Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Hi ladies!
I've been MIA for a while, well 13 weeks properly!

To you ladies back at work, in past experience it does get easier and you learn to appreciate time spend with baby much more! Altho as Libby is such a clingy baby I am dreading it!

Hope your all well, had a quick catch up and I can't belive how quickly grace has come on! shell, I loved the pics of G standing up!

Libby is still Libby! Having problem with suspected milk allergy or allergy to a ingredientss in the baby milk, waiting to see a dietician, she's almost 8months, sitting and baby talking, eatong normal family meals etc, still no teeth or crawling or even rolling (i suspect shes too chunky to roll altho she will if u push her lol) she hates tummy time so hard to encourage crawling! I have a date for back to work 10th Sep! My matron agreed to the request for flexi hours so I'm very pleased and can't wait to get bk into it,
We currently have zack at home with chicken pox which no doubt.
The libster will catch them, but luckily with it 20c plus thos.week hers.just relaxing in the pool ans its easing his need to itch!

Need to go to bed before the libster decides its up time! X
Hey ladies,

Hope everyone is well, just a quick update from me, had G's allergy tests done yesterday, they tested 7 things (wheat, cows milk, egg, peanut, hazelnut, grass and soya) and she is allergic to peanuts (most severe reaction) and egg and soya. She was so brave, didn't even flinch at any of the jabs and was absolutely fine after, I was beyond proud!! They say she will prob grow out Of it by 2 years old, just means avoiding those foods in the mean time. They will re-test eggs in 6 months time as right now she can't have cakes, biscuits etc either so we will see!

In other news she started backwards crawling/shuffling yesterday :)
Glad you finally have some answers Kizzy. At least you know what to avoid now, so you shouldnt have anymore nasty surprises. Speaking as someone who has food allergies (all types of nuts, and kiwi fruit) its a pain in the ar*e having to avoid stuff, but it does become part of life, and you soon get used to it. I hope that Georgie grows out of her allergies by the age of 2. and well done Georgie for being so brave for Mummy!

Great news on the backwards crawling/shuffling too. Freya does something similar. Its so funny to watch, isnt it?

Hey Ladies!!

Finally getting some time to breathe!

milos--so glad to hear that Callum's christening went well and that he was such a good boy! I can't wait to see the pictures!

kizzy--so glad that you finally have some answers for G's allergies, that has to be a relief so now you know what to avoid going forward. I hope she outgrows the egg allergy, that is a tough one! Excellent news on the shuffling!! :thumbup: They are growing so fast!! As for what I have Grace wearing at night, I have her in a onesie (not sure what you ladies call those across the pond) and her diaper/nappie, that is pretty much it.

shell--Freya is doing so well! I really hope your return to work went smoothly on Wednesday, I remember my first day/week back like it was yesterday, and it is so hard. There are still days where I cry a bit, I would so much rather be spending my days with her! So huge hugs to you hun! :hugs:

bean--I hope you are having a good trip away and that both you and your middlest are feeling better! Very sorry to hear that things are still going poorly with your parents, I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

Vix--eek on the chicken pox, hope that doesnt cause too much of a ruckus in your household! I also hope that you are able to clear up Libbys allergy situation, are you going to have her tested?

Hello to all you other lovely ladies and babes!! Hope you are all doing well!

AFus: We have had a few long weeks with Grace. Between ear infections and teething, she has not been her usual chipper self on most days. However, today daycare called just to tell me she was having a spectacular day, so that is good news at least!! She is definitely having teeth come in, but nothing has come through yet, so frustrating! She has also apparently decided that she would rather walk than crawl, so she spends most of her time trying to stand/pull herself up and she wants us to hold her hands while she tries to take steps. If we put her on her tummy, she gets really mad, lol. So I have a feeling she will be taking after me (I walked before I crawled) in this area!

I got some GREAT news today, my best friend from childhood (we have been friends since age 6!) just called me this morning to tell me she got a BFP this morning!! :happydance: I am so happy for her, this is their first. Please keep her in your thoughts if you can, she is obviously a little nervous having seen me go through my loss before Grace, so I am trying to assure her that just because I suffered a loss with my first does not mean that she will!

Oh, and Happy Donut Day to you ladies in the States! :flower:
:hi: Everyone,

MIA here as well. There aren't enough hours in the day. :wacko:

Shell - How was your first day back at work? Hope you got along ok.

Vix - Hope Libby's allergies get better soon. Sorry to hear about the chicken pox.

Kizzy - Glad to hear that you have some answers regarding Georgina's allergies. Great news on the backward crawling.

Amber - Hope Grace is feeling better. Great news on her already wanting to walk around! And congrats to your best friend...I hope all works out for her.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM, Coco turned 4 months a few days ago. Still can't believe time has gone by so fast. She had her shots yesterday, and was a champ...cried only for 10 seconds or so, and was back to her usual self.

However, in other not so good news, the doc said that she has fallen significantly on the percentile chart in each of the categories since her last visit, and we need her to gain some weight quickly over the next month. Needless to say, yesterday was a very rough day for me..I was a total mess!!! :cry: Good news was that the doctor was amazed at some of the milestones Coco had already reached. Anyhow, long story short, it turns out that she probably has silent reflux which is why she might not be eating as much as she would without it. She has never spit up, or thrown up...just a lot of gassiness. Anyhow, she's on medication for it now, so hopefully things will get better soon.

Here's the kicker....for at least the next month we have to offer her formula in addition to breastmilk. :growlmad: I really didn't want to have to go this route, but I guess if it helps her gain some weight, then I'm all for it. But I definitely plan on going back to breast milk if all works out at the next appointment. The doctor also said that we could introduce some cereal to help with the weight issue, since she's sitting up so well with support. That, I have to say was the highlight of my day. She had her first table meal last night, and I can't even begin to describe how well she did. She finished the entire bowl, and even held on to the spoon at the end. :kiss: All the tears of sadness from earlier on in the day were replaced with tears of joy!

Today was anxiety ridden as well for me. Not only did I have to up her bottles, but also had to give a couple of entire bottles of formula. Wasn't sure how she would handle it (I smelt and tasted it as I was preparing it last night, and gosh was it awful!). Well, turns out she took all her bottles, pheww! And she also finished her entire bowl of cereal. :yipee: My girl might be little in size, but she sure is handling things like a big girl...she makes me so proud! Brings tears to my eyes just writing this....

Sorry for the long rant/post, but I had to share...

Have a great weekend everyone!
It's my Angelversary today. 2 years ago today we lost our darling Baby C. I think of him and miss him every day. But Im so greatful to him for sending us his beautiful baby sister Freya. Love you, angel :angel:

Aw Shell Hun.....Big Hugs.

How did work go aswell.....was thinking of you. XX

Neffie - Hope you are ok.....Bless coco being so good with her injections aswell.

Amber - thats great news about your friend. So exciting...

Kizzy - Poor little G.....Its good that you have got her checked though. I hope that you are ok as I am sure that it has been worrying.

Vix - Great to hear from you.
Hi to everybody else...grand, imp, sam......and everybody else....XX

AFM - Nate has had a tooth come through. He is coping well. Had a great week away...was good to get away from things. Back to my stressful parents though..X
Just popping in quickly while the wee man is asleep! Hope everyone is well and bumps, babies and mummies all keeping out of trouble. My wee man is desperately trying to crawl but only managing to go backwards. Between that, a terrible head cold and teething his sleeping is a bit poor at the moment but we live in hope that it is another phase and this too will pass! As promised a photo of him in his christening outfit xxx


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Milo--how adorable is he! Omgosh! He is the sweetest thing! Bless him! And excellent news on the crawling :thumbup:, even if it is backwards, at least he is figuring it out!! I think most babies start out with the backward shuffle I hear! I hope his teething and cold are improving!

Shell--posted on FB, :hugs: I was thinking about you on your angelvesary, I hope you were able to get through it ok, those days are so hard.:hugs:

Neffie--thank you for updating us on how you and little Coco are doing! I was thinking about you both and wondering how daycare was working out! Happy 4 months to your little princess, and good job on being such a big girl with her shots! :thumbup: Sorry to hear she is considered a little underweight, and may have silent reflux, I really hope that the medication is helping!

And don't beat yourself up about having to supplement with formula. I have on occasion had to do that with Grace (but we have issues in the other direction, she is a little on the tubby side!:munch:) because I simply cannot keep up with her voraciousness during her growth spurts. It works out to just a couple of ounces in the middle of the night if she wakes up so hungry she cannot fall back asleep. And usually when she gets like that, I adjust her solids so she gets more of that during the day along with my milk so she is less likely to be hungry at night. I think it is excellent news that Coco is taking on rice, and that should definitely help fill her little tummy and you will need less of the formula!! Are you mixing it with breastmilk? I think it is so great that she is eating so well for you, but please please please dont beat yourself up over the formula!! :hugs:

Bean--glad you enjoyed your week away, and Grats little Nate on cutting his first tooth!! :happydance: I hope things start to ease stresswise for you soon! :hugs:

Hello to all you other lovely ladies and babes!!

AFUS: Had Grace to the doctor last night and for the first time walked out without any prescriptions--no ear infections or chest congestion at last! Phew!! :happydance: She is still having a hard time with her teething, I can see a top one trying to come through, it is frustrating because she keeps getting bumps where the teeth will be, but then the next day the bump is gone and she has a bump somewhere else! argh!! We have worked some things out with daycare though to help her if she has a bad day while there (her teething issues seem to happen mostly in the late afternoon/early evening, but sometimes it is ALL DAY and can be rather exhausting!).

We also tried stage 2 solids with her this past weekend (Gerber chicken and rice) and she loved it! So far it seems like the only thing she doesnt like is peas!

She is growing so fast! She is already waving hello and goodbye and can clap her hands. She also does a buttshake while sitting or standing when you play music, it is too cute!! We seem to have a little music lover in our midst! Still trying to get her tummy up off the floor, right now she just shuffles on her belly, but she can pull herself up and try to walk if you hold her hands. I just find these little milestones so amazing!

I hope you ladies have a wonderful day!!
Just droped in to see how everyone was getting alone. It's been mighty quiet in here wow! Hope everyones well!
Thanks Amber...things are still the same but I am just getting on with things and hopefully my dad will get over his crisis soon. Until then I am gonna get on.....

Well done Grace on stage 2 solids.

Hi everyone....

Imp I agree really quiet...where has everyone gone. X

Week Monday I am back at work....2 days a week. Am dreading leaving him. X
HI all been off for awhile..

Bryce is 4 months already.. where the time is going i just dont know.. did rice cereal yesterday for the first time and he loved it.. Drs today for his 4 month checkup..

Hope everyone is well.. wish i had more time to be on here.. lol ntnp starts nov.. maybe even earlier see how things go.. Told dh i wouldnt mind getting preg anytime after Bryce is 6 months at least.. but we will c..
Hi ladies sorry I have been MIA too! Getting ready for the return to work means my to do list is enormous and leaves little time for BnB!

Callum is doing well very nearly crawling he just can't quite figure out how to move his hands forwards and keep his belly off the ground at the same time! It is fun to watch him although I am sure I won't love it so much once he is mobile and nothing is safe!

I hope all the bumps and babies are doing well x
Hi ladies!! :flower:

Imp--hope you and little Alia are doing well!

Bean--good luck with returning to work, I know it is going to be hard! Are you placing your little man in daycare or with family? Either way, it will be hard, so I will be thinking of you. :hugs:

lil--happy 4 months to little Bryce, I just love your pictures of him and his big sister on FB, you have such a beautiful family! I can't believe we are already into the summer and soon will be thinking about NTNP with fall/winter just around the corner!!

milos--glad Callum is doing well and Grace is the same with her belly. She has really just given up on trying to crawl and is focusing on walking. She actually gets mad now when we put her on her tummy and instead tries to crawl up on things to stand!

Hope all of you other mommies, babes and bumps are doing well!

AFus: Grace is doing very well! She turns 8 months on Thursday, I can't believe it! We got her a little walking toy that she can crawl up on and push around to help her learn balance and how to walk. The wheels go way to fast for her though right now (she will fall flat on her face), so for the moment we are just practicing standing and holding onto the handle!

She is also doing soooo much better at daycare! She isnt crying all day for me like she was and is learning how to play on her own and entertain herself. I think it was really hard there for her for a while because she is the only 8 month old in the daycare at the moment. All of the other little ones are either a couple of months ahead of her (and walking/crawling) or 3 or so months back (so very immobile still)--so she probably is a little frustrated witout someone right around her age to play with. We are upping her to 3 solid meals a day, and she is taking to that very well!

We also finally bought a new car, a small SUV (one of the new 2013 Ford Escapes) and traded in our Mustang. There were some tears over losing the Mustang, but we definitely did the right thing! Grace's carseat fits so much easier in the SUV and it is higher up so she can see out the window and we dont have to break our backs putting her in and out. I also am a lot more relieved as she is much more safe there than she was in our smaller sedan that we had been using.

Only frustration we are having right now is we are "still" co-sleeping--at 8 months! Grace and I really need to get on the ball and get her in her crib. That is my task for this month, getting her sleeping in her own crib by 9 months, wish me luck!!
amber - good luck with the cot sleeping, I am sure it will mean a few sleepless nights but you will get there in the end. i am sure that you will get more rest if she is in her own cot x
So sorry I haven't been around much. Have been reading, but no time to reply.
Im back at work, and Freya is keeping me very busy.
Hope you are all well
Hiya ladies sorry i have been away!! I have been super busy. Jessica is getting soooooo big!! she can roll over both ways and is trying soooooooooo hard to crawl but she only gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth. She is finally weaned and is loving her grub haha!!

Hope all is well with everyone xxxx
Hi all

These babies are all growing soooo much. Milo and Sam am with u on the shuffling and rocking backwards and forwards thing...exactly what Nate is doing.

Amber....I have got Nate in his cot...I really felt that he needed it as he is not great at co-sleeping he likes his own space. However the irony is that the eldest has finally gone in his bed, but the 4 year old...mmmmm yep still co -sleeping. Good luck with it hun. X

Nate is going to be looked after by mil and mom for few weeks then will be going into nursery where I work in September. X

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