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Femmes Fetales - (PAL) Holding onto Hope 9 months and on...

Kizzy - Sorry I missed your comment somehow...I'm here and alive and :wacko:. I have my scan and interview tomorrow so I'm a bit a nutcase :winkwink:
Welcome, Chilli! Glad to have you with us and so glad that your scan went well today and you got to see your LO bouncing around, that is wonderful!
Chilli - Hello! Lovely to see you here and so pleased that everything is going well for you. x
Hey ladies!

Welcome Chilli!

Good luck for your scans tom Grand & Shell!

I am still waiting for my date for early scan! Hopefully get the letter tom morn!
I haven't got any symptoms really apart from weird niggling pain in my left side and some shooting pains up my bum! Has anyone else had this??

Hey Bellas--I have had some cramping the last couple of days and some of it has been up my butcrack (TMI haha)/lower back. I have read that this is normal because our uterus is expanding again around this time, 7+ wks is apparently a big growth week for the babes.
Hi Femmes Fetales!

Just popping in to check on you all and am glad to see so many of you are doing so well. Looking forward to seeing all the upcoming scan results!

Sparkle, I'm so so sorry for your loss. I know we can all relate to what you're going through and are thinking of you during this horrible time. Will they run any tests for you to possibly give you some answers?

I just got the results of a recurrent pregnancy loss blood panel they did after my miscarriage last month and discovered I have two genetic blood clotting abnormalities: MTHFR and PAI-1, which could be the cause of my two losses. So I'm glad to have found out and will be treated accordingly in my next pregancy with daily blood thinner injections and mega doses of folic acid.

I'm really hoping to be back here soon. In the meantime, I'll keep checking in on you all and wishing you all the best.
RGN--so glad to hear from you hun and even more glad that you have been able to get some answers! Keeping my fx'd for you that you are back here really soon!! :hugs:
Ladies, thank you all for your kind words.
I'm going to be stepping back a bit. It's just too hard right now. It hasn't really sunk in. I spoke to the dr on the phone last night and I'm going in on Tuesday to see what they can do for me. I'm just about ready to give up. Maybe C isn't supposed to have earth siblings...
Good luck today grand and shell, holding you in my prayers too xx
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone

Grand - lots of luck your way today - you're really testing yourself with scan and interview on same day! Hope they are both wonderful

Shell - you too hun!

Pains in the bum - yes but mine are on my right side which is where my baby is nestling.

I can't stop looking at my scan photo - it's really happening at last... please don't take this one away from me
Morning ladies,

Sparkle, big hugs honey xxx

Loving the pain in the butt comments, hehe, I have had similar, glad I am not alone! and Chilli, you have just reassured me by saying your baby is nesting on the right, most of my "pains" are left sided and I was worried about that but I think my bubs is settling in there :)

Grand, good luck for interview and scan hun!

AFM - 12 weeks today! oh my gosh! cannot wait for my scan, 5 days to go. Trying to upload a bump pic...

how do I do it?
Morning Kizzy,

My pains have been on the left side too, up my bum (tmi) and on side, I have been quite worried.

To put pic up click on the paperclip icon when you reply xx
does this work?


  • 001.jpg
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ahh thanks Bellas, it worked! :) My 12 week bump/bloat!
Just popping in to say Good Luck for your scan today Grand!
Hope you get to see Little Blue and her heartbeat. Thinking of you and wishing you the best.

Welcome Chilli!

Loving the bump, Kizzy.

Talk to you all properly this evening
Sparkle--:hugs: to you. Take all the time that you need, hun, we are always here for you. I really hope that the doctors are able to give you some answers and help so that this does not happen to you ever again. :hugs:

Grand--thinking of you today hun. Good luck with the interview and your scan, I hope all goes well!:hugs:

Shell--thinking of you too hun and I hope your scan goes well today hun!:hugs:

Kizzy-LOVE the bump!! And Happy 12 wks!

Chilli--:hugs: I hear you on the scan picture, I can't keep from staring at mine either! And I know I don't get to see Baby L again for another whole month! These next few weeks are going to drag!!

Much love to all you ladies today, Happy Friday!
hello ladies

Chilli - welcome :flower:

Kizzy - loving that bump hun:thumbup:

Shell - thinking of you :hugs:

Grand - thinking of you too for your scan and good luck for interview

lots of hugs to all xx
Great bump pic - and 12 weeks - whoop whoop!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of you Grand? and Shell?

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