Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

IMP- what is Sears? And registry?

Kizzy- well done G! Long may it continue!

Sparkle- glad you've settled in well at home with Emila and she's feeding well. How's your little boy taken to the new addition?

AFM- libs jabs went ok, she doesn't usually get cranky until a few days later so we shall see!

vix i love your avatar photo of libby in her seat, so cute!
Hey Ladies.. FULL TERM for me today.. yay.. :) Drs appt went fine.. no change from last week.. still 1cm cervix is lower so baby is starting to come down.. maybe a sweep next week hopefully he offers.. :) if not only 21 more days to my due date.. baby will come soon..
Happy full term! Get bouncing on that ball n get drinking some rasberry tea :)

Got chubbs weighed today.... 17lb! She's growing too quickly :(

Haha wow vix, good on Libby, lovely appetite xx
Hey all, not much time to post as work has been killing me this week, but know I am still here reading up!

Vix--Sears is a department store (similar to JcPennys, Macys, etc.) over here in the states and Canada. Most stores over here let you do a Baby Registry with them where you can list items that you are looking for for the baby and people can access the lists and get you items off of them--it is commonly used for Baby Showers and really helps avoid getting the same gift from three different people! Some stores then have a deal where if your baby is born on its due date, you get all the items on the registry for free! :flower:

Glad Libby's jabs went well! Hope she doesnt get too cranky for you! And nice job on her weight!! :thumbup: I have Grace's 4 month check on the
22nd, curious to see how much she has gained!

Kizzy--Awesome news on the sleeping!! Yay for Miss G!!! :happydance: On the sensor mat, we do not have one--I got the Angelcare monitor without the mat precisely because all the reviews I read on those mats in general is that they go off all of the time. It was a hard decision not to get it though!

Lil--Congrats on term!!!!!! :happydance: You are now in the home stretch, wishing you an easy final weeks/days hun!! So excited for you!!!

Sparkle--Glad to hear little Emilia and you are home safe and sound and that she is settling right in!! :hugs: Can't wait to read your birth story!

Neffie--hope all is going well with you and Coco!!

:wave: to everyone else!! I hope you are all doing well!! Anyone have any more updated photos to share?!

AFM: Daycare is going slowly for me. Grace is adjusting just fine. Monday and Tuesday were ok, but yesterday was REALLY a bad day for me, I bawled my eyes out the entire 30 minute commute in to work with DH. :cry: Today I cried a little because she is starting to "lean" towards certain people when she wants them to hold her. She was in DH's arms as we were dropping her off and was "leaning" towards me. I took her and snuggled for a few minutes then passed her to her teacher, and she promptly looked at me, smiled and "leaned" back towards me...broke my heart!!! I nuzzled her and told her I would be back soon and to have a fun day with her other little friends. The daycare told me yesterday that they have a new addition even younger than Grace--8 weeks, and the mommy was taking it REALLY hard and came back to get him partway through. It made me feel a bit better about myself and how I have been handling things, but my heart was aching for her, as I so know how she had to feel!!
Grand--I swore I had typed something for you too, must have accidentally deleted it! Glad massage is going so well and thank you for the information on youtube, I will definitely look into it as I would love to do massage at home with Grace!! And I hear you on finding a nanny/daycare and your concerns, it took us a lot of searching, interviewing and revisiting places to finally settle on where we put Grace. I hope you find the perfect care provider for Indy! It does help to know our little ones are in trusted hands when we cannot be with them--but it is a very, very big decision!:hugs:
congratulations on full term lil, not long til you meet your LO now x

Vix - libby is growing so well. Callum has slowed right down now just 3oz a week for the last couple of weeks. My baby book says they can't sleep for 8 hours solid until they are over 16lb and it is going to take us ages to reach that size at this rate!

Amber - sounds like you are coping well really, it is just as well you have a good commute to work and DH to drive you so you can recover from dropping her off before you get to work! I am sure that in another week or so you will be much more settled about leaving her x

AFM feeding seems a bit better sleep still hit and miss and daytime sleep just terrible but we will just keep practising getting him to nap in his cot! Waterbabies today was brilliant 4 underwater swims and lots of splashing! It is half term next week and all the baby classes are cancelled so it will be a quiet week for us!

Amber- sear sounds fab!
I shed a tear for you reading about nursery! Libby goes to a creche 2hrs a week and that's the only 'me' time but for yha last two weeks she cried the whole time is left her... I felt cruel leaving her but she is so so so clingy no one can even feed her! And its so so tiring! So it was nice to have my arms free lol she went today and she only cried for 30mins! Yay! Your doing so well! Must be so hard leaving her but I'm sure she's having a ball and you'll he suprised how clever she will become compared to other babya kept at home! X
Milo- how much is callum weighting now? Libby was 15lb on 9th Jan so she's put on exactly 2lb in 4 weeks which is..... erm.....7oz? I'm shit with weight lol, I read they are supposed to slow right down now but maybe coz libbys now trying difftent fruit and veg that's why she's still going up, I didn't expect the huge gain as her clothes are still fitting well! She's followed the 91st centile since birth, I always have big baby lol
I didn't know about the sleeping fact! How many hours is callum having durog the day? Libby had 30mins today :(
Glad ur enjoying water babys! I'm waiting until hubby has a holiday from work to take Libby as I can't take all 3 by myself! Glad he's feeding better x
Kizzy - Excellent job for Georgie and a full night's rest! Good for her and for you...:sleep: What's your secret?

Amber - Oh my gosh...I totally understand your feelings - I'm predicting the same type of emotions very soon...just giving Indy a bottle of expressed breast milk makes me cry (thinking that someone else will be feeding him is why it makes me sad). You are doing so well...how has work been? Are they going to let you cut out some hours or do more work from home?

Milos - Waterbabies sounds like so much fun! ... How do they go underwater without choking? (just an honest question I really don't know :dohh:)...I'm scared even in the bathtub to get his ears wet!

Vix - That's great weight gain! Indy's in the high percentiles as well. Glad the jabs were not as bad as you thought I'm dreading mine at the end of February.

Lil - YIPPEE - full term...let the baby boom continue for the Femmes Fetales! If you're already dilating a little that's a great sign that things are progressing well.

AFM: Still in Nanny/Daycare research hell...:nope: Going out for coffee with a friend from work tomorrow - hooray for adult conversation.
Grand, I dOnt have a secret, honestly! Tuesday morning I was crying my eyes out thru tiredness and continual disturbed nights and that evening she just slept! I can only think that her little tooth finally piercing thru gave her some relief and she is so knackered that she just slept! I just hope it will become a regular thing! She went down at 8.40 tonight which is early for her so who knows??

Re the bath I lay G com
Oops sent too early!

I lay G completely flat in the big bath so her ears are always covered, she loves the bath these days and I guess like us adults there is a blockage in the ear that doesn't allow water thru. Same with them going under water at swimming, they instinctively breathe underwater, remember in the womb they were living in water! I always felt confused by that and water births, how do they not drown?? We've only been swimming once and she loved it, didn't dunk her tho but apparently the trick is to blow in their face first so they hold their breathe!!

Mills, re day naps, ive been trying to get G to go in her cot too but she's not keen and wakes up after 20-30 mins max. A couple of days ago a good friend asked me why she "needs" to nap in her cot and I didn't have a decent reason so now I think sod it, she can sleep where she likes so long as she sleeps! Today even I had a lie down with her inmy bed as shed had her Jabs and was a little grizzly but v tired and she slept an hour and a half. I just think now there's plenty of time for her to learn to nap in her cot xx
grand - just as kizzy said they have a reflex that stops them breathing underwater so tney just float and kick their legss it is amazing to watch. He is only under for seconds but obviously loves it! He lies fllat in the bath now and we can pour water over his head and he just does not care!

Kizzy - i wish callum would sleep anywhere! He will eventually drop off in his car seat or pram after about 20mins walking/driving but usually wakes after 30-40mins or as soon as we stop. He wont sleep in my arms, co-sleep or anywhere else. Sleep is just a huge battle during the day. I would not mind but he gets so overtired and cries and is miserable. Last night he only slept for 8 hours and spent the whole of t oday crying and exhausted which of course leaves me in tears which probably stresses him out more!
I just keep hoping it is a phase!
Glad Gs teeth are settling down though - its a stage i am not looking forwards to!

When is everyone thinking about weaning or when did you start? I have bought some rice, spoons etc for callum but i would like him more settled before i start with weaning

Milos I don't know about the not sleeping 8 hours thing till they are 15lbs. Your all going to hate me for this. Lol but Alia sleeps 7-10 hours every night (averaging at 8 hours) and she is only 11lbs (3 mos). As long as she is in the normal weight range no one is worried. She doesn't nap during the day though. Only 20 min here and there. (i just let her nap wherever she falls asleep. unless its nursing then ill put her in her crib) And shes eating every hour unless we leave the house for something. Then she'll go 3 hours but be starving when we get home. Lets just say I'm well slept. But get Nothing done during the day. Lol And she still wants Nothing to do with a bottle. Only boob for her...

As for swimming I can't wait to start. We are doing mom and bebe yoga right now so as soon as that class is finished swimming it is. We are practicing floating in the bath with me just holding her head and I dump water over her head and face so she's ready for the dunk in the pool.

Kizzy as for the sensor mat I also have the angle care monitor with the mat but haven't had any issues with it. The alarm does go off if I take her out and forget to turn it off but I'd say that means its working right. I also have the sensitivity turned right up though so just her breathing counts as movement which is good I think.

Lil congrats on full term!!!

Vix Amber answered the Sears question correctly for me! Thanks Amber...

Grand thanks for sharing the baby massage info I'll have to check it out. We do a little bit of it at the very beginning of my mom and bebe yoga and Alia loves it. Though they are dressed when we do it. But I'd really like to learn more. So getting it off you tube is a great idea!!

Hi to Everyone I missed! I still suck at remembering everything and what I wanted to say. lol Hope your all well though!

When are you all moving your little ones to their own room as opposed to sleeping in the bassinet in your room at night? I feel like I could do this as she does sleep through the night alone in her bassinet... but I'm not ready to let my baby go... I selfishly like her in her own bed beside me. But daddy is back to work and he's working afternoons and long 12 hour days so I feel like we are disturbing his best sleep in the mornings. Though he tells me not to worry...
Not sure if I shared this photo yet...


  • Alia Ella January 2012.jpg
    Alia Ella January 2012.jpg
    17.4 KB · Views: 7
Hi Ladies :hi:
I always log on every day/every other day and read what everyone has written, but I often find it hard to find time to reply. It seems Im only managing to reply every saturday. Really sorry about that. I promise I will try to post more often, although I am always thinking of you guys :friends:

Milos - Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time at the the moment, with Callum struggling to feed and sleep properly. Its a shame that the Gaviscon is causing him constipation (it did the same to Freya), but I hope the Ranitidine is working to help his reflux. Also, its strange that he wont take a bottle anymore, when he did before Christmas. I hope you manage to get that sorted out, so that you can leave him with someboby else occassionally so that you can get a small break. I really feel for you Hun, and hope that things improve for you very soon. Great news that Callum is talking and laughing more now, that he is enjoying his underwater swims, and that despite his feeding issues he is still gaining weight. Go Callum!

Lil - glad you hear that you enjoyed your night out with DH. Any news on whether or not you will be having a sweep this week? Good luck if you do! Baby will be here before you know it! and I am excited to find out what team you are on!

neffie - How are you, Hun? How is little Coco? Do you have any more photos to share with us? I hope motherhood is everything you dreamed it would be.

Vix - aww, poor Libby is starting to teeth too? I hope she doesnt suffer too much. Thanks for your sister's tip on the "teether" sachets. That is the name of the Nelson's powder, so we are already using that. It works a treat, but you can only give 6 sachets a day, and I need to give her 12! lol. How is the controlled crying going? Its great that she has a full 10-12 hours sleep at night. Is that all in one go, or with breaks for nappy changes, and feeds?

Amber - well done Darling, you are being so so strong. It is such an awful situation, having to leave your baby in daycare for the first time, especially when she is still so young, but you are doing so so well. Its great that Grace has settled in so quickly, and thats because you worked so hard in trying to find the perfect daycare for her when you were pregnant. Glad to hear that she is enjoying herself there. Also, you say she slept alot at daycare - does that mean she is sleeping in their cribs? If so, thats great. Hopefully, you can get her to sleep in her crib at home now?!

Anna - Congratulations on Team Pink! we really are a very pink thread over here! Any ideas on girly names you are willing to share with us? Glad to hear the anomaly scan went well, looking forward to seeing your pictures. Im really sorry to hear that you have been struggling with anxiety and depression. Thats completely understandable after your 2 recent losses. PAL is tough, huh? But remember, we are all here supporting you. And soon you will have your precious baby girl in your arms. Big hugs to you, Hun.

Bean - sorry to hear that Nate has a cold, and your other son has an ear infection, constipation and anaemia. I hope they both feel better very soon. We are always here if you need to talk.

Kizzy - sorry to hear you are having a stressful time at the moment. Dont feel guilty about bringing G into your bed sometimes, just so that you can all get a bit of sleep. Its so important that you all get your rest, and if that's what it takes, then do it. Although I was happy to hear that G managed to sleep 10pm-6am the other night. Thats amazing! I hope now that her 2nd tooth has cut through, that she will feel much better and start sleeping properly again.

Grand - great news on the massage still going so well for you and Indy. We are booked on a course thats starting next month. And im sorry to hear you are finding it so stressful to find the perfect daycare for Indy. Its such a shame that you have no family around to help out. I feel so lucky that my Mum and MIL will be providing our childcare for us when I return to work. So my heart goes out to you, trying to find suitable strangers to leave your baby with. It must be the hardest decision in the world. Thinking of you during this stressful time.

Imp - as you know, we moved Freya into her own room when she turned 3 months. and considering she had never slept alone before (we co-slept from birth) she took to it really well! I still miss her at nighttime - I used to love snuggling up with her - but I know its for the best. She is happy in her own room. She sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time, only waking for feeds now, and goes back to sleep straight after her bottle. We always have the baby monitor on, and I go in there the second she starts to cry. Its completely up to you when you decide to move Alia into her own room. In the UK, they recommend baby sleeps in its parents room until its 6 months old. What is the advice where you are? Good luck in your decision making. PS, love that new picture of Alia.

Sparkle - Hope all is going well with Emilia. How are DH and C taking to her? Great to hear that she is a booby monster! We would love to see some photos of your little princess when you have time to upload some.

Hi to everyone else :hi:

AFM: Freya has had a few days where she was really struggling with her teething. Just crying all day and night, and nothing could settle her. She likes her Bonjela and Nelson's powder, but she refuses to take the Calpol or Nurofen. We have tried giving it her on a spoon, in a syringe, and mixed into her milk - but she just spits it out. It infuriates me, because I know that if she just took it, it would help with the pain, but she wont. Luckily we have only had 3 days like that so far. Im hoping that when the tooth finally cuts through she will get some relief.
In other news, its my best friend's due date today. But I am no longer on call to be her birth partner, as she has made up with her boyfriend. I hope things work out for them this time, as she really needs his support right now. Im looking forward to her having the baby though - its a girl, and it will be Freya's first playmate!!
Also, thankyou all so much for your kind words regarding my financial issues, and my return to work. Before starting my maternity leave, I worked full time. I was hoping to return to work part time (3 days a week), but financially, I may have to consider returning full time. I really dont want to do that, as I will miss Freya terribly, but I may have to unfortunately. Also, I was going to return at the beginning of June, but I may have to return as early as next month. I just need to have a good look at my finances, and discuss things with my OH, and see what we can come up with. Luckily, I will not have to look into finding suitable childcare for Freya, as my Mum and MIL will be looking after her for us. I feel so grateful to them for that, as I would really struggle (financially and emotionally) to leave her in daycare.
Other than that, my darling Freya is perfect, and I love her more and more every day! :cloud9:

Milo- RE weaning.... Libby started two weeks ago, I would wait until he's settled tbh. Libby started with rice once a day for a week, then rice and baby porridge one a day, now were experimenting with fruit and veg, when I'm cooking I take veg out before salting, puree it and freeze in individual trays. I've never really taken to jars as there expensive and its easy enougut to do my own unless we go away for the day then I will use them. First tastes aren't supposed to replace bottles or boobs as yet so Libby ISS still taking 4 8oz a day, altho she is going 5hrs instead of 3! Today we got up at 9 she had a bottle and some baby porridge, at around 4pm (meal time for other 2) she will sit with them and have sweet potatoes today.... She is so much more relaxed and peaceful now shes weaning and her nappyd are still ok!
Good luck with it xx
Shell- poor freya :( have you heard of those teething necklaces? Ive been told they are fab!
I understand your worry about finances, we too are really struggling and looking for ways to cut back.... We run two cars and we have 6 children between us and as we all know yhey are expensive, Andys children are all teenagers and they are soooo expensive! I have spread my pat over a year and I'm looking into going back early if I didn't have to sacrifice my pay I'm owed! I'm only going bk part time for now, as what extra I'd earn going bk full time would be spent on 140 a week child care fees! X

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