Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Feisty--Oh hun, I am so very sorry. :cry: I know there are no words to take away the pain you are going through right now. Please know that we are all here for you and you, your DH and your little angel are in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:
Doing my best to catch up, will update on us later!

Neffie--very happy that you have all settled into a routine! :thumbup: it is amazing how fast time will fly now, days and weeks become a whirlwind of work, daycare, baby time, sleep and schedules! I am so glad Coco is doing so well and good luck with the crib transition if you decide to do it. We are going on 7 months and I am still having a hard time parting with Grace (we still cosleep but I know we have to get a move on as she is now so close to crawling and I dont want her getting up on her own and falling out of bed in the middle of the night--my biggest fear!) Love the updated photo of Miss Coco in your signature, she is such a cutie!

Shell--hooray for Miss Freya STTN!!:happydance: That is a huge milestone and hopefully it is giving you much needed and deserved R&R. And that is great that she enjoyed her first swimming experience! I hope to get Grace in the water soon myself! I am sorry to hear about DH not wanting another right now, but please do not distress--I think most men go through this, especially after the first child--we spend 9 months thinking about and mentally preparing for our little ones every single day, and even then we are a bit overwhelmed when they arrive! I think for men, they don't think about it quite so much, so they are even more overwhelmed than we are once the little one is here! Men are also creatures of habit (at least mine is), so of course a baby totally throws off everything they are used to. I say give it some time, and hopefully he will come around! DH and I have already had "the talk" and he is not as eager as I to have our second right away as planned (for many of the same reasons your DH cites), but we are also in a more pressing situation with my age, we really can't wait too long, so he is kinda "on the spot." Much love to you hun! :hugs:

Lil--happy 3 months to your little man, loving the Pics on FB, he is up there with Shell's Freya for world's cutest smile!! Also happy to hear your cycles are regular, that is great! I got my first AF back in January when I was still BFing almost exclusively, I think I was one of the unlucky ladies that get it regardless (so you are not alone Shell!). I am pretty much back to my 30ish day cycles, so I think when we are ready to start TTC again in the fall, we'll be good to go. Are you going to start temping again this summer? I was thinking of starting back up in August.

Grey--so excited for you and the new house! Good luck with your upcoming scan and please let us know how it goes!

Imp--totally love the pictures of little Alia, she is such a beauty, just like her momma! Great news on her starting on the pureed foods--Grace was similar when we started her, she would get a bit of a digestive reaction sometimes, I think it is just their little systems adjusting to more solid things! She still grunts and does her "thinking hard" look when she does a #2--at least we have a warning system at the moment, haha!

Sparkle--:hugs: thinking of you and hope all is well!

Grand--:hugs:thinking of you too, and hope all is well!

Samb--also thinking of you! loving the pictures of your little princess on FB!

Milos--Oh, I so love Callum's little christening outfit, absolutely adorable!! And :hugs: to you about stopping the BFing. If it helps, I no longer BF Grace, we put an end to it about a week or two ago. We were down to 1 or 2 feeds a day as it was, and it sort of was a mutual thing between us, I think she was ready to go over exclusively to bottle-fed breastmilk. So now I just keep pumping away! I hope that you are finally able to get some relief physically as your body's hormones adjust back, you are such a strong momma for putting up with all that pain for the past several months! :hugs:

Kizzy--Oh, poor G and her allergies!! I agree with the other ladies, do not blame yourself and I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not you BF her! Allergies just happen and until they are old enough to be tested, we just have to keep an eye on them for reactions. Grace has already had reactions to medications and, while she has not displayed any food allergies, we are having one heck of a time with contact allergies to her skin--literally any type of soap or perfume comes against her skin and "bam" instant hives! So give her lots of love and just keep a list of what she reacts to for her doctor. :hugs:

Bean--Great news on little Nate pushing himself up, what a biggie boy! :thumbup: It is so cute watching them grow! I hope thing are ok with you at home, I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

Sarah--congrats again on finding out you are expecting a little Princess, I am so very excited for you!

I hope I did not miss anyone, if I did I apologize!! Much love to you all and I promise to update you all on Grace if I have time this afternoon! Happy belated Mother's Day to all of you wonderful ladies!!
Thanks Amber hun.

Wow it is very quiet in here again. Everyone must be really busy.

Just wanted to say hello to everyone. X
Thanks AMber...

Sorry I have been gone for a bit.. beens so busy and try to catch up but then something else comes up or baby needs me or 3 year old needs me.. lol so no time..

Bryce is 3 months old.. sttn and eating about 5oz now.. looks like he is getting teeth can see the bottom two but not sure when they will come through.. should be fun lol.. So i though my cycles were back to normal but this month is throwing me.. cd17 and no high yet on my cbfm.. so no clue..

Amber we are starting up ttc dec right after my last af whenever that falls.. I go to the dr in nov for my annual so will be talking to him about it.. if my lp doesnt lengthen out i will prob do clomid to o earlier.. Im very broody but not ready for number 3 quite yet lol..

Ahh ur still cosleeping.. end it before you cant.. lol my dd coslept too and it was a battle to get her out.. bryce only cosleeps for at most 3 hours in the mornings.. but not lately he wants me up holding him.. ugh oh well.. hes in his crib in his room all night..

Hope everyone is well..

Feisty i am so so sorry hun.. nothing i can say will help but know your not alone and keep at it as you will get your forever baby.. were all proof it can & will happen..
Hi all, sorry I've been quiet, 2 weeks now til we move!

I was scheduled for my 11+1 scan today and woke up around 5am with bright red blood. Fearing the worst I couldn't sleep and was up all day until my appointment.
We arrived early. Had a little more spotting. I was really lucky and got in for my scan 10minutes early. I mentioned the bleeding straight away to the sonographer and she was kind and told us virtually straight away that the baby is FINE! :happy dance:
She couldn't find any reason for the bleed and although I have had a little more since, nothing like this morning. I couldn't see on the screen very well but could see the baby moving and bouncing off the walls like it was a padded room
I'm just on :cloud9: right now and so relieved, I know something could still happen but our baby seems to be a fighter. We got 3 pictures for £5 because 2 are rubbish
I also got moved forward 3 days and so am now 11+4 and due 7th of December instead :baby:

Introducing... OUR BABY!

Gender guesses welcome :)

All 3

Hopefully I'll be able to catch up with you all soon :hugs:
Ahhh grey, congratulations!! That's wonderful news, must have been scary for you in the morning so glad all was ok xxx
Wonderful wonderful news grey.

Hi ladies,
I'm sorry I've been so absent. I'm all over the shop to be honest. My baby girl is doing well. Growing by the day. I can't really explain how I'm feeling...
Congratulations Grey!! so so happy for you!!
Your baby bean is beautiful, and despite the bleed, im sure everything will be fine :hugs:

EDIT: im guessing team blue! :blue:
Big big hugs to you, Sparkle :hugs: We are always here for when you are ready to talk :friends:

Grey - Wonderful news! :) Sorry to hear about the bleed, but as Shell said, I'm sure everything will be fine.

Sparkle - Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else.
Sparkle--as the others have said, we are always here for you! :hugs: We all go through so many emotions and you have been through so much. Just know that we love you!

Grey--those pictures are gorgeous! I am also going to guess Team Blue! :blue:, but bear in mind, I am a horrible guesser, lol! Very scary about your bleed, are you going to have a doctor review the scans? I remember having a bleed with Grace and it turned out to be something called a subchorionic hematoma, which is basically left over blood from implantation that gets kicked out as the baby grows/moves around and it healed and went away on its own. I was very scared when it happened, so can understand how you must have felt this morning! So glad nothing showed up on your exam to cause concern, phew! Keeping my fx'd that everything continues to go well for you and the little one!!

Lil--thanis for your update! I plan to start temping in August after my annual exam to get myself into practice, but I think we are going to hold out to the new year now to really start TTC. As much as I want another little one I also want to make sure Grace is growing well--I don't want to take anything away from her, if that makes any sense?

Update on us: Well, I wanted to update this past weekend, but I managed to catch a very, very nasty stomach bug that was going around Grace's daycare--lets just say I am glad that I got it and Grace did not! It was bad, I was out of commision for 2 days and am still feeling a bit exhausted and tired from it all. Grace is doing very well, 7 months old now! She is so close to crawling, just a little bit more of that belly to get up off the ground and she's gonna take off, haha! She has also finally said Dada (so we have 4 words now!), and can wave hello/byebye. We finally have what appears to be a tooth breaking through on the lower left side of her mouth, so we have had some more crying/fussing, but Baby Orajel seems to help a ton with her pain. I try not to use a lot of it, only when she is really out of sorts. I hate seeing her in pain, the poor dear. :cry: The good news is that her infections seem to have cleared up well, so we are good to go there!

Hope everyone is doing well! :kiss:


Shell--Happy 7 months to Miss Freya!!

A couple recent photos:


  • GraceHat2.jpg
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  • GraceMothersDay1.jpg
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  • GraceHat1.jpg
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hello ladies sorry i have been MIA i have been on holiday for a week in the freezing north of scotland! Last week we were in hundreds of layers trying to keep warm in temperatures of down to minus 5 this week we are home and the sun is out and Callum has been wearing only a vest all day today!
Anyway time to catch up -
feisty so sorry to hear your terrible news, as the other ladies have said, nothing we say will help but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family x

sparkle - likewise, i know we can't help but we can 'listen' and i am sending you virtual hugs x

neffie - great news on the daycare routine. I am back at work in 6 weeks so i hope callum settles into nursery as well as coco. She is such a cutie in her photo x

grey - great news on your scan and your revised due date, at least you know that your bundle will have arrived before christmas!

Amber - sorry to hear you were poorly but it sounds like you and grace are fighting fit now. callum is doing the same as grace with the crawling arms and legs up but struggling to get his belly off the floor andgetting very frustrated being stuck in one place!

lil - bryce sounds like he is doing well, i hope the teeth don't give him too much trouble x

grand - how are you doing honey? xxx

bean, shellney and everyone else i have forgotten i hope you are all well.

As for us well holidays were lovely if a bit chilly! Callums christening went really well he was so well behaved in church just watching everything that was going on and no crying at all. Hopefully i can post a picture soon. He is desperate to crawl but not quite managing yet despite my sisters coaching efforts on holiday last week! We now enjoy cot aerobics at every nap and bedtime tonight he was screaming 5 mins after i put him down and when i checked on him he was over on his tummy with his head where his feet had been! Xxx
Amber sorry you were do poorly glad you are better now. Grace is so advanced! Nearly crawling, 4 words, amazing!! X

Milos, sounds like a great holiday and we have the same with cot aerobics!!

It's bloody hot in england tonight, little tinks is not settling well, screaming her head off I think she's hot, ive stripped her right down to her vest, not sure what more I can do really?! What's everyones bubba's wearing at night at the moment?! X
Freya just wears a nappy at night at the mo, Kizzy :) xx
Hiya Ladies :hi:

Bean - its great that Nate is growing so well and pushing himself up. Still thinking of you and your family...

Neffie - so glad to hear that your routines are all going so well. daycare, eating, sleeping, etc. It seems that you are really ontop of things. Dont be nervous about putting Coco in her own room. Freya went into her own room at 3 months, and took to it really well. Just get a decent baby monitor, so that you can relax, knowing that she is ok.

Lil - great news about Bryce STTN and eating so well. I hope his teething doesn't cause either of you too much discomfort/sleepless nights. Good luck!

Amber - sorry to hear about your stomach bug. I hope you have fully recovered by now. Happy 7 months Grace! Great news about the crawling! Freya is the same - as soon as she works out how to lift her tummy off the floor, she will be away! Glad the teething gel is working, any sign of the teeth breaking through yet? Lovely photos of Grace - she really is beautiful.

Milos - welcome back! glad you had a lovely (if chilly) holiday in Scotland. Great news about Callum's christening going so well. Im really looking forward to seeing the photos of Callum in his cute little outfit! Another baby who is in the verge of crawling - I bet it will be any day now!

Kizzy - sorry to hear Georgina is struggling so much in the heat. Do you have a fan that you could put in her room? We have just bought Freya one today. And she only wears a vest when we are out and about. And just a nappy when we are inside.

AFM: Loving the weather here! :coolio: and Freya is just brilliant at the moment! everyday I put her down on the rug in the living room, and she has a great time rolling about, wriggling across the rug on her back, and attempting to crawl. I have been filming it all on my camcorder, because these are memories I want to keep forever. She is such a delight to be around these days....but that makes it all the more heartbreaking that I have to return to work on Wednesday :cry: I am dreading it. I just dont want to leave my baby. I dont want to miss out on all the new things she learns every day. and it doesn't help that Freya suffers from really bad separation anxiety whenever we are apart. Oh well. I will let you know how we get on.....

Hope you are all well :friends:

Sorry no been on a lot.... am feeling unwell at mo...throat and no voice etcc...

Shell - Oh Hun I am feeling for you about Wednesday... I am dreading leaving Nate. He is not good at being seperated either. Went out for a meal with some friends the other night and had to take him with me. Oh Hun will be thinking of you. Bless little Freya wriggling around..it is lovely to watch I agree.

Kizzy - Nappy only or at most a vest. It is so hot for them isnt it.

Milo - so glad that Callums christening went well.

Amber - those photos are just adorable. Oh no to you being so poorly, that sounds nasty. Glad you are better now.

Sparkle - Hope that you are ok.

Grey Hun..wow fanastic scan pics....I am saying boy also. I knew all my scans were boys.

Neffie, Grand, Imp, Sam, Angelas, Vix........Really hope that I havent missed anyone..Hope you are all well.

AFM...well off away for a week tomorrow. Have not been away for a week for 9 years....Am nearly packed. Nate is doing so well and is such a happy baby. Am back at work 4 weeks monday ....uggghhhh.
Have been so busy as my middlest is unwell..he has low iron, now it woud appear he has developed eczma aswell...he always looks so poorly.
My parent situation has been pretty stressful aswell...they tried again but it didnt work and my dad left again this week. XX
Have a good weekend everybody.
Bean - oh, so Nate is a clingy baby too? Its going to be so difficult for you both when you return to work in 4 weeks. Could you maybe do a couple of "trial days"? Where you leave Nate with someone for a few hours at first, then for half a day, then for a whole day? We have been doing that with Freya, building it up gradually, to get her used to being away from me. She does cry at lot at first, but she seems to be getting used to it slightly.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday - where are you going? And Im sorry to hear that your parents tried again, but that it didn't work. As heartbreaking as it is, sometimes its for the best if some couples stay apart... Still thinking of you and your family :hugs:
Please wish me luck, Ladies. First day back at work tomorrow...
I dont wanna leave my little baby girl for the whole day. Gonna miss her so much :cry:

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