Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Wow crawling at 5 months - no peace in your household! Its been chaos here since Callum started crawling (only a few weeks ago) and he is pulling up on the sofa and stairs already!
Hi ladies!! I know I have been away for a couple of weeks, and I apologize, it has been so busy for us with summertime activities, work, and a baby (as I know you can all relate!)

Congrats to all the mommas and crawling babes!! Look out world, we've got Femmes babies on the move!!! :winkwink:

I promise to catch up properly with everyone this weekend when I have time. I somehow managed to get myself recruited to bake cookies for a co-worker's daughter's wedding on Sunday and then I have to prepare for my counsin's baby shower next weekend (she's having a girl! :flower:), followed by a weeklong In-law invasion, so we are quite busy!

Grace is doing great. She has cut her first tooth on the bottom left and she has another I think starting to break through up top on the left as well. She refuses to try and crawl (although she can pull herself up into a crawling position) and instead insists on trying to walk. Apparently, according to my mother, this is exactly what I did at 8 months--I totally skipped crawling and was walking by 9 1/2 months. So it looks like Grace is going to do the same!

She is saying DaDa constantly now, and has added "Ah Dahn" (All Done) to her vocabulary when she is done eating. Like Kizzy's G, she only sort of gets Mama out when she is upset or tired and is crying, lol.

She is doing fabulous at Daycare, no separation anxiety incidents for going on a month now *knock on wood*!

Update on my best friend--right before the 4th, she was measuring 8 1/2 weeks with a good strong heartbeat, so I am very excited for her!

Will add more this weekend and catch up, glad to see so many of you and your babes doing well!

:hugs: and :kiss:!!
Wow, Grace is doing so well with her walking and talking! Go Grace! :thumbup:

Sparkle i cant belive u have a crawler at 5 months thats amazing! What a clever girl!!

Sorry ive been mia for almost 5months!! I will catch up on post but thought id have a quick peek as i remembered!!

I cant belive how many crawlers we have, and Kizzy G is walking!! amazing!!

We have flagged up a problem with Libby legs, the HV hasnt said alot other than she will come bk in a month to check them again as she sticked her bum out when shes held up on her feet and will not place her full foot down, may be nothing hope so anyway!! Also no crawling, she hates been on her tummy and is shuffling on her bum so i think she doesnt think their is much need to crawl and she can move all she wants on her bum lol
Got so much news but to cut it short she is milk intolarent! and has finally cut her first too teeth!!
Will msg again soon hubby just brought me food! he he
So many growing babies! All getting big and crawling/walking - amazing!!! I remember your :bfp:s!!!
I'm over half way now, can't believe it!
Hey all.. not much new to report on my front lol.. my dd will be 3 tomorrow.. cant believe that.. bryce is 5 1/2 months old..rolling both ways and starting to get sitting down.. ntnp starts prob in oct.. ttc starts at earliest in nov.. :)

I start school next month too..
Hi all

Have been reading but not had chance to post until now...

Lil...Happy birthday to your dd and sounds like Bryce is doing really well.

Grey ..21 weeks ...wow...over half way.

Vix..Hope that Libbys leg is fine

Amber Thats great news that Grace is so settled at Day care

Hi everybody else...Shell, Sparkle, Milo, Sam........everybody.

Nate is doing great......Crawling, pulling himself up to standing.....getting a right little character. I am on holiday from school at the moment so enjoying time with boys...X
Hi all. I dont get on here much anymore. But i try to get on facebook every day if possible.

If anyone would like to add me as a friend on facebook, please pm me on here, and i will tell you my real name. lol.

Glad everyone is doing well. Lovely to see you on this thread, Grey. its where you belong :)

Wow...really quiet in here. I hope everyone is ok ...obviously very busy though. XX
Just really busy Bean. Dont know how other mums do it - working full time, running a home, and trying to be the best mummy I possibly can. It seems impossible! :shrug:

Extremely busy with summertime activities, work, and now a moving and shaking 10 month old!!! I hope all of you are doing well! I have been keeping up with some of you on facebook. Like Shell said, send me a note here and I will get you added there, I would love to keep up with all of you!!!

Hopefully after summer things will calm down. I can't believe I will be preparing to do this wonderful journey all over again in just a few short months!!!

Much love to all of you ladies!!
Hey ladies sorry I have been MIA but it seems I am not the only one!

I quite agree that trying to be a working Mum is hard work, my life now seems to be permanently organised chaos (and quite often just plain old chaos!)

However I am loving being back at work and using my 'vet' brain again and having a break from being just mummy. Callum adores nursery and has one day a week with his grandparents too which they all seem to love! He is a right terror now. Constantly on the go, crawling very quickly, climbing the stairs pulling up to standing and cruising the furniture. I have to make sure we do active things every day to wear him out or he just does not sleep very well! Still no teeth but it does not stop him eating like a piggy - some days I can't seem to fill him!
Dh and I had our first weekend away without Callum last weekend and it was heavenly to have lie ins, dinner out and time to ourselves but I missed my wee man so much too!

I hope everyone else is well, enjoying your babies and bumps. I can't believe some of you are nearly ready to TTC again - I think it will be another year or so before we try again! How are our pregnant ladies doing - when are the next lot of babies due?

Just got back from our first ever family holiday. We spent 3 days by the seaside, and it was lovely (even though Freya was poorly for most of it).
OH and I are off to a wedding reception tomorrow evening, without Freya. She is staying the night at my parents house. It will be the first time we have ever left her overnight, and we are nervous. But we are also looking forward to a night celebrating with family and friends - and our first ever lie-in since we became parents!

Think we only have 2 preggo ladies now - Sarah and Grey. Still waiting to hear back from Anna, whose baby was due last month. But soon we will have 2 new preggos on our books - Amber and Lil! How exciting!

Hope everyone is doing well :)

Hi ladies,

Good to hear from everyone it sounds like we are all busy with our little ones, I can't believe they are coming up to their first birthday, what is everyone doing for it and buying?

Callum sounds the same as Georgie, cruising, speed crawling and climbing the stairs, it's fun but madness and exhausting I am shattered most nights when she goes to bed!

I am still not working but about to start looking for a new job so georgina starts nursery 2 afternoons per week next month to settle in and as much as I love being with her I am going to cherish having a few hours to myself a couple of days a week I can tell you!!

Shell did you start your new job?

Babies all growing up so fast!
Is there really only 2 of us left pregnant?! I'm nearly in 3rd tri already, can't quite believe where the time has gone! I read more than I post on here and you're all WAY ahead of me! Love seeing the pictures :)
Hi all

Grey ...wow 26 weeks.

Kizzy..good luck with job hunting and leaving georgie in nursery

Shell..hope your night out was fun.

Milo..Thats great that you have enjoyed going back to work.

Amber...Hey hun not long still you start trying again then.

Hi everyone else...

Nate is fab 7 teeth and walking using his push a long walker. He is very cheeky and lots of fun. XX
Hey all hope everyone is well..

Bryce is almost 7 months already.. ekks goingby so fast my daughter is 3 too.. time is going way tooo fast..

TTC countdown is on.. lol

Grey fab your 26 weeks already.. :)
Wow this thread is super quite, felt rather sad reading it :( what i once relied on to get me through the tough times of lose and highs of expecting again has dwindled to almost silence!
Hope you ladies are all well and babes are progressing well, the first couple of babys will be 1 soon!!
Hi everyone :hi:

I still follow your progress - but everyone is really busy with their babies so its quite sad to see how quiet it is in here now.

I unfortunately have just had another miscarriage - number 3 :cry:, it was very early so wasn't to traumatic to go through but never the less, another one. I've always had missed miscarriages so this one being natural was a bit of a shocker - but I knew it was going to happen as my HCG levels started to drop.

I have been through all recurrent miscarriage testing prior to this loss and every test I had came back 'normal'. The only surprise was that DH actually has Aligospermia (low sperm count) and it is considerably low. First test came back at 7.5 million and second (4 weeks later) was 9 million (normal is apparently anything over 20 million).
After the first low count, I started him on a cocktail of tablets and it did go up, so here's hoping its risen more since then. I can still get pregnant though so we're doing something right - I just need to be able to hold onto them, that's the issue.
I have now been referred for a uterine biopsy to check for Natural Killer cells, so waiting for a specialist to get back to me with a date for that.

In the meantime though, I fly off to Florida for two weeks tomorrow for a much needed holiday, so glad we had this booked after what this year has brought us so far.

Love to you all :hugs:
New I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Hope you have a restful holiday xxx

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