Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hey everyone! I'm still around and still lurking/reading. I'm so excited that more babies will joining us soon!

AFM: Both of us are doing well. SF is measuring right on now that they have officially changed my due date to March 12. She's currently 4.5 lbs and breech. The positioning isn't a concern because they've already scheduled a c section date for us of March 6. MARCH 6th! Hard to believe that by bedtime March 6, I will have my little girl in my arms. And that's only just over a month from now!
Grand - aww, sorry to hear that having your waters broken was such a bad experience for you. My experience was the complete opposite - I loved having my waters broken! I had been in labour for 16 hours and couldnt get past 4cms dilated. so they broke my waters - and I was fully dilated and pushing just 3 hours later!! Isnt it funny how everyone's labours are so different, and how our bodies react so differently to certain procedures?

Amber - great news on your blood work, Hun! so it was just gestational diabetes, and not Type II? excellent! but i suppose you are at risk of developing it in your next pregnancy? Oh no, back to work so soon - you poor thing! I hope Grace gets on well at her daycare trial next week. Will be thinking of you both.

Imp - glad to hear Alia is feeling much better after her jabs. Its heartbreaking to hear them cry in pain isnt it?

Beth - good to hear from you. I cant believe SF will be here so soon!! Good luck, Hun

Lil - Forgot to say this earlier, but belated happy 35 weeks!! You're almost there! :thumbup:

Amber - Great news that you don't have Type II diabetes. I'm sure that's a huge relief! Good luck with day care next week...I know it's not going to be easy but I'm sure Grace will settle in soon.

Imp - Glad to hear that Alia is feeling better.

Beth - Good to hear from you. SF will be here in no time!

:howdy: everyone else.

AFM, still here and still undecided about the induction on Monday. Hopefully my appt today will shed some light. Would be nice if Coco makes an appearance this weekend....that sure would solve my dilemna! :dohh:
Imp--so glad to hear Alia is doing better. Watching our little ones get their shots is so hard, and I am sure it was doubly hard for you that she was so upset about them afterwards. Huge hugs to you two! :hugs:

Beth--so good to hear from you and that is awesome news to hear that you and SF are doing so well! Hope you don't mind me asking, but are they going straight to the scheduled C-Section because of your pre-existing Type II? I have a feeling with our next one if I develop GD, they are going to do the same.

Neffie--Good luck with your appointment today and sending you dust in the hopes CoCo comes on her own this weekend!! :dust:

Shell--yes, it appears it was just gestational diabetes that I had. They were worried I was pre-diabetic at the time I got pregnant with Grace because the GD was diagnosed so early in the pregnancy. I have to be checked again in 4-6 months (just bloodwork). I do have an increased risk now of having GD again in a future pregnancy and developing Type II later in life.

Hello to everyone, hope you are all well!! Happy Friday!!
Hi All

Beth - wow not long now.

Amber - that is reasurring that they are testing you again though in a few months. They are keeping an eye on things

Neffie - Hope your appointment goes well today. Like you say maybe they can shed some light on things for you.

Shell, Grand, Milo, Imp, sparkle, Lil, Sam...... Hope you are good.

Having a sad moment - have just put a load of baby things, hats, grows etc.... in the charity bag... some of the little hats are ones that my first wore. I have kept some bits but cant keep it all. Oh well somebody else can get some use out of it all and it help a charity so should be pleased.

Nate has his appointment week today aswell - bit nervous about it. XX
Quick update...

No sweep at the appt today. Doc was open to doing it, but couldn't get in there far enough to make it work effectively. However, I'm 2 cm dilated and they said my cervix is very soft and looking favorable. :thumbup: I did express my concerns about the induction, and potentially ending up with a C-Section. They said that they would let me go another week if I chose to, but to keep in mind that the baby would be bigger at that point. Also, since my cervix is looking favorable, there is a pretty good chance that I will deliver vaginally (of course barring any issues during the pushing phase). I was in there for quite a while racking my brain on what to do. Well, turns out that the hospital was fully booked up for inductions all of next week. I definitely did not want to go past the 42 week mark, and neither did my doctor. We did talk through all the potential risks and benefits. So at the end of it all, assuming that nothing happens over the weekend, I will be getting induced on Monday. Anxious about it all, but going in hoping for the best and thinking about coming home with my beautiful Coco! :cloud9:

Have a great weekend everyone!
Neffie- that sounds like a really sensible decision. As you are 2cm already I really hope Coco comes over the weekend. Have you been trying all the usual suspects? Ive had 2 spicy curries (yuck!) and eaten 5 pineapples!!
Sending you all the labour dust I can spare!! x
Beth--so good to hear from you and that is awesome news to hear that you and SF are doing so well! Hope you don't mind me asking, but are they going straight to the scheduled C-Section because of your pre-existing Type II? I have a feeling with our next one if I develop GD, they are going to do

I actually have type 1 diabetes (16 years this month!). My c section is partly because of that and partly because of SF's 2 vessel cord. Too many complications can arise from a natural birth in my case that we opted to just do the c section.
Sparkle - Yes, pretty much tried everything within reason. Will be going for a long walk again today. How are you feeling? Any more contractions?
Neffie - That's kind of nice that the decision is made for you so you don't have to dwell on it...I think if you have an induction you would be able to have a vaginal birth since you are already so favorable and 2 cm dilated! But I'm still hoping you naturally go into full labor this weekend. :dust:

Sparkle - So exciting you are full term and then a bit...AA really stuck in there after all that! Wow I like pineapples but 5 pineapples is a lot - hope you're not getting a tummy ache.

Amber - So happy you don't have diabetes following pregnancy! I hope Grace (and you!) do well when she has to do her daycare trial - I'm not looking forward to that step either.

Beth - Happy C-section day coming up! That's pretty nice to not fret about the date when it's all been scheduled...so soon - you're part of the second baby boom here!

Imp - So glad Alia is feeling better...being with mommy and all cuddled up was all she needed.

Shell - That is crazy that breaking waters was bad for me but totally worked for you...I wish it had been that fast but instead I just stalled. Our bodies are all so different how they react to procedures during labor.

Bean - I'm so sad too - I've been folding up all Indy's clothes that he's grown out of as well...:cry: they grow so fast! I'm trying to find a good organization to give them away to as well as they are practically new and in nice condition for someone else.

AFM: I miraculously expressed (got lucky and my friend gave me her electric pump for free! :happydance: since all you ladies kept saying it's so much better than the manual pumps) 2 ounces and used the Medela Calma bottle and after a moment of whinging Indy downed it in 1-2 minutes...he was still hungry so he had breast after that but I was so happy it worked since he's never had a bottle in his life and we are on the road to happy expressing/bottle days! I feel such relief (and so do my poor sore nipples :wacko:)...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your advice and support about expressing - I couldn't have found the courage to keep trying to express/give bottle without you all. :flower:
Evening ladies!
I really need to remind myself to check in every few days :(
Hope your all well!

As I'm writing
Dunno what happend there!
As I'm writing this I'm listening Libby screamimg :( we are starting cpntolled crying and its killing me, all my fault buy we rock her to sleep on a evening and she sleeps on sofa until her last feed but now she's at a age where she needs to be in a routine, last night it topk almost a hour, I went up every 5mins n stroked her face and walked away and eventually after tears from both of us it worked. so far tonight its been 20mins and she's now asleep so were getting there,
Is anyone else too soft and will have to do this?

Also Libby started waking during night for feed this week and is on 80z every 3hours so after speaking to hv I told her I'm trying baby rice.... she didn't try and discourage me but said its advised to leavr her another few weeks.... She's had baby rice once a day since Wednesday and she wolfs it down! Also her sickness has calmed Down tons as the rice lays heavier in her stomach! Going to Gove rove twice a day next week then week after pureed fruit :) x
Vix - I don't think I can do controlled crying just yet...I admire parents that can...I know we'll have to do it at some point because right now I breastfeed Indy to sleep and I can't do that forever. I'm dreading when we'll have to sleep train him but I've heard it's hell for 2-3 nights and then the babes get the hang of going to sleep. It sounds like Libby is catching on by the second night. Wow she's already going on purees/baby foods...I'm going to try to wait till 6 months but my guy is always hungry so we'll see I may begin sooner...I'll see what the pediatrician says at his 4 month check up.
Grand- I agree it may be harder as Indy falls asleep on boob, Libby is always still awake after feeding, I thought 4months was ideal for us as she isn't yet rolling over or trying to pull herself up and cant et get cought in her cot bumpers and toys.... also with 3 other kids I need it to be over with asap so the other 2 can sleep lol if I didn't have the older two I wouldn't be in such a rush tbh.

Hi Ladies! :hi:

Will catch up with you all soon, just wanted to let you all in on my excellent news.....


Dont get me wrong, I have loved my 3 months of co-sleeping. But the time was right for me and OH to get our bed back to ourselves, and for Freya to sleep in her own room. She has spent the last 2 nights in her cot, and she is doing really well. She wakes up every 3 hours for a feed (I give her a bottle while she is still lying down, half-asleep). and she is also waking a few times in between feeds (but she just wants me to put her dummy back in, and then she settles again).
It is tiring for me, being up and down all night, but Im hoping things will settle down soon.

Woohoo! we did it!! :happydance:
Congrats shell!! I've been thinking maybe i should get Alia in her own room soon. But I'm just not ready. Lol. I'm dreading the thought that it may mean sleepless nights for mommy again.

Grand any tricks you used to get Indy to take the bottle? I now have 6 bottles stocked up in the freezer so we can possibly go out for a few hours soon, however Alia wants nothing to do with the bottle. I've had other people try, Ive tried, I've tryed the modella nipple and the tommy tippee nipple. She kinda tries at first but seems she can't latch on the artificial nipple or something. Then gets really angry. I eventually have to give her the Brest. I love being able to Brest feed her so it's not the end of the world and I'm lucky cuz I dont have to go back to work anytime soon so it's ok. But it'd be nice to be able to drop her at grammas for 2-3 hours and go to dinner or something. But she just won't take a bottle!
Really quickly..
Neffie- GOOD LUCK for tomorrow, thinking of you and Coco xxx
Neffie - Happy Induction Day!!! :dust: Good luck mommy and Coco!!!

IMP - Just quickly...we use the Medela Calma bottle and at first OH tried it and LO was very angry, crying. I took the bottle and him and just cuddled him and told him what a good baby he was and OH took a rattle (the sort of jingle bells sounding kind) and shook it gently and LO got distracted and eventually just started sucking (he was not super happy but once his suction started working and milk was coming - he downed it in like 2 minutes!). Try a distraction technique and I found he actually only takes the bottle from me for the moment.

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