Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Good Luck Sparkle and AA! :dust: That's a really good start already...Are you doing anything at home to help labor progress?
Everything and anything! I've eaten 5 pineapples... Also been spending a lot of time bouncing on my ball...
Oh Sparkle - super excited for you - come on AA.

Vix - Libby is so cute in her bumbo.

Amber - I really feel for you hun with leaving Grace :hugs:

Hi everybody else hope you are all well.

Nates appointment yesterday - he has to go for a scan to see where the missing testicle is and check for possible hernia. We are waiting for that apointment to come through.

Sparkle- good luck hope it happens this weekend for ya! If it helps when I was in labour but pains stopped we had sex (tmi) and they started again v strongly and she was born 3hours later lol

Bean- its crap Nates having problems so young :( x
Thanks Vix - I know poor little boy. Not looking forward to a possible operation for him. I know that it is very common though.

Grand - just noticed your siggy - NTNP - WooHoo.. You should be keeping all those clothes of Indy's ready for the next little bambino. I have kept everything and some things are now being used for the 3rd time.

Off to the charity shop now for the ok stuff and ebay for the good stuff (When I can actually get round to it) XX Actually might just end up taking it all to the charity shop for the sake of a few quid better to go to a good cause I suppose. Have already given my moses basket and stand away as also have a wooden crib which he likes better now. I can pull it right up to the side of bed and see him really easy. XX

Anyone else Freezing.....XXXXX
Awww bean, poor Nate, hope his scan results are ok xx

Sparkle, soooo exciting, your baby girl is on her way honey, yay!! X

Afm still in teething hell, poor G is not sleeping well night or day really and is literally shoving her hand in her mouth as much as she can as it must bring some relief. I don't like giving her medicine too often but gave her calpol earlier and will give nurofen later if it carries on, she is so tired she has bags under her eyes but she is really having trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep :( on the plus side we started baby rice on thurs and she loves it!! Can't get on the spoon quick enough haha! I am going to a weaning course on weds to find out more. Last Injections this thurs too, meant to be the worst ones but she has been fine on the others so fingers crossed she will be ok!

And yes, bloody freezing!! Xx
Shell - You will make an excellent birth partner to your friend...that really sucks about her boyfriend but to be honest I think it's really nice to have a strong woman helping you during labor. So happy Freya is taking to her cot - We have Indy in the same room (in his own crib) so trips for feeding aren't too much a problem...is Freya in a separate room now as well?

Vix - That's great your girl Libby is eating so well...I can't wait to introduce foods to Indy...I'm thinking avocados will be his first as I'm obsessed with them. Does your CIO method work for daytime naps...Indy can be nursed to sleep at night and go right into the crib but daytime forget about it :dohh:

Kizzy - Here at the pharmacy people use Camilia (maybe they have that in the UK - it's homeopathic...I'm picking some up on Monday so I'll let you know the ingredients...that way you won't be giving Georgie drugs all the time) for baby's teething...Have you tried a teething ring or the amber necklace yet? Sorry she and you are having a rough time of it! :hugs:

Amber - That must have been so hard to leave Grace during her trial period...how's her mood? does she cry or seem happy? I'm so worried about that step as well. Have you approached work yet about remaining at home a couple days a week? I'm asking my work for part-time as well and waiting for the response.

Bean - Yes indeedy - we're off NTNP for number 2!!! Crazy but we don't have all the time in the world (I'm 35 now!...advanced maternal age apparently :wacko: even if I don't feel it and I convince myself I don't look it either LOL). I'm definitely keeping clothes for the moment and crossing my fingers we get another bundle in the next year or two...I must be mad...one is hard enough but we really want a brother or a sister for Indy. We do the same thing with the crib...right at the end of our bed...it's perfect! Good luck with Nate's appointment...I'm assuming that the testicle would just be an undescended one...where else could it be? I hope that whatever the result that it's a simple procedure to help him.

AFM: Massage is going great! The third session he actually made it through the whole body massage without crying or wanting a feed...miracle! Now I've made it part of our nighttime routine and I think he really likes it - Now if only I could get him to give me a full body massage then we'd both be happy campers. :winkwink: I'm still expressing as well and get between 2.5 - 4 ounces in the morning which I use sometime during the day with Indy - I need to start saving some though so maybe I'll do every other day of giving the bottle so he's used to it and then the other day save it in the freezer for later.)
Congrats Neffie on the birth of little coco.. cant wait for the birth story and some pics.. :)

Good luck Sparkle, crazy how you were on bed rest and now you may go to your due date..eekk.. :) So exciting though.. :)

Bean-hope the appt for nate goes well.. I agree with the fact is has to be and undescended one hope all goes okay and there isnt a hernia too.. poor guy.. sending him some hugs.. and you too..

Amber-hope your doing well and leaving her wasnt too hard.. although im sure it was..

Kizzy-fxed the teething hell ends soon.. so hard on both mommy and baby..

Vix-happy to hear Libby is doing so well.. and the crying method is working like a charm now.. you are one strong woman, and look at what you have to show for it... a sleeping baby.. :) Hope im stronger this time around.. as my dd was in our bed for about 2 years.. eekk..

Grand-yay for indy making it through without crying.. happy the massage is helping at bedtime.. so nice to find things our babies like.. who knows maybe you will get lucky and first time ntnp will get that sticky baby number 2.. :)

Imp-hope Alia is doing well..

Shell-Happy to hear things are going well with you.. yay for Freya liking her cot, what a relief.. :)

Anna-hope your doing well.. cant wait to see if you found out gender.. hope the scan went well.. stop in sometime and let us know please... :)

Hi to anyone I missed..

AFM not much new going on..37 week appt on wed and a possible sweep.. cant wait to meet my baby.. boy or girl.. :) Exciting.. going out with just the dh tonight so that should be fun.. before the second peanut comes.. Hope you all have a great weekend..
Hey Ladies. Hope you are having a good weekend :hi:

Vix - glad to hear Libby's sickness has reduced alot lately. and glad the CC is working well for you all. Libby looks so cute in her little pink bumbo :)

Sparkle - i cant believe your due date is in 2 days time - and AA is still snug and warm inside! its a miracle! and its great that you are already 2cms dilated though - it means that things should hopefully start moving swiftly once labour starts. Good luck, Hun! :flower:

Bean - aww poor Nate, and poor you! i hope the scan shows that the testicle is easily retrievable, and that there is no hernia. Also, well done you for sorting out all your baby stuff and taking it to the charity shop! :thumbup:

Kizzy - Aww, hun. i completey know how you feel. i am going through the exact same thing with Freya at the moment. She has been crying all day and night, struggling to eat and sleep, and shoving her little fists so far in her mouth it makes her wretch. Bonjela isnt working at all anymore, Calpol only gives her relief for an hour or so (but can only be given every 4 hours)...the only thing thats helps at all is the Nelson's powder (but you can only give 6 doses a day, and we really need 12!) Argh, isnt it awful! Poor Georgie, and poor you. I hope she feels better soon. PS: Grand mentioned Chamomilla - thats the main ingredient in Nelson's powder! :hugs:

Grand - Aww thankyou for saying I will make a good birthing partner. I hope I can give her the support she needs (although she will be having an epidural from the very beginning, so things should be quite chilled out. lol.) And yes, Freya is in her own bedroom now, as her cotbed is far too big to fit in our bedroom. We have the babymonitor on, and when she cries, I go straight into her room.
Wow, NTNP already! How exciting! It will be lovely for Indy to have a little brother or sister so close in age to him. Good luck, Hun! Glad to hear Indy made it through a whole massage session. I cant wait for our course to start next month. And great news on the expressing! You're doing brilliantly well! :thumbup:

AFM: its been snowing here today. But we havent left the house, have just stayed snuggled up together on the sofa. Freya is so snuggly today, coz she is feeling poorly with her teeth.
Im abit worried at the moment, coz we are starting to struggle financially. I may have to return to work sooner than planned :cry: Dont want to have to leave Freya while she is still so young.

Lil - you snuck in on me there! I hope you have a great night out with your DH. not long now til your LO will be here! :)

Hi all

I agree that it must be undescended. The consultant confused me a bit because she said that she thought that she could feel it. \i said to my dh after could it just never have developed..IDK???? I am assuming that it is there though. Hoping ....

Aw Kizzy the teething stage is so hard - poor little thing.

Grand - we started trying very quickly after both our first two. I am 35 also and do not look or feel my age. My mom had my littlest brother when she was 35 (he is nearly 25 now). I thought she was ancient at the time, but ofcourse I was only young. I think that it would be lovely to have them so close.

Lil - have a nice evening.

Shell - sounds like you have had a lovely day with Freya snuggling. Snuggling them is just the best. I get you on the financial thing...My salary nearly halves this month and my dh can't work in this weather. I have thought perhaps I could return to work but really don't want to leave him yet. Do you work full time or part time?

Hello to everyone else. X
Thanks for the support girls, we are using nelsons too and it's pretty good, I also have Ashton and parsons but it's not easy to administer. Just given her some nurofen as she is really struggling today poor thing. I decided against the Amber because I feel it will irritate her eczema :(
Shell big hugs to you and Freya on the teething too xx
hello everyone time to log on and catch up at last!

Neffie CONGRATULATIONS i hope you and coco are home safe and well xxx

sparkle i can't believe aa is still a bump! You might even end up overdue i bet that feels weird for you!

Grand - good job on the baby massage, callum enjoys it but gets bored by the time i reach his arms. If i want to do the whole body i have to go quite quickly through each stage! Also NTNP wow i am impressed i think my one handful is enough for now!

Amber i hope grace settles well at nursery, its not something i am looking forwards to either. Just leaving him with his gran for a couple of hours stresses me out!

Lil - glad to hear you are doing well, not long til you will be a mummy too, its gone so fast!

Kizzy and shellney - sorry to hear about the teething it seems really rough. I hope those pesky teeth pop through soon and give your girls some relief.

Vix - sounds like weaning is going well. I have started getting some disches and ice cube trays and things ordered to start callum in a few weeks time.

Bean sorry to hear that nate's testicle has not descended yet, will they just keep an eye on it for a while or will they operate soon. I can imagine you will find that very worrying xxx

as for us - been having a rough time. Callum has not been feeding well and therefore sleeping badly, nights are tricky but daytime sleep is almost non existant leaving me with a crying overtired baby a lot of the time. Even in the car seat or pram he will only nod off for half an hour or so and is awake as soon as you stop moving. The feeding appears to be due to reflux but gaviscon gave him horrendous constipation so he is now on ranitidine to reduce his stomach acid which is helping a bit and we have had the infant feeding support worker out to see us and help try to improve his feeds. His lack of feeding and sleeping has made me very tearful too and the support worker was great helping to calm me down and try to work through the problems so we can actually enjoy breastfeeding again! If he would actuually take a bottle i think i would have him on formula by nowjust so i could measure what he was drinking for reassurance but he will not take a bottle now (he did before christmas!) its hard cause i feel i cant leave him for long if he wont take a bottle so i cant get a real break. Any advice on trying to get him to accept a bottle?
Sorry that was a bit of a moan but i know you girls always have good advice and on a positive note he is 'talking' and laughing so much now and is still gaining weight despite the poor feeding 14lb 1oz last week!

Love to all xxx
Shell just wanted to send you some hugs and hope things sort themselves out for you both so you can stay home a bit longer..

AFM my night was fun.. nice to be able to go out and be with just my dh.. don't get to do it often enough.. as my dd is 2 1/2 and now this peanut is about here.. Thank you all for the well night wishes..
Just read through all the posts, and I sure have loads to catch up on...

Amber - How did daycare orientation go? I hope you're able to continue working from home for a while longer. It sure would be helpful! How did day 1 of daycare go? Hope it didn't turn out to be too stressful.

Lil - Almost 37 weeks, yay! And you're already at 2 cm, so that's great progress! :thumbup: Sounds like you had a great night out with your OH...good luck for your upcoming appointment! Hope the sweep gets things going...

Shell - Yay for Freya sleeping in her own bed, that's awesome! I'm sure it's an adjustment for you from the co-sleeping...hope things settle into a pattern quickly. Sorry to hear about your bestie's situation, but it's great that she's asked you to be her birthing partner...I'm sure you'll do a great job! I hear you on the having to go back to work situation...it absolutely sucks!! When would you go back if you decide to start earlier than expected?

Kizzy - Hope Georgina's teething situation is making some progress, and you're able to get in a few more hours of sleep each night.

Vix - Looks like Libby is taking well to the solid foods. And great job on the controlled crying...seems like it's working. :thumbup:

Sparkle - 39 weeks tomorrow, yippee!! :dance: So glad that AA decided to stay put until now, although I'm sure you're so ready to hold her in your arms. Good luck with the appointment tomorrow. Will be thinking of you.

Bean - Sorry to hear that you're still struggling with Nate's testicle problem. :( I agree that it might be just taking a little longer than normal for it to descend. Hope you can avoid the operation altogether, and if not that everything goes smoothly. Great job on the charity donation front. It's for a great cause! Although I have to admit that I'd be a total wuss and back out of it...not sure how I'd be able to handle the situation. :haha:

Grand - Good luck with the NTNP!!! You sure are a trooper! And wonderful news on the expressing...glad to hear that it's working out so well. With regards to the baby massage, do they use any special kinds of lotions/oils at all? I've already slowly started massaging Coco myself, but still haven't made a decision regarding using any products to help with it.

Anna - Hope all went well with your scan. Will be waiting on an update...and same question as Lil...are you finding out the gender?

Milos - Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear that Callum has been struggling with feeding & sleeping. Are they able to recommend anything else to improve the situation? Perhaps you could look into speaking with a lactation consultant as well? Hope things get better soon. I'm sure it's very frustrating for you. :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Neffie- what a beautiful princess you have in your signature...
My birth story...

Went into the hospital early morning of my induction date. Didn't need any suppositories as my cervix was already thinning out and dilating. They started Pitocin at 7am, and my water broke on it's own at 7:45am. :thumbup: Contractions started pretty soon after that, and started to get 1-2 minutes apart shortly thereafter. They checked my cervix around 9:30am...still at 2cm, and 60% effaced.

I guess the notion that Pitocin makes contractions come faster & stronger held true in my case. I didn't want them to jack up the Pitocin levels without getting my consent on it first. They were totally ok with that, and continued to monitor my contractions & how Coco reacted to them. At about noon, I decided to get the epidural. Was 4cm dilated by then (looking back in hindsight, it was the best move I could have made). At my next check around 2:30pm, I was at 9 cm!!! Talk about making progress in a short time! :wacko: Shortly thereafter, back labor kicked in. Let's just put it this way. The epidural had numbed everything, and the pain I felt with that was 10 times worse than the pain I felt with the Pitocin induced stomach contractions before getting the epidural. I also consider myself as having a pretty high threshold for pain, but it was just unbearable at that point. They offered to give me a bolus dose of the epidural, and I accepted the offer. It took effect within 10 minutes, and I could relax a bit. The only downside being that now I was completely numb, and couldn't feel a THING waist below. I was afraid that this was going to affect the pushing stage if I was already 9 cm dilated at that point. They decided to turn down the Pitocin levels. I was in no rush to speed up labor, so was completely ok with that. By 6:30pm, I was still at 9 cm, and her head was at a +2 station. They wanted to internally monitor the strength of my contractions at this point, so they put in an IUPC (nothing touching Coco though so I wasn't as concerned). By around 9pm, the back labor pains started again. But I had just about started to feel my legs again. They said that they could up the epidural drip a bit, or receive another shot, but I decided against both. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to push as well if I went that route (Boy, was I so right!!). By 10pm I was complete, and ready to start pushing. We did a couple of test pushes. Not taking another shot to numb the pain actually helped me to decide each time I was ready to push. Each time I felt the back labor come on, I pushed as it started.

The labor & delivery nurse helping me was just fab! It was her and my OH talking me through during and after each push. They kept monitoring Coco's heartbeat as I pushed, and she seemed to be doing just fine. 11:15pm came around, and the nurse said that I was making progress but Coco had not quite entered the birth canal (she was coming down with each push, but then going back up a bit). I was so ready to see her by then, and was determined to have her before midnight. I pushed like no one's business for those last 45 minutes. I didn't take many breaks between pushes, and was telling the nurse when to hold my legs back up once I was ready to start pushing again. Several pushes later, Coco's head made it's way into the birth canal, and the nurse asked if I wanted to see her head coming out as I pushed. I agreed, and she brought out a mirror for me to look at for the next few pushes. Once I saw her head, I think that pushed me into overdrive. Not long after that, Coco made her appearance into this world just before the stroke of midnight. I cried like a baby for several minutes after I first saw her. I had them place her on me right away, and OH got to cut the cord. :cloud9: He did such a fabulous job. I didn't expect him to be participating during the pushing phase as actively as he did...he was surprised by it as well.

The delivery of the placenta on the other hand was not fun. It took the doctor almost half an hour to get it out of there. At one point it felt like her whole arm was inside me looking for it. :blush: I also had a 2nd degree tear. But nothing mattered at that point...our little girl was finally with us!

I can't believe tomorrow will already be a week since she was born. Time is flying by so quickly, and she will be all grown up before we know it. Postpartum recovery has not been too bad for me luckily. The soreness is starting to ease up, and breastfeeding is coming along very well (knock on wood). I did express for the first time yesterday, and my boobs were pretty engorged...it definitely helped. :thumbup: OH also got to feed her that way, which he was very happy about.

There you have it...sorry for being so long winded, but wanted to share as much of it as possible with you all. :winkwink:

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