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Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Great news Amber - very happy for you and your OH and "Little L" - I've updated your new info :winkwink:
Amber - brilliant news on the scan - can't wait to see those piccies!

Grand - I think I am glad your headache and tummy ache are back - horrid for you but good for baby!

Sparkle - welcome congratulations on your BFP hope you are feeling well.

Bellas - those pains sound horrid, are you in contact with your midwife yet or could you speak to your GP about it if you are sore? They might be able to reassure you x

Kizzy - I want to see that bump piccie! Can't believe you are 11 weeks already not long til we get to see some scan piccies too x

AFM - nausea back today on and off! I seem to feel sick if I get hngry but also sick if I eat too much! Trying to eat little amounts regularly including some ginger biscuits today which were yummy but not sure they actually helped with the nausea!

Hello everyone :hi:

kizzy, cant wait to see pics of your bump!

bella, im still having mild cramps every day too. im sure its just our uteruses growing to accomidate our growing beans.

welcome sparkle!

grand, glad your stomach aches are back (iykwim)

amber, great news about your Baby L (we called our angel Baby C coz OH's surname starts with a C) cant wait to see the scan pics!

milos, glad your nausea is back. enjoy those ginger biscuits!

AFM: got home from work at 7pm, and went straight to bed with no dinner! woke up at midnight feeling disorientated, hungry and nauseas. Dohh. Eaten half a packet of oreos in bed, caught up on BnB, and now hoping to get back to sleep, as have to be up for work in 5 hours.

Night ladies, talk to you tomorrow
Morning all,

11 weeks today!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!! Feels like a huge milestone and if my nausea this morning was anything to go by then things MUST be going well! I said to my OH this morning "if little tinks isnt putting on a proper show for us, waving, thumb sucking and all sorts after the amount of heaving I've done for him/her then I am going to be mad!!" haha! I have even stopped being paranoid about going to the loo, (you all know the scared to wipe feeling!!) I just feel so positive this is going to be ok. On the scan countdown now, 12 days to gooooooo!! OH's birthday this weekend so we should have a nice one and I've booked this afternoon off work so I am just thinking roll on 1pm and I'm outta here! :)

Amber, wonderful scan news, congrats honey, how fabulous!!

Shell the exhaustion is a great sign, but I know exactly what you mean about waking up hungry and disorientated, its like having a permanent hangover!

Milos, I get the exact same thing, I feel sick if I over eat too, the thing is you feel so hungry you wolf dinner down then feel sick and full! cant win!

Hello everyone else, hope you're all well, bump pic to follow after the weekend :) xxx
Afternoon :wave:

Kizzy - congrats on your 11 weeks...this 1st tri is SOOOOOOOO slow...must feel nice to almost be in 2nd tri. You must already be off work by now so enjoy your 1/2 day and mini extended weekend. Have a fabulous Bday weekend with OH - Happy Bday to him!

Milos - totally get is hon. I'm the same way...constantly hungry but then constantly turned off by food...it's a weird pregnancy paradox in my opinion. What are these ginger biscuits everyone seems to know? Do you think they sell them in France? Sounds yummy!

Shell - hope you weren't too shattered for work this morning. Sounds like really good symptoms still of nauseousness and tiredness.

AFM: M/S back with a vengeance (be careful what you wish for :winkwink:) It sucks but I am happy...it was so bad I actually threw up this morning and couldn't function. I had to go back to bed till this afternoon because of the nauseousness and when I got up I still have a little stomach ache but manageable. I guess all is good. One more week till SCAN DAY!!! I hope to see a gummy bear that far along...I'm so scared since I've never had a baby scan just M/C scans when it was all over. It will be a surreal experience.
Morning ladies!

Kizzy--Happy 11 wks to you and little Tinker! Also happy Bday to your OH! I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend together! :hugs: Can't wait to see the bump pics!!

Milos--TOTALLY relate with what you are experiencing!! your nausea symptoms are almost exactly like mine. nauseaous until you eat, but if you eat too much, you are nauseaous again! arg!! and then it is all day long too!

shell--hope you were able to get some rest and were not too tired at work today hun. your symptoms sound great, the tiredness and nausea from not eating, yep, those are good signs!

Grand--glad your m/s is back! sounds like Little Blue is busy growing! FX'd for your scan next week, you will be a lot further along than some of us for our first scans, so you should definately see your gummy bear with heart beating away, so excited for you! As for ginger biscuits, I usually have to eat ginger cookies here (havent found biscuits) and even drink some ginger ale if the carbonation won't upset my stomach. If I don't have either of those, it is water crackers and pretzels!

Hope everyone else is having a great day!

AFM: Didnt have time to get the u/s pics scanned last night, will make sure to do it this weekend. Both DH and I got stuck working late because we missed part of our days. Then I was feeling quite ill when we got home with m/s, so wasn't able to cook. Which means DH was the chef while I went to lie down--he reheated some of my homemade pasta fagioli and, at my request, made me some chicken fingers (haha, haven't had frozen chicken fingers in years!), but it was all i could do to get it down!! Still have nausea today, only thing that works seems to be water crackers and salty pretzels.
It's our 2-year anniversary (wedding) tomorrow...OH just reminded me. I haven't done a thing...not a gift...not a meal...not a dessert...not even a card yet. I just completely forgot with all this pregnancy worry. I win the worst wife of the year award...any cute and fast ideas??? :wacko:
Breakfast in bed followed by a good snuggle (since I know you are not BDing at the moment).

Sparkling juice with a favorite movie you two share.

Doing an activity with him that he enjoys, maybe a picnic by the water?

Happy Anniversary btw hun!!
Grand- ooops, I was going to suggest a picnic somewhere too, somewhere that means something to the two of you. Could you make a card?
So glad the ms is back although not glad you threw up!

Kizzy- yay for 11 weeks! Almost over the major worry now welldone! X

shell- hope you had a restful (ish) day at school. It's the weekend now!!

I've missed lots of people, sorry. Hugs to you all x

Afm- told oh yesterday morning by practically throwing the tests at his sleeping self! He is as excited as me and a nervous I think. He's going away this weekend with the boys and was a little worried about going bless him but ive reassured that cormack and I will be fine! So here I am and boy does it feel weird. Not really sunk in yet, I desperatly want to tell my mum so will probably call her later on... Not called the drs yet either!

Have a lovely Friday night ladies!
Sparkle sounds like a lovely hubby you have there but hopefully he can relax and enjoy some boytime while you get some peace and quiet to yourself!

Sounds like the rest of us are all having the same nausea problems but sorry to hear you were actually sick Grand - thats horrid x

My hubbie is usually useless at cards so makes me one on the computer! What about baking an anniversary cake if you have anything suitable in the house?
Evening ladies!!
Shelley.... i hope the 9 days fly bye and this time in two weeks you avatar will have changed to a picture of you little troublesome bean!! i have everything crossed for you!

Amber..... really plz about your scan, cant wait to compare picture of the beans mine looks like a upside down tadpole lol

Well ladies, i stupidly dipped my own urine at work other day, came bk with +1 of blood so rushed to docs for him to test same sample to tell me no blood lol panic over until..... had my mw appointment thursday..... i took urine sample along and she dipped it to find +1 protein and +1 L sumet or other lol, so i asked her to send a msu in for testing which she did, (my urines like weak tea with milk at mo) so i was pretty pos i had a uti, she also did bloods.... i checked them at work and theyd come back with 6bloods out of the ordinary!!! I still thought well thats ok coz it proves my bodies fighting a infection..... mus comes bk and find its completley normal..... so my mind went into overdrive..... my bodys fighting somthing what if its fighting my baby, what if ive had a missed misscarage and my bodys fighthing it!!!! Oh i was in peices!! so decided to speak to my sister at work who checked my bloods and said in her opinion they arent abnormal enough to be anything major and not to worry (easy for her to say) but i think i may also have a tinged lime green cm!!?? niceeee i know lol so im taking morining off on monday and seeing the gp, thinks some vaginal swabs may be in order.... lovely just what i wanted lol...... to put my mind at ease i dugg out our ward doppler..... and i found my babys hb!!!! Oh its absolutley amazing.... i wasnt hopeful as im only 9 and 5 so thought i wouldnt but as its a proffesional on i put gel on and went right low down and i found him like a chugging train very quick, i asked a fellow nurse to confirm it was bbys hb and not a artery!! i recorded it on my phone and sent it to all my freinds!!! im now ebaying a few dopplers!!
Still feel sick as a dog..... as fat as a house and as tired as a newborn lol

Much love xx
Yay Kizzy! Congrats on reaching 11 weeks!
Only 11 days til your scan now. Bet you cant bloody wait to finally see Tinks on the screen? Hope you're well, and that OH has a great birthday...

Happy 8 weeks, and happy 2nd wedding anniversary Liz!
Glad to hear your MS is back (in the nicest possible way). Not long til your scan now either. Hello Little Blue!

Sorry to hear you're still feeling so nauseas Amber. Glad you enjoyed your frozen chicken fingers! haha. Cant wait to see the pic of Little L!

Hiya Sparkle! Bless your DH! my OH is so excited right now. He's always asking cute little questions. Hope he enjoyed his boys night. What did your Mum say when you rang her? Ive still not told mine yet....

Oh Vixmar. Sorry to hear you have had a stressful time. I hope that everything is ok, and that you dont have an infection or anything. Thinking of you. Also, great news on the doppler. Hope that I will be able to start using mine at 9 weeks too. Will be amazing to be able to listen to Bo's heartbeat any time I like. So glad that you can have that reassurance.

AFM: My boobs are sooooo sore! They are so full and heavy. It hurts when I run, it hurts when I knock them, it hurts when OH touches them. But Im kinda pleased, because I know its a good sign. The exhaustion is still there. Im sleeping at every opportunity! And the nausea is getting worse. Starting to feel like I may actually vomit sometimes (but I never do).
I am off out tonight - clubbing! haha! Its my friend's birthday, and it has been planned for ages. I cant say Im really looking forward to it, as I will be tired, and having to make up excuses for why Im not drinking. Oh well. Hope you all have a good weekend.
Morning ladies!

Grand--happy 8 wks to you and Little Blue! Also, Happy Anniversary to you and your DH, I hope you have a fabulous day together!

Sparkle--Hope your DH is having a good weekend with the boys and that you, Cormack and your newest little one are having a relaxing weekend! Interested to hear how your mom took the news! I bet she is excited for you!

Vixmar--oh hun :hugs: so sorry you are having a stressful time right now. It is so frustrating when you don't have answers, I hope you get some this week to ease your mind! I am over the moon that you were able to hear your little one's hb with the dopplar!! That is so exciting!!!! Your other symptoms sound great as well!

Shell--I was reading through your symptoms and you know what, your symptoms right now are exactly the type of symptoms I was having last week, so that is great and right along what you should be feeling I think! I hope you had a wonderful night out clubbing and celebrating with your friends!

AFM: Scans will be up this afternoon. DH promised to get me set up so I can scan them. We told my parents and DH's parents (which probably means that everyone in my DHs family knows by now as his mother can't keep her mouth shut about these things, haha!) My family is a bit more reserved, especially my mother and my gram as both of them have experienced miscarriage and loss and know the emotions I am going through right now. We are still definately waiting until 12 wks to formally announce anything to friends/extended family. Only symptoms today are still very nauseous (no vomitting) pretty much steady now. Eating helps, but I can only eat small amounts of food, and it has to be blandish food. Fruit, sweets or anything acidic makes me feel even worse!! This is killer for my palate as I normally really enjoy spicy and bold flavors in my food. Boobs are still sore and I'm sneezing all of the time. Also starting to feel bloated a lot and like my stomach looks like a beachball, even though I'm not showing yet!

Sorry for the ramble, hope you ladies are having a good weekend!
hello ladies,

Amber - excellent news on the scan, cant wait to see the pics

Grand - hope you had a nice anniversay

Shell - hope you had a good night and didnt fall asleep whilst clubbing:haha:

Sparkle - Many congrats on your bfp:thumbup: H&H 9months

Vix - sorry you are having a stressful time hun, but great news on hearing a heartbeat:hugs:

Hi to eveyone I missed:flower: Nice to hear of lots of symptoms and see the wks rolling past

AFM: been quite busy with the kids and friends over the last few days, but I am anxious atm due to all of my symptoms dissappearing over the last few days too. No m/s yesterday or today, havent needed a nap for last 4 dyas or so and not exactly going to bed early either and my boobs dont hurt anymore:nope: I know I must try and stay positive but I am starting to doubt that I will even make it to my scan:cry: I managed to speak to the gp I get on well with at the surgery last monday and he's going to arrange a scan so waiting on the post for the appointment. I have no cramps or spotting just thing, just the same awful feeling as before:nope:
So sorry ladies, I dont want to bring everyone down. I just needed to let it out as DH just thinks I am being paranoid, which i hope i am, but i know you guys really understand how i feel. Well please pray for me that i have my head down the loo by the morning and cant stay awake
Oh Mum - try not to worry to much - felt exactly like that all last weekend and Monday waiting for my scan - all my signs seemed to have gone away and I was sure the baby had gone to but then the scan was perfect. I am trying to get used to my signs coming and going somedays I am just so well and others I feel knackered and nauseous all day so I hope it is just your body playing tricks on you and I am sure your signs will be back soon x

I really hope your GP gets that appointment for you asap xxx

Sorry no time to mention everyone else cause I am at work but hope you are all well - or as well as the m/s will let you be xxx
Hey ladies,

Thanks for all your sweet wishes...make a note to yourselves on your calendars to mark all important dates in the next nine months so you don't fall into the trap of forget everything I'm pregnant mode. :wacko:

Vixmar - what a rollercoaster...glad it ended happily...we're all feeling a bit crap on here so join the club. :hugs: I thought about getting a doppler as well but I think I would be too obsessed so I'm going to forget that idea. Lots of ladies love them though.

Sparkle - I love how you announced it to drowsy daddy!...hope he's having fun with the boys and you with little C. Let us know what your mom thinks...she'll be over the moon I suspect. Also did you tell your spiritualist/chakra lady about your good news!?

Amber - As much as it sucks...it all sounds very good for a healthy baby. What's funny is I was like you that I could only have plain potatoes, pasta, crackers, rice, bread...right at the beginning but now that doesn't appeal to me at all and I actually crave strawberries, cantelope, spicy curry so your tastes may change as your M/S progresses. Cool that you've already told some close family...I had to tell a couple people as well...it's hard not to want to share such great news...but I've only told a best friend who's a week ahead of me (yipee!) and my sister. I'm being extra cautious and waiting 14 weeks...if I can hold it in that long.

Mum - so sorry you're feeling paranoid :hugs: I've been in that place a couple times already...M/S and other symptoms ebb and flow and you're just in an ebbing moment. I hope you get your early scan hon!

Shell - wow you're a brave woman to go clubbing with :holly: hope you brought some added protection and padding along so no one knocks you about too much. Hope you had fun with the ladies and no one suspected.

Hope all you other preggo ladies had an excellent weekend as well :flower:

AFM: Still nauseous everyday! :sick: = healthy :baby:! So I'm happy about that and we managed to get out yesterday and just spend the day relaxing together with coffee and a newspaper at the port and later for dinner we dressed up and went out to a nice Italian restaurant and then at home for a snuggly movie. It wasn't a crazy plan but it was nice and relaxing and homey. His Bday is in July so I will try to start planning something special now. Must mark it on my calendar though :winkwink:.
PS. Amber - We have tons of lemon trees in the garden here and I made lemon squares from scratch and they actually came out and taste good...I may have a fledgling baker gene in me yet! :winkwink: Also I told OH that you were attempting recipes for veggie tempura and his mouth started watering. Now you may not be into food right now but when/if you do get around to making the tempura...let us know that best recipe that worked for you. Merci.
Hey ladies! Have not been around much today, this little tike hammered me with all day m/s!! So I've been lying around trying not to do too much because if I do, I have to run to the restroom!

mum--:hugs: remember our mantra of symptoms coming and going! I know it is really hard for us to remember that because we are all so nervous and scared! I really hope your doctor is able to get your scan scheduled soon as I know that seeing our little ones growing inside is the ultimate medicine for our fears. :hugs:

Grand--sounds like you and DH had a wonderful Anniversary together! As for the tempura, I did try two recipes that I found, still messing with it. The first one had a batter that was too heavy (you lose the freshness of the veggies if the batter is too thick), the other batter crisped up nicely, but I was not fond of the taste. Still have a few more to try and then I will probably end up mixing up a few to make the best one, and I will absolutely share it!! Your lemon squares sound sooooo good btw!!!

Ok, so going to try to load up my scans, hope they work! Baby L is still so tiny, but in the first one you can definitely see where the head, body, legs and arms are starting to grow!


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Fabulous scan pictures Amber! So pleased for you :D
Been reading on this thread, nice to see how everyone's getting on after graduating. I find it hard though to be honest to post on here much, but I'm sure you all understand that :)
There are some pregnancies here that seems to be going really fast, hope you're all enjoying the journey. Hope for those of you still feeling sick that it passes soon for you :D
Thank you Grey that means a lot. :hug:

Amber- wow look at baby L, he/she looks so cute! And absolutly perfect!

Grand- you're anniversary sounds lovely, I'm glad you had a restful day together!

Shell- how was the clubbing?

:wave: to you all pregnant ladies!

Afm- had such a busy weekend, I said to oh this morning I barely feel like I had one! Cormack and I had a lovely time together. Shopping at the Westfield on Saturday and lunch with the outlaws on Sunday. Then oh came home late last night!
I saw so pleased to see him.
Ms seems to have kicked in full flow. It lasts most of the morning no matter what I eat and eases my lunchtime sometimes returning in the evening. Totally different to that I experience with Cormack, with him it hit at 4pm everyday and lasted until I went to bed. Keep telling myself that that and the cramping are good things. 4 weeks today! Seems soooo far.....

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