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Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Off to my appointment ladies, wish me luck!!

I promise to post and catch up as soon as I can tonight, could not post this am due to trying to pack in a full days' work into 4 1/2 hours!! arg!:comp:
Grand - sorry to hear about the job honey thats a real disappointment but I am sure that you will find a job you love with people that want you bump and all!

Amber - hope the appointment went well.

Vix - sounds like you are doing really well. I am so relieved that baby is in the right place - determined to try and enjoy this pregnancy now and to try not to complain! As you say I should be grateful after 2 losses that everything seems ok so far but when I feel sick it is hard to remember not to complain!

I am feeling fab today boobs not too sore, no nausea today and I am hoping to stay up beyond 9pm (optomistic I know!) Lets see what tomorrow brings! xxx
Aww Grand :hugs:
Im so sorry you didnt get the job. Surely thats discrimination?
Oh well, Im sure that the perfect job is just waiting around the corner for you.

Oh yeah, Grand, Im not on vacation this week. That was last week. I had the whole week off last week, but started back again yesterday. I told my headteacher yesterday that Im expecting again. She congratulated me, and helped me fill in a risk assessment. She made me promise not to put myself in any danger, and to keep away from any potentially dangerous children. Easier said than done in my job. Had my nipples tweaked today. Ouch!

Anyways, got my scan tomorrow. Excited and terrified in equal measures! Will let you know how I get on tomorrow afternoon
good luck tomorrow shellney cant wait to hear about your scan x
Hey ladies,

Just a quick update from me! I need to catch up on posts!
Had my docs appointment today which went well, I had a bit of a moment in there but he was really nice and is sending me for an early scan so just have to wait to hear now!

Hope you are all ok!

Good luck tom Shell xx
Shelleney--good luck with your scan tomorrow hun, will be thinking of you! :flower:

bellas--good luck with your appointment, I hope it goes well and you are able to relax a bit more! :hugs:

Vixmar--also, good luck on your appointment Thursday! Wow, 9 wks already, you are moving along great! And it's totally ok to moan hun, most especially here! :hugs:

Grand--:hugs: I am so, so sorry about the job. It is true that the workplace has a bias against pregnant women, and it is wrong. It is also a shame that a woman applying for a job has to even consider notifying a potential employer that she is/may be pregnant. Back when I was fresh out of law school, one of the firms I interviewed with (an all male firm at the time) asked me point blank if my husband and I were planning on starting a family anytime soon--I was highly insulted. My response was that I did not believe that it was any of their business and that I did not believe that starting a family would interfere with my ability to be an asset to the firm. I was actually granted a second interview with them, but declined and went with a different firm. I was so pissed! So when I hear stories like yours and what happened to Anna with her job during her loss, it makes me peeved for you and women everywhere. :growlmad: This job has no idea what they are missing out on in taking away their offer to you! Their loss for sure!

BTW--your DH is an absolute hero for saying what he did to you. What a wonderful and supportive thing to say!

AFM: Doctor's appointment went very well (DH even went with me!)! She did a physical and got me set up for all sorts of things. I have to schedule a genetic counselling appointment to discuss first trimester screening and possible amnio (which I am still pretty sure we are going to opt out of) due to me being of "advanced maternal age" WTH! I'm still young, dangit! haha Also have a script for bloodwork that will probably be done next week.

My first ultrsound is Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 11:15 am! Two days from now! I am nervous but excited. DH also plans to attend. He says he is going to never let me go to another appointment alone (he was not with me when we lost peanut, and I don't think he has forgiven himself for that, no matter how much I tell him it is ok, we were both so naieve).

Doctor also put me at 6 wks today instead of tomorrow, so she has my due date as 10/25 instead of 10/26, but says the baby and US may have something different to say, so we will see.

Next MD appt. will be March 30th, with hopefully a good US and bloodwork to review.

Phew, busy day! Going to go relax for a bit before starting dinner. Sorry for rambling so much!
Bellas--opps your appt was today! sorry about that, glad everything went well and glad you are getting an early scan!
Grand so sorry about the job. That is so unfair. Glad the nausea is holding steady and not getting any worse.

Amber and Bella glad the Dr. apts went well.

Shell hope the Dr. apt goes well tomorrow.

milosmum, glad you are feeling well.

Hi to everyone I missed. Hope all is well.

AFM I threw up this morning. :sick: But then felt better after. I ended up being about 45 minutes late for work. I was 30 minutes late yesterday too because of nausea. So I decided I should tell my manager what was going on with me. She was very understanding and congratulated me. She told to move all my 9:00 clients to later in the day and to just come in when I could and to fill out sick day\hours leave forms for the time I have missed and will miss. I have great work benefits and lots of paid sick days. I feel so fortunate. However, I wish I wasn't so sick in the morning. It's just awful. I felt like I was going to pass out in the shower this morning. I had to get out and sit on the floor all wet and soapy and then had to rush over to the toilet. :sick: not fun. At least I start to feel better once my breakfast has settled and seem to be Ok for most of the day. I hope this doesn't get any worse.

Yipee! I've graduated to blueberry now.
Morning Ladies! :wave:

So I've updated the front page from all your posts. I hope I have all the correct dates and all. It helps me to keep up with everyone and it's fun to see what's going on with each lucky lady every week. If you ever see I've missed an appt. or a date is wrong just let me know - no offense will be taken at all and I'd rather get everything right. :thumbup:

Amber - glad the Doc's went so well. I can't believe you have a scan in two days! Crazy how fast things are moving. Thanks for sharing your work story as well I think it's well you didn't go with that other firm that wouldn't be sympathetic to pregnancies. It does make me mad as well that being a woman is already sometimes difficult in the workplace and kids and pregnancies only create more stress for us like we are some type of burden (Hello someone has to make the babies and it happens to be us women)

Lisa - Sorry you're feeling so poorly in the morning but it's a great sign...it's so nice that after some of these other work stories that your boss is actually being really accommodating and great about your schedule. Happy "blueberry" day!

Shell - So happy you told them at work and they were cool about it too...stay away from sick kids (HA! that's impossible at school, right?) but if you make an effort to wash your hands a lot and don't rub your eyes, nose etc. then you can usually avoid lots of "contamination" and illnesses from kids. Oh my gosh you too with your scan! So exciting :happydance: Also, you were right it's actually illegal in France to be denied a job because you are pregnant and in fact I'm under no obligation to tell them. I still would have done what I did because I did like her as a boss and she really was so open and honest. However I don't think I'll tell any of the other potential jobs until I get a scan at least.

Bellas - glad your scan date got scheduled early! When is it? and I'll put it on the 1st page. Merci :winkwink:

AFM: I wrote in my journal but I woke up without a stomach ache at all. I was in tears and I'm really freaked out - I want my tummy ache back. I feel like I might have a little one now but it could also be from my worry and stress and not a real symptom...oh the joys of a PAL pregnancy...enough to drive you batty :wacko:
Morning ladies!

Shell--Hope your scan goes well today hun!

Lisa--Happy Blueberry Day! Sorry you are feeling so poorly, but that is a good sign hun! And I am so glad to hear how cool your work is being about things, that helps so much!

Grand--:hugs: You may just be having a day off hun or Little Blue is focusing on growing in places that won't affect your tummy. If it helps, I did tell my gyn yesterday that I was worried about my boob soreness ebbing and waning and also not having full out nausea, etc. She confirmed what we have all been telling one another, symptoms come and go! She also said that things are moving so fast with the baby right now development wise that it is only natural that symptoms will vary in intensity and type. So please don't worry hun! I know it is hard! :hugs:

AFM: Took me a while to get out of bed this am. Felt like I had been on a rocking ship for several hours, very upset tummy. No vomitting, but I just laid there until I felt better and was fine after that. Boob soreness is back as well. Nervous about tomorrow. Lost peanut at 6 1/2 wks, and I am close to that. Trying to keep up the PMA!!
Good and bad news from scan

Hi Ladies :hi:
I will come back later and comment on all your posts, but I just wanted to tell you all about my experience at my scan today. So, theres good and bad news. The good news is, this pregnancy isnt ectopic :yipee:.The bad news is, we couldnt see a baby or a heartbeat :cry:
So, we went to the hospital, and first we saw a nice nurse, who took my history, etc. I made sure to tell her that I have a long(ish) cycle, and ovulate quite late, so even though my notes said I was 6w5d, I thought I was actually 6 weeks exactly.
So, she wrote that in my notes, and took me through for my scan. I was terrified, but OH held my hand and tried to reassure me.
Anyways, the male sonographer started my abdominal scan, and told me that there was a gestational sac in my uterus. yay, not ectopic this time! But then he told me that he couldnt see anything in the sac, it looked empty. He said that by 6 weeks you should see a baby and a heartbeat. I was nearly in tears.
Then he said he would do an internal scan, to see if he could see anything else. During that scan, he said he could see a yolk sac, but definitely no baby and no heartbeat. He measured the sac, and said that it only measured 5w2d.
So, I could either have got my dates wrong, and baby is fine. Or, my dates are right, and baby has stopped growing. Im scared, and dont know what to think?
I then went back to the nurse, who arranged for me to be rescanned in 9 days (11th march). If the sac is still only 5w2d by then, I have miscarried and will need treatment. But hopefully, we will see a baby and a heartbeat, as I should be 6w4d by then.

Does anybody have any words of wisdom, or any previous experiences that could help me? Im in a bit of a mess here :wacko:
Oh Shell - I wish I did have some wise words but I've actually never had a scan except for after my miscarriage and obviously didn't see anything then.

At six weeks there is potential to hear a heartbeat but not a guarantee. So I think that's still ok. I don't know what your are supposed to "see" in the uterus so I can't help so much but it is good that it's in the right place and to have the gestational and yolk sac. Maybe you conceived when you thought but implantation was later so it's a few days off? It can be anywhere from 6-12 days so maybe you are on the later end of that implantation time.

:hugs: Big hugs for you hon I can imagine your mind is going all over the place right now. PAL is not an easy road. I am keeping you and your wee one in my prayers.
Thanks Grand. I just dont know what to think right now. I was so sure I would see my baby today, and now Im just confused and scared.
Keep thinking about Anna and her pregnancy. Feel like mine may be following suit :cry:
sorry for the pity party.

Hope everyone is ok today :friends:
Shell--I don't have any factual medical knowledge to share, but I can tell you that it is possible that the dates could be off. With Peanut and my first scan, they sent me in thinking I was about 5 1/2 wks, and then the baby showed up only 4 weeks along, and they could only see what was in yours today, a yolk sac. Which is why the set a follow up scan for several weeks later. The doctor told me that the dates were simply off, and that is partially why they will have followup early scans. Even though I lost Peanut due to other reasons, he continued to grow for 2 1/2 more weeks after that, and my f/u scan confirmed that the dates were off and they had adjusted to the correct time at that point. In that scan, you could clearly see little Peanut and that he had grown. I am not sure if that helps at all, but wanted to share just in case. :hugs:

So I am really hoping and praying for you hun and hope that it is simply the dates. Especially with your late BFP, I would think this is entirely possible.

You and little Bo are at the top of my prayer list hun. :hugs:
Thanks Grand.
Can you please change my due date on the 1st page? I want to stay positive and say that I just got my dates wrong and Bo is only 5w2d and growing normally. Have already changed my ticker to reflect that. Gotta keep up the PMA!
Oh Amber, thankyou. That is so reassuring! And thankyou to Little Peanut for putting my mind at ease, God rest his soul.
I hope that when I go for my follow up scan next week, Bo will have grown to 6 and a half weeks size, just like Peanut did. Thankyou again.
Good luck with your scan tomorrow :hugs:
P.1 has been updated Shell - I put you as a halloween baby on the 31st since that 5 days later. Is that good?

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