Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Amber - :hugs: for the tough day you had today with dropping Grace off at daycare. I'm sure it was anything but easy. But as the other ladies have said, the thought that it will get easier as each day goes by keeps us going. I'm sure you had loads of 'hugs & kiss' time with her when you got home. Hope things at work settle down soon. It definitely is a plus that your colleagues are so supportive.

Anna - Sorry to hear about the depression. :hugs: I hope it resolves itself on it's own very soon. In the meantime, are you seeing someone to get help with it? On the flip side, great news on your scan! :dance: Another :pink: added to this thread. You're half way there...you'll be holding Blobby McGee in your arms before you know it. Look forward to seeing your scan pics.
Congrats sparkle!!! Wow and I thought I had a speedy delivery! Your super woman! ;) Can't wait to hear the story!
Running out the door for massage class but quickly:

CONGRATULATIONS Sparkle and WELCOME Emilia!!! We've been waiting for you!
Massive congrats Sparkle - wow 48 mins. X

Kizzy and Shell - How are your little girls getting on with the teething?

Milo- sorry to hear that you are having a tough time at the moment. Nate is really hit and miss with accepting a bottle. Tried again last night.

Lil - happy term... Not long now.

Neffie - Coco is just beautiful. I had the same thing with the placenta - its a strange feeling when they try and get it out I agree. I had to have epidural to get mine out in end. Both induced and both stuck placentas. Wonder if there is anything in that or just a coincidence.

Vix - How is Libby and the sleeping. It is hard when you want to get the othets to sleep.

Grand - hi and how are you?

Imp, Sam and Bellas - Hi also.

Amber - big hugs hun you are in my thoughts.

Anna - congrats on a girl. XX

I really hope that I have not missed anyone. Sorry if I have.

AFM- Nate has a cold...But he is ok. My middlest is really poorly though and am getting worried. He has ear infection in both ears and has already been diagnosed as having low iron levels. He has got up this morn and gone straight back to sleep on the sofa. He cant go to to the loo either. He is on the last day of his antibiotics so thought he would be better by now. IDK.XX
Anna- sorry to hear ur having a tough time at the mo, its no suprising with the anxiety worry and joy youve had over the last 18+ months! i agree with finding out the sex helps with the bonding and acceptance! are you seeing anyone to tell the situation?? i understand the not wanting to talk, ive gone through a simillar experience now ive had Libby im not getting bk to normal and getting out of the house and talking, hope ur feeling brighter soon :)

Bean- How old is you son?? poor buggers! your lot are having a crappy time of it at moment arent ya!! Id have thought with the anit biotics they usally cause the runs? maybe he could take some senna or laxatives?? hope mummy cuddles make him better soon :)

We have Libbys last lot of jabs in a hour or so.... dreading it as these are supposed to be worst!!
We are still cracking on with the bedtime screaming :( last night i turened her mobile on and she watched it for a HOUR!!!! but no tears and eventually fell asleep with her thumb in her mouth :)

This is what she looks like asleep.... i dont see it often so i took a pic lol
excuse the bib.... the night before last she screamed so much she was sick so just kept it on until she was asleep to avoid having to change hert sleeping bag :)


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Aw Vix she looks very cute. I love the blanket aswell. I have a bit of a stripe thing going on..

My son has just gone 4. He has been on and off movicol and senna for about a year and half now. Also sometimes needs suppositories. The time that his pooing was normal was when he was on iron supplements and his levels were ok. The doc wanted to see what happened when we stopped giving him the iron supplements. He has not had them now for about 6/7 weeks and has to have another blood test end of march. I cant wait that long knowing that we could help him and i don't think that they should expect us to.

Hope the injections are ok. Poor thing. Its horrid thaking them isnt it. XX

So happy for you hun and that she is finally here safe and sound!! Enjoy every minute with her!!

Anna--:hugs: hope things improve for you hun. I have a very close relative who suffers from depression, and I know that it can be very difficult to handle and deal with. Wishing you all the best and know that we all love you and are here for you!! Congratulations on team pink!! :pink: I can't wait to see your most recent scan pictures of Blobby McGee!!

Bean--so sorry to hear your little ones are feeling poorly, I really hope your middlest bounces back soon--do you plan to take him back to the doctors if the antibiotics dont work?

Vix--libby is just too cute!! I love your pictures of her and just want to snuggle her up when I see her! I hope her jabs go well today, will be thinking of you both!! Sorry to hear the sleeping is still a struggle, massive hugs to you hun! :hugs:

AFM: Grace did beautifully her first day at daycare, although the teacher said she slept a lot. The heartmelting part was when I walked in and she saw me, I got the biggest smile from her and she snuggled right into me when I picked her up. One has to hold onto those moments!! She was much more alert today when we dropped her off, so we will see what day 2 brings! Today was much better for me, still some tears, but not as many.

Now to see if I can get access today here at work....
Aw Amber I bet you melted. How sweet. I hope it continues to go well. :hugs:

He has to go back on Friday. The doc wants to check that it has cleared up. I am going to talk to him again about the othet issues. Am wondering with the iron levels are leaving him low and therefore he is picking things up and they are not clearing up. We shall see. It is really effecting him though - he soends loads of time sleeping and therefore is not going to nursery. I am fine with him being at home but want him to settle into nursery and make friends. Perhaps am worrying about it a bit much.
Congrats Sparkle on the birth of little Emilia.. :) So happy for you and cant wait to hear more.. wow what a great labor.. hope mine is as smooth :)

Anna big hugs to you, were all here for you if you ever want to talk or not..:) Congrats on team pink.. :)

AFM not much going on today.. drs for my dd and to figure out about taking peanut to him too as baby is being born at a diff hospital.. get things figured out.. and tomorrow for me.. cant believe im full term tomorrow.. :)
Congrats Sparkle honey, love the pic of her on FB :) xx

Anna, another girl in the gang, lovely news and sorry about the depression, I hope your mood lifts soon xx

Vix, how did Libby get on today? hope she's ok xx

Bean big hugs to all your bubba's xx

AFM still struggling on the sleep thing, she seems to ok-ish from around 9 til 3am then its a struggle, i try holding her hand, hand on her chest, picking her up for a cuddle, singing, her mobile/light projector thing, calpol, teething gel, powder, water the lot and she just cannot re-settle so eventually I bring her into our bed (anything from 1-3 hours after original waking). I am going to go back to night feeds, see if it helps and if not just bring her in with us quicker so we can all get some sleep. she has red eyes with bags under them (as do I) where she is so tired and to top it all off she only cat naps in the day so neither of us have time to recouperate!! I do a lot of crying these days!! x
Bean--I bet low iron count may be contributing. I am not an MD, but I had low iron as a child and always seemed to catch illnesses a lot easier (and they lasted a lot longer) than my brother, who did not have those issues. I hope the doc is able to find some answers, I bet the supplements were just a bit too hard on him, maybe a smaller dose? Will be thinking of you!

Lil--Happy day before term!!! I had the same issue with Grace and her MD--ended up having the hospital pediatricians see her while in the hospital and then followed up with my chosen MD (who works out of a diff hospital) a few days later. I wish our system was better in that regard so MDs of choice could see their patients anywhere, it can be a real hassle!

Kizzy--Aw hun :hugs:, so sorry you and G are still struggling with her sleep issues. If it makes you feel any better, Grace and I are still co-sleeping because I can't get her to kick her feedings in the middle of the night. She is up not once, but twice in the night still wanting fed, and she hates sleeping alone. It is so exhausting, I just keep her with us because I would go insane going back and forth between her room and ours, and it is the only way we can all get sleep. Then around 4 am, she absolutely insists on being taken downstairs to the living room and having me hold her and rock her on the couch (which is where I spent my first month with her)---ugh, exhausting!! I had a good cry over the weekend at 4 am with her screaming, so you are not alone hun!! :hugs::hugs:
Sparkle - Wow just wow...48 minutes...this birth sounds easier than C's...makes me hopeful for my next birthing experience as well. I hope you and Emilia are doing well and catching some ZZZzzz's.

Amber - Oh my gosh that is too precious...Grace loves you so much...it's good that's she's sleeping during these transitional days...soon she'll get used to it and discover new playthings and friends. I'm in the midst of searching for daycare and it's really stressful. :hugs:

Anna - Sorry depression is rearing it's head...I don't have clinical depression but I do get the blues every once in awhile and I get real quiet and don't want to socialize so I understand a little of what you are going through. Congrats on TEAM PINK and lean on us whenever you need!

Kizzy - :hugs: Sleep deprivation is torture you poor thing and Georgie too! Little Indy is getting up anywhere from 3-5 times a night so I'm joining you in the bags under the eyes club for sure. It is really hard...maybe get your lovely parents to take her at least one night a week to give you some time off. Take advantage that they want to do it!

Lil - Good luck at Doc's and HAPPY FULL TERM!!!

Bean - So sorry about your son - that really sounds tough...I'm a veggie so I know that low iron can really effect health. I hope you can find a good solution for him. It's not scientific but drinking loads of fluids/water really helped me get over sicknesses faster.

Vix - Great pic of a lovely sleeping Libby...she's so cute with her thumb in her mouth. It's too bad CIO is not working as well...it's a process of learning for her so I would keep at it if it's not too painful for you obviously. Ugh! Jabs are the worst...nursing is my only technique to alleviate the tears that follow.

AFM: Massage continues to go better and better...I really suggest it to everyone and you can just look up Shantala on youtube to show you the baby massage method from India without even going to a class. I'm looking for a nanny or daycare and it's really hard to find someone good. Really stressful as I only have a month before work and I've been looking already for 2 months!!! I really want to go back to work for some adult interaction but hopefully will only go back part-time fingers crossed but first we have to find someone trustworthy to take our child...it's so scary to leave them with a stranger and put all of our faith in them. That's why it's taking so long plus places are so booked ahead of time. Otherwise all is well with Indy and me!
Grand- I feel better about the controlled crying at moment and won't be giving in, she WILL learn eventually lol and I tried feeding whilst she had her jabs the first time as I was advised that when baby sucks it helps reduce pain feeling.... Well it didn't and the windows almost cracked with the scream! These last jabs were two in one leg and one in second leg.... and she cried less than the other two times we've been! So far so good :)

I also share your feeling about childcare, I'm undecided on day care or childminding... Tried writing down the pros and cons but still no decided.. the nurserys close by are full of young girls fresh outta college and the childminders I know have a lot of children.... I havr till summer to choose so after easter we will be visiting some of each
Good luck and I'm sure when u find the one who's right for Indy u will feel good about it x
Thanks girls, have just felt the second tooth and it has finally pierced the skin so it should start pushing it's way thru and then hopefully she (and we) will get a little light relief, I live in hope! I hate seeing the pain etched in her face when she chews on her fingers/dummy :(
Poor Georgina! We need a picture of these teeth our threads first tooth lol
Have u tried those teething granuals? X
congratulations sparkle! What a speedy arrival and she has a beautiful name x

kizzy - the teething sounds rotten, i hope she gets some relief now the tooth has appeared. Have you tried baby ibuprofen along with the calpol? Cause they work differently you can use them together if it helps x

vix - callums last set of jabs really made him poorly and up a lot during the night to feed so i hope libby copes with them a bit better.

Amber - well done on surviving your return to work, sounds like grace is coping with it ok unlike you i suspect!

Neffie - i hope you and coco are doing well, i loved your birth story x

grand - callum loves his massage too. I hope you get your childcare sorted out soon xxx

Wow, your labour sounds amazing! So fast! Cant wait to read your birth story, and see some pics of the little princess. Another due date baby (I believe Imp's Alia was also born on her due date...)

Yep she was!! Good memory shell! :) If only I registered at sears I would have gotten our whole registry for free... Oh well I will be next time just incase! ;)
Woohoo we have a sleeper!! Neil put G down at 10 and we didn't hear a peep from her til 6am when I brought her into our bed and she slept another hour!! Yippee!! I didn't have the best sleep tbh as I was "waiting" for her to wake up bit it was great not to be up and down all night and getting stressed out :)

Does anyone else have a sensor mat in their cot? Ours goes off all the time, I had to switch it off last night after 5 false alarms, would have been so pissed off if it woke her up!! X
Thanks ladies!
We are all just so so happy and Emilia is taking to life at home like a duck to water!
I'm currently trying to write by birth story, in between feeding. She's a booby monster already!
Lots of love x

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