovulate late, so this could be the reason. Also your scan was super early and good that they saw the sack! Fingers tightly crossed that next time you see little Bo! Are you still getting symptoms?

Hope all you other ladies are doing well.

I am feeling a bit scared to be honest. I haven't really had any symptoms and today had really strong ovulation type pains, not sure if this is normal??
I haven't got a date for my first scan, going back to doc next week for him to tell me when it is.

Hey Lisa. Sorry you're being sick :sick: but thats a good sign, so keep it up :haha: also, great to hear you have such a supportive boss, how wonderful. Yay for your blueberry!

Grand, hope your stomach ache returns soon. Im sure it will. :thumbup: Keep up that PMA!

Aww Amber. Sorry to hear you are coming up to the time you lost Peanut. :hugs: But im 100% sure history wont be repeating itself. This baby is in it for the long haul! Good luck for your scan tomorrow. Let us know how you get on.

Sorry to hear you're feeling worried today Bellas. :hugs: As we've all reminded eachother over the last few weeks, symptoms come and go. Im sure yours will return with full force tomorrow. Enjoy the break! :haha:

AFM: im feeling much more positive now. Thank you all for your comments and virtual hugs. Dont know what Id do without you girls! I have decided that my dates were wrong. I mustve Od later than I thought. Which would explain the late BFP, and the digi test that only said 1-2 weeks pregnant. It all makes sense.
Symptoms-wise, I feel queasy every morning, and sometimes throughout the day as well. And the sore boobs have seriously kicked in now. They feel quite heavy too.

Hope you and your beans are all well.
hi ladies

just popping in very quickly, will catch up soon.

shell- sorry you didnt see your little bo this time, i am sure he/she will make an appearance for you next time. these LO's are little buggers sometimes, getting us all worried. keep up the pma honey, hugs

amber - good luck with the scan
Morning ladies,

Shell, glad you are feeling better today, your symptoms sound great!!!

Hmmm, I know what you mean but you've got a lovely healthy bubba growing in there and 13 weeks is such a milestone, what are your symptoms like now?

Amber, poor you, that nausea feeling is horrible, I certainly know what you mean!

Milos, Bellas, Grand, mumAMH, hello!!

AFM, feeling tired today, I went out to Prezzo with my friends last night and we ended up eating quite late and I was so full up and also think I had too much chilli as I had an uncomfortable night plus woke up around 4.30 with hearburn and havent slept since so I am zzzzzzzzzzzz today!! Symptom-wise, all seems good though, boobs still the same, nausea kicked back in this morning and all sorts of weird sensations going on in my tummy, like pulling behind my belly button. There HAS to be something in there right??? :) 11 weeks tomorrow, woohoo!!!
Also, I am going to have to take a pic of my bump/bloat to show you guys, its unreal! Everyone I see must notice it and be guessing, its so hard to disguise now!!
Hi ladies, popping my head in nervously!
At school at the moment so just a little post.
EDD 14th November....
Adding you now - so happy for you and your family!
Sparkle--welcome hun! And congratulations again! So happy you are here! :hugs:
Amber - How'd your scan go???

Kizzy - Can't wait to see our 1st bump pic on here! Symptoms all sound perfect.

AFM: Tummy ache is back along with a headache...so much for all that worry yesterday...thanks for putting up with me.
Morning ladies! Just a quick note as I am going back and forth a lot today between work and my u/s and back to work!

Kizzy--so good to hear from you and glad that you are still having good symptoms. I also get severe heartburn a lot at night if I've had something acidic like chili, marinara, etc. Even though I try to shove some bread in afterwards, it still comes on. My Doc says Tums is ok to take and that seems to help my heartburn.

Bellas--:hugs:cramping early on can be normal in a pregnancy since the uterus is expanding to make room for the little one. Are they severe cramps or just mild? If they are not bad cramps, probably just baby making some room! Thinking of you and hope you get your scan set up soon hun!

AFM: Woke up with some serious nausea this am! No trips to the bathroom, but I was hurting! (felt like I had one too many drinks or something, minus the headache that usually goes along with that!). Had heartburn attack in middle of the night, scared the heck out of me, tums helped. Boobs still sore. Scan is in 2 hours, I am very nervous and scared, very glad DH has decided to take off and come with me this time. I don't think I could mentally handle it alone.
Thanks Amber, the cramps are like OV pain that I have pelvic area and shooting up my bum! (Sorry tmi!)

Good luck for your scan xx
Good luck Amber, let us all know how you go!! xx
I'm back! Appointments were running a bit behind, then we got stuck in traffic on the way back into the city!

U/S went very well! Baby is measuring 6 wks, 1 day with a VERY strong heartbeat (according to the tech!). So I am back to my previous due date of October 26th! Hubby and I are so excited, we got to see that little heart pumping away like crazy. I was crying, DH was grinning from ear to ear. Oh, and right now we are calling the baby "Baby L" (L for our last name) until we come up with something more creative.

I also have a couple scan pics, it doesnt show much, little L is still so tiny, will try to copy them in when I get home and post them here if you ladies don't mind my sharing.

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