Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hey everyone!! :hi: Looks like I have some catching up to do!!

Bean--aww hun, little Nate is so cute--I adore that elephant hat! He is growing so much, absolutely adorable! Thank you for sharing the pictures!! I hope you are feeling better and that you have a functioning bathroom now--I would go crazy if that happened to me!!

Vix--hooray for Libby cutting her first tooth, the biggie girl!! :happydance: Hope that it is not too painful for her and that you are able to be getting some rest!!

Kizzy--glad you are getting some rest at last!! And I agree with Shell, do what works, do not worry about putting her in the "proper" place to sleep. I swear, Grace's cradle and crib are going to make fabulous hand-me-downs, she has used them so little!!! She still sleeps with me in bed (yes, I am bad like that, but we get lots of sleep that way!) at night. Daycare says she prefers the swing to sleep in during the day (just like at home), but they are training her to use the crib, which is nice! Glad to hear that G's second tooth is here!! She is growing so fast!! And I adore the pictures you post of her on FB, she is so sweet!

Beth--Happy Term hun!! You are in the home stretch now, not too much longer and little SF will be here, I am so excited for you!!!

Lil--glad to hear that all is well. These last couple weeks are the longest, I swear! Hope you are staying warm!!

Sparkle--hope you and the family are getting lots of quality time in with little Emilia, she is just so beautiful!!

Shell--good luck to your friend, I hope she has a smooth delivery! how exciting, a Valentine's Day baby!! Freya's pictures are absolutely adorable, btw, she has the biggest smile I have ever seen, such a happy and beautiful girl!! I hope that teething is going better for you and that you have found something that works to help ease her pain, poor dear. I am also happy to hear that your mom and mil are around to provide care for Freya during the day should you have to return to work--when I was born, my mother (a special education teacher) had to go back to work 2 weeks after she had me (by C-Section too! :shock:) due to finances. Fortunately my Gram was around to care for me during the day, and I grew up having a wonderful relationship with her. I am sad for you that you have to return so soon, but elated to hear that you have loving family to create special bonds with Freya close by! :hugs:

Imp--it is wonderful to hear how well Alia is getting on with her sleep!! I LOVE the picture by the way, thanks for sharing!! She too is growing so fast, the beautiful girl!! As for when I plan on moving Grace to her own room, my pediatrician says the norm is anywhere from 3-6 months, and really depends on the mom and baby. Formula fed babies are generally easier to move earlier whereas breastfed babies, whose moms tend to keep them close at hand because feeding is just so much easier that way, tend to be moved closer to 6 months. I plan on starting to try moving Grace after she turns 4 months. It will probably be a gradual thing as we are still getting her used to a crib vs. mommy's arms. It will be hard as I am very emotionally attached to her at night, especially with me being away from her now during the day!

Bettie/Neffie (sorry, couldn't resist! :haha:)--Hope all is going well with you and Coco!! She is gorgeous btw, and looks like a little snugglebug!! These first few weeks are so precious, enjoy every single moment!! Glad to hear that sleeping and feeding are going so well! :thumbup: What a clever little girl you have! I am sorry to hear about the daycare situation and I hope that a spot opens up soon for you, how long is the list in front of you, did they give you any ideas? Do you have any family that would be able to help out for a few weeks/months until you are in?

Grand--hope your childcare hunt is going well, have you found anything promising?

milos--aww hun, sorry little Callum is having sleep issues--have you tried using a swing? Sometimes the rocking motion helps them nod off. With Grace, we have to put her to sleep before putting her in the swing, but once in there, she will sleep for a good hour or so. Glad to hear that the ranitidine is helping with his reflux (that is what I use for mine actually!). As for weaning, my goal is to start introducing solids at 6 months with Grace--however, she had a growth spurt last week and I am having a hard time keeping up with her feeding wise (I am just barely keeping up, thank god for the stored breastmilk that I have!), so we may have to introduce solids sooner. I have read that 4-6 months is usually the time most little ones start weaning. I plan to check with the pediatrician at Grace's appointment next week to see what she recommends.

New--:hugs: thanks for stopping by hun! I hope AF comes to visit you really soon! I am so excited for you for the coming year and am praying for your BFP!!

AFM: Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! Hard to believe that it was one year ago today that DH and I got our BFP with Grace, and here she will be 4 months old next week already!!! Wow time has flown by!! Daycare is day by day with me. I have good days and bad days, but the separation is getting easier to deal with. The hardest time for me right now is 5 pm until we pick her up--I want her in my arms the second that I am done working, but have to wait until the car gets there to pick her up, haha! She is a real trooper and really seems to be enjoying daycare and being around the other children. She did catch a cold, which is not surprising, but it is hard watching her struggle with a stuffy nose that she can't blow yet! :nope: I have been up since 3 am because she was so miserable last night, my poor baby. I plan to give her lots of TLC tonight when I get her home!!

I hope you ladies all have wonderful days with your special valentines!:kiss:
So my best friend had her baby at 1.10pm! :happydance:

She got to 9cm, but baby started getting distressed, and they needed to perform an emergency c-section. Damn syntocinon (pitocin)! It makes me sick how they crank it up so high that it puts the poor babies in distress! Why can't they just let the contractions come on their own?! Grr, rant over! :blush:

She will have to stay in hospital for 3 days, then I will go pick her up. But I am hoping to go and visit her tomorrow. Dont want to disturb her today, as she and her OH will need to bond with the baby. Im just so excited for her, and so proud too. We have been best friends since we were 12, and I just feel so overwhelmed that we will both be sharing motherhood together :friends:

A couple updated pictures of Grace. The first is her and DH on her first day of Daycare last week!


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Ohh Shell, congratulations to her!!! Sorry to hear she had to have an Emergency Section, but glad mom and baby are both well!! So excited for her and you--nothing like sharing motherhood with your best friend! :kiss:
Amber - I remember the day you got your BFP, and I cant believe it was a year ago! Glad to hear the separation is getting easier for you to deal with. You are doing so well, Hun. You are a wonderful Mommy. Glad to hear little Grace is enjoying her Daycare. I hope her cold clears up soon, bless her :hugs:


EDIT: I adore the new photos of Grace. My favourite are the one of her in her Bumbo (its the cocked head, and expression on her face), and the one of her snuggled up on the couch.

Shell- is it making your broody again?

Amber- glad things are going well, doesn't time fly! I just love graces hair, Libby is blonde so looks bald!

We had a visitor in our bed last night, it was the only was to get rest and even then she woke every hour screming, tonight she's very fretful, I've just bout a amber necklace for her from amber pumpkin i read the reveiws and they seem amazing! So worth a shot as I'm shattered! I'll let you know when it arrives x
Oh no, Vix, not broody at all! One is definitely enough for now!
Wanna wait til Freya is 3yo before TTC again....and even then, we may decide we couldnt cope with another one!

I felt like that when I had Jessica, I never wanted anymore babys lol

Just been reading reviews on the amber beeds and almost all say its has eased their child's eczema? Just a thought, I'm at my witts end I have no idea what I can do for her, she's currently in bed with me (no pillow or duvet) because she's so tearful! Anyone else's baby fine during day but like this during night? Never had any trouble teething with the other two as they were so late with teething (20months!) Any advise welcome x
Ahh vix, I really feel your (and libby's) pain, we had about 3.5 weeks of georgie in pain and sleepless nights so I know how helpless you are feeling. As she is already eating have you tried freezing some foods, cucumber, melon etc, that's what I was recommended but G isn't eating yet, apparently it helps soothe. Also pain relief wise I found nurofen better than calpol. Wish you luck and hope it comes thru soon xxx
Sorry don't have time to reply to you lovely ladies...we have entered teething hell since 3 days ago...I'm at the end of my tether...my sweet happy baby is crying and moaning all day long...he only wants to feed but he eats too much throws up and cries again...:cry:
Aww big hugs grand... teething is the worst.. for both moms and babies.. hang it there as soon as it break through relief will start.. :)

38 weeks for me today..dr this afternoon lets hope for some progress..
Aww Grand, huge hugs to you and Indy, I know I will be there soon with Grace and am dreading it! :hug: I hope things improve!

Happy 38 weeks Lil!!! Hope your appointment goes well!!!

Vix, huge hugs to you and Libby too!! :hug: I hope those Amber beads help!

Poor mommas and teething babes!! :hugs::hugs:
Kizzy- I thought Georgina had started weaning? I hadn't thought about that but I will give it a go!

Grand- im feeling your pain! We've just had calpol n bonjella and nelsons so she's a little relaxed at mo but like I said yesterday she was only like that at night.... Well today she's been in terrible pain :( I've had to leave her in her cot for ten mins while I had time out as its upsetting us both! she's also spitting most feeds out, never known teethong to be this bad! I'm so glad I have oh! X
Good luck LIL with your app!
Amber, hope all is well at work at with Grace
Amber, I hope you are slowly finding it easier to leave Grace at daycare, I am sure she is having an absolute blast there but it must be very very hard for you. I really feel for ladies in America with the terrible maternity package but it sounds like your work are being supportive so thats great. Grace certainly looks very happy in the pics so I'd say you have nothing to worry about there, the cold is a pain but unfortunately it seems as soon as kids go into nursery they pick up everything going dont they, bless them xx

Shell, congrats to your friend, I bet it will be lovely to see her and Freya play and grow together, so many of my friends have babies and its lovely to see them all together, especially as they are different ages etc so you see all the different stages! xx

Grand, like Vix, I totally understand what you are going through, teething is the devil, I can only suggest pain relief, lots of gels/powders and cuddles. and when it all gets a bit too much trying to take a breather, its hard on us mums aswell as the little bubba's. BUT from my experience, it DOES pass once they actually cut through... I promise. I assume its both of their bottom front ones? Apparently its very unlikely to only get one at a time, they generally come together altho G's were three weeks apart so you prob wont get much relief until both push through but then you will get your normal happy smiling sleeping baby back (we're getting 10.5 approx hours sleep from her a night these days!!).

Lil, hope the appt went well, any news??

New, thanks for dropping in honey xxxx

AFM as mentioned above G is sleeping well. I am still having a love/hate relationship with her sensor monitor though, if she moves about in the night it goes off (5 times between 2am and 4.45am on Tues night!!) but last night it didnt go off at all! I dont have the guts to just switch it off and not use it, I would be so scared of something happening and it being my fault for not using the sensor pad, Neil isnt keen to switch it off either so he's offered to do some of the getting up to re-set it during the night so I dont feel I am constantly up and down.

Re weaning we gave G some baby rice a couple of weeks ago, she liked it the first two days then lost interest so we stopped. A couple of times this week when I have been eating banana I have given her some soft pieces which she pulls a funny face to eat but eventually seems to like it and yesterday I popped into my parents restaurant and my dad had some butternut squash already blended so she tried a bit of that and again pulled a funny face but seemed to eat it anyway. so its a tiny little bit of flavours now and again for us rather than full on weaning. I may try her with some porridge this weekend. I went to a weaning class last week and they basically said from 20-24 weeks start feeding them what you are eating but this seems a bit too much for me so I think I'll start with some baby specific stuff and work up from there :) She's 20 weeks on Sat so we're at about the right time to be thinking about it. Bottle-wise, now she is sleeping better at night I am finding it hard to fit 5 bottles in during the day so I have changed to 4X8oz bottles per day and yesterday that worked perfectly :)

I went into work Monday to discuss with my boss the possibility of reducing my hours to around 60-70% of what I used to do when I go back in September. I used one of my "keep in touch" days (where they pay you to go in for work business for the day) and have said I am happy to use the other 9 over the next 6 months. My boss is going to discuss with his boss and let me know. It does sound like there are potentially redundancies on the cards tho so there's a small risk there. It wouldnt be the end of the world if I got made redundant as I'd get a pay out but I'd far rather stay there doing three days per week.

gosh, didnt realise I had so much to say, sorry for banging on ladies! Funny how I am up on the internet, cleaning bottles etc so early and little madam is still soundo. Its the only chance I get to do a long catch up these days!!

Love to all xxxx
Kizzy- glad work went well, did if feel like you'd never left? I'm dreadig asking for flexable hours im pretty sure it'll be a no hence holding off incase I have to resign I need my pay to continue for as long as possible! If I can't go bk I intend to enroll on a nursing course to specialise is drug and alchol abuse but again its the cost :(
Glad g is sleeping better! Throw that bloody mat away lol at 20weeks the rise of SIDs drops dramatically but I know you feel comforted by having it, were for me with my pqst experience of finding zack unable to breathe ot would just add to my anxiety, I still poke Libby severale time a night but when I found zack mother instinct told me something was wrong and I went to check on him... strangest experience I've ever had but somehow i just knew!

Libby has also gone off trying new foods since she's been teething, so we've reverted bk to porridge and fruit once a day instead of small amounts 3 tines a day until she's feeling brighter!

Half term holidays! Lots of trips to difftent parks and arts n crafts and baking for us :)

I had a msg from the lady who had her little boy early (forgot her username) she says he's doing very well.

Sam- hope you and Jessica are well even though your also in teething hell!

Ann- hope bumps cooking well and your feeling a little more positve, your oftern in my thoughts x

Bean- sparkle, hope all 4 of u are well and you'll soon write your remaining birth storys and update us x
hi just a quick post - still have no bathroom and have been sent wrong taps and shower so off to batjh shop and my moms for a bath. Just wanted to share with you that Nate slept from 10 - 7.30 WOW>

Hope you are all well and have a good weekend. Hugs to all. XX
Just checking in ... I think Alia is starting to teeth! Seems early. But she was so cranky yesterday and is clawing at her mouth poor bebe. She virtually didn't nap at all yesterday. But slept through 8:30pm-almost 8:30am! Either teeth or some big growth spurt. Not sure but it wasn't fun. Went to do our yoga and never got to actually do it. She screamed the whole time. Very unusual for her.

Glad everyone is doing well. Sorry for sucking so bad at individual comments. But I do enjoy reading everyone's!
Just wanted to share a few more photos also... in case you can't tell I love photography. lol


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IMP - she has wonderful hair! So cute but terrible news that she might be teething already poor wee thing. I hope it is a growth spurt and ends soon xxx

Grand and Vix - poor Indy and Libby, these teeth are just torture aren't they. MY DH mum told me that DH did not cut any teeth til he was 8 months old - I hope Callum is the same and we get a few months peace until they appear.

Bean - well done on the sleep - I hope you managed to sleep through too. Hope the bathroom is finished soon x

As for us - surviving! Thankfully the random overtired screaming seems to have settled down. This week has been half term so all our baby classes were cancelled. We spent all wekk at home trying to establish a nice napping routine and he seems to have the hang of it (touch wood) HE has a short nap in the morning about 90mins after getting up. A longer one between 12-2 - not that he has slept right through that yet but we are aiming high! Then a little short one about 4/4.30. This seems to be helping his night sleeps too - only up twice last night compared to the 4-5 times a night I have been up for the last few weeks. Just hoping the sleep continues to let me recover from my exhaustion! The only problem is that I have no idea how it will manage to fit in when we are out and about. I hope cause he will be sleepy at those times that he will sleep in his pram or car seat at those times too. I guess we will see next week!

Love to all bumps and babies xxx

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