Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hi girls,

Hope you are all well. Georgie had another allergic reaction today, weirdly I think it was to pitta bread?!? She started swelling and getting hives but I gave her antihistamine straight away and it calmed right down. She is totally fine now, sound asleep in bed but I feel really emotional and keep crying, I am so sad this has happened to her and I know there's a million worse things that could happen but I feel really guilty, a because I keep giving her things she's allergic to andb because maybe i should have breastfed longer and it wouldn't have happened :(
Kizzy- don't feel bad, how were you supposed to know??!! Unfortunately unless you're prepared to have your daughter tested for every allergy under the sun, the only way you find out is through these reactions. On the positive side at least it was a reaction that you managed to contain promptly and that she is ok now- it could have been a hell of a lot worse and it's one more thing you know not to give her. Don't beat yourself up about it :hugs::hugs:

Feisty- OMG! some hospitals have a lot to answer for!!! Hope you are ok and thank goodness your friend sent that info to you to put your mind at ease. Here's hoping the next two weeks fly by for you and you get to see your little bean growing nice and strong xx
Kizzy- really really not your fault xx my friends son is severely allergic to eggs. She was spoon feeding him scrambled egg when she found out, kept convincing him to have more without realising. She ended up calling 999. The dr told her you just can't know with these things. (not that it's important) but he was bf for a year... These things just happen. You are a fantastic mumma and coped perfectly Xx
Oh kizzy it isn't your fault! You reacted in a calm and productive manner which ensured George recovered quickly with the minimum of stress, you should be congratulating yourself!

Sarah I am really angry with the hospital as I spent almost two days believing baby was not developing properly and believing I was heading towards another loss. I was in such a state Tuesday, just couldn't stop crying :( these hospitals should be trying to reduce stress not increase it!
Wow, it is quiet in here lately! Where is everybody? :shrug:

Bean - I have to see out my maternity notice at my current job, before I can start my new job. I have to return to work for 13 weeks, otherwise they make me re-pay my maternity benefits! so, I will be starting my new job at the end of august. Glad to hear Nate is doing so well, enjoying his food and toys. So sorry to hear that you are still having difficulties with your dad. it is totally understandable for you to feel the way that you do. I hope that things begin to look up soon. and I hope that things went well with your niece and nephew's sleepover.

SamB - how did Jess get on with her first night in her big bed? and how did you and OH enjoy your night away on Friday night? Did Jess cope ok without you?

Grey - Happy 9 weeks! Sorry to hear you are feeling worried about your lack of sickness. I had really bad nausea with both of my pregnancies, but I remember that if one day I woke up without feeling sick, I panicked. And I remember a lot of us felt the same early on in our pregnancies. I hope that you start to feel more confident soon. Everthing is gonna be fine!

Amber - so sorry to hear about your "teething hell". Freya and I were in the same place a few weeks back, so I know how you feel. Its awful isnt it? But it does pass, I promise. As soon as those little teeth break through, she should feel some relief. I hope you are managing to get enough sleep, as it must be so hard trying to concentrate at work when you havent slept properly. Thinking of you.

Sparkle - still keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. sorry about the ghastly colds you are all suffering from. hope you all recover soon. and dont worry about not posting, we all understand.

Feisty - sorry, I must have missed your question on the best doppler. I bought the Sonoline B during my pregnancy with Freya. We bought it brand-new off ebay. It was £50, with free P+P, and included a free bottle of gel. We used it at just 10 weeks pregnant, and found her straight away. We listened to her a few times a week in the early days. But gradually as I started to feel her move, we used it less and less. I also lent it to my best friend when she was pregnant. It was such a wonderful reassurance to us, especially because we lost our first baby. It was the best £50 we ever spent!
So sorry to hear that the hospital have worried you so much. As I mentioned before, often the scans dont match up to your dates, and it can leave you distraught until your next scan. I know how you feel, and am praying that your next scan provides you with the reassurance you need.

Kizzy - aww Hun. Im so sorry to hear about Georgie's second allergic reaction. It must have been so upsetting for you, but well done for thinking fast and administering her antihistamine before it got any worse. What a brilliant mummy you are! and dont feel guilty about the breastfeeding. I am still breastfeeding Freya at 6 months, but she still has eczema, and im almost certain that she will develop allergies in the future. Its just the way it goes sometimes....Take care, Hun.

AFM: me and OH took Freya swimming for the first time today! and she loved it! she was kicking her little legs, and chasing her rubber ducky. It did make her eczema very itchy, but that didnt stop her having lots of fun! we are gonna take her every other Sunday from now on - proper family time! :)

Hope all the mummies, bumps and babies are doing well :hugs:

Thanks Shell - will definitely squirrel that info on the doppler away for a few weeks time when hopefully we can use it :cloud9:

7 weeks and still no real symptoms :cry: Grey I can sympathise :hugs: everyone says by 6 weeks they will have kicked in :wacko:

Shell family swim time sounds amazing! I think this is something that will benefit Freya for the rest of her life! :flower:
Hi all

Shell it has been quiet in here ..I agree.

So are you back at work now then..I can't remember ....such a dipsy brain at the moment.

Feisty hun....I didnt have symptoms for a while. Its hard not to stress but I know plent of people that had no symptoms at all.

Hi all ...hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

Sold the crib this morning on ebay and have given away more baby stuff...BOOOOOO so sad. XX
Feisty I purchased a new hi bebe Doppler off eBay. Worked great for me. Also I really didn't have any symptoms at all so try not to worry to much. Though it is easier said then done.

It is alfully quiet in here ...!?

Bean so no more for sure for you then if your getting rid of the bebe stuff that would be sad. I'm squirriling mine all away for now. Lol.

Afm Keeping busy. Alia is eating purée now a little every morning and doing so well. We had a bit of an episode last nigh I think the bananas bound her up and she was up grunting and squirming And up 3 times during the night. Only nursing helped her. She hasnt woke up during the night for months makes for a tired mommy today. Lol. But after almost 2 days w no poop she finally got some relife! :) Oh how the times have changed... Lol I was so happy for her texting daddy and everything. Lol
Feisty - 7 weeks is still early for proper symptoms. try to stay positive Hun. This time next week you will have seen your lovely baby on the screen.

Bean - I start back at work (my special needs school) in just 3 weeks time. argh! Im scared about going back into the world of work, as Im worried I wont know what to do anymore! lol. Aww, it must be so hard selling all of your baby stuff. I can sympathise - we are donating all our stuff to Freya's cousin Winnie, or to charity shops. Its so sad to think you will never have another baby, isnt it?

Imp - ooh, Alia is such a big girl now eating her puree every morning! and yes, I have heard that too much banana can bind you up. poor girl. glad to hear she is pooping again. lol.

Imp - nate has been struggling aswell. Started weaning him and the poos. OMG Fruity.
Lots of grunting goin on...but just like Alia we had relief here today aswell. Glad Alia is ok now.
Yep definetly no more...ver y lucky to have 3 though.

Shell.. I know returning to work scares me aswell....worry that I will be crap. Heard we have a final year student in the class that I am goin into (I am going back to cover someones mat leave...only 2 days a week( they have to teach 70 % of timetable. Initially i thought ace even less for me to do.... anyway now i am thinking they are gonna make me look crap. I am with you shell.....we need a lotto win.

Yep it is sad thinkin that is it....no more for you either then. X
Oh gosh, what i would give for a lotto win, Bean! but that aint gonna happen, as i dont play the lottery! haha.

I would love another baby. not anytime soon, i wanna enjoy Freya first. but i want to try again when she is about 3. however, my OH has dropped the bombshell that he doesnt want anymore. he says that Freya has rocked our world (emotionally, financially, etc), and that he couldnt go through all that again. he loves her to bits, but doesnt like how having her has affected our lives. im gutted, as i loved being pregnant, and even labour wasnt too bad. i cant bare the thought of never holding my newborn baby in my arms again. and i dont want Freya to be an only child either. but what can i do? it takes 2 to make a baby....

Shell...i only do a lucky dip if i remember when at spar.

My dh didnt want anymore afer our first, he was quite happy with just the one. I convinced him though and then obviously did a 3rd time aswell. I can remeber sayin that it could not only be his decsion and that we had to tald about it as i could end up resenting him.

After we had the miscarriage when we were tring for nate i remeber myself and dh having a massive row. He told me then that he couldnt do it again. He told me that i was ungrateful and he couldny go through it again. He changed his mind.....

Anyhow you got another 2 and half years to work on him, XX
Shell I think it is just a knee jerk reaction from his because at the moment Freya is so demanding on your time. Once she is a little older I think he will come round :flower: It does seem quite unfair if it wasnt something you had previously discussed!
Oh gosh, what i would give for a lotto win, Bean! but that aint gonna happen, as i dont play the lottery! haha.

I would love another baby. not anytime soon, i wanna enjoy Freya first. but i want to try again when she is about 3. however, my OH has dropped the bombshell that he doesnt want anymore. he says that Freya has rocked our world (emotionally, financially, etc), and that he couldnt go through all that again. he loves her to bits, but doesnt like how having her has affected our lives. im gutted, as i loved being pregnant, and even labour wasnt too bad. i cant bare the thought of never holding my newborn baby in my arms again. and i dont want Freya to be an only child either. but what can i do? it takes 2 to make a baby....


My sister said when her children get to about 1, they feel like they're settled in a routine and able to cope with another...so often start trying....so hopefully the same will happen for you! At the moment Freya is so young and in the 'hard work' stage of her life, things will get easier.
I can understand not wanting her to be an only child, I'd be gutted if my hubbie said that, I want 2 minimum so they have each other. I hope in the near future as Freya grows a little his male broodiness kicks in :)

afm: sorry I haven't been/won't be around much...I've got 4 weeks til we move house! We're currently getting rid of a LOT of stuff and trying to thin out our possesions so packing will be easier! So I won't have chance to come on much. I'll be having my dating scan 2 weeks today (at 11+1) so hopefully I'll have good news/a photo to share!
You'll all be in my thoughts, even if I'm not around much :hugs:
We had a beautiful day the other day and enjoyed some time outside. Just thought I'd share a photo!


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Oh Shell hope he changes his mind.. my dh I think would be just happy with the two we have, a boy and a girl, but I want one more and he has agreed because he wants me happy.. so hoping your dh will agree to one more at least.. and your first child in always hard as it changes your life forever.. adding another just adds more love :) Sending you hugs..

AFus were doing good. on cyce 3 since birth and things are slowing evening out.. ovulate on cd19, af showed on cd28.. so hope my lp gets longer otherwise will be talking to dr in nov at my annual exam.. Bryce is almost 3 months already.. 7 days.. eekks time is going so fast.. love it and him so much and my daughter.. i love being a mom and all it gives back..
3rd cycle Lil wow! Did you bf? Just curious I've still not got one af yet and Alia will be almost 6 months! I'm not looking forward to it coming again either. Lol. But I guess if we want to try again in 6 months it'll have to come eventually...!?
It is like a natural birth control. But like most not 100% effective. As soon as your going more then 4 hours or so between feedings (bebe sleeping through night) apparently the "protection" drops.
Hey ladies! I am still here! It has been over a week, maybe more, I have to read back to catch up! We have had a couple of really long weeks with Miss Grace, a triefecta of sorts. She is teething and was also diagnosed with a double ear infection and a serious sinus infection that backed up into her eyes, my poor baby. :cry: So needless to say, mommy and Grace have had a LOT of sleepless nights and I have had to leave work early a few days and stay home with her while she fights through this. I promise to catch up as soon as I can, I hope all of you ladies and babes and babes to be are doing well! Huge hugs!

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