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Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Thanks for the kind words guys. The sickness is back today so i am happy but still a bit worried as i had some pink/brown discharge yesterday too, only slight though. Had scan app through today for 11th april, by which time i will be 12wks. I am thinking private scan now to stop driving myself nuts and poor dh, bless him.

milos - thanks for sharing, it helps as we are so close in dates. it so freaked me out!

amber - great pics hun

sparkle - congrats on being 1/10th of the way there

grey - hope to see you here real soon hun

Hope everyone is good today, hugs to all i missed
Amber - thanks for sharing you scan pics...lovely little bean in there.

Grey - Hope you get here real fast...saving spaces for all the femmes fetales. Thank you for your sweet wishes.

Sparkle - Yipee for :sick: - such a great sign so early on. Sounds like an awesome weekend. Have you told the outlaws?

Mum - glad you're feeling sick again (sounds funny to say that)

AFM: 4 days till scan! Eeks...excited and super nervous. Not feeling so sick today...grrrr....must repeat Mellybelle's motto. :wacko:
Morning ladies!

Grey--thank you so much for your lovely comments, they mean so much! I can't wait for you to join us here, and I know it will be soon!

Sparkle--glad you and Cormack had a lovely weekend together, and glad DH is home safe and sound! Happy 4wks, you are moving right along and great symptoms already! :thumbup:

mum--glad your m/s is back! Also glad you have your scan set, but I also understand your desire to get one sooner, is there any way your doc can pull some strings for you to get you in sooner?

AFM: m/s still here, I am thinking I may not ever actually have to visit the bathroom with this one, but that I am just destined to feel sick all day! I am resolved not to complain though, and be a trooper! I told Baby L that he/she can give me all the m/s they want so long as he/she sticks around to say hello in 7 1/2 months!!

Hope all of you other ladies are doing well today!
Grand--you snuck in there on me! I am thinking of you this week and hopeful that your scan goes well! :hugs:
Not really a member of this group, but just popped in and saw that the latest due date is in November. That's the month I conceived! :wohoo: Crazy! That means that we're all getting somewhere.

Congrats and good luck ladies! See you around the boards! :thumbup:
hello ladies, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been sooooo tired and nauseous lately. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Hopefully my energy will increase so I can be more of an active participant on here again.
Take care everyone, I am thinking of you, my bump buddies every day. :kiss:
Just realised ladies I didn't tell you about telling my Mum! I had to phone her, since they live in Jersey. She was over the moon, told me to take it easy and be good to myself. She has had both a mc and a stillbirth so unfortunatly she understands only too well how worried I am. She also has 4 very healthy children tho soahe give me hope.

Lots of love to all x
hi ladies!

seems like everyone is ticking along nicely, lots of lovely symptoms!

AFM - my scan is a week tomorrow!! I am SOOOOOO excited!!!
Morning ladies! Hope you all are well!

abc123x--thank you for the congratulations and best wishes to you as well!

lisa7--good to hear from you hun! sounds like things are moving along well for you, good symptoms!! :thumbup:

sparkle--awesome how excited and supportive your mum is! that is so wonderful! it is also so helpful to have the support of someone who knows what you are feeling and going through! :hugs:

kizzyt--hi hun! I'm excited for you too!

AFM: m/s is giving me a slight break today, not sick ALL the time, it just comes in waves. As soon as I feel sick, I stuff a potato chip or 2 in my mouth and that seems to help, haha! Only other symptom that is still hanging around are the boobs, :holly: but I'm only really feeling that now in the morning when I wake up and at night. Rest of the day, they are just full!
Good luck with your scan this week Grand - can't wait to hear all about it and hopefully see little blue if you get some piccies!

Kizzy - you must be getting excited for your scan. I have my first m/w appointment a week tomorrow and the time is just dragging by - it must be the same for you!

Hope everyone is feeling well and not too sickly xxx
Morning Ladies, hope you and your babies are all doing well.

Sorry for lack of posting recently, my little boy has been keeping me busy, i think the terrible 2's have hit early!

KIZZY - 1 week today until our scan, i'm getting excited now and wishing the next week away! I cant wait!
morning ladies,

thanks for all your well wishes. I really am excited about next week, this time next Wed we'll hopefully have seen a healthy bubba with a strong heartbeat!!

had a bad night last night, woke up at 3.30 with lots of stretching/weird pains and couldnt get back to sleep, started to worry and panic myself so by the time the alarm went off at 7 I felt awful! decided to try to have a couple more hours sleep and come to work late and I feel so much better, my boss is really cool about stuff like that too, he just wants me to be ok so he tells me to do what I need to do. Bless him. Pains (cant even really call them that, they dont overly hurt) are still there but I am more relaxed!

Pixie its sooo exciting isnt it! woohoo!!

Milos, it sure has been dragging but once I had my m/w appt the time has gone much quicker, hope its the same for you hun!

Amber, Grand, Sparkle, Shell, MumAMH and all others, hello!! :) xx
Hello ladies

I hope you are all well. Everyone seems to be moving along nicely:flower:

pixie - only a week to go, will be nice to see some more scan pics:thumbup:

kizzy - glad you are feeling a bit better. and if it helps i have been having some odd feelings/pains too so hopefully safety in numbers:hugs:

Grand - wow, scan on friday:hugs:

Lots of pma and hugs to all:hugs:

AFM: I have been feeling a bit better mentally about everything but have decided I need to put my mind at rest with a scan. I thought about going to gp after the spotting at weekend but i really dont think i can face going back to epac, which is where they will send me, and i could have to go alone again like before. So hubby booked me a private scan for saturday at 3.45pm, all i have to sort out now is somewhere to leave the kids, lol. Hoping i can drop them at my besties for a while. Not quite sure how i feel now, i want to know its all ok but i'm scared to go too. I'm sure you all know the feeling I mean.
thanks mum :)

I totally understand where you're coming from, last night when I was worried and panicking I was thinking "just go to the EPU in the morning and let them scan" but the other (stronger) part of me was thinking if its bad news I am not ready to find out yet and I'd rather be blissfully ignorant another week. It's such a catch 22 but I am sure your scan will be wonderful and amazing on Saturday, I look forward to hearing about it xxx
Morning ladies, I hope you are all doing well!

mum--totally understand how you are feeling hun. When I went for my scan last week, I was terrified and excited at the same time. I think it is going to be like that for all of us, because we have all had to face horrible news in the past. Like I told DH, "the innocence is gone", and it is so true. Your DH is a doll for scheduling a private scan for this weekend. I will be thinking and praying for you hun and that you get the results you need to ease your mind. :hugs:

kizzy/pixie--keeping my fx'd for your scans next week! :flower:

grand--only a couple more days, thinking of you hun! :hugs:

AFM: 7 wks today! Happy 7wks to my bump buddies! woke up to DH (yes, DH, not me) sick as a dog in the bathroom--I asked him if he was sure I was the one pregnant, not him--he didn't seem to think that was funny. Anywhoo, he is home sick today, so I had to brave M/S and rush hour traffic by myself in the rain! Bleh!! We live about 30 minutes outside of the city, so it can be quite a pain, especially since Pittsburgh has the WORST drivers in the world when it rains!! Symtomwise--slight m/s today, a bit better than it has been, sore boobs, most worrisome for me is that I have had cramping today. I'm hoping it is just baby L making room, but it is worrisome!
Forgot to add: I have my First Trimester Screen/Genetic Counselling appointment (which is another US with some other tests) scheduled for April 11th. Hoping I am able to make it that far, I should be 11 wks, 5 days by that point!
I am having the worst day of my life. I will post more later but please hold us in your thoughts and prayers. I really need it.
:hug: Sparkle - FXed for you hope everything is ok xxxx

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